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* Copyright 2012 by Marco Martin <mart@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
* or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QDeclarativeItem>
#include <core/document.h>
#include <core/view.h>
class QTimer;
class DocumentItem;
namespace Okular {
class Document;
class Page;
class PageItem : public QDeclarativeItem, public Okular::View
* If this page is in a Flickable, assign it in this property, to make goToBookmark work
Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeItem *flickable READ flickable WRITE setFlickable NOTIFY flickableChanged)
* The document this page belongs to
Q_PROPERTY(DocumentItem *document READ document WRITE setDocument NOTIFY documentChanged)
* The currently displayed page
Q_PROPERTY(int pageNumber READ pageNumber WRITE setPageNumber NOTIFY pageNumberChanged)
* If true, the page will be rendered with antialias
Q_PROPERTY(bool smooth READ smooth WRITE setSmooth)
* "Natural" width of the page
Q_PROPERTY(int implicitWidth READ implicitWidth NOTIFY implicitWidthChanged)
* "Natural" height of the page
Q_PROPERTY(int implicitHeight READ implicitHeight NOTIFY implicitHeightChanged)
* True if the page contains at least a bookmark.
* Writing true to tis property idds a bookmark at the beginning of the page (if needed).
* Writing false, all bookmarks for this page will be removed
Q_PROPERTY(bool bookmarked READ isBookmarked WRITE setBookmarked NOTIFY bookmarkedChanged)
* list of bookmarks urls valid on this page
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList bookmarks READ bookmarks NOTIFY bookmarksChanged)
PageItem(QDeclarativeItem *parent=0);
void setFlickable(QDeclarativeItem *flickable);
QDeclarativeItem *flickable() const;
int implicitWidth() const;
int implicitHeight() const;
DocumentItem *document() const;
void setDocument(DocumentItem *doc);
int pageNumber() const;
void setPageNumber(int number);
bool smooth() const;
void setSmooth(bool smooth);
bool isBookmarked();
void setBookmarked(bool bookmarked);
QStringList bookmarks() const;
* loads a page bookmark and tries to ensure the bookmarked position is visible
* @param bookmark Url for the bookmark
Q_INVOKABLE void goToBookmark(const QString &bookmark);
* Returns the position in the page for a bookmark
* QPointF(-1,-1) if doesn't belong to this page
* @param bookmark Url for the bookmark
Q_INVOKABLE QPointF bookmarkPosition(const QString &bookmark) const;
* Add a new bookmark ar a given position of the current page
Q_INVOKABLE void setBookmarkAtPos(qreal x, qreal y);
* Remove a bookmark ar a given position of the current page (if present)
Q_INVOKABLE void removeBookmarkAtPos(qreal x, qreal y);
* Remove a bookmark at a given position, if any
Q_INVOKABLE void removeBookmark(const QString &bookmark);
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry,
const QRectF &oldGeometry);
void flickableChanged();
void implicitWidthChanged();
void implicitHeightChanged();
void documentChanged();
void pageNumberChanged();
void bookmarkedChanged();
void bookmarksChanged();
void setIsThumbnail(bool thumbnail);
private Q_SLOTS:
void delayedRedraw();
void documentPathChanged();
void pageHasChanged(int page, int flags);
void checkBookmarksChanged();
void contentXChanged();
void contentYChanged();
const Okular::Page *m_page;
bool m_smooth;
bool m_intentionalDraw;
bool m_bookmarked;
bool m_isThumbnail;
QWeakPointer<DocumentItem> m_documentItem;
QTimer *m_redrawTimer;
QWeakPointer <QDeclarativeItem> m_flickable;
Okular::DocumentViewport m_viewPort;