level=warning msg="Failed to load cached network config: network podman not found in CNI cache, falling back to loading network podman from disk"
level=warning msg="1 error occurred:\n\t* plugin type=\"tuning\" failed (delete): failed to find plugin \"tuning\" in path [/usr/local/libexec/cni /usr/libexec/cni /usr/local/lib/cni /usr/lib/cni /opt/cni/bin]\n\n"
error running container: did not get container start message from parent: EOF
Error: setup network: plugin type="bridge" failed (add): failed to find plugin "bridge" in path [/usr/local/libexec/cni /usr/libexec/cni /usr/local/lib/cni /usr/lib/cni /opt/cni/bin]
Requires containernetworking-plugins