statistics report function added

This commit is contained in:
Vyacheslav Anzhiganov 2016-10-09 22:59:21 +03:00
parent 85310a69a7
commit ee6c70341b
13 changed files with 902 additions and 721 deletions

View file

@ -1,303 +1,9 @@
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import json
import os
import subprocess
import commands
import requests
from SWSCloudNode.settings import settings
from SWSCloudNode.logger import logging
from SWSCloudNode import lxc
from SWSCloudNode.compute.lxc import LXC
from SWSCloudNode.compute.qemu import Qemu
from SWSCloudNode.compute.qemu import QemuStats
class Tasks:
def __init__(self):
self.endpoint = settings.get('server', 'endpoint') = settings.get('server', 'id')
self.secret = settings.get('server', 'secret')
def get_item(self):
response = requests.get('%s/server_api/task' % self.endpoint, auth=(, self.secret))
except Exception as e:
logging.error('no connection with %s' % self.endpoint)
return None
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
logging.error("Unexpected status code: %d" % response.status_code)
return None
class Node:
def tasks_get(self):
response = requests.get(
'%s/server_api/tasks' % settings.get('server', 'endpoint'),
auth=(settings.get('server', 'id'), settings.get('server', 'secret'))
except Exception as e:
sys.exit('no connection with %s' % settings.get('server', 'endpoint'))
# print e
return {
'status': response.status_code,
'results': response.json()
def task_status_update(self, task_id, status):
response = requests.put(
'%s/server_api/tasks/%s' % (
settings.get('server', 'endpoint'),
settings.get('server', 'id'),
settings.get('server', 'secret'),
"status": status
return response.json()
def report_container_stats(self, container_id, statistics):
response =
'%s/server_api/containers/stats/%s' % (
settings.get('server', 'endpoint'),
auth=(settings.get('server', 'id'), settings.get('server', 'secret')),
'status': json.dumps(statistics)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
return False
# TODO: подумать куда переместить
def container_config_create(self, container_id, link, ipv4, ipv6):
cfg = list()
cfg.append(" = veth")
cfg.append(" = up")
cfg.append(" = eth0")
cfg.append(" = %s" % link)
if ipv4['ipv4']:
# cfg.append(' = %s/32' % ipv4['ipv4'])
cfg.append(' = %s' % ipv4['ipv4'])
cfg.append(' = %s' % ipv4['ipv4_gateway'])
if 'ipv6' in ipv6 and 'ipv6_gateway' in ipv6:
# cfg.append(' = %s/64' % ipv6['ipv6'])
cfg.append(' = %s' % ipv6['ipv6'])
cfg.append(' = %s', ipv6['ipv6_gateway'])
config_file = '/var/lib/gocloud/node/configs/%s.config' % container_id
cfg_file = open(config_file, 'w')
return True
def container_authkey_create(self, container_id, auth_key):
# create
authkey_file = '/var/lib/gocloud/node/auth-keys/' % container_id
ak = open(authkey_file, 'w')
return True
class Task(Node):
def interface2ip(self):
# intf = open(self.settings['proxy_interface'], 'r').read().split('\n')[0]
interface = "eth0"
intf_ip = commands.getoutput("ip address show dev " + interface).split()
intf_ip = intf_ip[intf_ip.index('inet') + 1].split('/')[0]
return intf_ip
def container_create(self, task):
return True
def container_destroy(self, task):
# check exists container name
if lxc.lxc().exists(task['parameters']['hostname']):
# todo: if hostname already exists then node callback to server to rename container
return False
# TODO: check status
# delete record from dnsmasq
# dnsmasq.Dnsmasq().delete(task['parameters']['hostname'])
return True
def container_start(self, task):
print "================ "
print task
# TODO: check status
return True
def container_stop(self, task):
# TODO: check status
return True
def container_restart(self, task):
# TODO: check status
return True
def init(self):
task = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_get", self.request_auth, None))
# check exists element 'version'
if not "version" in task:
logging.error("Response not contain 'version' element")
return False
if task['version'] == "1.0":
if task['status'] == 0:
if task['method'] == "container_create":
# create container
result = Task().container_create(task)
if not result:
return False
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
# todo: hold job if status not 0
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_destroy":
# delete hostname from dnsmasq /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf
result = self.container_destroy(task)
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
# todo: held job if status not 0
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_start":
# todo: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_stop":
# TODO: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_restart":
# todo: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_clone":
# TODO: set clone_IP to DNSMASQ"/usr/bin/lxc-clone -o %(hostname)s -n %(clone_hostname)s" % task['parameters'], shell=True)
# TODO: check container status
# todo: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_mx_add":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
if self.Request_tast_update(task['task_id'])['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_mx_delete":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
if self.Request_tast_update(task['task_id'])['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_web_add":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
nginx.Nginx().vhost_add(task['parameters']['vhost_id'], task['parameters']['vhost'], task['parameters']['container_ip'])
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_web_delete":
# todo: held job if status not 0
print task
nginx.Nginx().vhost_delete(task['parameters']['container_ip'], task['parameters']['vhost_id'])
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_web_update":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
if self.Request_tast_update(task['task_id'])['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_ssh_allow":
# todo: held job if status not 0
values = (self.interface2ip(), task['parameters']['port'], task['parameters']['container_ip'], 22)
os.popen("ufw allow %s" % task['parameters']['port'])
os.popen("iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -d %s --dport %s -j DNAT --to %s:%s" % values)
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_ssh_deny":
# todo: held job if status not 0
os.popen("ufw deny %s" % task['parameters']['port'])
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['status'] == 4:
print "auth fail"
print "structure version not supported"
return None
from .node import Node, StatisticsReporter
from .tasks import Tasks

View file

@ -99,3 +99,9 @@ class Common:
"request": json.dumps(request)
return urllib.urlopen(server_url, urllib.urlencode(params)).read()
def is_root_user():
if os.getuid() == 0:
return True
return False

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .lxc import LXC

View file

@ -1,407 +1,407 @@
# coding: utf-8
import subprocess
import logging
import threading
import select
import pty
import os
import signal
class ContainerAlreadyExists(Exception):
class ContainerAlreadyRunning(Exception):
class ContainerNotExists(Exception):
_logger = logging.getLogger("pylxc")
_monitor = None
class _LXCMonitor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self._process = None
self._monitors = {}
def run(self):
master, slave = pty.openpty()
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-monitor', '-n', '.*']
self._process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=slave, bufsize=1)
stdout = os.fdopen(master)
while self._process.poll() is None:
ready, _, _ =[stdout], [], [], 0.1)
if ready:
logging.debug("Waiting for state change")
state = stdout.readline()
inf = state.strip().split()
container = inf[0].strip("'")
state = inf[-1].strip('[]')
if container in self._monitors:
logging.debug("State of container '%s' changed to '%s'", container, state)
self._monitors[container](state)"LXC Monitor stopped!")
def add_monitor(self, name, callback):
self._monitors[name] = callback
def rm_monitor(self, name):
def is_monitored(self, name):
return name in self._monitors
def kill(self):
class lxc():
def __init__(self):
def list(self, status=None):
:return: ['container_first', 'container_second']
if status in ['active', 'frozen', 'running', 'stopped', 'nesting']:
path = "--%s" % status
path = ""
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-ls', path]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
# print out
return out
def exists(self, name):
checks if a given container is defined or not
if name in self.list():
return True
return False
def start(self, name, config_file=None):
starts a container in daemon mode
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
if name in self.list("running"):
raise ContainerAlreadyRunning('The container %s is already started!' % name)
cmd = ['lxc-start', '-n', name, '-d']
if config_file:
cmd += ['-f', config_file]
return subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def stop(self, name):
stops a container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-stop', '-n', name]
result = subprocess.check_call(cmd)
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def destroy(self, name):
removes a container [stops a container if it's running and]
raises ContainerNotExists exception if the specified name is not created
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# todo: check status. If status not STOPPED - run method self.stop(name)
# todo: add condition
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-destroy', '-f', '-n', name]
return subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def info(self, name):
returns info dict about the specified container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-info', '-n', name, "-H"]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
clean = []
info = {}
for line in out:
if line not in clean:
for line in clean:
key, value = line.split(":")
# strip
key = key.lstrip()
value = value.lstrip()
key = key.replace(" ", "_")
info[key.lower()] = value
# get container size
info['size'] = self.__get_container_size(name)
return info
def __get_container_size(self, name):
cmd = ['/usr/bin/du', '--total', '-s', '/var/lib/lxc/%s' % name]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
size = 0
for l in out:
key, value = l.split('\t')
if value == 'total':
size = key
return int(key)
def freeze(self, name):
freezes the container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-freeze', '-n', name]
def unfreeze(self, name):
unfreezes the container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['lxc-unfreeze', '-n', name]
def notify(self, name, states, callback):
executes the callback function with no parameters when the container reaches the specified state or states
states can be or-ed or and-ed
notify('test', 'STOPPED', letmeknow)
notify('test', 'STOPPED|RUNNING', letmeknow)
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['lxc-wait', '-n', name, '-s', states]
def th():
callback()"Waiting on states %s for container %s", states, name)
def checkconfig(self):
returns the output of lxc-checkconfig
cmd = ['lxc-checkconfig']
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).replace('[1;32m', '').replace('[1;33m', '').replace('[0;39m', '').replace('[1;32m', '').replace(' ', '').split('\n')
def create(self, name, config_file=None, template=None, backing_store=None, template_options=None):
Create a new container
raises ContainerAlreadyExists exception if the container name is reserved already.
:param template_options: Options passed to the specified template
:type template_options: list or None
if self.exists(name):
raise ContainerAlreadyExists("The Container %s is already created!" % name)
command = list()
command.append("lxc-create -n %s" % name)
if config_file:
command.append(' -f %s' % config_file)
if template:
command.append(' -t %s' % template)
if backing_store:
command.append(' -B %s' % backing_store)
if template_options:
command.append(' -- %s' % template_options)
print " ".join(command)
# create = subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)
create = subprocess.check_call(" ".join(command), shell=True)
print create
# if create == 0:
# if not self.exists(name):
# _logger.critical("The Container %s doesn't seem to be created! (options: %s)", name, command[3:])
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
#"Container %s has been created with options %s", name, command[3:])
# return False
return True
def reset_password(self, container_name, username, password):
call = [
'"%s:${PASSWORD:-%s}"' % (username, password),
"/var/lib/lxc/%s/rootfs/ chpasswd" % container_name
subprocess.check_call(call, shell=True)
#"echo \"ubuntu:${PASSWORD:-%(password)s}\" | chroot /var/lib/lxc/%(hostname)s/rootfs/ chpasswd" % task['parameters'], shell=True)
return True
# def running():
# '''
# returns a list of the currently running containers
# '''
# return all_as_dict()['Running']
# def stopped():
# '''
# returns a list of the stopped containers
# '''
# return all_as_dict()['Stopped']
# def all_as_dict():
# '''
# returns a dict {'Running': ['cont1', 'cont2'],
# 'Stopped': ['cont3', 'cont4']
# }
# '''
# cmd = ['lxc-ls']
# out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
# print out
# stopped = []
# running = []
# frozen = []
# current = None
# for c in out:
# c = c.strip()
# if c == 'RUNNING':
# current = running
# continue
# if c == 'STOPPED':
# current = stopped
# continue
# if c == 'FROZEN':
# current = frozen
# continue
# if not len(c):
# continue
# current.append(c)
# return {'Running': running,
# 'Stopped': stopped,
# 'Frozen': frozen}
# def all_as_list():
# '''
# returns a list of all defined containers
# '''
# as_dict = all_as_dict()
# containers = as_dict['Running'] + as_dict['Frozen'] + as_dict['Stopped']
# containers_list = []
# for i in containers:
# i = i.replace(' (auto)', '')
# containers_list.append(i)
# return containers_list
# def kill(name, signal):
# '''
# sends a kill signal to process 1 of ths container <name>
# :param signal: numeric signal
# '''
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# cmd = ['lxc-kill', '--name=%s' % name, signal]
# subprocess.check_call(cmd)
# def shutdown(name, wait=False, reboot=False):
# '''
# graceful shutdown sent to the container
# :param wait: should we wait for the shutdown to complete?
# :param reboot: reboot a container, ignores wait
# '''
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# cmd = ['lxc-shutdown', '-n', name]
# if wait:
# cmd += ['-w']
# if reboot:
# cmd += ['-r']
# subprocess.check_call(cmd)
# def monitor(name, callback):
# '''
# monitors actions on the specified container,
# callback is a function to be called on
# '''
# global _monitor
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# if _monitor:
# if _monitor.is_monitored(name):
# raise Exception("You are already monitoring this container (%s)" % name)
# else:
# _monitor = _LXCMonitor()
#"Starting LXC Monitor")
# _monitor.start()
# def kill_handler(sg, fr):
# stop_monitor()
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill_handler)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler)
# _monitor.add_monitor(name, callback)
# def unmonitor(name):
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# if not _monitor:
# raise Exception("LXC Monitor is not started!")
# if not _monitor.is_monitored(name):
# raise Exception("This container (%s) is not monitored!" % name)
# _monitor.rm_monitor(name)
# def stop_monitor():
# global _monitor
# if _monitor:
#"Killing LXC Monitor")
# _monitor.kill()
# _monitor = None
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
# coding: utf-8
import subprocess
import logging
import threading
import select
import pty
import os
import signal
class ContainerAlreadyExists(Exception):
class ContainerAlreadyRunning(Exception):
class ContainerNotExists(Exception):
_logger = logging.getLogger("pylxc")
_monitor = None
class _LXCMonitor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self._process = None
self._monitors = {}
def run(self):
master, slave = pty.openpty()
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-monitor', '-n', '.*']
self._process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=slave, bufsize=1)
stdout = os.fdopen(master)
while self._process.poll() is None:
ready, _, _ =[stdout], [], [], 0.1)
if ready:
logging.debug("Waiting for state change")
state = stdout.readline()
inf = state.strip().split()
container = inf[0].strip("'")
state = inf[-1].strip('[]')
if container in self._monitors:
logging.debug("State of container '%s' changed to '%s'", container, state)
self._monitors[container](state)"LXC Monitor stopped!")
def add_monitor(self, name, callback):
self._monitors[name] = callback
def rm_monitor(self, name):
def is_monitored(self, name):
return name in self._monitors
def kill(self):
class LXC(object):
def __init__(self):
def list(self, status=None):
:return: ['container_first', 'container_second']
if status in ['active', 'frozen', 'running', 'stopped', 'nesting']:
path = "--%s" % status
path = ""
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-ls', path]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
# print out
return out
def exists(self, name):
checks if a given container is defined or not
if name in self.list():
return True
return False
def start(self, name, config_file=None):
starts a container in daemon mode
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
if name in self.list("running"):
raise ContainerAlreadyRunning('The container %s is already started!' % name)
cmd = ['lxc-start', '-n', name, '-d']
if config_file:
cmd += ['-f', config_file]
return subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def stop(self, name):
stops a container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-stop', '-n', name]
result = subprocess.check_call(cmd)
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def destroy(self, name):
removes a container [stops a container if it's running and]
raises ContainerNotExists exception if the specified name is not created
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# todo: check status. If status not STOPPED - run method self.stop(name)
# todo: add condition
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-destroy', '-f', '-n', name]
return subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def info(self, name):
returns info dict about the specified container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-info', '-n', name, "-H"]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
clean = []
info = {}
for line in out:
if line not in clean:
for line in clean:
key, value = line.split(":")
# strip
key = key.lstrip()
value = value.lstrip()
key = key.replace(" ", "_")
info[key.lower()] = value
# get container size
info['size'] = self.__get_container_size(name)
return info
def __get_container_size(self, name):
cmd = ['/usr/bin/du', '--total', '-s', '/var/lib/lxc/%s' % name]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
size = 0
for l in out:
key, value = l.split('\t')
if value == 'total':
size = key
return int(key)
def freeze(self, name):
freezes the container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-freeze', '-n', name]
def unfreeze(self, name):
unfreezes the container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['lxc-unfreeze', '-n', name]
def notify(self, name, states, callback):
executes the callback function with no parameters when the container reaches the specified state or states
states can be or-ed or and-ed
notify('test', 'STOPPED', letmeknow)
notify('test', 'STOPPED|RUNNING', letmeknow)
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['lxc-wait', '-n', name, '-s', states]
def th():
callback()"Waiting on states %s for container %s", states, name)
def checkconfig(self):
returns the output of lxc-checkconfig
cmd = ['lxc-checkconfig']
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).replace('[1;32m', '').replace('[1;33m', '').replace('[0;39m', '').replace('[1;32m', '').replace(' ', '').split('\n')
def create(self, name, config_file=None, template=None, backing_store=None, template_options=None):
Create a new container
raises ContainerAlreadyExists exception if the container name is reserved already.
:param template_options: Options passed to the specified template
:type template_options: list or None
if self.exists(name):
raise ContainerAlreadyExists("The Container %s is already created!" % name)
command = list()
command.append("lxc-create -n %s" % name)
if config_file:
command.append(' -f %s' % config_file)
if template:
command.append(' -t %s' % template)
if backing_store:
command.append(' -B %s' % backing_store)
if template_options:
command.append(' -- %s' % template_options)
print " ".join(command)
# create = subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)
create = subprocess.check_call(" ".join(command), shell=True)
print create
# if create == 0:
# if not self.exists(name):
# _logger.critical("The Container %s doesn't seem to be created! (options: %s)", name, command[3:])
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
#"Container %s has been created with options %s", name, command[3:])
# return False
return True
def reset_password(self, container_name, username, password):
call = [
'"%s:${PASSWORD:-%s}"' % (username, password),
"/var/lib/lxc/%s/rootfs/ chpasswd" % container_name
subprocess.check_call(call, shell=True)
#"echo \"ubuntu:${PASSWORD:-%(password)s}\" | chroot /var/lib/lxc/%(hostname)s/rootfs/ chpasswd" % task['parameters'], shell=True)
return True
# def running():
# '''
# returns a list of the currently running containers
# '''
# return all_as_dict()['Running']
# def stopped():
# '''
# returns a list of the stopped containers
# '''
# return all_as_dict()['Stopped']
# def all_as_dict():
# '''
# returns a dict {'Running': ['cont1', 'cont2'],
# 'Stopped': ['cont3', 'cont4']
# }
# '''
# cmd = ['lxc-ls']
# out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
# print out
# stopped = []
# running = []
# frozen = []
# current = None
# for c in out:
# c = c.strip()
# if c == 'RUNNING':
# current = running
# continue
# if c == 'STOPPED':
# current = stopped
# continue
# if c == 'FROZEN':
# current = frozen
# continue
# if not len(c):
# continue
# current.append(c)
# return {'Running': running,
# 'Stopped': stopped,
# 'Frozen': frozen}
# def all_as_list():
# '''
# returns a list of all defined containers
# '''
# as_dict = all_as_dict()
# containers = as_dict['Running'] + as_dict['Frozen'] + as_dict['Stopped']
# containers_list = []
# for i in containers:
# i = i.replace(' (auto)', '')
# containers_list.append(i)
# return containers_list
# def kill(name, signal):
# '''
# sends a kill signal to process 1 of ths container <name>
# :param signal: numeric signal
# '''
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# cmd = ['lxc-kill', '--name=%s' % name, signal]
# subprocess.check_call(cmd)
# def shutdown(name, wait=False, reboot=False):
# '''
# graceful shutdown sent to the container
# :param wait: should we wait for the shutdown to complete?
# :param reboot: reboot a container, ignores wait
# '''
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# cmd = ['lxc-shutdown', '-n', name]
# if wait:
# cmd += ['-w']
# if reboot:
# cmd += ['-r']
# subprocess.check_call(cmd)
# def monitor(name, callback):
# '''
# monitors actions on the specified container,
# callback is a function to be called on
# '''
# global _monitor
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# if _monitor:
# if _monitor.is_monitored(name):
# raise Exception("You are already monitoring this container (%s)" % name)
# else:
# _monitor = _LXCMonitor()
#"Starting LXC Monitor")
# _monitor.start()
# def kill_handler(sg, fr):
# stop_monitor()
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill_handler)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler)
# _monitor.add_monitor(name, callback)
# def unmonitor(name):
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# if not _monitor:
# raise Exception("LXC Monitor is not started!")
# if not _monitor.is_monitored(name):
# raise Exception("This container (%s) is not monitored!" % name)
# _monitor.rm_monitor(name)
# def stop_monitor():
# global _monitor
# if _monitor:
#"Killing LXC Monitor")
# _monitor.kill()
# _monitor = None
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .qemu import Qemu
from .stats import QemuStats

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import subprocess
from SWSCloudNode.common import Common
class QEMU:
class Qemu:
def __init__(self):
# qemu+ssh://
self.conn ="qemu:///system")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Get the network I/O statistics
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import libvirt
from xml.etree import ElementTree
class QemuStats(object):
def __init__(self):
self.conn ='qemu:///system')
def __del__(self):
def network(self, dom):
results = dict(
read_bytes=0, read_packets=0, read_errors=0, read_drops=0,
write_bytes=0, write_packets=0, write_errors=0, write_drops=0)
dom = self.conn.lookupByName(dom)
# dom = conn.lookupByID(5)
if dom == None:
return results
tree = ElementTree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc())
iface = tree.find('devices/interface/target').get('dev')
stats = dom.interfaceStats(iface)
results['read_bytes'] = str(stats[0])
results['read_packets'] = str(stats[1])
results['read_errors'] = str(stats[2])
results['read_drops'] = str(stats[3])
results['write_drops'] = str(stats[4])
results['write_packets'] = str(stats[5])
results['write_errors'] = str(stats[6])
results['write_drops'] = str(stats[7])
return results
def cpu(self, dom):
results = dict(cpu_time=0, system_time=0, user_time=0)
if self.conn == None:
print('Failed to open connection to qemu:///system', file=sys.stderr)
return results
# dom = conn.lookupByID(5)
dom = self.conn.lookupByName(dom)
if dom == None:
print('Failed to find the domain '+domName, file=sys.stderr)
return results
stats = dom.getCPUStats(True)
results['cpu_time'] = str(stats[0]['cpu_time'] / 100000)
results['system_time'] = str(stats[0]['system_time'] / 100000)
results['user_time'] = str(stats[0]['user_time'] / 10000)
return results
def memory(self, dom):
results = dict()
if self.conn == None:
print('Failed to open connection to qemu:///system', file=sys.stderr)
return results
# dom = conn.lookupByID(5)
dom = self.conn.lookupByName(dom)
if dom == None:
print('Failed to find the domain '+domName, file=sys.stderr)
return results
stats = dom.memoryStats()
# print('memory used:')
for name in stats:
results[name] = stats[name]
# print(' '+str(stats[name])+' ('+name+')')
return results

SWSCloudNode/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import json
import requests
from SWSCloudNode.settings import settings
class Node(object):
def tasks_get(self):
response = requests.get(
'%s/server_api/tasks' % settings.get('server', 'endpoint'),
auth=(settings.get('server', 'id'), settings.get('server', 'secret')))
except Exception as e:
sys.exit('no connection with %s' % settings.get('server', 'endpoint'))
return dict(status=response.status_code, results=response.json())
def task_status_update(self, task_id, status):
response = requests.put(
'%s/server_api/tasks/%s' % (
settings.get('server', 'endpoint'),
settings.get('server', 'id'),
settings.get('server', 'secret'),
"status": status
return response.json()
def report_container_stats(self, container_id, statistics):
response =
'%s/server_api/containers/stats/%s' % (
settings.get('server', 'endpoint'),
auth=(settings.get('server', 'id'), settings.get('server', 'secret')),
'status': json.dumps(statistics)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
return False
# TODO: подумать куда переместить
def container_config_create(self, container_id, link, ipv4, ipv6):
:param container_id:
:param link:
:param ipv4:
:param ipv6:
cfg = list()
cfg.append(" = veth")
cfg.append(" = up")
cfg.append(" = eth0")
cfg.append(" = %s" % link)
if ipv4['ipv4']:
# cfg.append(' = %s/32' % ipv4['ipv4'])
cfg.append(' = %s' % ipv4['ipv4'])
cfg.append(' = %s' % ipv4['ipv4_gateway'])
if 'ipv6' in ipv6 and 'ipv6_gateway' in ipv6:
# cfg.append(' = %s/64' % ipv6['ipv6'])
cfg.append(' = %s' % ipv6['ipv6'])
cfg.append(' = %s', ipv6['ipv6_gateway'])
config_file = '/var/lib/gocloud/node/configs/%s.config' % container_id
cfg_file = open(config_file, 'w')
return True
def container_authkey_create(self, container_id, auth_key):
# create
authkey_file = '/var/lib/gocloud/node/auth-keys/' % container_id
ak = open(authkey_file, 'w')
return True
class StatisticsReporter(object):
def send_vm_statistics(vm_id, data):
response =
'%s/stats/v1/compute/vms/%s' % (
settings.get('statistics', 'endpoint'), vm_id),
# TODO: node auth
# auth=(settings.get('server', 'id'), settings.get('server', 'secret')),
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
return False
def send_containers_statistics(vm_id, data):
response =
'%s/stats/v1/compute/containers/%s' % (
settings.get('statistics', 'endpoint'), vm_id),
# TODO: node auth
# auth=(settings.get('server', 'id'), settings.get('server', 'secret')),
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
return False

SWSCloudNode/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
# coding: utf-8
import os
import subprocess
import commands
import requests
from SWSCloudNode.logger import logging
from SWSCloudNode.settings import settings
from SWSCloudNode.logger import logging
'container_delete', 'container_create', 'container_start', 'container_stop', 'container_restart',
'vm_create', 'vm_delete', 'vm_start', 'vm_stop', 'vm_restart',
class Tasks:
def __init__(self):
self.endpoint = settings.get('server', 'endpoint') = settings.get('server', 'id')
self.secret = settings.get('server', 'secret')
def is_allowed_task(task):
if task in ALLOWED_TASKS:
return True
return False
def get_item(self):
response = requests.get('%s/server_api/task' % self.endpoint, auth=(, self.secret))
except Exception as e:
logging.error('no connection with %s' % self.endpoint)
return None
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
logging.error("Unexpected status code: %d" % response.status_code)
return None
def interface2ip(self):
# intf = open(self.settings['proxy_interface'], 'r').read().split('\n')[0]
interface = "eth0"
intf_ip = commands.getoutput("ip address show dev " + interface).split()
intf_ip = intf_ip[intf_ip.index('inet') + 1].split('/')[0]
return intf_ip
def container_create(self, task):
return True
def container_destroy(self, task):
# check exists container name
if lxc.lxc().exists(task['parameters']['hostname']):
# todo: if hostname already exists then node callback to server to rename container
return False
# TODO: check status
# delete record from dnsmasq
# dnsmasq.Dnsmasq().delete(task['parameters']['hostname'])
return True
def container_start(self, task):
print "================ "
print task
# TODO: check status
return True
def container_stop(self, task):
# TODO: check status
return True
def container_restart(self, task):
# TODO: check status
return True
def init(self):
task = TCPClient().request(Request().build("task_get", self.request_auth, None))
# check exists element 'version'
if not "version" in task:
logging.error("Response not contain 'version' element")
return False
if task['version'] == "1.0":
if task['status'] == 0:
if task['method'] == "container_create":
# create container
result = Task().container_create(task)
if not result:
return False
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
# todo: hold job if status not 0
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_destroy":
# delete hostname from dnsmasq /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf
result = self.container_destroy(task)
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
# todo: held job if status not 0
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_start":
# todo: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_stop":
# TODO: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_restart":
# todo: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "container_clone":
# TODO: set clone_IP to DNSMASQ"/usr/bin/lxc-clone -o %(hostname)s -n %(clone_hostname)s" % task['parameters'],
# TODO: check container status
# todo: held job if status not 0
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_mx_add":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
if self.Request_tast_update(task['task_id'])['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_mx_delete":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
if self.Request_tast_update(task['task_id'])['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_web_add":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
nginx.Nginx().vhost_add(task['parameters']['vhost_id'], task['parameters']['vhost'],
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_web_delete":
# todo: held job if status not 0
print task
nginx.Nginx().vhost_delete(task['parameters']['container_ip'], task['parameters']['vhost_id'])
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_web_update":
logging.debug("create container")
# todo: held job if status not 0
if self.Request_tast_update(task['task_id'])['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_ssh_allow":
# todo: held job if status not 0
values = (self.interface2ip(), task['parameters']['port'], task['parameters']['container_ip'], 22)
os.popen("ufw allow %s" % task['parameters']['port'])
os.popen("iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -d %s --dport %s -j DNAT --to %s:%s" % values)
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['method'] == "service_ssh_deny":
# todo: held job if status not 0
os.popen("ufw deny %s" % task['parameters']['port'])
task_update_result = TCPClient().request(
Request().build("task_update", self.request_auth, {"task_id": task['task_id'], "status": 0}))
if task_update_result['status'] == 0:
return True
return False
if task['status'] == 4:
print "auth fail"
print "structure version not supported"
return None

View file

@ -137,14 +137,19 @@ while True:
# Create new virtual machine
if task.get('task') == 'vm_create':
nodeclient.task_status_update(task['id'], 1)
vm_id = task['plain']['vm_id']
# TODO: if container doesn't exists then complete task and report about this fact
p = task['plain']
# автоматически определяем подходящий сетевой интерфейс исходя из имеющегося ipv4
interface = Detect().get_suitable_interface(p['ipv4'])
# interface = settings.get('node', 'interface')
# автоматически определяем подходящий сетевой интерфейс исходя из имеющегося ipv4
interface = Detect().get_suitable_interface(p['ipv4'])
if not interface:
interface = settings.get('node', 'interface')
p['cores'], p['memory'], p['storage'], p['swap'], p['hostname'],
p['ipv4'], p['ipv4_gateway'], p['dns1'], p['dns2'], p['password'],

View file

@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from SWSCloudNode import Node
from SWSCloudNode import lxc
import requests
from SWSCloudNode import Node, StatisticsReporter
from SWSCloudNode import LXC
from SWSCloudNode import Qemu
from SWSCloudNode import QemuStats
cls_lxc = lxc.lxc()
cls_lxc = LXC()
cls_qemu = Qemu()
cls_node = Node()
containers = cls_lxc.list()
for container in containers:
for container in cls_lxc.list():
# print container
info =
info['container_id'] = info['name']
print cls_node.report_container_stats(info['container_id'], info)
# print info
curl localhost:8089/node_stats/v1/compute/vms/04ea5600-89c6-11e6-b1e1-fb8145d56ed7 -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
vms = cls_qemu.list().get('online')
for vm in vms:
dom = vms.get(vm).get('hostname')
data = dict(
print StatisticsReporter().send_vm_statistics(dom, data)

View file

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ from setuptools import setup
author='Vyacheslav Anzhiganov',
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ setup(