new version with QEMU

This commit is contained in:
Vyacheslav Anzhiganov 2016-05-07 18:29:28 +03:00
parent 3ce6c0a818
commit a17bd53183
11 changed files with 766 additions and 4 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1 +1,4 @@
*.pyc *.pyc

View file

@ -128,3 +128,10 @@ Check exists container with name 'test'
Start container Start container
```lxc().start("")``` ```lxc().start("")```
## Develop
### Publish to Pypi server
`python sdist register -r local upload -r local`

SWSCloudNode/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
# for network
import socket
import fcntl
import struct
import array
import urllib
class Common:
def load_config(self):
self.settings_node = self.settings_node()
self.settings_vm = self.settings_vm()
def time(self):
используется для вывода времени на экран в консоли
return str(
def error(self, code):
вывод ошибки по
if code == 1:
message = "Invalid JSON-RPC. Unknown RPC version"
print self.time() + " - " + message
return {"error": {"code": code, "message": message}}
def settings_node(self):
конфигурация ноды
if os.path.isfile('/etc/gocloud/node/node.json'):
with open('/etc/gocloud/node/node.json') as nodesettings_file:
conf = json.load(nodesettings_file)
print "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/gocloud/node/node.json'"
return conf
def settings_vm(self):
конфигурационные параметры для виртуальных машин
if os.path.isfile('/etc/gocloud/node/vmsettings.json'):
with open('/etc/gocloud/node/vmsettings.json') as vmsettings_file:
conf = json.load(vmsettings_file)
print "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/gocloud/node/vmsettings.json'"
return conf
def linux_distribution(self):
return platform.linux_distribution()
return 0
# network
def all_interfaces(self):
# arbitrary. raise if needed.
max_possible = 128
bytes = max_possible * 32
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
names = array.array('B', '\0' * bytes)
outbytes = struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(
struct.pack('iL', bytes, names.buffer_info()[0])
namestr = names.tostring()
lst = []
for i in range(0, outbytes, 40):
name = namestr[i:i+16].split('\0', 1)[0]
ip = namestr[i+20:i+24]
lst.append((name, ip))
return lst
def format_ip(self, addr):
return str(ord(addr[0])) + '.' + str(ord(addr[1])) + '.' + str(ord(addr[2])) + '.' + str(ord(addr[3]))
def check_file_exists(self, filename):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return True
return False
def server_request(self, server_url, request):
params = {
"request": json.dumps(request)
return urllib.urlopen(server_url, urllib.urlencode(params)).read()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
# coding: utf-8
import subprocess
import logging
import threading
import select
import pty
import os
import signal
class ContainerAlreadyExists(Exception):
class ContainerAlreadyRunning(Exception):
class ContainerNotExists(Exception):
_logger = logging.getLogger("pylxc")
_monitor = None
class _LXCMonitor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self._process = None
self._monitors = {}
def run(self):
master, slave = pty.openpty()
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-monitor', '-n', '.*']
self._process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=slave, bufsize=1)
stdout = os.fdopen(master)
while self._process.poll() is None:
ready, _, _ =[stdout], [], [], 0.1)
if ready:
logging.debug("Waiting for state change")
state = stdout.readline()
inf = state.strip().split()
container = inf[0].strip("'")
state = inf[-1].strip('[]')
if container in self._monitors:
logging.debug("State of container '%s' changed to '%s'", container, state)
self._monitors[container](state)"LXC Monitor stopped!")
def add_monitor(self, name, callback):
self._monitors[name] = callback
def rm_monitor(self, name):
def is_monitored(self, name):
return name in self._monitors
def kill(self):
class lxc():
def __init__(self):
def list(self, status=None):
:return: ['container_first', 'container_second']
if status in ['active', 'frozen', 'running', 'stopped', 'nesting']:
path = "--%s" % status
path = ""
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-ls', path]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
# print out
return out
def exists(self, name):
checks if a given container is defined or not
if name in self.list():
return True
return False
def start(self, name, config_file=None):
starts a container in daemon mode
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
if name in self.list("running"):
raise ContainerAlreadyRunning('The container %s is already started!' % name)
cmd = ['lxc-start', '-n', name, '-d']
if config_file:
cmd += ['-f', config_file]
return subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def stop(self, name):
stops a container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-stop', '-n', name]
result = subprocess.check_call(cmd)
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def destroy(self, name):
removes a container [stops a container if it's running and]
raises ContainerNotExists exception if the specified name is not created
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# todo: check status. If status not STOPPED - run method self.stop(name)
# todo: add condition
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-destroy', '-f', '-n', name]
return subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def info(self, name):
returns info dict about the specified container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-info', '-n', name, "-H"]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
clean = []
info = {}
for line in out:
if line not in clean:
for line in clean:
key, value = line.split(":")
# strip
key = key.lstrip()
value = value.lstrip()
key = key.replace(" ", "_")
info[key.lower()] = value
# get container size
info['size'] = self.__get_container_size(name)
return info
def __get_container_size(self, name):
cmd = ['/usr/bin/du', '--total', '-s', '/var/lib/lxc/%s' % name]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
size = 0
for l in out:
key, value = l.split('\t')
if value == 'total':
size = key
return int(key)
def freeze(self, name):
freezes the container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['/usr/bin/lxc-freeze', '-n', name]
def unfreeze(self, name):
unfreezes the container
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['lxc-unfreeze', '-n', name]
def notify(self, name, states, callback):
executes the callback function with no parameters when the container reaches the specified state or states
states can be or-ed or and-ed
notify('test', 'STOPPED', letmeknow)
notify('test', 'STOPPED|RUNNING', letmeknow)
if not self.exists(name):
raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
cmd = ['lxc-wait', '-n', name, '-s', states]
def th():
callback()"Waiting on states %s for container %s", states, name)
def checkconfig(self):
returns the output of lxc-checkconfig
cmd = ['lxc-checkconfig']
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).replace('[1;32m', '').replace('[1;33m', '').replace('[0;39m', '').replace('[1;32m', '').replace(' ', '').split('\n')
def create(self, name, config_file=None, template=None, backing_store=None, template_options=None):
Create a new container
raises ContainerAlreadyExists exception if the container name is reserved already.
:param template_options: Options passed to the specified template
:type template_options: list or None
if self.exists(name):
raise ContainerAlreadyExists("The Container %s is already created!" % name)
command = list()
command.append("lxc-create -n %s" % name)
if config_file:
command.append(' -f %s' % config_file)
if template:
command.append(' -t %s' % template)
if backing_store:
command.append(' -B %s' % backing_store)
if template_options:
command.append(' -- %s' % template_options)
print " ".join(command)
# create = subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)
create = subprocess.check_call(" ".join(command), shell=True)
print create
# if create == 0:
# if not self.exists(name):
# _logger.critical("The Container %s doesn't seem to be created! (options: %s)", name, command[3:])
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
#"Container %s has been created with options %s", name, command[3:])
# return False
return True
def reset_password(self, container_name, username, password):
call = [
'"%s:${PASSWORD:-%s}"' % (username, password),
"/var/lib/lxc/%s/rootfs/ chpasswd" % container_name
subprocess.check_call(call, shell=True)
#"echo \"ubuntu:${PASSWORD:-%(password)s}\" | chroot /var/lib/lxc/%(hostname)s/rootfs/ chpasswd" % task['parameters'], shell=True)
return True
# def running():
# '''
# returns a list of the currently running containers
# '''
# return all_as_dict()['Running']
# def stopped():
# '''
# returns a list of the stopped containers
# '''
# return all_as_dict()['Stopped']
# def all_as_dict():
# '''
# returns a dict {'Running': ['cont1', 'cont2'],
# 'Stopped': ['cont3', 'cont4']
# }
# '''
# cmd = ['lxc-ls']
# out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()
# print out
# stopped = []
# running = []
# frozen = []
# current = None
# for c in out:
# c = c.strip()
# if c == 'RUNNING':
# current = running
# continue
# if c == 'STOPPED':
# current = stopped
# continue
# if c == 'FROZEN':
# current = frozen
# continue
# if not len(c):
# continue
# current.append(c)
# return {'Running': running,
# 'Stopped': stopped,
# 'Frozen': frozen}
# def all_as_list():
# '''
# returns a list of all defined containers
# '''
# as_dict = all_as_dict()
# containers = as_dict['Running'] + as_dict['Frozen'] + as_dict['Stopped']
# containers_list = []
# for i in containers:
# i = i.replace(' (auto)', '')
# containers_list.append(i)
# return containers_list
# def kill(name, signal):
# '''
# sends a kill signal to process 1 of ths container <name>
# :param signal: numeric signal
# '''
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# cmd = ['lxc-kill', '--name=%s' % name, signal]
# subprocess.check_call(cmd)
# def shutdown(name, wait=False, reboot=False):
# '''
# graceful shutdown sent to the container
# :param wait: should we wait for the shutdown to complete?
# :param reboot: reboot a container, ignores wait
# '''
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# cmd = ['lxc-shutdown', '-n', name]
# if wait:
# cmd += ['-w']
# if reboot:
# cmd += ['-r']
# subprocess.check_call(cmd)
# def monitor(name, callback):
# '''
# monitors actions on the specified container,
# callback is a function to be called on
# '''
# global _monitor
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# if _monitor:
# if _monitor.is_monitored(name):
# raise Exception("You are already monitoring this container (%s)" % name)
# else:
# _monitor = _LXCMonitor()
#"Starting LXC Monitor")
# _monitor.start()
# def kill_handler(sg, fr):
# stop_monitor()
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill_handler)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_handler)
# _monitor.add_monitor(name, callback)
# def unmonitor(name):
# if not exists(name):
# raise ContainerNotExists("The container (%s) does not exist!" % name)
# if not _monitor:
# raise Exception("LXC Monitor is not started!")
# if not _monitor.is_monitored(name):
# raise Exception("This container (%s) is not monitored!" % name)
# _monitor.rm_monitor(name)
# def stop_monitor():
# global _monitor
# if _monitor:
#"Killing LXC Monitor")
# _monitor.kill()
# _monitor = None
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import libvirt
import subprocess
from SWSCloudNode.common import Common
class QEMU:
def __init__(self):
# qemu+ssh://
self.conn ="qemu:///system")
def list(self):
names = self.conn.listDefinedDomains()
domains = map(self.conn.lookupByName, names)
ids = self.conn.listDomainsID()
running = map(self.conn.lookupByID, ids)
columns = 3
c = 0
n = 0
online = {}
offline = {}
for row in map(None, *[iter(domains)] * columns):
for domain in row:
if domain:
#print str(info(domain))
c += 1
offline[c] = self._info(domain)
for row in map(None, *[iter(running)] * columns):
for domain in row:
if domain:
n += 1
online[n] = self._info(domain)
return {
"online": online,
"offline": offline
def _info(self, dom):
states = {
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE: 'no state',
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING: 'running',
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED: 'blocked on resource',
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED: 'paused by user',
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN: 'being shut down',
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF: 'shut off',
libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED: 'crashed',
[state, maxmem, mem, ncpu, cputime] =
#return '%s is %s,' % (, states.get(state, state))
return {
"info": {
"state": state,
"maxmem": maxmem,
"memory": mem,
"ncpu": ncpu,
"cputime": cputime
def start(self, hostname):
Function VM Start
использует нативную библиотеку qemu
:hostname: str
conn ="qemu:///system")
action = conn.lookupByName(hostname)
print conn.virConnGetLastError()
return False
return True
def stop(self, hostname):
функция остановки фиртуальной машины
conn ="qemu:///system")
action = conn.lookupByName(hostname)
print conn.virConnGetLastError()
return False
return True
def restart(self, hostname):
функция перезапуска виртуальной машины,
использует функции stop и start
return self.start(hostname)
def delete(self, hostname):
функция удаления виртуальной машины
os.popen("/usr/bin/virsh shutdown %s" % hostname, "r")
os.popen("/usr/bin/virsh undefine %s" % hostname, "r")
os.popen("/bin/rm -r /var/lib/qemu/images/%s/" % hostname, "r")
return True
def create(self, cores, memory, storage, hostname, ip, dns1, dns2, password, os_name, os_suite):
функция создания виртуальной машины
comm = Common()
#print os_suite
#return {}
#load plan list
#with open('../config/plan.json') as plandata_file:
# plan = json.load(plandata_file)
# Create directory for new VM
#subprocess.Popen(['mkdir', '-p', '/var/lib/qemu/images/%s/templates/qemu' % hostname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
os.popen('mkdir -p /var/lib/qemu/images/%s/templates/qemu' % hostname, "r")
#subprocess.Popen(['cp', '/etc/vmbuilder/qemu/*', '/var/lib/qemu/images/%s/templates/qemu' % hostname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
os.popen("cp /etc/vmbuilder/qemu/* /var/lib/qemu/images/%s/templates/qemu" % hostname)
# generate partition file
os.popen("cp vm/storage/%s.partition /var/lib/qemu/images/%s/partition" % (storage, hostname), "r")
os.popen("cp vm/ /var/lib/qemu/images/%s/" % hostname, "r")
values = {
"hostname": hostname,
"os_name": os_name,
"os_suite": os_suite,
"mirror": comm.settings_vm['mirror'],
"ip": ip,
"gw": comm.settings_vm['gw'],
"password": password,
"memory": memory,
"cores": cores
print "------"
print values
print "------"
#qqq = [
# "cd",
# "/var/lib/qemu/images/%s;" % values['hostname'],
# "/usr/bin/vmbuilder", "kvm", values['os_name'], "--suite=%s" % values['os_suite']]
#aaa = subprocess.Popen(qqq, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
#print "cd /var/lib/qemu/images/%(hostname)s;/usr/bin/vmbuilder kvm %(os_name)s --suite=%(os_suite)s
# --flavour=virtual --arch=amd64 --mirror=%(mirror)s -o --qemu=qemu:///system --ip=%(ip)s
# --gw=%(gw)s --part=/var/lib/qemu/images/%(hostname)s/partition --templates=templates --user=administrator
# --name=administrator --pass=%(password)s --addpkg=linux-image-generic --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=nano
# --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --firstboot=/var/lib/qemu/images/%(hostname)s/
# --mem=%(memory)s --cpus=%(cores)s --hostname=%(hostname)s --bridge=br0" % values
c = [
"/var/lib/qemu/images/%s;" % values['hostname'],
"--suite=%s" % values['os_suite'],
"--mirror=%s" % values['mirror'],
"--ip=%s" % values['ip'],
"--gw=%s" % values['gw'],
"--part=/var/lib/qemu/images/%s/partition" % values['hostname'],
"--pass=%s" % values['password'],
"--firstboot=/var/lib/qemu/images/%s/" % values['hostname'],
"--mem=%s" % values['memory'],
"--cpus=%s" % values['cores'],
"--hostname=%s" % values['hostname'],
#subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
os.popen("cd /var/lib/qemu/images/%(hostname)s;/usr/bin/vmbuilder kvm %(os_name)s --suite=%(os_suite)s --flavour=virtual --arch=amd64 --mirror=%(mirror)s -o --qemu=qemu:///system --ip=%(ip)s --gw=%(gw)s --part=/var/lib/qemu/images/%(hostname)s/partition --templates=templates --user=administrator --name=administrator --pass=%(password)s --addpkg=linux-image-generic --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=nano --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --firstboot=/var/lib/qemu/images/%(hostname)s/ --mem=%(memory)s --cpus=%(cores)s --hostname=%(hostname)s --bridge=br0" % values)
print "-----"
return True

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8 # coding: utf-8
import time import time
@ -12,7 +13,13 @@ allowed_actions = [
'container_create', 'container_create',
'container_start', 'container_start',
'container_stop', 'container_stop',
'container_restart' 'container_restart',
] ]
logging.debug("Application started") logging.debug("Application started")
@ -121,3 +128,16 @@ while True:
logging.warning(e) logging.warning(e)
pass pass
nodeclient.task_status_update(task['id'], 2) nodeclient.task_status_update(task['id'], 2)
if task.get('task') == 'vm_create':
if task.get('task') == 'vm_start':
if task.get('task') == 'vm_restart':
if task.get('task') == 'vm_stop':
if task.get('task') == 'vm_delete':
logging.debug("Application ended")

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# coding: utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from SWSCloudNode import Node from SWSCloudNode import Node
from SWSCloudNode import lxc from SWSCloudNode import lxc

4 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from SWSCloudNode.settings import settings

View file

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ from setuptools import setup
setup( setup(
name='SWSCloudNode', name='SWSCloudNode',
version='2.0.1', version='3.0.1-beta',
author='Vyacheslav Anzhiganov', author='Vyacheslav Anzhiganov',
author_email='', author_email='',
packages=[ packages=[
'SWSCloudNode', 'SWSCloudNode',
'SWSCloudNode.lxc', 'SWSCloudNode.lxc',
], ],
scripts=[ scripts=[
'', '',
'', '',
], ],
install_requires=[ install_requires=[
'requests' 'requests'
], ],

6 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from SWSCloudNode.qemu import QEMU
print QEMU().list()