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* This plugin is used to fix elements to the top of the page, if the element
* would have been scrolled out of view, vertically; however, it does allow the
* element to continue to move left or right with the horizontal scroll.
* Given an option marginTop, the element will stop moving vertically upward
* once the vertical scroll has reached the target position; but, the element
* will still move horizontally as the page is scrolled left or right. Once the
* page has been scrolled back down passed the target position, the element will
* be restored to its original position on the page.
* This plugin has been tested in Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 10+, Safari 5+,
* and Internet Explorer 8/9.
(function($) {
$.ScrollToFixed = function(el, options) {
// To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this' to reference this
// class from internal events and functions.
var base = this;
// Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element.
base.$el = $(el);
base.el = el;
// Add a reverse reference to the DOM object.
base.$el.data("ScrollToFixed", base);
// A flag so we know if the scroll has been reset.
var isReset = false;
// The element that was given to us to fix if scrolled above the top of
// the page.
var target = base.$el;
var position;
// The offset top of the element when resetScroll was called. This is
// used to determine if we have scrolled past the top of the element.
var offsetTop = 0;
// The offset left of the element when resetScroll was called. This is
// used to move the element left or right relative to the horizontal
// scroll.
var offsetLeft = 0;
var originalOffsetLeft = -1;
// This last offset used to move the element horizontally. This is used
// to determine if we need to move the element because we would not want
// to do that for no reason.
var lastOffsetLeft = -1;
// This is the element used to fill the void left by the target element
// when it goes fixed; otherwise, everything below it moves up the page.
var spacer = null;
var spacerClass;
// Capture the original offsets for the target element. This needs to be
// called whenever the page size changes or when the page is first
// scrolled. For some reason, calling this before the page is first
// scrolled causes the element to become fixed too late.
function resetScroll() {
// Set the element to it original positioning.
// Reset the last offset used to determine if the page has moved
// horizontally.
lastOffsetLeft = -1;
// Capture the offset top of the target element.
offsetTop = target.offset().top;
// Capture the offset left of the target element.
offsetLeft = target.offset().left + (target.offset().left - target.position().left);
if (originalOffsetLeft == -1) {
originalOffsetLeft = offsetLeft;
position = target.css('position');
// Set that this has been called at least once.
isReset = true;
if (base.options.bottom != -1) {
function getLimit() {
var limit = base.options.limit;
if (!limit) return 0;
if (typeof(limit) === 'function') {
return limit();
return limit;
// Returns whether the target element is fixed or not.
function isFixed() {
return position === 'fixed';
// Returns whether the target element is absolute or not.
function isAbsolute() {
return position === 'absolute';
function isUnfixed() {
return !(isFixed() || isAbsolute());
// Sets the target element to fixed. Also, sets the spacer to fill the
// void left by the target element.
function setFixed() {
// Only fix the target element and the spacer if we need to.
if (!isFixed()) {
// Set the spacer to fill the height and width of the target
// element, then display it.
'display' : target.css('display'),
'width' : target.outerWidth(true),
'height' : target.outerHeight(true),
'float' : target.css('float')
// Set the target element to fixed and set its width so it does
// not fill the rest of the page horizontally. Also, set its top
// to the margin top specified in the options.
'width' : target.width(),
'position' : 'fixed',
'top' : base.options.bottom == -1?getMarginTop():'',
'bottom' : base.options.bottom == -1?'':base.options.bottom
position = 'fixed';
function setAbsolute() {
'width' : target.width(),
'position' : 'absolute',
'top' : getLimit(),
'left' : offsetLeft
position = 'absolute';
// Sets the target element back to unfixed. Also, hides the spacer.
function setUnfixed() {
// Only unfix the target element and the spacer if we need to.
if (!isUnfixed()) {
lastOffsetLeft = -1;
// Hide the spacer now that the target element will fill the
// space.
spacer.css('display', 'none');
// Remove the style attributes that were added to the target.
// This will reverse the target back to the its original style.
'width' : '',
'position' : '',
'left' : '',
'top' : ''
position = null;
// Moves the target element left or right relative to the horizontal
// scroll position.
function setLeft(x) {
// Only if the scroll is not what it was last time we did this.
if (x != lastOffsetLeft) {
// Move the target element horizontally relative to its original
// horizontal position.
target.css('left', offsetLeft - x);
// Hold the last horizontal position set.
lastOffsetLeft = x;
function getMarginTop() {
return base.options.marginTop;
// Checks to see if we need to do something based on new scroll position
// of the page.
function checkScroll() {
var wasReset = isReset;
// If resetScroll has not yet been called, call it. This only
// happens once.
if (!isReset) {
// Grab the current horizontal scroll position.
var x = $(window).scrollLeft();
// Grab the current vertical scroll position.
var y = $(window).scrollTop();
// Get the limit, if there is one.
var limit = getLimit();
// If the vertical scroll position, plus the optional margin, would
// put the target element at the specified limit, set the target
// element to absolute.
if (base.options.minWidth && $(window).width() < base.options.minWidth) {
if (!isUnfixed() || !wasReset) {
} else if (base.options.bottom == -1) {
// If the vertical scroll position, plus the optional margin, would
// put the target element at the specified limit, set the target
// element to absolute.
if (limit > 0 && y >= limit - getMarginTop()) {
if (!isAbsolute() || !wasReset) {
// If the vertical scroll position, plus the optional margin, would
// put the target element above the top of the page, set the target
// element to fixed.
} else if (y >= offsetTop - getMarginTop()) {
if (!isFixed() || !wasReset) {
// Set the target element to fixed.
// Reset the last offset left because we just went fixed.
lastOffsetLeft = -1;
// If the page has been scrolled horizontally as well, move the
// target element accordingly.
} else {
// Set the target element to unfixed, placing it where it was
// before.
if (!isUnfixed() || !wasReset) {
} else {
if (limit > 0) {
if (y + $(window).height() - target.outerHeight(true) >= limit - getMarginTop()) {
if (isFixed()) {
} else {
if (!isFixed()) {
} else {
function postPosition() {
var position = target.css('position');
if (position == 'absolute') {
} else if (position == 'fixed') {
} else {
var windowResize = function(event) {
isReset = false;
var windowScroll = function(event) {
// Initializes this plugin. Captures the options passed in, turns this
// off for iOS, adds the spacer, and binds to the window scroll and
// resize events.
base.init = function() {
// Capture the options for this plugin.
base.options = $
.extend({}, $.ScrollToFixed.defaultOptions, options);
// Turn off this functionality for iOS devices until we figure out
// what to do with them, or until iOS5 comes out which is supposed
// to support position:fixed.
if (navigator.platform === 'iPad' || navigator.platform === 'iPhone' || navigator.platform === "iPod") {
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/OS 5_.*\ like Mac OS X/i)) {
// Put the target element on top of everything that could be below
// it. This reduces flicker when the target element is transitioning
// to fixed.
base.$el.css('z-index', base.options.zIndex);
// Create a spacer element to fill the void left by the target
// element when it goes fixed.
spacer = $('<div />');
position = target.css('position');
// Place the spacer right after the target element.
if (isUnfixed()) base.$el.after(spacer);
// Reset the target element offsets when the window is resized, then
// check to see if we need to fix or unfix the target element.
$(window).bind('resize.ScrollToFixed', windowResize);
// When the window scrolls, check to see if we need to fix or unfix
// the target element.
$(window).bind('scroll.ScrollToFixed', windowScroll);
if (base.options.preFixed) {
target.bind('preFixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.preFixed);
if (base.options.postFixed) {
target.bind('postFixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.postFixed);
if (base.options.preUnfixed) {
target.bind('preUnfixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.preUnfixed);
if (base.options.postUnfixed) {
target.bind('postUnfixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.postUnfixed);
if (base.options.preAbsolute) {
target.bind('preAbsolute.ScrollToFixed', base.options.preAbsolute);
if (base.options.postAbsolute) {
target.bind('postAbsolute.ScrollToFixed', base.options.postAbsolute);
if (base.options.fixed) {
target.bind('fixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.fixed);
if (base.options.unfixed) {
target.bind('unfixed.ScrollToFixed', base.options.unfixed);
if (base.options.spacerClass) {
target.bind('resize', function() {
target.bind('scroll.ScrollToFixed', function() {
target.bind('remove.ScrollToFixed', function() {
$(window).unbind('resize', windowResize);
$(window).unbind('scroll', windowScroll);
if (base.options.bottom != -1) {
if (!isFixed()) {
// Initialize the plugin.
// Sets the option defaults.
$.ScrollToFixed.defaultOptions = {
marginTop : 0,
limit : 0,
bottom : -1,
zIndex : 1000
// Returns enhanced elements that will fix to the top of the page when the
// page is scrolled.
$.fn.scrollToFixed = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
(new $.ScrollToFixed(this, options));
})(jQuery); |