Fawaz e0cca79526 Added : Photo EXIF Data in insert_photo()
Added : Make Avatar from any photo
Added : Collection cover photo
Added : An array for thumb creations. Includes, code, width, height, watermark, sharpit
Added : Resizer class in common.php
Added : jquery.Jcrop.js in edit_account
Added : A common function called cb_filename. All filenames used in clipbucket follow a specific syntax
Added : Four new function for photos. get_original_photo, insert_photo_colors, insert_exif_data & add_custom_photo_size
Added : User Avatar collection functions. But they are not in use right now. This need proper thinking
Added : New files: mobile-form-class.php, resizer.class.php, exif.php, makers files for exif, jquery.Jcrop plugin, some template files
2012-05-16 07:27:54 +00:00

269 lines
9 KiB

Coppermine Photo Gallery
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Coppermine Dev Team
v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Coppermine version: 1.5.18
$HeadURL: $
$Revision: 8304 $
Extracts EXIF information from digital photos.
Copyright © 2003 Jake Olefsky
Please see exif.php for the complete information about this software.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// Looks up the name of the tag for the MakerNote (Depends on Manufacturer)
function lookup_Fujifilm_tag($tag) {
switch($tag) {
case "0000": $tag = "Version";break;
case "1000": $tag = "Quality";break;
case "1001": $tag = "Sharpness";break;
case "1002": $tag = "WhiteBalance";break;
case "1003": $tag = "Color";break;
case "1004": $tag = "Tone";break;
case "1010": $tag = "FlashMode";break;
case "1011": $tag = "FlashStrength";break;
case "1020": $tag = "Macro";break;
case "1021": $tag = "FocusMode";break;
case "1030": $tag = "SlowSync";break;
case "1031": $tag = "PictureMode";break;
case "1032": $tag = "Unknown";break;
case "1100": $tag = "ContinuousTakingBracket";break;
case "1200": $tag = "Unknown";break;
case "1300": $tag = "BlurWarning";break;
case "1301": $tag = "FocusWarning";break;
case "1302": $tag = "AEWarning";break;
default: $tag = "unknown:".$tag;break;
return $tag;
// Formats Data for the data type
function formatFujifilmData($type,$tag,$intel,$data) {
if($type=="ASCII") {
} else if($type=="URATIONAL" || $type=="SRATIONAL") {
$data = bin2hex($data);
if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
$top = hexdec(substr($data,8,8));
$bottom = hexdec(substr($data,0,8));
if($bottom!=0) $data=$top/$bottom;
else if($top==0) $data = 0;
else $data=$top."/".$bottom;
if($tag=="1011") { //FlashStrength
$data=$data." EV";
} else if($type=="USHORT" || $type=="SSHORT" || $type=="ULONG" || $type=="SLONG" || $type=="FLOAT" || $type=="DOUBLE") {
$data = bin2hex($data);
if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
if($tag=="1001") { //Sharpness
if($data == 1) $data = "Soft";
else if($data == 2) $data = "Soft";
else if($data == 3) $data = "Normal";
else if($data == 4) $data = "Hard";
else if($data == 5) $data = "Hard";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1002") { //WhiteBalance
if($data == 0) $data = "Auto";
else if($data == 256) $data = "Daylight";
else if($data == 512) $data = "Cloudy";
else if($data == 768) $data = "DaylightColor-fluorescence";
else if($data == 769) $data = "DaywhiteColor-fluorescence";
else if($data == 770) $data = "White-fluorescence";
else if($data == 1024) $data = "Incandenscense";
else if($data == 3840) $data = "Custom";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1003") { //Color
if($data == 0) $data = "Chroma Saturation Normal(STD)";
else if($data == 256) $data = "Chroma Saturation High";
else if($data == 512) $data = "Chroma Saturation Low(ORG)";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1004") { //Tone
if($data == 0) $data = "Contrast Normal(STD)";
else if($data == 256) $data = "Contrast High(HARD)";
else if($data == 512) $data = "Contrast Low(ORG)";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1010") { //FlashMode
if($data == 0) $data = "Auto";
else if($data == 1) $data = "On";
else if($data == 2) $data = "Off";
else if($data == 3) $data = "Red-Eye Reduction";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1020") { //Macro
if($data == 0) $data = "Off";
else if($data == 1) $data = "On";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1021") { //FocusMode
if($data == 0) $data = "Auto";
else if($data == 1) $data = "Manual";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1030") { //SlowSync
if($data == 0) $data = "Off";
else if($data == 1) $data = "On";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1031") { //PictureMode
if($data == 0) $data = "Auto";
else if($data == 1) $data = "Portrait";
else if($data == 2) $data = "Landscape";
else if($data == 4) $data = "Sports";
else if($data == 5) $data = "Night";
else if($data == 6) $data = "Program AE";
else if($data == 256) $data = "Aperture Prority AE";
else if($data == 512) $data = "Shutter Prority";
else if($data == 768) $data = "Manual Exposure";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1100") { //ContinuousTakingBracket
if($data == 0) $data = "Off";
else if($data == 1) $data = "On";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1300") { //BlurWarning
if($data == 0) $data = "No Warning";
else if($data == 1) $data = "Warning";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1301") { //FocusWarning
if($data == 0) $data = "Auto Focus Good";
else if($data == 1) $data = "Out of Focus";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
if($tag=="1302") { //AEWarning
if($data == 0) $data = "AE Good";
else if($data == 1) $data = "Over Exposure";
else $data = "Unknown: ".$data;
} else if($type=="UNDEFINED") {
} else {
$data = bin2hex($data);
if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
return $data;
// Fujifilm Special data section
function parseFujifilm($block,&$result) {
//if($result['Endien']=="Intel") $intel=1;
//else $intel=0;
$model = $result['IFD0']['Model'];
$place=8; //current place
$num = bin2hex(substr($block,$place,4));$place+=4;
if($intel==1) $num = intel2Moto($num);
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote']['Offset'] = hexdec($num);
//Get number of tags (2 bytes)
$num = bin2hex(substr($block,$place,2));$place+=2;
if($intel==1) $num = intel2Moto($num);
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote']['MakerNoteNumTags'] = hexdec($num);
//loop thru all tags Each field is 12 bytes
for($i=0;$i<hexdec($num);$i++) {
//2 byte tag
$tag = bin2hex(substr($block,$place,2));$place+=2;
if($intel==1) $tag = intel2Moto($tag);
$tag_name = lookup_Fujifilm_tag($tag);
//2 byte type
$type = bin2hex(substr($block,$place,2));$place+=2;
if($intel==1) $type = intel2Moto($type);
//4 byte count of number of data units
$count = bin2hex(substr($block,$place,4));$place+=4;
if($intel==1) $count = intel2Moto($count);
$bytesofdata = $size*hexdec($count);
//4 byte value of data or pointer to data
$value = substr($block,$place,4);$place+=4;
if($bytesofdata<=4) {
$data = $value;
} else {
$value = bin2hex($value);
if($intel==1) $value = intel2Moto($value);
$data = substr($block,hexdec($value)-$offset,$bytesofdata*2);
$formated_data = formatFujifilmData($type,$tag,$intel,$data);
if($result['VerboseOutput']==1) {
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote'][$tag_name] = $formated_data;
if($type=="URATIONAL" || $type=="SRATIONAL" || $type=="USHORT" || $type=="SSHORT" || $type=="ULONG" || $type=="SLONG" || $type=="FLOAT" || $type=="DOUBLE") {
$data = bin2hex($data);
if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote'][$tag_name."_Verbose"]['RawData'] = $data;
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote'][$tag_name."_Verbose"]['Type'] = $type;
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote'][$tag_name."_Verbose"]['Bytes'] = $bytesofdata;
} else {
$result['SubIFD']['MakerNote'][$tag_name] = $formated_data;