740 lines
25 KiB
Executable file
740 lines
25 KiB
Executable file
* Basic Ad support plugin for video.js.
* Common code to support ad integrations.
(function(window, videojs, undefined) {
'use strict';
VIDEO_EVENTS = videojs.getComponent('Html5').Events,
* If ads are not playing, pauses the player at the next available
* opportunity. Has no effect if ads have started. This function is necessary
* because pausing a video element while processing a `play` event on iOS can
* cause the video element to continuously toggle between playing and paused
* states.
* @param {object} player The video player
cancelContentPlay = function(player) {
if (player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout) {
// another cancellation is already in flight, so do nothing
player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
// deregister the cancel timeout so subsequent cancels are scheduled
player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout = null;
// pause playback so ads can be handled.
if (!player.paused()) {
// add a contentplayback handler to resume playback when ads finish.
player.one('contentplayback', function() {
if (player.paused()) {
}, 1);
* Returns an object that captures the portions of player state relevant to
* video playback. The result of this function can be passed to
* restorePlayerSnapshot with a player to return the player to the state it
* was in when this function was invoked.
* @param {object} player The videojs player object
getPlayerSnapshot = function(player) {
tech = player.$('.vjs-tech'),
tracks = player.remoteTextTracks ? player.remoteTextTracks() : [],
suppressedTracks = [],
snapshot = {
ended: player.ended(),
currentSrc: player.currentSrc(),
src: player.src(),
currentTime: player.currentTime(),
type: player.currentType()
if (tech) {
snapshot.nativePoster = tech.poster;
snapshot.style = tech.getAttribute('style');
i = tracks.length;
while (i--) {
track = tracks[i];
track: track,
mode: track.mode
track.mode = 'disabled';
snapshot.suppressedTracks = suppressedTracks;
return snapshot;
* Attempts to modify the specified player so that its state is equivalent to
* the state of the snapshot.
* @param {object} snapshot - the player state to apply
restorePlayerSnapshot = function(player, snapshot) {
// the playback tech
tech = player.$('.vjs-tech'),
// the number of remaining attempts to restore the snapshot
attempts = 20,
suppressedTracks = snapshot.suppressedTracks,
restoreTracks = function() {
var i = suppressedTracks.length;
while (i--) {
trackSnapshot = suppressedTracks[i];
trackSnapshot.track.mode = trackSnapshot.mode;
// finish restoring the playback state
resume = function() {
ended = false,
updateEnded = function() {
ended = true;
// Resume playback if this wasn't a postroll
if (!snapshot.ended) {
} else {
// On iOS 8.1, the "ended" event will not fire if you seek
// directly to the end of a video. To make that behavior
// consistent with the standard, fire a synthetic event if
// "ended" does not fire within 250ms. Note that the ended
// event should occur whether the browser actually has data
// available for that position
// (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#seeking),
// so it should not be necessary to wait for the seek to
// indicate completion.
player.ads.resumeEndedTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
if (!ended) {
player.off('ended', updateEnded);
player.ads.resumeEndedTimeout = null;
}, 250);
player.on('ended', updateEnded);
// Need to clear the resume/ended timeout on dispose. If it fires
// after a player is disposed, an error will be thrown!
player.on('dispose', function() {
// determine if the video element has loaded enough of the snapshot source
// to be ready to apply the rest of the state
tryToResume = function() {
// tryToResume can either have been called through the `contentcanplay`
// event or fired through setTimeout.
// When tryToResume is called, we should make sure to clear out the other
// way it could've been called by removing the listener and clearing out
// the timeout.
player.off('contentcanplay', tryToResume);
if (player.ads.tryToResumeTimeout_) {
player.ads.tryToResumeTimeout_ = null;
// Tech may have changed depending on the differences in sources of the
// original video and that of the ad
tech = player.el().querySelector('.vjs-tech');
if (tech.readyState > 1) {
// some browsers and media aren't "seekable".
// readyState greater than 1 allows for seeking without exceptions
return resume();
if (tech.seekable === undefined) {
// if the tech doesn't expose the seekable time ranges, try to
// resume playback immediately
return resume();
if (tech.seekable.length > 0) {
// if some period of the video is seekable, resume playback
return resume();
// delay a bit and then check again unless we're out of attempts
if (attempts--) {
window.setTimeout(tryToResume, 50);
} else {
(function() {
try {
} catch(e) {
videojs.log.warn('Failed to resume the content after an advertisement', e);
// whether the video element has been modified since the
// snapshot was taken
if (snapshot.nativePoster) {
tech.poster = snapshot.nativePoster;
if ('style' in snapshot) {
// overwrite all css style properties to restore state precisely
tech.setAttribute('style', snapshot.style || '');
// Determine whether the player needs to be restored to its state
// before ad playback began. With a custom ad display or burned-in
// ads, the content player state hasn't been modified and so no
// restoration is required
srcChanged = player.src() !== snapshot.src || player.currentSrc() !== snapshot.currentSrc;
if (srcChanged) {
// on ios7, fiddling with textTracks too early will cause safari to crash
player.one('contentloadedmetadata', restoreTracks);
// if the src changed for ad playback, reset it
player.src({ src: snapshot.currentSrc, type: snapshot.type });
// safari requires a call to `load` to pick up a changed source
// and then resume from the snapshots time once the original src has loaded
// in some browsers (firefox) `canplay` may not fire correctly.
// Reace the `canplay` event with a timeout.
player.one('contentcanplay', tryToResume);
player.ads.tryToResumeTimeout_ = player.setTimeout(tryToResume, 2000);
} else if (!player.ended() || !snapshot.ended) {
// if we didn't change the src, just restore the tracks
// the src didn't change and this wasn't a postroll
// just resume playback at the current time.
* Remove the poster attribute from the video element tech, if present. When
* reusing a video element for multiple videos, the poster image will briefly
* reappear while the new source loads. Removing the attribute ahead of time
* prevents the poster from showing up between videos.
* @param {object} player The videojs player object
removeNativePoster = function(player) {
var tech = player.$('.vjs-tech');
if (tech) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ad Framework
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// default framework settings
defaults = {
// maximum amount of time in ms to wait to receive `adsready` from the ad
// implementation after play has been requested. Ad implementations are
// expected to load any dynamic libraries and make any requests to determine
// ad policies for a video during this time.
timeout: 5000,
// maximum amount of time in ms to wait for the ad implementation to start
// linear ad mode after `readyforpreroll` has fired. This is in addition to
// the standard timeout.
prerollTimeout: 100,
// maximum amount of time in ms to wait for the ad implementation to start
// linear ad mode after `contentended` has fired.
postrollTimeout: 100,
// when truthy, instructs the plugin to output additional information about
// plugin state to the video.js log. On most devices, the video.js log is
// the same as the developer console.
debug: false
adFramework = function(options) {
var player = this;
var settings = videojs.mergeOptions(defaults, options);
var fsmHandler;
// prefix all video element events during ad playback
// if the video element emits ad-related events directly,
// plugins that aren't ad-aware will break. prefixing allows
// plugins that wish to handle ad events to do so while
// avoiding the complexity for common usage
(function() {
var videoEvents = VIDEO_EVENTS.concat([
var returnTrue = function() { return true; };
var triggerEvent = function(type, event) {
// pretend we called stopImmediatePropagation because we want the native
// element events to continue propagating
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
type: type + event.type,
state: player.ads.state,
originalEvent: event
player.on(videoEvents, function redispatch(event) {
if (player.ads.state === 'ad-playback') {
triggerEvent('ad', event);
} else if (player.ads.state === 'content-playback' && event.type === 'ended') {
triggerEvent('content', event);
} else if (player.ads.state === 'content-resuming') {
if (player.ads.snapshot) {
// the video element was recycled for ad playback
if (player.currentSrc() !== player.ads.snapshot.currentSrc) {
if (event.type === 'loadstart') {
return triggerEvent('content', event);
// we ended playing postrolls and the video itself
// the content src is back in place
} else if (player.ads.snapshot.ended) {
if ((event.type === 'pause' ||
event.type === 'ended')) {
// after loading a video, the natural state is to not be started
// in this case, it actually has, so, we do it manually
// let `pause` and `ended` events through, naturally
// prefix all other events in content-resuming with `content`
return triggerEvent('content', event);
if (event.type !== 'playing') {
triggerEvent('content', event);
// We now auto-play when an ad gets loaded if we're playing ads in the same video element as the content.
// The problem is that in IE11, we cannot play in addurationchange but in iOS8, we cannot play from adcanplay.
// This will allow ad-integrations from needing to do this themselves.
player.on(['addurationchange', 'adcanplay'], function() {
if (player.currentSrc() === player.ads.snapshot.currentSrc) {
player.on('nopreroll', function() {
player.ads.nopreroll_ = true;
player.on('nopostroll', function() {
player.ads.nopostroll_ = true;
// replace the ad initializer with the ad namespace
player.ads = {
state: 'content-set',
// Call this when an ad response has been received and there are
// linear ads ready to be played.
startLinearAdMode: function() {
if (player.ads.state === 'preroll?' ||
player.ads.state === 'content-playback' ||
player.ads.state === 'postroll?') {
// Call this when a linear ad pod has finished playing.
endLinearAdMode: function() {
if (player.ads.state === 'ad-playback') {
// Call this when an ad response has been received but there are no
// linear ads to be played (i.e. no ads available, or overlays).
// This has no effect if we are already in a linear ad mode. Always
// use endLinearAdMode() to exit from linear ad-playback state.
skipLinearAdMode: function() {
if (player.ads.state !== 'ad-playback') {
fsmHandler = function(event) {
// Ad Playback State Machine
var fsm = {
'content-set': {
events: {
'adscanceled': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adsready': function() {
this.state = 'ads-ready';
'play': function() {
this.state = 'ads-ready?';
// remove the poster so it doesn't flash between videos
'adserror': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adskip': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'ads-ready': {
events: {
'play': function() {
this.state = 'preroll?';
'adskip': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adserror': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'preroll?': {
enter: function() {
if (player.ads.nopreroll_) {
// This will start the ads manager in case there are later ads
// Don't wait for a preroll
} else {
// change class to show that we're waiting on ads
// schedule an adtimeout event to fire if we waited too long
player.ads.adTimeoutTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, settings.prerollTimeout);
// signal to ad plugin that it's their opportunity to play a preroll
leave: function() {
events: {
'play': function() {
'adstart': function() {
this.state = 'ad-playback';
'adskip': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adtimeout': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adserror': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'nopreroll': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'ads-ready?': {
enter: function() {
player.ads.adTimeoutTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, settings.timeout);
leave: function() {
events: {
'play': function() {
'adscanceled': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adsready': function() {
this.state = 'preroll?';
'adskip': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adtimeout': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'adserror': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'ad-playback': {
enter: function() {
// capture current player state snapshot (playing, currentTime, src)
this.snapshot = getPlayerSnapshot(player);
// add css to the element to indicate and ad is playing.
// remove the poster so it doesn't flash between ads
// We no longer need to supress play events once an ad is playing.
// Clear it if we were.
if (player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout) {
player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout = null;
leave: function() {
restorePlayerSnapshot(player, this.snapshot);
// trigger 'adend' as a consistent notification
// event that we're exiting ad-playback.
if (player.ads.triggerevent !== 'adend') {
events: {
'adend': function() {
this.state = 'content-resuming';
'adserror': function() {
this.state = 'content-resuming';
'content-resuming': {
enter: function() {
if (this.snapshot.ended) {
// in some cases, ads are played in a swf or another video element
// so we do not get an ended event in this state automatically.
// If we don't get an ended event we can use, we need to trigger
// one ourselves or else we won't actually ever end the current video.
player.ads._fireEndedTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
leave: function() {
events: {
'contentupdate': function() {
this.state = 'content-set';
contentresumed: function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'playing': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'ended': function() {
this.state = 'content-playback';
'postroll?': {
enter: function() {
this.snapshot = getPlayerSnapshot(player);
player.ads.adTimeoutTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, settings.postrollTimeout);
leave: function() {
events: {
'adstart': function() {
this.state = 'ad-playback';
'adskip': function() {
this.state = 'content-resuming';
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
'adtimeout': function() {
this.state = 'content-resuming';
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
'adserror': function() {
this.state = 'content-resuming';
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
'content-playback': {
enter: function() {
// make sure that any cancelPlayTimeout is cleared
if (player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout) {
player.ads.cancelPlayTimeout = null;
// this will cause content to start if a user initiated
// 'play' event was canceled earlier.
type: 'contentplayback',
triggerevent: player.ads.triggerevent
events: {
// in the case of a timeout, adsready might come in late.
'adsready': function() {
'adstart': function() {
this.state = 'ad-playback';
'contentupdate': function() {
if (player.paused()) {
this.state = 'content-set';
} else {
this.state = 'ads-ready?';
'contentended': function() {
this.state = 'postroll?';
(function(state) {
var noop = function() {};
// process the current event with a noop default handler
((fsm[state].events || {})[event.type] || noop).apply(player.ads);
// check whether the state has changed
if (state !== player.ads.state) {
// record the event that caused the state transition
player.ads.triggerevent = event.type;
// execute leave/enter callbacks if present
(fsm[state].leave || noop).apply(player.ads);
(fsm[player.ads.state].enter || noop).apply(player.ads);
// output debug logging
if (settings.debug) {
videojs.log('ads', player.ads.triggerevent + ' triggered: ' + state + ' -> ' + player.ads.state);
// register for the events we're interested in
// events emitted by ad plugin
// events emitted by third party ad implementors
'adstart', // startLinearAdMode()
'adend', // endLinearAdMode()
'adskip', // skipLinearAdMode()
]), fsmHandler);
// keep track of the current content source
// if you want to change the src of the video without triggering
// the ad workflow to restart, you can update this variable before
// modifying the player's source
player.ads.contentSrc = player.currentSrc();
// implement 'contentupdate' event.
// check if a new src has been set, if so, trigger contentupdate
checkSrc = function() {
var src;
if (player.ads.state !== 'ad-playback') {
src = player.currentSrc();
if (src !== player.ads.contentSrc) {
type: 'contentupdate',
oldValue: player.ads.contentSrc,
newValue: src
player.ads.contentSrc = src;
// loadstart reliably indicates a new src has been set
player.on('loadstart', checkSrc);
// check immediately in case we missed the loadstart
window.setTimeout(checkSrc, 1);
// kick off the fsm
if (!player.paused()) {
// simulate a play event if we're autoplaying
// register the ad plugin framework
videojs.plugin('ads', adFramework);
})(window, videojs); |