2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00

171 lines
7.6 KiB

$user_temp_lang = array(
//for activation.html
'usr_activation_title' => 'User Activation',
'usr_actiavation_msg' => 'Enter Your Username and Activation Code that has been sent to your email.',
'usr_actiavation_msg1' => 'Request Activation Code',
'usr_activation_code_tl'=> 'Activation Code',
//for compose.html , inbox.html and sent.html
'usr_compose_msg' => 'Compose Message',
'usr_inbox_title' => 'Inbox',
'usr_sent_title' => 'Sent',
'usr_to_title' => 'To: (Enter Username)',
'usr_or_select_frm_list'=> 'or select from contact list',
'usr_attach_video' => 'Attach Video',
'user_attached_video' => 'Attached Video',
'usr_send_message' => 'Send Message',
'user_no_message' => 'No Message',
'user_delete_message_msg'=> 'Delete This Message',
//for forgot.html
'user_forgot_message' => 'Forgot Username or Password?',
'user_forgot_message_2' => 'Dont Worry, recover it now',
'user_pass_reset_msg' => 'Password Reset',
'user_pass_forgot_msg' => 'if you have forgot your password, please enter you username and verification code in the box, and password reset instructions will be sent to your mail box.',
'user_veri_code' => 'Verification Code',
'user_reocover_user' => 'Recover Username',
'user_user_forgot_msg' => 'Forgot Username?',
'user_recover' => 'Recover',
'user_reset' => 'Reset',
//for myaccount.html
'user_inactive_msg' => 'Your Account is Inactive Please Activate it , To Activate your account Please',
'user_dashboard' => 'Dash Board',
'user_manage_prof_chnnl'=> 'Manage Profile &amp; Channel',
'user_manage_friends' => 'Manage Friends &amp; Contacts',
'user_prof_channel' => 'Profile/Channel',
'user_message_box' => 'Message Box',
'user_new_messages' => 'New Messages',
'user_goto_inbox' => 'Goto Inbox',
'user_goto_sentbox' => 'Goto Sent Box',
'user_compose_new' => 'Compose New Messages',
'user_total_subs_users' => 'Total Subscribed Users',
'user_you_have' => 'You Have',
'user_fav_videos' => 'Favourite Videos',
'user_your_vids_watched'=> 'Your Videos Watched',
'user_times' => 'Times',
'user_you_have_watched' => 'You Have Watched',
'user_channel_profiles' => 'Channel &amp; Profile',
'user_channel_views' => 'Channel Views ',
'user_channel_comm' => 'Channel Comments ',
'user_manage_prof' => 'Manage Profile / Channel',
'user_you_created' => 'You Have Created',
'user_you_joined' => 'You Have Joined',
'user_create_group' => 'Create New Group',
'user_manage_my_account'=> 'Manage My Account ',
'user_manage_my_videos' => 'Manage My Videos',
'user_manage_my_channel'=> 'Manage My Channe',
'user_sent_box' => 'Sent Box',
'user_manage_channel' => 'Manage Channel',
'user_manage_my_contacts' => 'Manage My Contacts',
'user_manage_contacts' => 'Manage Contacts',
'user_manage_favourites'=> 'Manage Favourite Videos',
//for signup.html
'user_mem_login' => 'Members Login',
'user_already_have' => 'Please Login Here if You Already have an account of',
'user_forgot_username' => 'Forgot Username',
'user_forgot_password' => 'Forgot Password',
'user_create_your' => 'Create Your ',
'user_all_fields_req' => 'All Fields Are Required',
'user_valid_email_addr' => 'Valid Email Address',
'user_allowed_format' => 'Letters A-Z or a-z , Numbers 0-9 and Underscores _',
'user_confirm_pass' => 'Confirm Password',
'user_reg_msg_0' => 'Register as ',
'user_reg_msg_1' => 'member, its free and easy just fill out the form below',
'user_date_of_birth' => 'Date Of Birth',
'user_enter_text_as_img'=> 'Enter Text As Seen In The Image',
'user_refresh_img' => 'Refresh Image',
'user_i_agree_to_the' => 'I Agree to the',
//for signup_success.htl
'user_thanks_for_reg' => 'Thank You For Registering on ',
'user_email_has_sent' => 'An email has been sent to your inbox containing Your Account',
'user_and_activation' => '& Activation',
'user_details_you_now' => 'Details. You may now do the following things on our network',
'user_upload_share_vds' => 'Upload, Share Videos',
'user_make_friends' => 'Make Friends',
'user_send_messages' => 'Send Messages',
'user_grow_your_network' => 'Grow Your Networks by Inviting more Friends',
'user_rate_comment' => 'Rate and Comment Videos',
'user_make_customize' => 'Make and Customize Your Channel',
'user_to_upload_vid' => 'To Upload Video, You Need to Activate your account first, activation details has been sent to your email account, it may take sometimes to reach your inbox',
'user_click_to_login' => 'Click here To Login To Your Account',
//for user_account.html * view_channel.html
'user_view_my_channel' => 'View My Channel',
'user_change_pass' => 'Change Password',
'user_email_settings' => 'Email Settings',
'user_profile_settings' => 'Profile Settings',
'user_usr_prof_chnl_edit' => 'User Profile &amp; Channel Edit',
'user_personal_info' => 'Personal Information',
'user_fname' => 'First Name',
'user_lname' => 'Last Name',
'user_gender' => 'Gender',
'user_relat_status' => 'Relationship Status',
'user_display_age' => 'Display Age',
'user_about_me' => 'About Me',
'user_website_url' => 'Website Url',
'user_eg_website' => 'e.g',
'user_prof_info' => 'Professional Information',
'user_education' => 'Education',
'user_school_colleges' => 'Schools / Colleges',
'user_occupations' => 'Occupations',
'user_companies' => 'Companies',
'user_sperate_by_commas' => 'seperate with commas',
'user_interests_hobbies' => 'Interests and Hobbies',
'user_fav_movs_shows' => 'Favourite Movies And Shows:',
'user_fav_music' => 'Favourite Music',
'user_fav_books' => 'Favourite Books',
'user_user_avatar' => 'User Avatar',
'user_upload_avatar' => 'Upload Avatar',
'user_channel_info' => 'Channel Info',
'user_channel_title' => 'Channel Title',
'user_channel_description' => 'Channel Description',
'user_channel_permission' => 'Channel Permissions',
'user_allow_comments_msg' => 'users can comments',
'user_dallow_comments_msg' => 'users cannot comments',
'user_allow_rating' => 'Allow Rating',
'user_dallow_rating' => 'Do Not Allow Rating',
'user_allow_rating_msg1' => 'users can rate',
'user_dallow_rating_msg1' => 'users cannot rate',
'user_channel_feature_vid' => 'Channel Featured Video',
'user_select_vid_for_fr' => 'Select Video To set as Featured',
'user_chane_channel_bg' => 'Change Channel Background',
'user_remove_bg' => 'Remove Background',
'user_currently_you_d_have_pic' => 'Currently You Don\'t Have Background Picture',
'user_change_email' => 'Change Email',
'user_email_address' => 'Email Address',
'user_new_email' => 'New Email',
'user_notify_me' => 'Notify Me When User Sends Me A Message',
'user_old_pass' => 'Old Password',
'user_new_pass' => 'New Password',
'user_c_new_pass' => 'Confirm New Password',
//for user_contacts.html
'user_doesnt_exist' => 'User Doesn\'t Exist',
'user_do_not_have_contact' => 'User Does Not Have Any Contact',
//for user_fac_videos.html
'user_no_fav_video_exist' => 'User Does Not Have Favourite Video',
//for user_videos.html
'user_have_no_vide' => 'User Does Not Have Any Video',
//View Channel
'user_s_channel' => '\'s Channel ',
'user_last_login' => 'Last Login',
'user_channel_views' => 'Channel Views',
'user_send_message' => 'Send Message',
'user_add_contact' => 'Add Contact',
'user_dob' => 'Dob',
'user_movies_shows' => 'Movies &amp; Shows',
'user_add_comment' => 'Add Comment ',
'user_view_all_comments'=> 'View All Comments',
'user_no_fr_video' => 'User Has Not Selected Any Video To Set As Featured',
'user_view_all_video_of'=> 'View All Videos of ',