2017-03-22 13:11:00 +05:00

278 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file

<!-- Following is the code for cb ultimate invideo ads settings -->
{$tcomments_params = ['function'=>'get_ultimate_ads']}
{$current_ad = get_my_function($tcomments_params)}
{if !empty($current_ad)}
{$play_ad = true}
<!-- End -->
<!-- This code is added for timecomments plugin-->
{$tcomments_params = ['function'=>'get_timeCommnets','videoid'=>$vdata.videoid]}
{$Comments_allowed = $myquery->is_commentable($vdata,'v') }
{$timecomments = get_my_function($tcomments_params)}
<!-- End -->
<!-- This code is added for instance manager Interactive ads plugin-->
{$v_editor_params = ['function'=>'get_video_editor']}
{$video_editor_enabled = get_my_function($v_editor_params)}
<!-- End -->
{$svg_manager_params = ['function'=>'get_svg_manager']}
{$svg_manager = get_my_function($svg_manager_params)}
{if $svg_manager}
<!-- This code is added for instance manager Interactive ads plugin intances-->
{if !$video_editor_enabled }
{$intance_params = ['function'=>'get_slot','videoid'=>$vdata.videoid]}
{$active_instances = get_my_function($intance_params)}
{if is_array($active_instances)}
{$active_instances = json_encode($active_instances)}
<!-- End -->
<!-- This code is added for Related Videos carousel plugin-->
{foreach $videos as $video}
{$related['imageSrc'] = get_thumb($video,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,'168x105')}
{$related['url'] = video_link($video)}
{$related['title'] = $video.title|truncate:30}
{$related_videos[] = $related}
{$related_videos = json_encode($related_videos)}
<!-- End -->
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{ANCHOR place="play_def_sub"}
<p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p>
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autoplay = true;
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"autoplay": autoplay,
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if (cb_timecomments_plugin){
var user_id = "{userid()}";
var username = "{username()}";
var user_profile = "{$userquery->avatar('','m',userid())}";
var allow_comments = "{$Comments_allowed}";
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if (play_ad){
var ad_code = "{$current_ad.ad_tag}";
var ad_id = "{$current_ad.ad_id}";
var related_videos = '{$related_videos}'; // Related videos plugin settings
var slot_id = "{$smarty.get.slot_id}";
related_videos_active= true;
var video_editor_enabled = "{$video_editor_enabled}"; // Interactive Ads plugin settings
var i_instances = '{$active_instances}';
//Setting CallBack
var cb_vjs_callback = function(){
var cb_vjs = this;
//Calling Custom videoJs Elements Plugin
var el_options = {
logo : {
branding_logo : branding_logo,
product_link : product_link,
show_logo : true
header : {
uploader : uploader,
videotitle : videotitle,
videoid : vid_id
//Calling Resolution switcher plugin
var res_options = {
default : default_res,
dynamicLabel : false
var stateCheck = setInterval(function(){
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
var cbVjsMenuBtn = document.querySelector('.vjs-resolution-button');
if (cbVjsMenuBtn){
var cbVjsMenu = cbVjsMenuBtn.children[0];
var cbVjsMenuContent = cbVjsMenu.children[0];
var cbVjsMenuContentRes = cbVjsMenuContent.children;
for (var i = 0; i < cbVjsMenuContentRes.length; i++ ){
//Calling Ima Ads plugin
if (play_ad){
var ad_options = {
ad_id: ad_id,
ad_code: ad_code,
autoplay: autoplay
//Calling TimeComments switcher plugin
if ( cb_timecomments_plugin == 'installed' && typeof cb_timecomments_plugin != 'undefined'){
var timecomments = '{$timecomments}';
var comments_options = {
comments : timecomments,
dummy : false,
videoid : vid_id,
userid : user_id,
userprofile : user_profile,
username : username,
allowComments : allow_comments,
forceShow : true
if (typeof timecomments != 'undefined' && timecomments != ''){
console.log("Initialized Time Comments");
console.log("Time Comments are empty.. /");
//Calling related Videos Plugin
if ( related_videos != "" && typeof related_videos != 'undefined' && related_videos_active &&
!video_editor_enabled ){
related_videos = JSON.parse(related_videos);
//Calling instance manager plugin for backend
if ( video_editor_enabled && typeof video_editor_enabled != 'undefined'){
instance_manager_settings = {
slot_id : slot_id
//Calling interactive ads plugin
if (i_instances){
i_instances = JSON.parse(i_instances);
i_instances_settings = {
enable : true,
dummy : false,
instances : i_instances,
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