388 lines
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Executable file
388 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
* Video.js Resolution Selector
* This plugin for Video.js adds a resolution selector option
* to the toolbar. Usage:
* <video>
* <source data-res="480" src="..." />
* <source data-res="240" src="..." />
* </video>
(function( _V_ ) {
* Define some helper functions
var methods = {
* In a future version, this can be made more intelligent,
* but for now, we'll just add a "p" at the end if we are passed
* numbers.
* @param (string) res The resolution to make a label for
* @returns (string) The label text string
res_label : function( res ) {
return ( /^\d+$/.test( res ) ) ? res + 'p' : res;
* Setup our resolution menu items
_V_.ResolutionMenuItem = _V_.MenuItem.extend({
// Call variable to prevent the resolution change from being called twice
call_count : 0,
/** @constructor */
init : function( player, options ){
var touchstart = false;
// Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init.
options.label = methods.res_label( options.res );
options.selected = ( options.res.toString() === player.getCurrentRes().toString() );
// Call the parent constructor
_V_.MenuItem.call( this, player, options );
// Store the resolution as a property
this.resolution = options.res;
// Register our click and tap handlers
this.on( ['click', 'tap'], this.onClick );
// Toggle the selected class whenever the resolution changes
player.on( 'changeRes', _V_.bind( this, function() {
if ( this.resolution == player.getCurrentRes() ) {
this.selected( true );
} else {
this.selected( false );
// Reset the call count
this.call_count = 0;
// Handle clicks on the menu items
_V_.ResolutionMenuItem.prototype.onClick = function() {
// Check if this has already been called
if ( this.call_count > 0 ) { return; }
// Call the player.changeRes method
this.player().changeRes( this.resolution );
// Increment the call counter
* Setup our resolution menu title item
_V_.ResolutionTitleMenuItem = _V_.MenuItem.extend({
init : function( player, options ) {
// Call the parent constructor
_V_.MenuItem.call( this, player, options );
// No click handler for the menu title
this.off( 'click' );
* Define our resolution selector button
_V_.ResolutionSelector = _V_.MenuButton.extend({
/** @constructor */
init : function( player, options ) {
// Add our list of available resolutions to the player object
player.availableRes = options.available_res;
// Call the parent constructor
_V_.MenuButton.call( this, player, options );
// Set the button text based on the option provided
this.el().firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = options.buttonText;
// Set class for resolution selector button
_V_.ResolutionSelector.prototype.className = 'vjs-res-button';
// Create a menu item for each available resolution
_V_.ResolutionSelector.prototype.createItems = function() {
var player = this.player(),
items = [],
// Add the menu title item
items.push( new _V_.ResolutionTitleMenuItem( player, {
el : _V_.Component.prototype.createEl( 'li', {
className : 'vjs-menu-title vjs-res-menu-title',
innerHTML : player.localize( 'Quality' )
// Add an item for each available resolution
for ( current_res in player.availableRes ) {
// Don't add an item for the length attribute
if ( 'length' == current_res ) { continue; }
items.push( new _V_.ResolutionMenuItem( player, {
res : current_res
// Sort the available resolutions in descending order
items.sort(function( a, b ) {
if ( typeof a.resolution == 'undefined' ) {
return -1;
} else {
return parseInt( b.resolution ) - parseInt( a.resolution );
return items;
* Register the plugin with videojs, main plugin function
_V_.plugin( 'resolutionSelector', function( options ) {
// Only enable the plugin on HTML5 videos
if ( ! this.el().firstChild.canPlayType ) { return; }
* Setup variables, parse settings
var player = this,
sources = player.options().sources,
i = sources.length,
// Override default options with those provided
settings = _V_.util.mergeOptions({
default_res : '', // (string) The resolution that should be selected by default ( '480' or '480,1080,240' )
force_types : false // (array) List of media types. If passed, we need to have source for each type in each resolution or that resolution will not be an option
}, options || {} ),
available_res = { length : 0 },
// Split default resolutions if set and valid, otherwise default to an empty array
default_resolutions = ( settings.default_res && typeof settings.default_res == 'string' ) ? settings.default_res.split( ',' ) : [];
// Get all of the available resoloutions
while ( i > 0 ) {
// Skip sources that don't have data-res attributes
if ( ! sources[i]['data-res'] ) { continue; }
current_res = sources[i]['data-res'];
if ( typeof available_res[current_res] !== 'object' ) {
available_res[current_res] = [];
available_res[current_res].push( sources[i] );
// Check for forced types
if ( settings.force_types ) {
// Loop through all available resoultions
for ( current_res in available_res ) {
// Don't count the length property as a resolution
if ( 'length' == current_res ) { continue; }
i = settings.force_types.length;
found_types = 0;
// Loop through all required types
while ( i > 0 ) {
j = available_res[current_res].length;
// Loop through all available sources in current resolution
while ( j > 0 ) {
// Check if the current source matches the current type we're checking
if ( settings.force_types[i] === available_res[current_res][j].type ) {
// If we didn't find sources for all of the required types in the current res, remove it
if ( found_types < settings.force_types.length ) {
delete available_res[current_res];
// Make sure we have at least 2 available resolutions before we add the button
if ( available_res.length < 2 ) { return; }
// Loop through the choosen default resolutions if there were any
for ( i = 0; i < default_resolutions.length; i++ ) {
// Set the video to start out with the first available default res
if ( available_res[default_resolutions[i]] ) {
player.src( available_res[default_resolutions[i]] );
player.currentRes = default_resolutions[i];
* Add methods to player object
// Make sure we have player.localize() if it's not defined by Video.js
if ( typeof player.localize !== 'function' ) {
player.localize = function( string ) {
return string;
// Helper function to get the current resolution
player.getCurrentRes = function() {
if ( typeof player.currentRes !== 'undefined' ) {
return player.currentRes;
} else {
try {
return res = player.options().sources[0]['data-res'];
} catch(e) {
return '';
// Define the change res method
player.changeRes = function( target_resolution ) {
var video_el = player.el().firstChild,
is_paused = player.paused(),
current_time = player.currentTime(),
// Do nothing if we aren't changing resolutions or if the resolution isn't defined
if ( player.getCurrentRes() == target_resolution
|| ! player.availableRes
|| ! player.availableRes[target_resolution] ) { return; }
// Make sure the loadedmetadata event will fire
if ( 'none' == video_el.preload ) { video_el.preload = 'metadata'; }
// Change the source and make sure we don't start the video over
player.src( player.availableRes[target_resolution] ).one( 'loadedmetadata', function() {
player.currentTime( current_time );
// If the video was paused, don't show the poster image again
player.addClass( 'vjs-has-started' );
if ( ! is_paused ) { player.play(); }
// Save the newly selected resolution in our player options property
player.currentRes = target_resolution;
// Make sure the button has been added to the control bar
if ( player.controlBar.resolutionSelector ) {
button_nodes = player.controlBar.resolutionSelector.el().firstChild.children;
button_node_count = button_nodes.length;
// Update the button text
while ( button_node_count > 0 ) {
if ( 'vjs-control-text' == button_nodes[button_node_count].className ) {
button_nodes[button_node_count].innerHTML = methods.res_label( target_resolution );
// Update the classes to reflect the currently selected resolution
player.trigger( 'changeRes' );
* Add the resolution selector button
// Get the starting resolution
current_res = player.getCurrentRes();
if ( current_res ) { current_res = methods.res_label( current_res ); }
// Add the resolution selector button
resolutionSelector = new _V_.ResolutionSelector( player, {
buttonText : "",
/*buttonText : player.localize( current_res || 'Quality' ),*/
available_res : available_res
// Add the button to the control bar object and the DOM
player.controlBar.resolutionSelector = player.controlBar.addChild( resolutionSelector );
})( videojs ); |