Arslan Hassan 5962836294 Added : template.php as template file
Added : function filters files replacing function hooks
Added : add_admin_menu a whole new function and replaced all existing functions with new
Added : New Admin Area with Bootstrap and new icons
Added : functions for widgets
Added : Sidebars and Widgets
2012-04-28 20:11:43 +00:00

43 lines
1 KiB

{include file="$style_dir/global_header.html" }
<!-- Including Commong header -->
{include file="$style_dir/header.html" }
{include file="$style_dir/msg.html" }
<div style="{if $mode!='watermark_settings'}min-height:600px;{/if} min-width:1000px">
{if $smarty.cookies.admin_menu=='hide'}
{assign var='left_menu_class' value='left_menu_0'}
{assign var='contentcolumn_class' value='contentcolumn0'}
{assign var='left_menu_class' value='left_menu'}
{assign var='contentcolumn_class' value='contentcolumn'}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span200">
{include file="$style_dir/left_menu.html" }
<div class="span9">
{if $Cbucket->show_page}
{foreach from=$template_files item=file}
{include_template_file file=$file}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
{include file="$style_dir/footer.html" }