2017-01-19 16:20:51 +05:00

378 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

* File : Conversion Class
* Description : ClipBucket conversion system fully depends on this class. All conversion related
* processes pass through here like generating thumbs, extrating video meta, extracting
* video qualities and other similar actions
* @since : ClipBucket 2.8.1 January 17th, 2017
* @author : Saqib Razzaq
* @modified : { 17th January, 2017 } { Created file and added functions } { Saqib Razzaq }
* @notice : File to be maintained
class ffmpeg {
# stores path for ffmepg binary file, used for basic conversion actions
private $ffmpegPath = '';
# stores path for ffprobe binary file, used for video meta extraction
private $ffprobePath = '';
# stores path for mediainfo, also used for video meta exraction
private $mediainfoPath = '';
# stores number of maximum allowed processes for ffmpeg
private $maxProsessesAtOnce = '';
# stores filename of video being currently being processed
private $fileName = '';
# stores directory of video file currently being processed
private $fileDirectory = '';
# stores directory where output (processed / converted) file is to be stored
private $outputDirectory = '';
# stores directory to save video conversion logs
private $logsDir = LOGS_DIR;
# stores name of file that should be used for dumping video conversion log
private $logFile = '';
# stores path to temporary directory where file stay before they are moved
# either to conversion qeue or final destination
private $tempDirectory = TEMP_DIR;
# stores path to conversion lock file which is used to check if more processes
# are allowed at a time or not
private $ffmpegLockPath = '';
private $ffmpegLock = '';
# stores settings for generating video thumbs
private $thumbsResSettings = '';
# stores settings for 16:9 ratio conversion
private $res169 = '';
# stores settings for 4:3 ratio conversion
private $resolution4_3 = '';
# stores basic ffmpeg configurations for processing video
private $ffmpegConfigs = '';
* Action : Function that runs everytime class is initiated
* Description :
* @param : { array } { $ffmpegParams } { an array of paramters }
* @param : { string } { $ffmpegParams : fileName } { fileName of video to process }
* @param : { string } { $ffmpegParams : fileDirectory } { Directory name of video to process }
* @param : { string } { $ffmpegParams : outputDirectory } { Directory name where converted video is to be saved }
* @param : { string } { $ffmpegParams : logFile } { file path to log file for dumping conversion logs }
function __construct($ffmpegParams) {
$this->ffmpegPath = get_binaries('ffmpeg');
$this->ffprobePath = get_binaries('ffprobe_path');
$this->mediainfoPath = get_binaries('media_info');
$this->maxProsessesAtOnce = config('max_conversion');
$this->fileName = $ffmpegParams['fileName'];
$this->fileDirectory = $ffmpegParams['fileDirectory'];
$this->outputDirectory = $ffmpegParams['outputDirectory'];
$this->logFile = $ffmpegParams['logFile'];
$this->ffmpegLockPath = TEMP_DIR.'/conv_lock';
# Set thumb resoloution settings
$this->thumbsResSettings = array(
"original" => "original",
'105' => array('168','105'),
'260' => array('416','260'),
'320' => array('632','395'),
'480' => array('768','432')
# Set 16:9 ratio conversion settings
$this->res169 = array(
'240' => array('428','240'),
'360' => array('640','360'),
'480' => array('854','480'),
'720' => array('1280','720'),
'1080' => array('1920','1080'),
# Set 4:3 ratio conversion settings
$this->resolution4_3 = array(
'240' => array('428','240'),
'360' => array('640','360'),
'480' => array('854','480'),
'720' => array('1280','720'),
'1080' => array('1920','1080'),
# Set basic ffmpeg configurations
$this->ffmpegConfigs = array(
'use_video_rate' => true,
'use_video_bit_rate' => true,
'use_audio_rate' => true,
'use_audio_bit_rate' => true,
'use_audio_codec' => true,
'use_video_codec' => true,
'format' => 'mp4',
'videoCodec'=> config('video_codec'),
'audioCodec'=> config('audio_codec'),
'audioRate'=> config("srate"),
'audioBitrate'=> config("sbrate"),
'videoRate'=> config("vrate"),
'videoBitrate'=> config("vbrate"),
'videoBitrateHd'=> config("vbrate_hd"),
'normalRes' => config('normal_resolution'),
'highRes' => config('high_resolution'),
'maxVideoDuration' => config('max_video_duration'),
'outputPath' => $this->outputDirectory,
'cbComboRes' => config('cb_combo_res'),
'gen240' => config('gen_240'),
'gen360' => config('gen_360'),
'gen480' => config('gen_480'),
'gen720' => config('gen_720'),
'gen1080' => config('gen_1080')
* Action : Execute a command and return output
* Description : Its better to keep shell_exec at one place instead pulling string everywhere
* @param : { string } { $command } { command to run }
* @author : Saqib Razzaq
* @since : 17th January, 2017
* @return : { mixed } { output of command ran }
private function executeCommand($command) {
return shell_exec($command);
* Action : Parse required meta details of a video
* Description : Conversion system can't proceed to do anything without first properly
* knowing what kind of video it is dealing with. It is used to ensures that video resoloutions are
* extracted properly, thumbs positioning is proper, video qualities are legit etc.
* If we bypass this information, we can end up with unexpected outputs. For example, you upload
* a video of 240p and system will try to convert it to 1080 which means? You guessed it, DISASTER!
* Hence, we extract details and then do video processing accordingly
* @param : { boolean } { $filePath } { false by default, file to extract information out of }
* @param : { boolean } { $durationOnly } { false by default, returns only duration of video }
* @author : Saqib Razzaq
* @since : 17th January, 2017
* @return : { array } { $responseData } { an array with response according to params }
public function extractVideoDetails($filePath = false, $durationOnly = false) {
if ($filePath) {
$fileFullPath = $filePath;
} else {
$fileFullPath = $this->fileDirectory.'/'.$this->fileName;
if (file_exists($fileFullPath)) {
$responseData = array();
# if user passed paramter to get duration only
if ($durationOnly) {
# build mediainfo command for duration extraction
$mediainfoDurationCommand = $this->mediainfoPath." '--Inform=General;%Duration%' '". $fileFullPath."' 2>&1 ";
# execute command and store duration in array after rounding
$responseData['duration'] = round($this->executeCommand($mediainfoDurationCommand) / 1000,2);
# return resposneData array containing duration only
return $responseData;
} else {
# Set default values for all required indexes before checking if they were found
$responseData['format'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['duration'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['size'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['bitrate'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoWidth'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoHeight'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoWhRatio'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoCodec'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoRate'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoBitrate'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['videoColor'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['audioCodec'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['audioBitrate'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['audioRate'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['audioChannels'] = 'N/A';
$responseData['path'] = $file_path;
# Start building ffprobe command for extracting extensive video meta
$ffprobeMetaCommand = $this->ffprobePath;
$ffprobeMetaCommand .= " -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams ";
$ffprobeMetaCommand .= " '$fileFullPath' ";
# Execute command and store data into variable
$ffprobeMetaData = $this->executeCommand($ffprobeMetaCommand);
# Since returned data is json, we need to decode it to be able to use it
$videoMetaCleaned = json_decode($ffprobeMetaData);
# stores name of codecs and indexes
$firstCodecType = $videoMetaCleaned->streams[0]->codec_type;
$secondCodecType = $videoMetaCleaned->streams[1]->codec_type;
# assign codecs to variable with values accordingly
$$firstCodecType = $videoMetaCleaned->streams[0];
$$secondCodecType = $videoMetaCleaned->streams[1];
# start to store required data into responseData array
$responseData['format'] = $videoMetaCleaned->format->format_name;
$responseData['duration'] = (float) round($video->duration,2);
$responseData['bitrate'] = (int) $videoMetaCleaned->format->bit_rate;
$responseData['videoBitrate'] = (int) $video->bit_rate;
$responseData['videoWidth'] = (int) $video->width;
$responseData['videoHeight'] = (int) $video->height;
if($video->height) {
$responseData['videoWhRatio'] = (int) $video->width / (int) $video->height;
$responseData['videoCodec'] = $video->codec_name;
$responseData['videoRate'] = $video->r_frame_rate;
$responseData['size'] = filesize($fileFullPath);
$responseData['audioCodec'] = $audio->codec_name;;
$responseData['audioBitrate'] = (int) $audio->bit_rate;;
$responseData['audioRate'] = (int) $audio->sample_rate;;
$responseData['audioChannels'] = (float) $audio->channels;
$responseData['rotation'] = (float) $video->tags->rotate;
* in some rare cases, ffprobe won't be able to extract video duration
* we'll check if duration is empty and if so, we'll try extracting duration
* via mediainfo instead
if(!$responseData['duration']) {
$mediainfoDurationCommand = $this->mediainfoPath." '--Inform=General;%Duration%' '". $fileFullPath."' 2>&1 ";
$duration = $responseData['duration'] = round($this->executeCommand($mediainfoDurationCommand) / 1000,2);
$videoRate = explode('/',$responseData['video_rate']);
$int_1_videoRate = (int) $videoRate[0];
$int_2_videoRate = (int) $videoRate[1];
* There are certain info bits that are not provided in ffprobe Json Streams
* like video's original height and width. When dealing with videos like SnapChat
* and Instagram or other mobile formats, it becomes crucial to fetch video height
* and width properly or video will be stretched or blurred out due to poor params
* Lets build command for exracting video meta using mediainfo
$mediainfoMetaCommand = $this->mediainfoPath . " '--Inform=Video;' ". $fileFullPath;
# extract data and store into variable
$mediainfoMetaData = $this->executeCommand($mediainfoMetaCommand);
# parse out video's original height and save in responseData array
$needleStart = "Original height";
$needleEnd = "pixels";
$originalHeight = find_string($needleStart,$needleEnd,$mediainfoMetaData);
$originalHeight[1] = str_replace(' ', '', $originalHeight[1]);
if (!empty($originalHeight) && $originalHeight != false) {
$origHeight = trim($originalHeight[1]);
$origHeight = (int) $origHeight;
if($origHeight!=0 && !empty($origHeight)) {
$responseData['videoHeight'] = $origHeight;
# parse out video's original width and save in responseData array
$needleStart = "Original width";
$needleEnd = "pixels";
$originalWidth = find_string($needleStart,$needleEnd,$mediainfoMetaData);
$originalWidth[1] = str_replace(' ', '', $originalWidth[1]);
if(!empty($originalWidth) && $originalWidth != false) {
$origWidth = trim($originalWidth[1]);
$origWidth = (int)$origWidth;
if($origWidth > 0 && !empty($origWidth)) {
$responseData['videoWidth'] = $origWidth;
if($int_2_videoRate > 0 ) {
$responseData['videoRate'] = $int_1_videoRate / $int_2_videoRate;
return $responseData;
* Check if conversion is locked or not
* @param : { integer } { $defaultLockLimit } { Limit of number of max process }
private final function isLocked($defaultLockLimit = 1) {
for ($i=0; $i<$defaultLockLimit; $i++) {
$convLockFile = $this->ffmpegLockPath.$i.'.loc';
if (!file_exists($convLockFile)) {
$this->ffmpegLock = $convLockFile;
file_put_contents($file,"Video conversion processes running. Newly uploaded videos will stack up into qeueu for conversion until this lock clears itself out");
return false;
return true;
* Creates a conversion loc file
* @param : { string } { $file } { file to be created }
private static final function createLock($file) {
private function timeCheck() {
$time = microtime();
$time = explode(' ',$time);
$time = $time[1]+$time[0];
return $time;
* Function used to start log that is later modified by conversion
* process to add required details. Conversion logs are available
* in admin area for users to view what went wrong with their video
function start_log() {
$this->TemplogData = "Started on ".NOW()." - ".date("Y M d")."\n\n";
$this->TemplogData .= "Checking File...\n";
$this->TemplogData .= "File : {$this->input_file}";
$this->log->writeLine("Starting Conversion",$this->TemplogData , true);
public function convert() {
$useCrons = config('use_crons');
if(!$this->isLocked($this->maxProsessesAtOnce) || $useCrons == 'yes') {
if($useCrons == 'no') {
//Lets make a file
$locFile = $this->ffmpegLockPath.'.loc';
$this->startTime = $this->timeCheck();