315 lines
13 KiB
315 lines
13 KiB
-- Configurations
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(NULL, 'closed', '0'),
(NULL, 'closed_msg', 'We Are Updating Our Website, Please Visit us after few hours.'),
(NULL, 'description', 'Clip Bucket is an ultimate Video Sharing script'),
(NULL, 'keywords', 'clip bucket video sharing website script'),
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-- Addition for 2.7
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INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (NULL, 'max_topic_title', '300');
-- Addition for 2.6
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (NULL, 'facebook_embed', 'yes');
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (NULL, 'seo_vido_url', '1');
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-- Addition for 2.7.4
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-- Addition for 2.8
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INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (NULL, 'gen_480', 'yes');
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INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (NULL, 'gen_1080', 'no');
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (NULL, 'photo_activation', '1');
-- Addition for 2.8.1
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('index_recent','6');
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('index_featured','2');
UPDATE `{tbl_prefix}config` SET value = 'cb_28' WHERE name = 'template_dir';
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('stay_mp4','');
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('youtube_api_key','');
-- Addition for 2.8.2
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-- Addition for 2.8.3
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-- Addition for 4.0
-- Addition for Cooporate cb seting bitrates for dash/hls
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'vbrate_240', '192000'),
('', 'vbrate_360', '272000'),
('', 'vbrate_480', '352000'),
('', 'vbrate_720', '432000'),
('', 'vbrate_1080', '512000');
-- Addition for Cooporate cb use video watermark or not
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-- Addition for Cooporate cb stream via hls or dash
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'stream_via', 'hls');
-- Addition for Cooporate cb access to logged in users
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'access_to_logged_in', 'no');
-- Addition for clipbucket license --
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'cb_license', 'CBCORP-XXXXXXXXXXX');
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'cb_license_local', '');
-- Addition for Cooporate cb allowing collection and playlist page
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'playlistsSection', 'yes');
-- Addition for Cooporate pick default sign up country geologically
INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}config` (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'pick_geo_country', 'yes'); |