Fawaz 06e7211387 Fixed : mySQL Query of total_collections in 2.0.91~2.1
Fixed : if Sub-categories are OFF, then Parent dropdown menu should not display
Updated : channelObjects JS function
Added : Now in channelObjects function you can define smarty variables
Added : Order for sub-categories
Fixed : Joined groups now does not include owned groups
Fixed : Functions that create buttons
Fixed : Removed HTML Tags from Video Description for Facebook Submission
Fixed : user_collections.php PARENT_PAGE and THIS_PAGE
Fixed : user_photos.php favorite case
Fixed : Removed wmode from Pak Player
2011-03-26 13:57:39 +00:00

99 lines
3.6 KiB

-- 434
INSERT into cb_config (name,value) VALUES
-- 434
INSERT into cb_config (name,value) VALUES
('normal_resolution', '480'),
('high_resolution', '720'),
-- 441
ALTER TABLE `cb_video` ADD `aspect_ratio` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `default_thumb`
-- 450
ALTER TABLE `cb_video` ADD `failed_reason` ENUM( 'max_duration', 'max_file', 'invalid_format', 'invalid_upload' ) NOT NULL AFTER `status`
ALTER TABLE `cb_users` CHANGE `subscribers` `subscribers` BIGINT( 225 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
-- 477
INSERT INTO `clipbucket_svn`.`cb_config` (
`configid` ,
`name` ,
NULL , 'embed_player_height', '250'
), (
NULL , 'embed_player_width', '300');
-- 471
INSERT into cb_config (name,value) VALUES
ALTER TABLE `cb_users` ADD `total_photos` BIGINT( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER `total_comments` ,
ALTER TABLE `cb_users` ADD `total_collections` BIGINT( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER `total_photos`;
ALTER TABLE `cb_collections` ADD `rating` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cb_collections` ADD `rated_by` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL AFTER `rating` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_collections` ADD `voters` LONGTEXT NOT NULL AFTER `rated_by` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_collections` ADD `allow_rating` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes' AFTER `allow_comments`
ALTER TABLE `cb_user_profile` ADD `profile_item` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL AFTER `profile_video` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_video` ADD `last_commented` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `comments_count` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_users` ADD `last_commented` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `comments_count` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_collections` ADD `last_commented` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `total_comments` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_photos` ADD `last_commented` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `total_comments` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_user_profile` ADD `allow_subscription` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes' AFTER `allow_ratings`;
ALTER TABLE `cb_user_profile` ADD `show_my_videos` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
ADD `show_my_photos` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
ADD `show_my_subscriptions` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
ADD `show_my_subscribers` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
ADD `show_my_friends` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes';
ALTER TABLE `cb_users` ADD `voters` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `rating`
ALTER TABLE `cb_user_profile` ADD `show_my_collections` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes' AFTER `user_profile_id`
ALTER TABLE `cb_users` DROP `rating` ,
DROP `voters` ,
DROP `rated_by` ;
ALTER TABLE `cb_user_profile` ADD `rating` TINYINT( 2 ) NOT NULL AFTER `profile_item` ,
ADD `voters` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `rating` ,
ADD `rated_by` INT( 150 ) NOT NULL AFTER `voters`;
ALTER TABLE `cb_comments` CHANGE `date_added` `date_added` DATETIME NOT NULL ;