INSERT INTO `{tbl_prefix}email_templates` (`email_template_id`, `email_template_name`, `email_template_code`, `email_template_subject`, `email_template`, `email_template_allowed_tags`) VALUES (1, 'Share Video Template', 'share_video_template', '[{website_title}] - {username} wants to share a video with you', '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
{website_title}share video
{username} wants to share Video With You\r\n
Video Description
\r\n {video_description}
Personal Message
\r\n {user_message}\r\n
copyrights {date_year} {website_title}
\r\n\r\n', '{website_title},{'), (2, 'Email Verification Template', 'email_verify_template', '[{website_title}] - Account activation email', 'Hello {username},\r\nThank you for joining {website_title}, one last step is required in order to activate your account\r\n\r\nClick Here\r\n{baseurl}/activation.php?av_username={username}&avcode={avcode}\r\n\r\nEmail : {email}\r\nUsername : {username}\r\nActivation code : {avcode}\r\n\r\nif above given is not working , please go here and activate it\r\n{baseurl}/activation.php\r\n\r\n====================\r\nRegards\r\n{website_title}', ''), (3, 'Private Message Notification', 'pm_email_message', '[{website_title}] - {sender} has sent you a private message', '{sender} has sent you a private message, \r\n\r\n{subject}\r\n"{content}"\r\n\r\nclick here to view your inbox {baseurl}/private_message.php?mode=inbox&mid={msg_id}\r\n\r\n{website_title}', ''), (4, 'Acitvation code request template', 'avcode_request_template', '[{website_title}] - Account activation code request', 'Hello {username},\r\n\r\nYour Activation Code is : {avcode}\r\nClick Here To goto Activation Page\r\n\r\nDirect Activation\r\n==========================================\r\nClick Here or Copy & Paste the following link in your browser\r\n{baseurl}/activation.php?av_username={username}&avcode={avcode}\r\n\r\nif above given links are not working, please go here and activate it\r\n\r\nEmail : {email}\r\nUsername : {username}\r\nActivation code : {avcode}\r\n\r\nif above given is not working , please go here and activate it\r\n{baseurl}/activation.php\r\n\r\n----------------\r\nRegards\r\n{website_title}', 'username,email,avcode,doj'), (5, 'Welcome Message Template', 'welcome_message_template', 'Welcome {username} to {website_title}', 'Hello {username},\r\nThanks for joining at {website_title}!, you are now part of our community and we hope you will enjoy your stay\r\n\r\nAll the best,\r\n{website_title}', 'username,email'), (6, 'Password Reset Request', 'password_reset_request', '[{website_title}] - Password reset confirmation', 'Dear {username}\r\nyou have requested a password reset, please follow the link in order to reset your password\r\n{baseurl}/forgot.php?mode=reset_pass&user={userid}&avcode={avcode}\r\n\r\n-----------------------------------------\r\nIF YOU HAVE NOT REQUESTED A PASSWORD RESET - PLEASE IGNORE THIS MESSAGE\r\n-----------------------------------------\r\nRegards\r\n{website_title}', 'username,userid,avcode'), (7, 'Password Reset Details', 'password_reset_details', '[{website_title}] - Password reset details', 'Dear {username}\r\nyour password has been reset\r\nyour new password is : {password}\r\n\r\nclick here to login to website\r\n<{login_link}>\r\n\r\n---------------\r\nRegards\r\n{website_title}', 'username,password'), (8, 'Forgot username request', 'forgot_username_request', '[{website_title}] - your {website_title} username', 'Hello,\r\nyour {website_title} username is : {username}\r\n\r\n--------------\r\nRegards\r\n{website_title}', '{username}'), (9, 'Friend Request Email', 'friend_request_email', '[{website_title}] {username} add you as friend', 'Hi {reciever},\r\n{sender} added you as a friend on {website_title}. We need to confirm that you know {sender} in order for you to be friends on {website_title}.\r\n\r\nView profile of {sender} \r\nclick here to respond to friendship request\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\n{website_title} Team', 'reciever,sender,sender_link,request_link'), (10, 'Friend Confirmation Email', 'friend_confirmation_email', '[{website_title}] - {sender} has confirmed you as a friend', 'Hi {reciever},\r\n{sender} confirmed you as a friend on {website_title}.\r\n\r\nView {sender} profile\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nThe {website_title} Team', 'sender,reciever,sender_link'), (11, 'Group Invitation', 'group_invitation', '[{website_title}] {sender} has invited you to join group "{group_name}"', '{sender} invited you to join the {website_title} group "{group_name}".\r\n\r\n{group_description}\r\n\r\nTo see more details and confirm this group invitation, follow the link below:\r\n{group_url}\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\n{website_title}', 'sender,reciever,group_name,group_url'), (12, 'Contact Form', 'contact_form', '[{website_title} - Contact] {reason} from {name}', 'Name : {name}\r\nEmail : {email}\r\nReason : {reason}\r\n\r\nMessage:\r\n{message}\r\n\r\n===============\r\nIp : {ip_address}\r\ndate : {now}', ''), (13, 'Video Acitvation Email', 'video_activation_email', '[{website_title}] - Your video has been activated', 'Hello {username},\r\nYour video has been reviewed and activated by one of our staff, thanks for uploading this video. You can view this video here.\r\n{video_link}\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n{website_title} Team', ''), (14, 'User Comment Email', 'user_comment_email', '[{website_title}] {username} made comment on your {obj}', '{username} has commented on your {obj}\r\n"{comment}"\r\n\r\n{obj_link}\r\n\r\n{website_title} team', ''), (15, 'User Reply Email', 'user_reply_email', '[{website_title}] {username} made reply on your comment', '{username} has replied on your comment\r\n"{comment}"\r\n\r\n{obj_link}\r\n\r\n{website_title} team', ''), (16, 'Photo Share Template', 'photo_share_template', '{username} wants to share photo with you', '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
{username} wants to share this photo with you
Photo Description
\r\n {photo_description}
Personal Message
\r\n {user_message}\r\n
copyrights {date_year} {website_title}
\r\n\r\n', ''), (17, 'Video Subscription Email', 'video_subscription_email', '{uploader} has uploaded new video on {website_title}', 'Hello {username}\r\n\r\nYou have been notified by {website_title} that {uploader} has uploaded new video \r\n\r\nVideo Title : {video_title}\r\nVideo Description : {video_description}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
\r\nclick here to watch this video
\r\n\r\n\r\nYou are notified because you are subscribed to {uploader}, you can manage your subscriptions by going to your account and click on manage subscriptions.\r\n{website_title}', ''), (18, 'Collection Share Template', 'collection_share_template', '{username} wants to share collection with you', '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
{username} wants to share this collection with you.
Collection Description
\r\n {description}
Personal Message
\r\n {user_message}\r\n
copyrights {date_year} {website_title}
\r\n\r\n', '');