{if $groups.group_name neq ""}
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Upload Group Thumb

  • Must Be JPG | GIF | PNG
  • 90 x 90 Ratio Will Give Best quality
  • Do Not Upload Vulgur or Copyrighted Material
  • Group Name:
      Enter one or more tags, separated by spaces.
    Tags are keywords used to describe your group so it can be easily found by other users. For example, if you have a group for surfers, you might tag it: surfing, beach, waves.
    Group Url: {$view_group_link}
      Enter 3-18 characters with no spaces (such as "skateboarding''), that will become part of your group's web address. Please note, the group name URL you pick is permanent and can't be changed.
    Group Category: {section name=c_list loop=$category} {$category[c_list].category_name}

    Video Uploads:

    Forums Posting:
