perm_check('view_video',true); $pages->page_redir(); //Getting Video Key $vkey = @$_GET['v']; $slug = @$_GET['s']; $slug = mysql_clean($slug); if($slug) { $slug = slug_exists($slug,'v'); if($slug) $vkey = $slug['object_id']; } else $theslug = false; $vdo = $cbvid->get_video($vkey,$theslug); assign('vdo',$vdo); assign('video',$vdo); if(video_playable($vdo)) { $pid = $_GET['play_list']; /** * Please check * for more details about following code */ if(SEO=='yes' && config('seo_vido_url')=='4' && $vdo['slug']) { //Now finally Checking if both are equal else redirect to new link if($slug['slug'] != $vdo['slug'] ) { $vid_link = VideoLink($vdo); if($pid) $vid_link.='?play_list='.$pid; //Redirect to valid link leaving mark 301 Permanent Redirect header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header ('Location: '.$vid_link); exit(); } } //Checking for playlist if(!empty($pid)) { $plist = $cbvid->action->get_playlist($pid,userid()); if($plist) $_SESSION['cur_playlist'] = $pid; } //Calling Functions When Video Is going to play call_watch_video_function($vdo); subtitle($vdo['title']); }else $Cbucket->show_page = false; //Return category id without '#' $v_cat = $vdo['category']; if($v_cat[2] =='#') { $video_cat = $v_cat[1]; }else{ $video_cat = $v_cat[1].$v_cat[2];} $vid_cat = str_replace('%#%','',$video_cat); assign('vid_cat',$vid_cat); //Displaying The Template template_files('watch_video.html'); display_it(); ?>