',$license); $license = str_replace("{this_year}",date("Y",time()),$license); } return $license; } /* function button($text,$params=NULL,$alt=false) { echo ' '; echo ''.$text.''; if(!$alt) echo ' '; else echo ' '; } */ function button($text,$params=NULL,$alt=false) { echo ' '; echo ''.$text.''; if(!$alt) echo ' '; else echo ' '; } function button_green($text,$params=NULL,$alt=false) { echo ' '; echo ''.$text.''; if(!$alt) echo ' '; else echo ' '; } function button_danger($text,$params=NULL,$alt=false) { echo ' '; echo ''.$text.''; if(!$alt) echo ' '; else echo ' '; } /* function msg_arr($arr) { if(@$arr['msg']) return emsg($arr['msg'],'ok'); else return emsg($arr['err'],'alert'); } */ function msg_arr($arr) { if(@$arr['msg']) return emsg($arr['msg'],'ok'); else return emsg($arr['err'],'alert_cross'); } if(!function_exists('emsg')) { function emsg($text,$type='ok') { return ''.$text.''; } } function check_module($type) { $return = array(); switch($type) { case "php": { $v = phpversion(); $req = '5.2.1'; if($v<$req) $return['err'] = sprintf(_("Found PHP %s but required is PHP %s "),$v,$req); else $return['msg'] = sprintf(_("Found PHP %s "),$v); } break; case "ffmpeg": { $ffmpeg_path = exec("which ffmpeg"); $ffmpeg_version = shell_output("$ffmpeg_path -version"); $version = false; preg_match("/SVN-r([0-9]+)/i",$ffmpeg_version,$matches); if(@$matches[1]) $version = 'r'.$matches[1]; preg_match("/version ([0-9.]+)/i",$ffmpeg_version,$matches); if(@$matches[1]) $version = $matches[1]; if(!$version) $return['err'] = _("Unable to find ffmpeg"); else $return['msg'] = sprintf(_("Found FFMPEG %s : %s"),$version,$$ffmpeg_path); } break; case "flvtool2": { $flvtool2_path = exec("which flvtool2"); $flvtool2_version = shell_output("$flvtool2_path -version"); $version = false; preg_match("/flvtool2 ([0-9.]+)/i",$flvtool2_version,$matches); if(@$matches[1]) $version = $matches[1]; if(!$version) $return['err'] = _("Unable to find flvtool2"); else $return['msg'] = sprintf(_("Found flvtool2 %s : %s"),$version,$flvtool2_path); } break; case "mp4box": { $mp4boxpath = exec("which MP4Box"); $mp4box_version = shell_output("$mp4boxpath -version"); $version = false; preg_match("/GPAC version ([0-9.]+)/i",$mp4box_version,$matches); if(@$matches[1]) $version = $matches[1]; if(!$version) $return['err'] = _("Unable to find MP4Box"); else $return['msg'] = sprintf(_("Found MP4Box %s : %s"),$version,$mp4boxpath); } break; case "curl": { $version = false; if(function_exists('curl_version')) $version = @curl_version(); if(!$version) $return['err'] = _("curl library is not neabled"); else $return['msg'] = sprintf(_("curl %s found"),$version['version']); } break; case "phpshield": { if(!function_exists('phpshield_load')) $return['err'] = _("PHPShield loaders are not installed (optional)"); else $return['msg'] = _("PHPShield loaders are working (optional)"); } break; case "imagick": { if(!extension_loaded('imagick')) $return['err'] = _("Imagick ectension is not enabled"); else $return['msg'] = _("Imagick extension is enabled"); } break; } return $return; } if(!function_exists('_')) { function _($in) { return $in; } } if(!function_exists('shell_output')) { function shell_output($cmd) { if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $cmd = $cmd; }else{ $cmd = "PATH=\$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin bash -c \"$cmd\" 2>&1"; } $data = shell_exec( $cmd ); return $data; } } /** * Short form of print_r as pr */ if(!function_exists('pr')) { function pr($text,$wrap_pre=false) { if(!$wrap_pre) print_r($text); else { echo "
"; print_r($text); echo ""; } } } /** * Function used to check folder permissions */ function checkPermissions() { $files = array ( 'cache', 'cache/comments', 'cache/userfeeds', 'files', 'files/conversion_queue', 'files/logs', 'files/mass_uploads', 'files/original', 'files/photos', 'files/temp', 'files/temp/install.me', 'files/thumbs', 'files/videos', 'images', 'images/avatars', 'images/backgrounds', 'images/category_thumbs', 'images/collection_thumbs', 'images/groups_thumbs', 'includes', 'includes/langs/en.lang' ); $permsArray = array(); foreach($files as $file) { if(is_writeable(BASEDIR.'/'.$file)) { $permsArray[] = array('path'=>$file,'msg'=>'writeable'); }else $permsArray[] = array('path'=>$file,'err'=>'please chmod this file/directory to 777'); } return $permsArray; } /** * FUNCTION USED TO CLEAN VALUES THAT CAN BE USED IN FORMS */ if(!function_exists('cleanForm')) { function cleanForm($string) { if(is_string($string)) $string = htmlspecialchars($string); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $string = stripslashes($string); return $string; } function form_val($string){return cleanForm($string); } } function selected($selected) { global $mode; if($mode==$selected) return "class='selected'"; } /** * Function used to create list of files * that have to be executed while upgrade */ function getUpgradeFiles() { global $versions,$upgrade; $version = VERSION; $oldVer = $upgrade; if($oldVer) { $total = count($versions); $files = array(); $found = false; foreach($versions as $ver) { if($found) $files[] = $ver; if($ver==$oldVer) $found = true; } return $files; } return false; } function installer_path() { $pageURL = 'http'; if (@$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $pageURL .= "s"; } $pageURL .= "://"; $pageURL .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $pageURL .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if(!empty($query_string)){ $pageURL .= '?'.$query_string; } return $pageURL; } ?>