.video-js .vjs-big-play-button { height: 100%; width: 100%; // Firefox bug: For some reason without width the icon wouldn't show up. Switched to using width and removed padding. display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; padding: 0; cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; // Need a slightly gray bg so it can be seen on black backgrounds //@include background-color-with-alpha($primary-background-color, $primary-background-transparency); //@include border-radius(0.3em); //@include transition(all 0.4s); @extend .vjs-icon-play; // Since the big play button doesn't inherit from vjs-control, we need to specify a bit more than // other buttons for the icon. &:before { @extend %icon-default; font-size: $big-play-button--width; line-height: 90px; height: $big-play-button--height; width: $big-play-button--width; // Firefox bug: For some reason without width the icon wouldn't show up. Switched to using width and removed padding. display: block; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: 0; cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; margin-top: -($big-play-button--height / 2); margin-left: -($big-play-button--width / 2); } } // Allow people that hate their poster image to center the big play button. .vjs-big-play-centered .vjs-big-play-button { top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -($big-play-button--height / 2); margin-left: -($big-play-button--width / 2); } .video-js:hover .vjs-big-play-button, .video-js .vjs-big-play-button:focus { outline: 0; border-color: $primary-foreground-color; //@include background-color-with-alpha($secondary-background-color, $secondary-background-transparency); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); @include transition(all 0s); } // Hide if controls are disabled, the video is playing, or native controls are used. .vjs-controls-disabled .vjs-big-play-button, .vjs-has-started .vjs-big-play-button, .vjs-using-native-controls .vjs-big-play-button, .vjs-error .vjs-big-play-button { display: none; }