window.location = "'.$url.'" '; } //Simple Template Displaying Function function Template($template,$layout=true){ global $admin_area; if($layout) DoTemplate::display(LAYOUT.'/'.$template); else DoTemplate::display($template); if($template == 'footer.html' && $admin_area !=TRUE){ DoTemplate::display(BASEDIR.'/includes/templatelib/'.$template); } if($template == 'header.html'){ DoTemplate::display(BASEDIR.'/includes/templatelib/'.$template); } } function Assign($name,$value){ DoTemplate::assign($name,$value); } //Funtion of Random String function RandomString($length) { // Generate random 32 charecter string $string = md5(time()); // Position Limiting $highest_startpoint = 32-$length; // Take a random starting point in the randomly // Generated String, not going any higher then $highest_startpoint $randomString = substr($string,rand(0,$highest_startpoint),$length); return $randomString; } //This Function Is Used To Display Tags Cloud function TagClouds($cloudquery) { $tags = array(); $cloud = array(); $query = mysql_query($cloudquery); while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $db = explode(' ', $t[0]); while (list($key, $value) = each($db)) { @$keyword[$value] += 1; } } if (is_array(@$keyword)) { $minFont = 11; $maxFont = 22; $min = min(array_values($keyword)); $max = max(array_values($keyword)); $fix = ($max - $min == 0) ? 1 : $max - $min; // Display the tags foreach ($keyword as $tag => $count) { $size = $minFont + ($count - $min) * ($maxFont - $minFont) / $fix; $cloud[] = '' . mysql_clean($tag) . ''; } $shown = join("\n", $cloud) . "\n"; return $shown; } } // -------------RATING FUNCTION---------------- // function getRating($id){ $total = 0; $rows = 0; $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid = '$id'"); if(mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0){ $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($sel); //$newPerc = round($perc/5)*5; //return $newPerc.'%'; $newPerc = round($data['rating']*10,2); return $newPerc.'%'; } else { return '0%'; } } function outOfFive($id){ $total = 0; $rows = 0; $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid = '$id'"); if(mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0){ $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($sel); return round($data['rating']/2,2); //return round(($perc*2), 0)/2; // 3.5 } else { return '0'; } } function getVotes($id){ $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid = '$id'"); $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($sel); return $data['rated_by']; } function pullRating($id,$show5 = false, $showPerc = false, $showVotes = false, $static = NULL){ global $row; // Check if they have already voted... $text = ''; $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid = '$id'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($sel); $voter_id = $data['voter_ids']; @$userid = $_SESSION['userid']; $niddle = "|"; $niddle .= $userid; $niddle .= "|"; $flag = strstr($voter_id, $niddle); if($row['user_rate_opt1'] !='yes'){ if($data['username'] == $_SESSION['username']){ $static = 'novote'; } } if(!empty($flag) || $static == 'novote' || !isset($_SESSION['userid']) || isset($_COOKIE['has_voted_'.$id]) ){ if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){ $text .= '
'; } if($show5){ $text .= 'Rated '.outOfFive($id).'/5'; } if($showPerc){ $text .= ' ('.getRating($id).')'; } if($showVotes){ $text .= ' ('.getVotes($id).')'; } if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){ $text .= '
'; } return $text.'
'; } else { if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){ $text .= '
'; } if($show5){ $show5bool = 'true'; $text .= 'Rated '.outOfFive($id).'/5'; } else { $show5bool = 'false'; } if($showPerc){ $showPercbool = 'true'; $text .= ' ('.getRating($id).')'; } else { $showPercbool = 'false'; } if($showVotes){ $showVotesbool = 'true'; $text .= ' ('.getVotes($id).')'; } else { $showVotesbool = 'false'; } if($show5 || $showPerc || $showVotes){ $text .= '
'; } return $text.'
'; } } //Function Send Email function send_email($from,$to,$subj,$msg){ $header = "From: ".$from." \r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 \r\n"; $retval = mail ($to,$subj,$msg,$header); if( $retval == true ){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * Function used to get file name */ function GetName($file){ $path = explode('/',$file); if(is_array($path)) $file = $path[count($path)-1]; $new_name = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.')); return $new_name; } function get_elapsed_time($ts,$datetime=1) { if($datetime == 1) { $ts = date('U',strtotime($ts)); } $mins = floor((time() - $ts) / 60); $hours = floor($mins / 60); $mins -= $hours * 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours -= $days * 24; $weeks = floor($days / 7); $days -= $weeks * 7; $t = ""; if ($weeks > 0) return "$weeks week" . ($weeks > 1 ? "s" : ""); if ($days > 0) return "$days day" . ($days > 1 ? "s" : ""); if ($hours > 0) return "$hours hour" . ($hours > 1 ? "s" : ""); if ($mins > 0) return "$mins min" . ($mins > 1 ? "s" : ""); return "< 1 min"; } //Function Used TO Get Extensio Of File function GetExt($file){ return substr($file, strrpos($file,'.') + 1); } function SetTime($sec, $padHours = true) { $hms = ""; // there are 3600 seconds in an hour, so if we // divide total seconds by 3600 and throw away // the remainder, we've got the number of hours $hours = intval(intval($sec) / 3600); // add to $hms, with a leading 0 if asked for $hms .= ($padHours) ? str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':' : $hours. ':'; // dividing the total seconds by 60 will give us // the number of minutes, but we're interested in // minutes past the hour: to get that, we need to // divide by 60 again and keep the remainder $minutes = intval(($sec / 60) % 60); // then add to $hms (with a leading 0 if needed) $hms .= str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':'; // seconds are simple - just divide the total // seconds by 60 and keep the remainder $seconds = intval($sec % 60); // add to $hms, again with a leading 0 if needed $hms .= str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $hms; } //Simple Validation function isValidText($text){ $pattern = "^^[_a-z0-9-]+$"; if (eregi($pattern, $text)){ return true; }else { return false; } } //Function Used To Validate Email function isValidEmail($email){ $pattern = "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$"; if (eregi($pattern, $email)){ return true; } else { return false; } } // THIS FUNCTION SETS HTMLSPECIALCHARS_DECODE IF FUNCTION DOESN'T EXIST // INPUT: $text REPRESENTING THE TEXT TO DECODE // $ent_quotes (OPTIONAL) REPRESENTING WHETHER TO REPLACE DOUBLE QUOTES, ETC // OUTPUT: A STRING WITH HTML CHARACTERS DECODED if(!function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) { function htmlspecialchars_decode($text, $ent_quotes = "") { $text = str_replace(""", "\"", $text); $text = str_replace("'", "'", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); return $text; } } // END htmlspecialchars() FUNCTION //THIS FUNCTION IS USED TO LIST FILE TYPES IN FLASH UPLOAD //INPUT FILE TYPES //OUTPUT FILE TYPE IN PROPER FORMAT function ListFileTypes($types){ $types_array = preg_replace('/,/',' ',$types); $types_array = explode(' ',$types_array); $list = 'Video,'; for($i=0;$i<=count($types_array);$i++){ if($types_array[$i]!=''){ $list .= '*.'.$types_array[$i]; if($i!=count($types_array))$list .= ';'; } } return $list; } //FUNCTION USED TO FORMAT FILE SIZE //INPUT BYTES //OUTPT MB , Kib function formatfilesize( $data ) { // bytes if( $data < 1024 ) { return $data . " bytes"; } // kilobytes else if( $data < 1024000 ) { return round( ( $data / 1024 ), 1 ) . "KB"; } // megabytes else if($data < 1024000000){ return round( ( $data / 1024000 ), 1 ) . " MB"; }else{ return round( ( $data / 1024000000 ), 1 ) . " GB"; } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GET THUMBNAIL * @param ARRAY video_details, or videoid will also work */ function get_thumb($vdetails,$num='default',$multi=false,$count=false){ global $db,$Cbucket,$myquery; $num = $num ? $num : 'default'; #checking what kind of input we have if(is_array($vdetails)) { if(empty($vdetails['title'])) { #check for videoid if(empty($vdetails['videoid']) && empty($vdetails['vid']) && empty($vdetails['videokey'])) { if($multi) return $dthumb[0] = default_thumb(); return default_thumb(); }else{ if(!empty($vdetails['videoid'])) $vid = $vdetails['videoid']; elseif(!empty($vdetails['vid'])) $vid = $vdetails['vid']; elseif(!empty($vdetails['videokey'])) $vid = $vdetails['videokey']; else { if($multi) return $dthumb[0] = default_thumb(); return default_thumb(); } } } }else{ if(is_numeric($vdetails)) $vid = $vdetails; else { if($multi) return $dthumb[0] = default_thumb(); return default_thumb(); } } #checking if we have vid , so fetch the details if(!empty($vid)) $vdetails = $myquery->get_video_details($vid); if(empty($vdetails['title'])) { if($multi) return default_thumb(); return default_thumb(); } #Checking if there is any custom function for if(count($Cbucket->custom_get_thumb_funcs)>0) foreach($Cbucket->custom_get_thumb_funcs as $funcs) { if(function_exists($funcs)) return $funcs($vdetails); } #get all possible thumbs of video $vid_thumbs = glob(THUMBS_DIR."/".$vdetails['file_name']."*"); #replace Dir with URL foreach($vid_thumbs as $thumb) { $thumb_parts = explode('/',$thumb); $thumb_file = $thumb_parts[count($thumb_parts)-1]; $thumbs[] = THUMBS_URL.'/'.$thumb_file; } if(count($thumbs)==0) { if($count) return count($thumbs); if($multi) return $dthumb[0] = default_thumb(); return default_thumb(); } else { if($multi) return $thumbs; if($count) return count($thumbs); //Now checking for thumb if($num=='default') { $num = $vdetails['default_thumb']; } $vdetails['file_name'].'-'.$num; $default_thumb = array_find($vdetails['file_name'].'-'.$num,$thumbs); if(!empty($default_thumb)) return $default_thumb; return $thumbs[0]; } } function GetThumb($vdetails,$num='default',$multi=false,$count=false) { return get_thumb($vdetails,$num,$multi,$count); } /** * function used to get detaulf thumb of ClipBucket */ function default_thumb() { return BASEURL.'/files/thumbs/processing.jpg'; } //TEST EXCEC FUNCTION function test_exec( $cmd ) { echo '
'; echo '

' . htmlentities( $cmd ) . '

'; if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $cmd = $cmd; }else{ $cmd = "PATH=\$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin bash -c \"$cmd\""; } $data = shell_exec( $cmd ); if( $data === false ) echo "

FAILED: $cmd

"; echo '

' . htmlentities( $data ) . '

'; } /** * Function used to get video link * @param ARRAY video details */ function video_link($vdetails) { global $myquery; #checking what kind of input we have if(is_array($vdetails)) { if(empty($vdetails['title'])) { #check for videoid if(empty($vdetails['videoid']) && empty($vdetails['vid']) && empty($vdetails['videokey'])) { return BASEURL; }else{ if(!empty($vdetails['videoid'])) $vid = $vdetails['videoid']; elseif(!empty($vdetails['vid'])) $vid = $vdetails['vid']; elseif(!empty($vdetails['videokey'])) $vid = $vdetails['videokey']; else return BASEURL; } } }else{ if(is_numeric($vdetails)) $vid = $vdetails; else return BASEURL; } #checking if we have vid , so fetch the details if(!empty($vid)) $vdetails = $myquery->get_video_details($vid); if(SEO == 'yes'){ $link = BASEURL.'/video/'.$vdetails['videokey'].'/'.SEO(clean(str_replace(' ','-',$vdetails['title']))); }else{ $link = BASEURL.'/watch_video.php?v='.$vdetails['videokey']; } return $link; } //Function That will use in creating SEO urls function VideoLink($vdetails){ return video_link($vdetails); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GET ADVERTISMENT * @param : array(Ad Code, LIMIT); */ function getAd($params,&$Smarty) { global $adsObj; $data = $adsObj->getAd($params['place']); return $data; } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GET THUMBNAIL, MADE FOR SMARTY * @ param : array("FLV"); */ function getSmartyThumb($params,&$Smarty) { return get_thumb($params['vdetails'],$params['num'],$params['multi'],$params['count_only']); } /** * Function Used to format video duration * @param : array(videoKey or ID,videok TITLE) */ function videoSmartyLink($params,&$Smarty) { return VideoLink($params['vdetails']); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GET VIDEO RATING IN SMARTY * @param : array(pullRating($videos[$id]['videoid'],false,false,false,'novote'); */ function pullSmartyRating($param,&$Smarty) { return pullRating($param['id'],$param['show5'],$param['showPerc'],$aram['showVotes'],$param['static']); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO CLEAN VALUES THAT CAN BE USED IN FORMS */ function cleanForm($string) { $string = htmlspecialchars($string); return $string; } function form_val($string){return cleanForm($string); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO MAKE TAGS MORE PERFECT * @Author : Arslan Hassan * @param tags text unformatted * returns tags formatted */ function genTags($tags,$sep=',') { //Remove fazool spaces $tags = preg_replace(array('/ ,/','/, /'),',',$tags); $tags = preg_replace( "`[,]+`" , ",", $tags); $tag_array = explode($sep,$tags); foreach($tag_array as $tag) { if(isValidtag($tag)) { $newTags[] = $tag; } } //Creating new tag string $tagString = implode(',',$newTags); return $tagString; } /** * FUNCTION USED TO VALIDATE TAG * @Author : Arslan Hassan * @param tag * return true or false */ function isValidtag($tag) { $disallow_array = array ('of','is','no','on','off','a','the','why','how','what','in'); if(!in_array($tag,$disallow_array)) return true; else return false; } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GET CATEGORY LIST */ function getCategoryList() { global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM category"; return $db->GetArray($sql); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO REGISTER ACTIONS THAT ARE TO APPLIED * ON COMMENTS , TITLE, DESCRIPTIONS etc */ function register_action($name,$type=NULL) { global $Cbucket; if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key => $naam) if(is_array($naam)) { foreach($naam as $name) { $Cbucket->actionList[$name][] = $key; } }else{ $Cbucket->actionList[$naam][] = $key; } }elseif($type!=NULL){ $Cbucket->actionList[$type][] = $name; } } //Function used to register function as multiple modifiers /** * Function used to insert data in database * @param : table name * @param : fields array * @param : values array * @param : extra params */ function dbInsert($tbl,$flds,$vls,$ep=NULL) { global $db ; $total_fields = count($flds); $count = 0; foreach($flds as $field) { $count++; $fields_query .= $field; if($total_fields!=$count) $fields_query .= ','; } $total_values = count($vls); $count = 0; foreach($vls as $value) { $count++; $val = mysql_clean($value); $needle = substr($val,0,3); if($needle != '|f|') $values_query .= "'".$val."'"; else { $val = substr($val,3,strlen($val)); $values_query .= "'".$val."'"; } if($total_values!=$count) $values_query .= ','; } //Complete Query $query = "INSERT INTO $tbl ($fields_query) VALUES ($values_query) $ep"; //if(!mysql_query($query)) die(mysql_error()); $db->Execute($query); if(mysql_error()) die ($db->db_query.'
'.mysql_error()); } /** * Function used to Update data in database * @param : table name * @param : fields array * @param : values array * @param : Condition params * @params : Extra params */ function dbUpdate($tbl,$flds,$vls,$cond,$ep=NULL) { global $db ; $total_fields = count($flds); $count = 0; for($i=0;$i<$total_fields;$i++) { $count++; $val = mysql_clean($vls[$i]); $needle = substr($val,0,3); if($needle != '|f|') $fields_query .= $flds[$i]."='".$val."'"; else { $val = substr($val,3,strlen($val)); $fields_query .= $flds[$i]."=".$val.""; } if($total_fields!=$count) $fields_query .= ','; } //Complete Query $query = "UPDATE $tbl SET $fields_query WHERE $cond $ep"; //if(!mysql_query($query)) die(mysql_error()); $db->Execute($query); if(mysql_error()) die ($db->db_query.'
'.mysql_error()); return $query; } /** * Function used to Delete data in database * @param : table name * @param : fields array * @param : values array * @params : Extra params */ function dbDelete($tbl,$flds,$vls,$ep=NULL) { global $db ; $total_fields = count($flds); $count = 0; for($i=0;$i<$total_fields;$i++) { $count++; $fields_query .= $flds[$i].'='.mysql_clean($vls[$i]); if($total_fields!=$count) $fields_query .= ' AND '; } //Complete Query $query = "DELETE FROM $tbl WHERE $fields_query $ep"; //if(!mysql_query($query)) die(mysql_error()); $db->Execute($query); if(mysql_error()) die ($db->db_query.'
'.mysql_error()); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO CREATE ANCHOR PLACEMENT * these are the placement where we can add plugin's or widget's code, * e.g if we want to display a new WYSIWYG box before comment text area * we will create anchor before text area as {ANCHOR place='before_compose_box'} * code will be written in plugin file and its place will point 'before_compose_box' * then our function will get all the code for this placement and will display it * @param : array(Ad Code, LIMIT); */ function ANCHOR($params,&$Smarty) { global $Cbucket; //Getting List of codes to display at this anchor $codes = $Cbucket->get_anchor_codes($params['place']); if(!empty($codes)) { if(is_array($codes)) { foreach($codes as $code) { echo $code; } }else{ echo $codes; } } //Getting list of function that will be performed while calling achor $funcs = $Cbucket->get_anchor_function_list($params['place']); if(!empty($funcs)) { if(is_array($funcs)) { foreach($funcs as $func) { if(function_exists($func)) $func(); } }else{ $funcs(); } } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO REGISTER ANCHORS * before_comments etc.. see complete list on */ function register_anchor($name,$type=NULL) { global $Cbucket; if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key => $naam) if(is_array($naam)) { foreach($naam as $name) { $Cbucket->anchorList[$name][] = $key; } }else{ $Cbucket->anchorList[$naam][] = $key; } }elseif($type!=NULL){ $Cbucket->anchorList[$type][] = $name; } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO REGISTER FUNCTION * If you want to perform some function on * some place, you can simple register function that will be execute where anchor points are * placed */ function register_anchor_function($name,$type=NULL) { global $Cbucket; if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key => $naam) if(is_array($naam)) { foreach($naam as $name) { $Cbucket->anchor_function_list[$name][] = $key; } }else{ $Cbucket->anchor_function_list[$naam][] = $key; } }elseif($type!=NULL){ $Cbucket->anchor_function_list[$type][] = $name; } } /** * Insert Id */ function get_id($code) { global $Cbucket; $id = $Cbucket->ids[$code]; if(empty($id)) $id = $code; return $id; } /** * Set Id */ function set_id($code,$id) { global $Cbucket; return $Cbucket->ids[$code]=$id; } /** * Function used to add items in admin menu * This function will insert new item in admin menu * under given header, if the header is not available * it will create one, ( Header means titles ie 'Plugins' 'Videos' etc) * @param STRING $header - Could be Plugin , Videos, Users , please check * for reference * @param STRING name * @param STRING link * That will add new item in admin menu */ function add_admin_menu($header='Tool Box',$name,$link) { global $Cbucket; //Gett Menu $menu = $Cbucket->AdminMenu; //Add New Meny $menu[$header][$name] = $link; $Cbucket->AdminMenu = $menu; } /** * Function used to select data from database */ function dbselect($tbl,$fields='*',$cond=false,$limit=false,$order=false) { global $db; $query_params = ''; //Making Condition possible if($cond) $where = " WHERE "; else $where = false; $query_params .= $where; if($where) { $query_params .= $cond; } if($order) $query_params .= " ORDER BY $order "; if($limit) $query_params .= " LIMIT $limit "; $query = " SELECT $fields FROM $tbl $query_params "; //Finally Executing $data = $db->Execute($query); $db->num_rows = $data->_numOfRows; //Now Get Rows and return that data if($db->num_rows > 0) return $data->getrows(); else return false; } /** * An easy function for erorrs and messages (e is basically short form of exception) * I dont want to use the whole Trigger and Exception code, so e pretty works for me :D * @param TEXT $msg * @param TYPE $type (e for Error, m for Message * @param INT $id Any Predefined Message ID */ function e($msg=NULL,$type='e',$id=NULL) { global $eh; return $eh->e($msg,$type,$id); } /** * Function used to get subscription template */ function get_subscription_template() { global $LANG; return $LANG['user_subscribe_message']; } /** * Short form of print_r as pr */ function pr($text) { print_r($text); } /** * This function is used to call function in smarty template * This wont let you pass parameters to the function, but it will only call it */ function FUNC($params,&$Smarty) { global $Cbucket; //Function used to call functions by //{func namefunction_name} // in smarty $func=$params['name']; if(function_exists($func)) $func(); } /** * Function used to get userid anywhere * if there is no user_id it will return false */ function user_id() { global $userquery; if($userquery->userid !='') return $userquery->userid; else false; } //replica function userid(){return user_id();} /** * Function used to get username anywhere * if there is no usern_name it will return false */ function user_name() { global $userquery; return $userquery->user_name; } function username(){return user_name();} /** * Function used to return mysql time * @author : Fwhite */ function NOW() { return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); } /** * Function used to get Regular Expression from database * @param : code */ function get_re($code) { global $db; $results = $db->select("validation_re","*"," re_code='$code'"); if($db->num_rows>0) { return $results[0]['re_syntax']; }else{ return false; } } function get_regular_expression($code) { return get_re($code); } /** * Function used to check weather input is valid or not * based on preg_match */ function check_re($syntax,$text) { preg_match('/'.$syntax.'/',$text,$matches); if(!empty($matches[0])) { return true; }else{ return false; } } function check_regular_expression($code,$text) { return check_re($code,$text); } /** * Function used to check field directly */ function validate_field($code,$text) { $syntax = get_re($code); if(empty($syntax)) return true; return check_regular_expression($syntax,$text); } function is_valid_syntax($code,$text) { return validate_field($code,$text); } /** * Function used to apply function on a value */ function is_valid_value($func,$val) { if(!function_exists($func)) return true; elseif(!$func($val)) return false; else return true; } function apply_func($func,$val) { if(is_array($func)) { foreach($func as $f) if(function_exists($f)) $val = $f($val); }else{ $val = $func($val); } return $val; } /** * Function used to validate YES or NO input */ function yes_or_no($input,$return=yes) { $input = strtolower($input); if($input!=yes && $input !=no) return $return; else return $input; } /** * Function used to validate category * INPUT $cat array */ function validate_category($array=NULL) { global $myquery,$LANG; if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST['category']; if(count($array)==0) return false; else { foreach($array as $arr) { if($myquery->CategoryExists($arr)) $new_array[] = $arr; } } if(count($new_array)==0) { e($LANG['vdo_cat_err3']); return false; }elseif(count($new_array)>ALLOWED_CATEGORIES) { e(sprintf($LANG['vdo_cat_err2'],ALLOWED_CATEGORIES)); return false; } return true; } /** * Function used to check videokey exists or not * key_exists */ function vkey_exists($key) { global $db; $db->select("video","videokey"," videokey='$key'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to check file_name exists or not * as its a unique name so it will not let repost the data */ function file_name_exists($name) { global $db; $results = $db->select("video","videoid,file_name"," file_name='$name'"); if($db->num_rows >0) return $results[0]['videoid']; else return false; } /** * Function used to get video from downloading queue */ function get_queued_video() { global $db; $results = $db->select("conversion_queue","*","cqueue_conversion='no'"); $result = $results[0]; $db->update("conversion_queue",array("cqueue_conversion"),array("p")," cqueue_id = '".$result['cqueue_id']."'"); return $result; } function get_video_details($vid=NULL) { global $myquery; if(!$vid) global $vid; return $myquery->get_video_details($vid); } /** * Function used to get all video files * @param Vdetails * @param $count_only * @param $with_path */ function get_all_video_files($vdetails,$count_only=false,$with_path=false) { $details = get_video_file($vdetails,true,$with_path,true,$count_only); if($count_only) return count($details); return $details; } function get_all_video_files_smarty($params,&$Smarty) { $vdetails = $params['vdetails']; $count_only = $params['count_only']; $with_path = $params['with_path']; return get_all_video_files($vdetails,$count_only,$with_path); } /** * Function use to get video files */ function get_video_file($vdetails,$return_default=true,$with_path=true,$multi=false,$count_only=false) { # checking if there is any other functions # available if(is_array($Cbucket->custom_video_file_funcs)) foreach($Cbucket->custom_video_file_funcs as $funcs) if(function_exists($func)) return $func($vdetails); #Now there is no function so lets continue as $vid_files = glob(VIDEOS_DIR."/".$vdetails['file_name']."*"); #replace Dir with URL foreach($vid_files as $file) { $files_part = explode('/',$file); $video_file = $files_part[count($files_part)-1]; if($with_path) $files[] = VIDEOS_URL.'/'.$video_file; else $files[] = $video_file; } if(count($files)==0 && !$multi && !$count_only) { if($return_default) { if($with_path) return VIDEOS_URL.'/no_video.flv'; else return 'no_video.flv'; } }else{ if($multi) return $files; if($count_only) return count($files); return $files[0]; } } /** * Function used to display flash player for ClipBucket video */ function flashPlayer($param,&$Smarty) { global $Cbucket,$swfobj; $key = $param['key']; $flv = $param['flv'].'.flv'; $code = $param['code']; $flv_url = $file; $embed = $param['embed']; $code = $param['code']; $height = $param['height'] = $param['height'] ? $param['height'] : 360; $width = $param['width'] = $param['width'] ? $param['width'] : 450; if(count($Cbucket->actions_play_video)>0) { foreach($Cbucket->actions_play_video as $funcs) { if(function_exists($funcs)) { $func_data = $funcs($param['vdetails']); } if($func_data) return $func_data; } } #checking video file $file = get_video_file($param['vdetails']); //Getting Player $player = get_player(); $swfobj->playerFile = BASEURL.'/player/'.FLVPLAYER; $swfobj->FlashObj(); //Writing Param $swfobj->addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); $swfobj->addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); $swfobj->addParam('quality','high'); $swfobj->addVar('baseurl',BASEURL); $swfobj->addVar('video',get_video_file($param['vdetails'],false,true)); if(!empty($flv_url) && GetExt($flv_url)=='flv'){ $swfobj->addVar('file_url',urldecode($flv_url)); }else{ $swfobj->addVar('file_url',$file ); } $swfobj->CreatePlayer(); return $swfobj->code; } /** * Function used to get player from website settings */ function get_player() { global $Cbucket; return $Cbucket->configs['player_file']; } /** * Function used to get user avatar * @param ARRAY $userdetail * @param SIZE $int */ function avatar($param,&$Smarty) { global $userquery; $udetails = $param['details']; $size = $param['size']; $uid = $param['uid']; return $userquery->avatar($udetails,$size,$uid); } /** * This funcion used to call function dynamically in smarty */ function load_form($param,&$Smarty) { $func = $param['name']; if(function_exists($func)) return $func($param); } /** * Function used to add custom upload fields * In this you will provide an array that has a complete * details of the field such as 'name',validate_func etc * please check for "how to add custom upload field" */ function register_custom_upload_field($array) { global $Upload; $name = key($array); if(is_array($array) && !empty($array[$name]['name'])) { foreach($array as $key => $arr) $Upload->custom_upload_fields[$key] = $arr; } } /** * Function used to add custom form fields * In this you will provide an array that has a complete * details of the field such as 'name',validate_func etc * please check for "how to add custom form field" */ function register_custom_form_field($array) { global $Upload; $name = key($array); if(is_array($array) && !empty($array[$name]['name'])) { foreach($array as $key => $arr) $Upload->custom_form_fields[$key] = $arr; } } /** * Function used to get PHP Path */ function php_path() { return PHP_PATH; } /** * Function used to add actions that will be performed * when video is uploaded * @param Function name */ function register_after_video_upload_action($func) { global $Upload; $Upload->actions_after_video_upload[] = $func; } /** * Function used to add actions that will be performed * when video is going to play, it will check which player to use * what type to use and what to do * @param Function name */ function register_actions_play_video($func) { global $Cbucket; $Cbucket->actions_play_video[] = $func; } /** * Function in case htmlspecialchars_decode does not exist */ function unhtmlentities ($string) { $trans_tbl =get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES ); $trans_tbl =array_flip ($trans_tbl ); return strtr ($string ,$trans_tbl ); } /** * Function used to update processed video * @param Files details */ function update_processed_video($file_array) { global $db; $file = $file_array['cqueue_name']; $array = explode('-',$file); if(!empty($array[0])) $file_name = $array[0]; $file_name = $file; $file_path = VIDEOS_DIR.'/'.$file_array['cqueue_name'].'.flv'; if(file_exists($file_path)) { $file_size = filesize($file_path); //Now we will update video where file_name = $file_name if($file_size>0) { //Get Duration $stats = get_file_details($file_name); $db->update("video",array("status","duration"),array("Successful",$stats['src_duration'])," file_name='".$file_name."'"); } } } /** * This function will activate the video if file exists */ function activate_video_with_file($vid) { global $db; $vdetails = get_video_details($vid); $file_name = $vdetails['file_name']; $results = $db->select("conversion_queue","*"," cqueue_name='$file_name' AND cqueue_conversion='yes'"); $result = $results[0]; update_processed_video($result); } /** * Function Used to get video file stats from database * @param FILE_NAME */ function get_file_details($file_name) { global $db; $result = $db->select("video_files","*"," id ='$file_name' OR src_name = '$file_name' "); return $result[0]; } /** * Function used to execute command in background */ function bgexec($cmd) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows"){ //exec($cmd." >> /dev/null &"); exec($cmd); //pclose(popen("start \"bla\" \"" . $exe . "\" " . escapeshellarg($args), "r")); }else{ exec($cmd . " > /dev/null &"); } } /** * Function used to get thumbnail number from its name */ function get_thumb_num($name) { $list = explode('-',$name); $list = explode('.',$list[1]); return $list[0]; } /** * Function used to remove thumb */ function delete_video_thumb($file) { global $LANG; $path = THUMBS_DIR.'/'.$file; if(file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); e($LANG['video_thumb_delete_msg'],m); }else{ e($LANG['video_thumb_delete_err']); } } /** * Function used to get array value * if you know partial value of array and wants to know complete * value of an array, this function is being used then */ function array_find($needle, $haystack) { foreach ($haystack as $item) { if (strpos($item, $needle) !== FALSE) { return $item; break; } } } /** * Function used to give output in proper form */ function input_value($params,&$Smarty) { $input = $params['input']; if(function_exists($input['display_function'])) return $input['display_function']($input['value']); else return $input['value']; } /** * Function used to convert input to categories * @param input can be an array or #12# like */ function convert_to_categories($input) { if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as $in) { if(is_array($in)) { foreach($in as $i) { if(is_array($i)) { foreach($i as $info) { $cat_details = get_category($info); $cat_array[] = array($cat_details['categoryid'],$cat_details['category_name']); } }elseif(is_numeric($i)){ $cat_details = get_category($i); $cat_array[] = array($cat_details['categoryid'],$cat_details['category_name']); } } }elseif(is_numeric($in)){ $cat_details = get_category($in); $cat_array[] = array($cat_details['categoryid'],$cat_details['category_name']); } } }else{ preg_match_all('/#([0-9]+)#/',$default['category'],$m); $cat_array = array($m[1]); foreach($cat_array as $i) { $cat_details = get_category($i); $cat_array[] = array($cat_details['categoryid'],$cat_details['category_name']); } } $count = 1; if(is_array($cat_array)) { foreach($cat_array as $cat) { echo ''.$cat[1].''; if($count!=count($cat_array)) echo ', '; $count++; } } } /** * Function used to get categorie details */ function get_category($id) { global $myquery; return $myquery->get_category($id); } /** * Sharing OPT displaying */ function display_sharing_opt($input) { foreach($input as $key => $i) { return $key; break; } } /** * Function used to get number of videos uploaded by user * @param INT userid * @param Conditions */ function get_user_vids($uid,$cond=NULL,$count_only=false) { global $userquery; return $userquery->get_user_vids($uid,$cond,$count_only); } /** * Function used to get error_list */ function error_list() { global $eh; return $eh->error_list; } /** * Function used to add tempalte in display template list */ function template_files($file) { global $ClipBucket; $ClipBucket->template_files[] = $file; } /** * Function used to call display */ function display_it() { global $ClipBucket; $dir = LAYOUT; foreach($ClipBucket->template_files as $file) { if(file_exists(LAYOUT.'/'.$file)) { $new_list[] = $file; } } assign('template_files',$new_list); Template('body.html'); } /** * Function used to display hint */ function hint($hint) { } function showpagination($total,$page,$link,$extra_params=NULL,$tag='#page#') { global $pages; return $pages->pagination($total,$page,$link,$extra_params,$tag); } /** * Function used to check username is disallowed or not * @param USERNAME */ function check_disallowed_user($username) { global $Cbucket; $disallowed_user = $Cbucket->configs['disallowed_usernames']; $censor_users = explode(',',$disallowed_user); if(in_array($username,$censor_users)) return false; else return true; } ?>