admin_login_check(); $userquery->login_check('web_config_access'); $params = array('duration' => '1', 'duration_op' => '<=', 'status' => 'Successful'); $videos = get_videos($params); $fixed_array = array(); $action = $_POST['action']; if ($action) { foreach ($videos as $video) { $log = get_file_details($video['file_name']); if ($log && $action == 'fix') { //$duration = $log['output_duration']; //if(!$duration) // $duration = $log['duration']; $duration = parse_duration(LOGS_DIR . '/' . $video['file_name'] . '.log'); if (!$duration) e("Can't do anything about \"" . $video['title'] . "\""); else { $db->update(tbl('video'), array('duration'), array($duration), "videoid='" . $video['videoid'] . "'"); $fixed_array[$video['file_name']] = 'yes'; e("Succesfully updated duration of \"" . $video['title'] . "\" to " . SetTime($duration), 'm'); } } if (!$log && $action == 'fail') { $db->update(tbl("video"), array("status", "failed_reason"), array('Failed', "Unable to get video duration"), " file_name='" . $video['file_name'] . "'"); e("\"" . $video['title'] . "\" status has been changed to Failed", "m"); } if (!$log && $action == 'delete') { $db->update(tbl("video"), array("status", "failed_reason"), array('Failed', "Unable to get video duration"), " file_name='" . $video['file_name'] . "'"); $cbvideo->delete_video($video['videoid']); } } $videos = get_videos($params); } subtitle("Repair videos duration"); assign('videos', $videos); assign('fixed_array', $fixed_array); template_files('repair_vid_duration.html'); display_it(); ?>