upload_opt_list['link_video_link'] = array( 'title' => 'Video Link', 'load_func' => 'load_link_video_form', ); /** * Function used create duration from input * @param DURATION */ if(!function_exists('validate_duration')) { function validate_duration($time) { global $LANG; if(empty($time)) return true; $time = explode(':',$time); if(count($time)>0 && is_array($time)) { $sec = 0; $total = count($time); if($total==3) { $hrs = $time[0]*60*60; $mins = $time[1]*60; $secs = $time[2]; }elseif($total==2) { $hrs = 0; $mins = $time[0]*60; $secs = $time[1]; }else{ $hrs = 0; $mins = 0; $secs = $time[0]; } $sec = $hrs+$mins+$secs; if(!empty($sec)) return $sec; else e(lang('invalid_duration')); }else{ if(is_numeric($time)) return $time; else e(lang('invalid_duration')); } } } function check_remote_play_link($val) { //checking file exension $validExts = array('flv','mp4'); $ext = getExt($val); if(!in_array($ext,$validExts) || !$val || ( !stristr($val,'http://') && !stristr($val,'https://') && !stristr($val,'rtsp://') && !stristr($val,'rtmp://') )) { e("Invalid video url"); return false; } return true; } /** * Function used to validate embed code */ function validate_video_link($val) { if(empty($val) || $val=='none') { return 'none'; }else{ //checking file exension $validExts = array('flv','mp4'); $ext = getExt($val); if(!in_array($ext,$validExts) || ( !stristr($val,'http://') && !stristr($val,'https://') && !stristr($val,'rtsp://') && !stristr($val,'rtmp://') )) { return false; } return $val; } } /** * Function used to load embed form */ function load_link_video_form($params) { global $file_name; if($params['class']) $class = ' '.$params['class']; assign('objId',RandomString(5)); assign('class',$class); Template(PLUG_DIR.'/cb_link_video/form.html',false); } $link_vid_field_array['remote_play_url'] = array ( 'title' =>'Link to video', 'name' =>'remote_play_url', 'db_field' =>'remote_play_url', 'required' =>'no', 'validate_function'=>'validate_video_link', 'use_func_val' => true, 'type' => 'textfield', 'use_if_value' => true, 'hint_2'=>'Type "none" to set as empty', 'size'=>'45', 'rows'=>5 ); $link_vid_field_array['duration'] = array ( 'title' =>'Video duration', 'name' =>'duration', 'db_field' =>'duration', 'required' =>'no', 'validate_function'=>'validate_duration', 'use_func_val' => true, 'display_admin' => 'no_display', 'use_if_value' => true, ); $link_vid_field_array['thumb_file_field'] = array ( 'title' => 'Thumb File', 'type' => 'fileField', 'name' => 'thumb_file', 'required' => 'no', 'validate_function' => 'upload_thumb', 'display_admin' => 'no_display', ); function clean_remote_code($input) { $input = htmlspecialchars($input); //if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) // $input = addslashes($input); return $input; } if(!function_exists('upload_thumb')) { function upload_thumb($array) { global $file_name,$LANG; //Get File Name $file = $array['name']; $ext = getExt($file); $image = new ResizeImage(); if(!empty($file) && file_exists($array['tmp_name']) &&!error()) { if($image->ValidateImage($array['tmp_name'],$ext)){ $file = BASEDIR.'/files/thumbs/'.$_POST['file_name'].'.'.$ext; if(!file_exists($file)) { move_uploaded_file($array['tmp_name'],$file); $image->CreateThumb($file,$file,THUMB_WIDTH,$ext,THUMB_HEIGHT,false); } }else{ e(lang('vdo_thumb_up_err')); } }else{ return true; } } } /** * Function used to check embed video * if video is embeded , it will check its code * if everthing goes ok , it will change its status to successfull * @param VID */ function remote_video_check($vid) { global $myquery,$db; if(is_array($vid)) $vdetails = $vid; else $vdetails = $myquery->get_video_details($vid); if(!empty($vdetails['remote_play_url']) && $vdetails['remote_play_url'] !=' ' && $vdetails['remote_play_url'] !='none') { $db->update(tbl("video"),array("status"),array('Successful')," videoid='$vid'"); } } /** * Function used to play embed code * @param Video details */ function play_remote_video($vdetails) { if(!empty($vdetails['remote_play_url']) && $vdetails['remote_play_url']!='none') { return $vdetails['remote_play_url']; } } $Cbucket->custom_video_file_funcs[] = 'play_remote_video'; register_after_video_upload_action('remote_video_check'); register_custom_upload_field($link_vid_field_array); $Cbucket->add_header(PLUG_DIR.'/cb_link_video/header.html'); ?>