'user_permission_types', 'user_permissions' => 'user_permissions', 'user_level_permission' => 'user_levels_permissions', 'user_profile' => 'user_profile', 'users' => 'users', 'action_log' => 'action_log', 'subtbl' => 'subscriptions', 'contacts' => 'contacts', ); function userquery() { $this->cat_tbl = 'user_categories'; } function init() { global $sess; $this->userid = $sess->get('userid'); $this->username = $sess->get('username'); $this->level = $sess->get('level'); //Setting Access //Get list Of permission $perms = $this->get_permissions(); foreach($perms as $perm) { $this->add_access_type($perm['permission_code'],$perm['permission_name']); } /*$this->add_access_type('admin_access','Admin Access'); $this->add_access_type('upload_access','Upload Access'); $this->add_access_type('channel_access','Channel Access'); $this->add_access_type('mod_access','Moderator Access');*/ //Fetching List Of User Levels $levels = $this->get_levels(); foreach($levels as $level) { $this->usr_levels[$level['user_level_id']]=$level["user_level_name"]; } if(user_id()) { $this->permission = $this->get_user_level(userid()); $this->UpdateLastActive(userid()); }else $this->permission = $this->get_user_level(4,TRUE); //Adding Actions such Report, share,fav etc $this->action = new cbactions(); $this->action->type = 'u'; $this->action->name = 'user'; $this->action->obj_class = 'userquery'; $this->action->check_func = 'user_exists'; $this->action->type_tbl = $this->dbtbl['users']; $this->action->type_id_field = 'userid'; } /** * Function used to create user session key */ function create_session_key($session,$pass) { $newkey = $session.$pass; $newkey = md5($newkey); } /** * Function used to create user session code * just for session authentication incase user wants to login again */ function create_session_code() { $code = rand(10000,99999); return $code; } /** * Neat and clean function to login user * this function was made for v2.x with User Level System * param VARCHAR $username * param TEXT $password */ function login_user($username,$password) { global $LANG,$sess,$cblog,$db; //Now checking if user exists or not $pass = pass_code($password); $udetails = $this->get_user_with_pass($username,$pass); //Inerting Access Log $log_array = array('username'=>$username); //First we will check weather user is already logged in or not if($this->login_check) $msg[] = e($LANG['you_already_logged']); elseif(!$this->user_exists($username)) $msg[] = e($LANG['user_doesnt_exist']); elseif(!$udetails) $msg[] = e($LANG['usr_login_err']); elseif(strtolower($udetails['usr_status']) != 'ok') $msg[] = e($LANG['user_inactive_msg']); elseif($udetails['ban_status'] == 'yes') $msg[] = e($LANG['usr_ban_err']); else { $log_array['userid'] = $userid = $udetails['userid']; $log_array['useremail'] = $udetails['email']; $log_array['success'] = 1; $log_array['level'] = $level = $udetails['level']; //Adding Sessing In Database //$sess->add_session($userid,'logged_in'); $sess->set('username',$username); $sess->set('level',$level); $sess->set('userid',$userid); //Starting special sessions for security $sess->set('user_session_key',$udetails['user_session_key']); $sess->set('user_session_code',$udetails['user_session_code']); //Setting Vars $this->userid = $sess->get('userid'); $this->username = $sess->get('username'); $this->level = $sess->get('level'); //Updating User last login , num of visist and ip $db->update('users', array( 'num_visits','last_logged','ip' ), array( '|f|num_visits+1',NOW(),$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ), "userid='".$userid."'" ); $this->init(); //Logging Actiong $cblog->insert('login',$log_array); return true; } //Error Loging if(!empty($msg)) { //Loggin Action $log_array['success'] = no; $log_array['details'] = $msg[0]; $cblog->insert('login',$log_array); } } /** * Function used to check weather user is login or not * it will also check weather user has access or not * @param VARCHAR acess type it can be admin_access, upload_acess etc * you can either set it as level id */ function login_check($access=NULL,$check_only=FALSE) { global $LANG,$Cbucket,$sess; //First check weather userid is here or not if(!userid()) { if(!$check_only) e($LANG['you_not_logged_in']); return false; } elseif(!$this->session_auth(userid())) { if(!$check_only) e($LANG['usr_invalid_session_err']); return false; } //Now Check if logged in user exists or not elseif(!$this->user_exists(userid())) { if(!$check_only) e($LANG['invalid_user']); return false; } //Now Check logged in user is banned or not elseif($this->is_banned(userid())=='yes') { if(!$check_only) e($LANG['usr_ban_err']); return false; } //Now user have passed all the stages, now checking if user has level access or not elseif($access) { //$access_details = $this->get_user_level(userid()); $access_details = $this->permission; if(is_numeric($access)) { if($access_details['level_id'] == $access) { return true; }else{ if(!$check_only) e($LANG['insufficient_privileges']); $Cbucket->show_page(false); return false; } }else { if($access_details[$access] == 'yes') { return true; } else { if(!$check_only) { e($LANG['insufficient_privileges']); $Cbucket->show_page(false); } return false; } } } else { return true; } } /** * This function was used to check * user is logged in or not -- for v1.7.x and old * it has been replaced by login_check in v2 * this function is sitll in use so * we are just replace the lil code of it */ function logincheck($redirect=TRUE) { if(!$this->login_check()) { if($redirect==TRUE) redirect_to(BASEURL.signup_link); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Function used to authenticate user session */ function session_auth($uid) { global $sess; $ufields = $this->get_user_fields($uid,'user_session_key,user_session_code'); if($sess->get('user_session_key') == $ufields['user_session_key'] && $sess->get('user_session_code') == $ufields['user_session_code']) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to get user details using username and password */ function get_user_with_pass($username,$pass) { global $db; $results = $db->select("users", "userid,email,level,usr_status,user_session_key,user_session_code", "(username='$username' OR userid='$username') AND password='$pass'"); if($db->num_rows > 0) { return $results[0]; }else{ return false; } } /** * Function used to check weather user is banned or not */ function is_banned($uid) { global $db; $details = $this->get_user_field($uid,'ban_status'); return $details['ban_status']; } /* -- USED WITH PRIRIOR VERSIONS OF CB //This Function Is Used to Login Admin function adminlogin($username,$password){ $query = mysql_query("Select * FROM users WHERE level = 'Admin' and username = '".$username."' and password = '".$password."'"); $updatequery = "UPDATE users SET session='".$_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']."' WHERE username = '".$username."'"; if(mysql_num_rows($query) >0 ){ $data = mysql_fetch_array($query); if($data['ban_status'] != 'yes'){ setcookie('username',$username,time()+7200,'/'); setcookie('userid',$data['userid'],time()+7200,'/'); setcookie('session',$_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'],time()+7200,'/'); session_register('username'); session_register('superadmin'); session_register('admin'); session_register('userid'); $_SESSION['userid'] = $data['userid']; $_SESSION['username'] = $data['username']; if($data['userid']==1){ $_SESSION['superadmin'] = $data['username']; } $_SESSION['admin'] = $data['username']; mysql_query($updatequery); $login = 'loggedin'; }else{ $login = 'banned'; } }else{ $login = 'failed'; } return $login; } */ function admin_check(){ return $this->login_check('admin_access'); } /** * Function used to check user is admin or not * @param BOOLEAN if true, after checcking user will be redirected to login page if needed */ function admin_login_check($check_only=false) { if(!$this->login_check('admin_access')) { if($check_only==FALSE) redirect_to('login.php'); return false; }else{ return true; } } //This Function Is Used to Logout function logout($page='login.php'){ global $sess; $sess->un_set('username'); $sess->un_set('level'); $sess->un_set('userid'); $sess->un_set('user_session_key'); $sess->un_set('user_session_code'); //$sess->remove_session(userid()); } /** * Function used to delete user */ function delete_user($uid) { global $db; if($this->user_exists($uid)) { $udetails = $this->get_user_details($uid); if(userid()!=uid&&has_access('admin_access')&&$uid!=1) { //list of functions to perform while deleting a video $del_user_funcs = $this->delete_user_functions; if(is_array($del_user_funcs)) { foreach($del_user_funcs as $func) { if(function_exists($func)) { $func($udetails); } } } //Removing Subsriptions and subscribers $this->remove_user_subscriptions($uid); $this->remove_user_subscribers($uid); //Finally Removing Database entry of video $db->execute("DELETE FROM ".$this->dbtbl['users']." WHERE userid='$uid'"); $db->execute("DELETE FROM ".$this->dbtbl['user_profile']." WHERE userid='$uid'"); e(lang("class_vdo_del_msg"),m); }else{ e(lang("You cannot delete this user")); } }else{ e(lang("user_doesnt_exist")); } } /** * Remove all user subscriptions */ function remove_user_subscriptions($uid) { global $db; if(!$this->user_exists($uid)) e(lang("user_doesnt_exist")); elseif(!has_access('admin_access')) e("You dont have sufficient permissions"); else { $db->execute("DELETE FROM ".$this->dbtbl['subtbl']." WHERE userid='$uid'"); e("User subscriptions have been removed","m"); } } /** * Remove all user subscribers */ function remove_user_subscribers($uid) { global $db; if(!$this->user_exists($uid)) e(lang("user_doesnt_exist")); elseif(!has_access('admin_access')) e("You dont have sufficient permissions"); else { $db->execute("DELETE FROM ".$this->dbtbl['subtbl']." WHERE subscribed_to='$uid'"); e("User subscribers have been removed","m"); } } //Delete User function DeleteUser($id){ return $this->delete_user($id); } //Check User Exists or Not function Check_User_Exists($id){ global $db; $result = $db->count($this->dbtbl['users'],"userid"," userid='".$id."' OR username='".$id."'"); if($result>0) { return true; }else{ return false; } } function user_exists($username) { return $this->Check_User_Exists($username); } /** * Function used to get user details using userid */ function get_user_details($id=NULL) { global $db; /*if(!$id) $id = userid();*/ $results = $db->select('users','*'," userid='$id' OR username='".$id."' OR email='".$id."'"); return $results[0]; }function GetUserData($id=NULL){ return $this->get_user_details($id); } //Get User Data from Database function GetUserData_username($username){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='".$username."'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($query); return $data; } //Get User Data from Database function CheckVideoOwner($videoid,$username){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid='".$videoid."'"); $videodata = mysql_fetch_array($query); if($videodata['username'] == $username) { $response = 1; } else { $response = 0; } return $response; } //Function Used to Count Number of Videos Uploaded By User function TotalVideos($username){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video WHERE username = '".$username."'"); $total = mysql_num_rows($query); return $total; } //Function Used to Count Number of Friends of User function TotalFriends($username){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE username = '".$username."' AND type='1'"); $total = mysql_num_rows($query); return $total; } //Function Used to Count Number of Groups of User function TotalGroups($username){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE username = '".$username."'"); $total = mysql_num_rows($query); return $total; } //Function Used To Activate User function activate_user_with_avcode($user,$avcode) { global $eh; $data = $this->get_user_details($user); if(!$data || !$user) e(lang("usr_exist_err")); elseif($udetails['usr_status']=='Ok') e(lang('usr_activation_err')); elseif($udetails['ban_status']=='yes') e(lang('ban_status')); elseif($data['avcode'] !=$avcode) e(lang('avcode_incorrect')); else { $this->action('activate',$data['userid']); $eh->flush(); e(lang("usr_activation_msg"),"m"); if($data['welcome_email_sent']=='no') $this->send_welcome_email($data,TRUE); } } /** * Function used to send activation code * to user * @param : $usenrma,$email or $userid */ function send_activation_code($email) { global $db,$cbemail; $udetails = $this->get_user_details($email); if(!$udetails || !$email) e(lang("usr_exist_err")); elseif($udetails['usr_status']=='Ok') e(lang('usr_activation_err')); elseif($udetails['ban_status']=='yes') e(lang('ban_status')); else { $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('avcode_request_template'); $more_var = array ('{username}' => $udetails['username'], '{email}' => $udetails['email'], '{avcode}' => $udetails['avcode'] ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$udetails['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); e(lang('usr_activation_em_msg'),"m"); } } function SendActivation($email) { return $this->send_activation_code($email); } /** * Function used to send welcome email */ function send_welcome_email($user,$update_email_status=FALSE) { global $db,$cbemail; if(!is_array($user)) $udetails = $this->get_user_details($user); else $udetails = $user; if(!$udetails) e(lang("usr_exist_err")); else { $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('welcome_message_template'); $more_var = array ('{username}' => $udetails['username'], '{email}' => $udetails['email'], ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$udetails['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); if($update_email_status) $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],array('welcome_email_sent'),array("yes")," userid='".$udetails['userid']."' "); } } /** * Function used to change user password */ function ChangeUserPassword($array){ global $db; $old_pass = $array['old_pass']; $new_pass = $array['new_pass']; $c_new_pass = $array['c_new_pass']; $uid = $array['userid']; if(!$this->get_user_with_pass($uid,pass_code($old_pass))) e(lang('usr_pass_err')); elseif(empty($new_pass)) e(lang('usr_pass_err2')); elseif($new_pass != $c_new_pass) e(lang('usr_cpass_err1')); else { $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],array('password'),array(pass_code($array['new_pass']))," userid='".$uid."'"); e(lang("usr_pass_email_msg"),"m"); } return $msg; } function change_user_pass($array){ return $this->ChangeUserPassword($array); } function change_password($array){ return $this->ChangeUserPassword($array); } /** * Function used to add contact */ function add_contact($uid,$fid) { global $cbemail,$db; $friend = $this->get_user_details($fid); $sender = $this->get_user_details($uid); if(!$friend) e(lang('usr_exist_err')); elseif($this->is_requested_friend($uid,$fid)) e("You have already sent friend request"); elseif($this->is_requested_friend($uid,$fid,"in")) { $this->confirm_friend($fid,$uid); e("Friend has been added"); }else { $db->insert($this->dbtbl['contacts'],array('userid','contact_userid','date_added'), array($uid,$fid,now())); $insert_id = $db->insert_id(); e("Friend request has been sent","m"); //Sending friendship request email $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('friend_request_email'); $more_var = array ( '{reciever}' => $friend['username'], '{sender}' => $sender['username'], '{sender_link}'=> $this->profile_link($sender), '{request_link}'=> BASEURL.'/manage_contacts.php?mode=request&confirm='.$insert_id ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$friend['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); } } /** * Function used to check weather users are confirmed friends or not */ function is_confirmed_friend($uid,$fid) { global $db; $count = $db->count($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"contact_id", " (userid='$uid' AND contact_userid='$fid') OR (userid='$fid' AND contact_userid='$uid') AND confirmed='yes'" ); if($count[0]>0) return true; else return false; } /** * function used to check weather users are firends or not */ function is_friend($uid,$fid) { global $db; $count = $db->count($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"contact_id", " (userid='$uid' AND contact_userid='$fid') OR (userid='$fid' AND contact_userid='$uid')" ); if($count[0]>0) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to check weather user has already requested friendship or not */ function is_requested_friend($uid,$fid,$type='out',$confirm=NULL) { global $db; $query = ""; if($confirm) $query = " AND confirmed='$confirm' "; if($type=='out') $count = $db->count($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"contact_id"," userid='$uid' AND contact_userid='$fid' $query" ); else $count = $db->count($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"contact_id"," userid='$fid' AND contact_userid='$uid' $query" ); if($count[0]>0) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to confirm friend */ function confirm_friend($uid,$rid,$msg=TRUE) { global $cbemail,$db; if(!$this->is_requested_friend($rid,$uid,'out','no')) { if($msg) e("Either user has not requested you friend request or you have already confirmed it"); }else { $db->update($this->dbtbl['contacts'],array('confirmed'),array("yes")," userid='$rid' AND contact_userid='$uid' " ); if($msg) e("Friend has been confirmed","m"); //Sending friendship confirmation email $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('friend_confirmation_email'); $friend = $this->get_user_details($rid); $sender = $this->get_user_details($uid); $more_var = array ( '{reciever}' => $friend['username'], '{sender}' => $sender['username'], '{sender_link}'=> $this->profile_link($sender), ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$friend['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); } } /** * Function used to confirm request */ function confirm_request($rid,$uid=NULL) { global $db; if(!$uid) $uid = userid(); $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"*"," contact_id='$rid'"); $result = $result[0]; if($db->num_rows==0) e("No friend request found"); elseif($uid!=$result['contact_userid']) e("You cannot confirm this request"); elseif($result['confirmed']=='yes') e("Friend request is already confirmed"); else { $this->confirm_friend($uid,$result['userid']); } } /** * Function used to get user contacts */ function get_contacts($uid,$group=0,$confirmed=NULL) { global $db; $query = ""; if($confirmed) $query = " AND confirmed='$confirmed' "; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"*"," userid='$uid' OR contact_userid='$uid' $query AND contact_group_id='$group' "); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to get pending contacts */ function get_pending_contacts($uid,$group=0) { global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"*"," userid='$uid' AND confirmed='no' AND contact_group_id='$group' "); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to get pending contacts */ function get_requested_contacts($uid,$group=0) { global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['contacts'],"*"," contact_userid='$uid' AND confirmed='no' AND contact_group_id='$group' "); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to remove user from contact list * @param fid {id of friend that user wants to remove} * @param uid {id of user who is removing other from friendlist} */ function remove_contact($fid,$uid=NULL) { global $db; if(!$uid) $uid = userid(); if(!$this->is_friend($fid,$uid)) e("User is not in your contact list"); else { $db->Execute("DELETE from ".$this->dbtbl['contacts']." WHERE (userid='$uid' AND contact_userid='$fid') OR (userid='$fid' AND contact_userid='$uid')" ); e("User has been removed from your contact list","m"); } } /** * Funcion used to increas user total_watched field */ function increment_watched_vides($userid) { global $db; $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],array('total_watched'),array('|f|total_watched+1')," userid='$userid'"); } /** * Old Function : GetNewMsgs * This function is used to get user messages * @param : user * @param : sent/inbox * @param : count (TRUE : FALSE) */ function get_pm_msgs($user,$box='inbox',$count=FALSE){ global $db,$eh,$LANG; if(!$user) $user = user_id(); if(!user_id()) { $eh->e($LANG['you_not_logged_in']); }else{ switch($box) { case 'inbox': default: $boxtype = 'inbox'; break; case 'sent': case 'outbox': $boxtype = 'outbox'; break; } if($count) $status_query = " AND status = '0' "; $results = $db->select("messages", " message_id ", "(".$boxtype."_user = '$user' OR ".$boxtype."_user_id = '$user') $status_query"); if($db->num_rows > 0) { if($count) return $db->num_rows; else return $results; } else { return false; } } } function GetNewMsgs($user) { $msgs = $this->get_pm_msgs($user,'inbox',TRUE); if($msgs) return $msgs; else return 0; } /** * Function used to subscribe user */ function subscribe_user($to,$user=NULL) { if(!$user) $user = userid(); global $db; $to_user = $this->get_user_details($to); if(!$this->user_exists($to)) e(lang('usr_exist_err')); elseif(!$user) e(sprintf(lang('please_login_subscribe'),$to_user['username'])); elseif($this->is_subscribed($to,$user)) e(sprintf(lang("usr_sub_err"),$to_user['username'])); else { $db->insert($this->dbtbl['subtbl'],array('userid','subscribed_to','date_added'), array($user,$to,NOW())); e(sprintf(lang('usr_sub_msg'),$to_user['username']),'m'); } } function SubscribeUser($sub_user,$sub_to){return $this->subscribe_user($sub_to,$sub_user);} /** * Function used to check weather user is already subscribed or not */ function is_subscribed($to,$user=NULL) { if(!$user) $user = userid(); global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['subtbl'],"*"," subscribed_to='$to' AND userid='$user'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to get user subscibers * @param userid */ function get_user_subscribers($id) { global $id; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['subtbl'],"*"," subscribed_to='$to' "); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * function used to get user subscribers with details */ function get_user_subscribers_detail($id,$limit=NULL) { global $db; $result = $db->select("users,".$this->dbtbl['subtbl'],"*"," subscriptions.subscribed_to = '$id' AND subscriptions.userid=users.userid",$limit); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to get user subscriptions */ function get_user_subscriptions($id,$limit=NULL) { global $db; $result = $db->select("users,".$this->dbtbl['subtbl'],"*"," subscriptions.userid = '$id' AND subscriptions.subscribed_to=users.userid",$limit); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to reset user password * it has two steps * 1 to send confirmation * 2 to reset the password */ function reset_password($step,$input,$code=NULL) { global $cbemail,$db; switch($step) { case 1: { $udetails = $this->get_user_details($input); if(!$udetails) e(lang('usr_exist_err')); //verifying captcha... elseif(!verify_captcha()) e(lang('usr_ccode_err')); else { //Sending confirmation email $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('password_reset_request'); $more_var = array ('{username}' => $udetails['username'], '{email}' => $udetails['email'], '{avcode}' => $udetails['avcode'], '{userid}' => $udetails['userid'], ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$udetails['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); e(lang('usr_rpass_email_msg'),"m"); } } break; case 2: { $udetails = $this->get_user_details($input); if(!$udetails) e(lang('usr_exist_err')); //verifying captcha... elseif($udetails['avcode'] !=$code) e(lang('usr_ccode_err')); else { $newpass = RandomString(6); $pass = pass_code($newpass); $avcode = RandomString(10); $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],array('password','avcode'),array($pass,$avcode)," userid='".$udetails['userid']."'"); //sending new password email... //Sending confirmation email $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('password_reset_details'); $more_var = array ('{username}' => $udetails['username'], '{email}' => $udetails['email'], '{avcode}' => $udetails['avcode'], '{userid}' => $udetails['userid'], '{password}' => $newpass, ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$udetails['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); e(lang('usr_pass_email_msg'),m); } } break; } } /** * Function used to recover username */ function recover_username($email) { global $cbemail; $udetails = $this->get_user_details($email); if(!$udetails) e(lang('usr_exist_err')); //verifying captcha... elseif($udetails['avcode'] !=$code) e(lang('usr_ccode_err')); else { $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('forgot_username_request'); $more_var = array ( '{username}' => $udetails['username'], ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>$udetails['email'],'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); e(lang('usr_pass_email_msg'),m); e(lang("usr_uname_email_msg"),"m"); } return $msg; } //Gettin Bridge Paramaters function GetBridgeParams($bridgeid){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM login_bridges WHERE bridge_id='".$bridgeid."'"); return mysql_fetch_array($query); } //Updateing User if login function UpdateBrigeUser($username,$session,$bridge){ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bridge_users where username='".$username."'"); $date = time(); if(mysql_num_rows($query)>0){ mysql_query("UPDATE bridge_users SET session = '".$session."', date_updated = '".$date."'WHERE username='".$username."'"); }else{ mysql_query("INSERT INTO bridge_users(username,session,bridge,date_update)VALUES('".$username."','".$session."','".$bridge."','".$date."'"); } } //FUNCTION USED TO UPDATE LAST ACTIVE FOR OF USER // @ Param : username function UpdateLastActive($username) { global $db; $sql = "UPDATE users SET last_active = '".NOW()."' WHERE username='".$username."' OR userid='".$username."' "; $db->Execute($sql); } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GE USER THUMBNAIL * @param : thumb file * @param : size (NULL,small) */ function getUserThumb($udetails,$size='',$uid=NULL,$just_file=false) { $remote = false; if(empty($udetails['userid'])) $udetails = $this->get_user_details($uid); //$thumbnail = $udetails['avatar'] ? $udetails['avatar'] : NO_AVATAR; $thumbnail = $udetails['avatar']; $thumb_file = BASEDIR.'/images/avatars/'.$thumbnail; if(file_exists($thumb_file) && $thumbnail!='') $thumb_file = BASEURL.'/images/avatars/'.$thumbnail; elseif(!empty($udetails['avatar_url'])) { $thumb_file = $udetails['avatar_url']; $remote = true; }else $thumb_file = BASEURL.'/images/avatars/'.NO_AVATAR; $ext = GetExt($thumb_file); $file = getName($thumb_file); if(!$remote) { if(!empty($size)) $thumb = BASEURL.'/images/avatars/'.$file.'-'.$size.'.'.$ext; else $thumb = BASEURL.'/images/avatars/'.$file.'.'.$ext; }else $thumb = $thumb_file; if($just_file) return $file.'.'.$ext; return $thumb; } function avatar($udetails,$size='',$uid=NULL) { return $this->getUserThumb($udetails,$size,$uid); } /** * Function used to get user Background * @param : bg file */ function getUserBg($udetails) { $remote = false; if(empty($udetails['userid'])) $udetails = $this->get_user_details($uid); //$thumbnail = $udetails['avatar'] ? $udetails['avatar'] : 'no_avatar.jpg'; $file = $udetails['background']; $bgfile = BASEDIR.'/images/backgrounds/'.$file; if(file_exists($bgfile) && $file) $thumb_file = BASEURL.'/images/backgrounds/'.$file; elseif(!empty($udetails['background_url'])) { $thumb_file = $udetails['background_url']; $remote = true; }else return false; return $thumb_file; } /** * Function used to get user subscriber's list * @param VARCHAR//INT username or userid , both works fine */ function get_user_subscriber($username) { global $db; $results = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subsctibe_to='$username'"); if($results->recordcount() > 0) return $results->getrows(); else return false; } /** * Function used to get user field * @ param INT userid * @ param FIELD name */ function get_user_field($uid,$field) { global $db; $results = $db->select('users',$field,"userid='$uid' OR username='$uid'"); if($db->num_rows>0) { return $results[0]; }else{ return false; } }function get_user_fields($uid,$field){return $this->get_user_field($uid,$field);} /** * This function will return * user field without array */ function get_user_field_only($uid,$field) { $fields = $this->get_user_field($uid,$field); return $fields[$field]; } /** * Function used to get user level and its details * @param INT userid */ function get_user_level($uid,$is_level=false) { global $db; if($is_level) $level['level'] = $uid; else { if(!$uid) $uid = userid(); $level = $this->get_user_field($uid,'level'); } $results = $db->select('user_levels','*'," user_level_id='".$level['level']."'"); if($db->num_rows == 0) //incase user level is not valid, it will consider it as registered user $u_level['user_level_id'] = 3; else $u_level = $results[0]; //Now Getting Access Details $access_results = $db->select("user_levels_permissions","*", "user_level_id = '".$u_level['user_level_id']."'"); $a_results = $access_results[0]; //Now Merging the two arrays $user_level = array_merge($u_level,$a_results); return $user_level; } /** * Function used to get all levels * @param : filter */ function get_levels($filter=NULL) { global $db; $results = $db->select("user_levels","*",NULL,NULL," user_level_id ASC" ); if($db->num_rows > 0) { return $results; }else{ return false; } } /** * Function used to get level details * @param : level_id INT */ function get_level_details($lid) { global $db; $results = $db->select("user_levels","*"," user_level_id='$lid' "); if($db->num_rows > 0 ) { return $results[0]; }else{ e("Cannot find level"); return false; } } /** * Function used to get users of particular level * @param : level_id * @param : count BOOLEAN (if TRUE it will return NUMBERS) */ function get_level_users($id,$count=FALSE) { global $db; $results = $db->select("users","level"," level='$id'"); if($db->num_rows>0) { if($count) return $db->num_rows; else return $results; }else{ return 0; } } /** * Function used to add user level */ function add_user_level($array) { global $db; if(!is_array($array)) $array = $_POST; $level_name = mysql_clean($array['level_name']); if(empty($level_name)) e("Please enter level nane"); else { $db->insert("user_levels",array('user_level_name'),array($level_name)); $iid = $db->insert_id(); $fields_array[] = 'user_level_id'; $value_array[] = $iid; foreach($this->get_access_type_list() as $access => $name) { $fields_array[] = $access; $value_array[] = $array[$access] ? $array[$access] : 'no'; } $db->insert("user_levels_permissions",$fields_array,$value_array); return true; } } /** * Function usewd to get level permissions */ function get_level_permissions($id) { global $db; $results = $db->select("user_levels_permissions","*"," user_level_id = '$id'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return $results[0]; else return false; } /** * Function used to get custom permissions */ function get_access_type_list() { return $this->access_type_list; } /** * Function used to add new custom permission */ function add_access_type($access,$name) { if(!empty($access) && !empty($name)) $this->access_type_list[$access] = $name; } /** * Function get access */ function get_access($access) { return $this->access_type_list[$access]; } /** * Function used to update user level * @param INT level_id * @param ARRAY perm_level */ function update_user_level($id,$array) { global $db; if(!is_array($array)) $array = $_POST; //First Checking Level $level = $this->get_level_details($id); if($level) { foreach($this->get_access_type_list() as $access => $name) { $fields_array[] = $access; $value_array[] = $array[$access]; } //Checking level Name if(!empty($array['level_name'])) { $level_name = mysql_clean($array['level_name']); //Upadting Now $db->update("user_levels",array("user_level_name"),array($level_name)," user_level_id = '$id'"); } //Updating Permissions $db->update("user_levels_permissions",$fields_array,$value_array," user_level_id = '$id'"); e("Level has been updated",m); return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * Function used to delete user levels * @param INT level_id */ function delete_user_level($id) { global $db; $level_details = $this->get_level_details($id); $de_level = $this->get_level_details(3); if($level_details) { //CHeck if leve is deleteable or not if($level_details['user_level_is_default']=='no') { $db->delete("user_levels",array("user_level_id"),array($id)); $db->delete("user_levels_permissions",array("user_level_id"),array($id)); e("User level has been deleted, all users of this level has been transfered to '".$de_level['user_level_name']."' "); $db->update("users",array("level"),array(3)," level='$id'"); return true; }else{ e("This level is not deletable"); return false; } } } /** * Function used to count total video comments */ function count_profile_comments($id) { global $db; $total_comments = $db->count('comments',"comment_id","type='c' AND type_id='$id'"); return $total_comments; } function count_channel_comments($id){ return $this->count_profile_comments($id); } /** * Function used to count total comments made by users */ function count_comments_by_user($uid) { global $db; $total_comments = $db->count('comments',"comment_id","userid='$uid'"); return $total_comments; } /** * Function used to update user comments */ function update_comments_by_user($uid) { global $db; $total_comments = $this->count_comments_by_user($id); $db->update("users",array("total_comments"),array($total_comments)," userid='$id'"); } /** * Function used to update user comments count */ function update_comments_count($id) { global $db; $total_comments = $this->count_profile_comments($id); $db->update("users",array("comments_count"),array($total_comments)," userid='$id'"); } /** * Function used to add comment on users profile */ function add_comment($comment,$obj_id,$reply_to=NULL,$type='c') { global $myquery; if(!$this->user_exists($obj_id)) e("User does not exists"); else $add_comment = $myquery->add_comment($comment,$obj_id,$reply_to,$type); if($add_comment) { //Updating Number of comments of video $this->update_comments_count($obj_id); } return $add_comment; } /** * Function used to remove video comment */ function delete_comment($cid,$is_reply=FALSE) { global $myquery,$db; $remove_comment = $myquery->delete_comment($cid,'c',$is_reply); if($remove_comment) { //Updating Number of comments of video $this->update_comments_count($obj_id); } return $remove_comment; } /** * Function used to get number of videos uploaded by user * @param INT userid * @param Conditions */ function get_user_vids($uid,$cond=NULL,$count_only=false) { global $db; if($cond!=NULL) $cond = " AND $cond "; $results = $db->select("video","*"," userid = '$uid' $cond"); if($db->num_rows > 0) { if($count_only) return $db->num_rows; else return $results[0]; }else{ return false; } } /** * Function used to get logged in username */ function get_logged_username() { return $this->get_user_field_only(user_id(),'username'); } /** * FUnction used to get username from userid */ function get_username($uid) { return $this->get_user_field_only($uid,'username'); } /** * Function used to create profile link */ function profile_link($udetails) { if(!is_array($udetails) && is_numeric($udetails)) $udetails = $this->get_user_details($udetails); if(SEO!="yes") return BASEURL.'/view_channel.php?user='.$udetails['username']; else return BASEURL.'/user/'.$udetails['username']; } function get_user_link($u) { return $this->profile_link($u); } /** * Function used to get permission types */ function get_level_types() { global $db; return $db->select($this->dbtbl['user_permission_type'],"*"); } /** * Function used to check weather level type exists or not */ function level_type_exists($id) { global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['user_permission_type'],"*"," user_permission_type_id='".$id."' OR user_permission_type_name='$id'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result[0]; else return false; } /** * Function used to add new permission */ function add_new_permission($array) { global $db; if(empty($array['code'])) e("Permission code is empty"); elseif(empty($array['name'])) e("Permission name is empty"); elseif($this->permission_exists($array['code'])) e("Permission already exists"); elseif(!$this->level_type_exists($array['type'])) e("Permission type is not valid"); else { $type = $this->level_type_exists($array['type']); $typeid = $type['user_permission_type_id']; $code = mysql_clean($array['code']); $name = mysql_clean($array['name']); $desc = mysql_clean($array['desc']); $default = mysql_clean($array['default']); $default = $default ? $default : "yes"; $db->insert($this->dbtbl['user_permissions'], array('permission_type','permission_code','permission_name','permission_desc','permission_default'), array($typeid,$code,$name,$desc,$default)); $db->execute("ALTER TABLE `".$this->dbtbl['user_level_permission']."` ADD `".$code."` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '".$default."'"); e("New Permission has been added","m"); } } /** * Function used to check permission exists or not * @Param permission code */ function permission_exists($code) { global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['user_permissions'],"*"," permission_code='".$code."' OR permission_id='".$code."'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result[0]; else return false; } /** * Function used to get permissions */ function get_permissions($type=NULL) { global $db; if($type) $cond = " permission_type ='$type'"; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['user_permissions'],"*",$cond); if($db->num_rows>0) { return $result; }else { return false; } } /** * Function used to remove Permission */ function remove_permission($id) { global $db; $permission = $this->permission_exists($id); if($permission) { $field = $permission['permission_code']; $db->delete($this->dbtbl['user_permissions'],array("permission_id"),array($id)); $db->execute("ALTER TABLE `".$this->dbtbl['user_level_permission']."` DROP `".$field."` "); e("Permission has been delete","m"); }else e("Permission does not exist"); } /** * Function used to check weather current user has permission * to view page or not * it will also check weather current page requires login * if login is required, user will be redirected to signup page */ function perm_check($access='',$check_login=FALSE,$control_page=true) { global $Cbucket; /*if($check_login) { return $this->login_check($access); }else {*/ $access_details = $this->permission; if(is_numeric($access)) { if($access_details['level_id'] == $access) { return true; }else{ if(!$check_only) e($LANG['insufficient_privileges']); if($control_page) $Cbucket->show_page(false); return false; } }else { if($access_details[$access] == 'yes') { return true; } else { if(!$check_login) e(lang('insufficient_privileges')); else { if(userid()) e(lang('insufficient_privileges')); else e(sprintf(lang('insufficient_privileges_loggin'),cblink(array('name'=>'signup')),cblink(array('name'=>'signup')))); } if($control_page) $Cbucket->show_page(false); return false; } } //} } /** * Function used to get user profile details */ function get_user_profile($uid) { global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['user_profile'],"*"," userid='$uid'"); if($db->num_rows>0) { return $result[0]; }else return false; } /** * FUnction loading personal details */ function load_personal_details($default) { $user_vids = get_videos(array('user'=>$default['userid'])); if(is_array($user_vids)) foreach($user_vids as $user_vid) { $usr_vids[$user_vid['videoid']] = $user_vid['title']; } if(!$default) $default = $_POST; $profile_fields = array ( 'first_name' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_fname"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "first_name", 'id'=> "first_name", 'value'=> $default['first_name'], 'db_field'=>'first_name', 'required'=>'no', 'syntax_type'=> 'name', 'auto_view'=>'yes' ), 'last_name' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_lname"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "last_name", 'id'=> "last_name", 'value'=> $default['last_name'], 'db_field'=>'last_name', 'syntax_type'=> 'name', 'auto_view'=>'yes' ), 'profile_title' => array( 'title'=> lang("profile_title"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "profile_title", 'id'=> "last_name", 'value'=> $default['profile_title'], 'db_field'=>'profile_title', 'auto_view'=>'no' ), 'profile_desc' => array( 'title'=> lang("profile_desc"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "profile_desc", 'id'=> "last_name", 'value'=> $default['profile_desc'], 'db_field'=>'profile_desc', 'auto_view'=>'no' ), 'relation_status' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_relat_status"), 'type'=> "dropdown", 'name'=> "relation_status", 'id'=> "last_name", 'value'=> array(lang('usr_arr_single')=>lang('usr_arr_single'), lang('usr_arr_married')=>lang('usr_arr_married'), lang('usr_arr_comitted')=>lang('usr_arr_comitted'), lang('usr_arr_open_relate')=>lang('usr_arr_open_relate')), 'checked'=> $default['relation_status'], 'db_field'=>'relation_status', 'auto_view'=>'yes', 'return_checked' => true, ), 'show_dob' => array( 'title'=> lang("show_dob"), 'type'=> "radiobutton", 'name'=> "show_dob", 'id'=> "show_dob", 'value' => array('yes'=>lang('yes'),'no'=>lang('no')), 'checked' => $default['show_dob'], 'db_field'=>'show_dob', 'syntax_type'=> 'name', 'auto_view'=>'no' ), 'about_me' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_about_me"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "about_me", 'id'=> "about_me", 'value'=> $default['about_me'], 'db_field'=>'about_me', 'auto_view'=>'yes', ), 'profile_tags' => array( 'title'=> lang("profile_tags"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "profile_tags", 'id'=> "profile_tags", 'value'=> $default['profile_tags'], 'db_field'=>'profile_tags', 'auto_view'=>'no' ), 'web_url' => array( 'title'=> lang("website"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "web_url", 'id'=> "web_url", 'value'=> $default['web_url'], 'db_field'=>'web_url', 'auto_view'=>'yes', 'display_function'=>'outgoing_link' ), 'profile_video' => array( 'title' => lang('Profile Video'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'profile_video', 'id' => 'profile_video', 'value' => $usr_vids, 'checked' => $default['profile_video'], 'db_field' => 'profile_video', 'auto_view' => 'no', ) ); return $profile_fields; } /** * function used to load location fields */ function load_location_fields($default) { if(!$default) $default = $_POST; $other_details = array ( 'postal_code' => array( 'title'=> lang("postal_code"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "postal_code", 'id'=> "postal_code", 'value'=> $default['postal_code'], 'db_field'=>'postal_code', ), 'hometown' => array( 'title'=> lang("hometown"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "hometown", 'id'=> "hometown", 'value'=> $default['hometown'], 'db_field'=>'hometown', ), 'city' => array( 'title'=> lang("city"), 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "city", 'id'=> "city", 'value'=> $default['city'], 'db_field'=>'city', ), ); return $other_details; } /** * Function used to load experice fields */ function load_other_fields($default) { if(!$default) $default = $_POST; $more_details = array ( 'education' => array( 'title'=> lang("education"), 'type'=> "dropdown", 'name'=> "education", 'id'=> "education", 'value'=> array(lang('usr_arr_no_ans')=>lang('usr_arr_no_ans'), lang('usr_arr_elementary')=>lang('usr_arr_elementary'), lang('usr_arr_hi_school')=>lang('usr_arr_hi_school'), lang('usr_arr_some_colg')=>lang('usr_arr_some_colg'), lang('usr_arr_assoc_deg')=>lang('usr_arr_assoc_deg'), lang('usr_arr_bach_deg')=>lang('usr_arr_bach_deg'), lang('usr_arr_mast_deg')=>lang('usr_arr_mast_deg'), lang('usr_arr_phd')=>lang('usr_arr_phd'), lang('usr_arr_post_doc')=>lang('usr_arr_post_doc'), ), 'checked'=>$default['education'], 'db_field'=>'education', ), 'schools' => array( 'title'=> lang("schools"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "schools", 'id'=> "schools", 'value'=> $default['schools'], 'db_field'=>'schools', ), 'occupation' => array( 'title'=> lang("occupation"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "occupation", 'id'=> "occupation", 'value'=> $default['occupation'], 'db_field'=>'occupation', ), 'companies' => array( 'title'=> lang("companies"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "companies", 'id'=> "companies", 'value'=> $default['companies'], 'db_field'=>'companies', ), 'hobbies' => array( 'title'=> lang("hobbies"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "hobbies", 'id'=> "hobbies", 'value'=> $default['hobbies'], 'db_field'=>'hobbies', ), 'fav_movies' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_fav_movs_shows"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "fav_movies", 'id'=> "fav_movies", 'value'=> $default['fav_movies'], 'db_field'=>'fav_movies', ), 'fav_music' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_fav_music"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "fav_music", 'id'=> "fav_music", 'value'=> $default['fav_music'], 'db_field'=>'fav_music', ), 'fav_books' => array( 'title'=> lang("user_fav_books"), 'type'=> "textarea", 'name'=> "fav_books", 'id'=> "fav_books", 'value'=> $default['fav_books'], 'db_field'=>'fav_books', ), ); return $more_details; } /** * Function used to load privacy fields */ function load_privacy_field($default) { if(!$default) $default = $_POST; $privacy = array ( 'online_status' => array( 'title'=> lang("online_status"), 'type'=> "dropdown", 'name'=> "privacy", 'id'=> "privacy", 'value'=> array('online'=>lang('online'),'offline'=>lang('offline'),'custom'=>lang('custom')), 'checked'=>$default['online_status'], 'db_field'=>'online_status', ), 'show_profile' => array( 'title'=> lang("show_profile"), 'type'=> "dropdown", 'name'=> "show_profile", 'id'=> "show_profile", 'value'=> array('all'=>lang('all'),'members'=>lang('members'),'friends'=>lang('friends')), 'checked'=>$default['show_profile'], 'db_field'=>'show_profile', ), 'allow_comments'=>array( 'title'=> lang("vdo_allow_comm"), 'type'=> "radiobutton", 'name'=> "allow_comments", 'id'=> "allow_comments", 'value' => array('yes'=>lang('yes'),'no'=>lang('no')), 'checked' => strtolower($default['allow_comments']), 'db_field'=>'allow_comments', ), 'allow_ratings'=>array( 'title'=> lang("allow_ratings"), 'type'=> "radiobutton", 'name'=> "allow_ratings", 'id'=> "allow_ratings", 'value' => array('yes'=>lang('yes'),'no'=>lang('no')), 'checked' => strtolower($default['allow_ratings']), 'db_field'=>'allow_ratings', ), ); return $privacy; } /** * User Profile Fields */ function load_profile_fields($default) { if(!$default) $default = $_POST; $profile_fields = $this->load_personal_details($default); $other_details = $this->load_location_fields($default); $more_details = $this->load_other_fields($default); $privacy = $this->load_privacy_field($default); return array_merge($profile_fields,$other_details,$more_details,$privacy); } /** * Function used to update use details */ function update_user($array) { global $LANG,$db,$signup,$Upload; if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $userfields = $this->load_profile_fields($array); $signup_fields = $this->load_signup_fields($array); $cat_field = $signup_fields['cat']; array_merge($userfields,$cat_field); validate_cb_form($userfields,$array); foreach($userfields as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = mysql_clean($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],$val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_val[] = $val; } //Category if($cat_field) { $field = $cat_field; $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $uquery_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = mysql_clean($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],$val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $uquery_val[] = $val; } //updating user detail if(has_access('admin_access',TRUE) && isset($array['admin_manager'])) { //Checking Username if(empty($array['username'])) e(lang('usr_uname_err')); elseif($array['dusername'] != $array['username'] && $this->username_exists($array['username'])) e(lang('usr_uname_err2')); elseif(!username_check($array['username'])) e(lang('usr_uname_err3')); else $username = $array['username']; //Checking Email if(empty($array['email'])) e(lang('usr_email_err1')); elseif(!is_valid_syntax('email',$array['email'])) e(lang('usr_email_err2')); elseif(email_exists($array['email']) && $array['email'] != $array['demail']) e(lang('usr_email_err3')); else $email = $array['email']; $uquery_field[] = 'username'; $uquery_val[] = $username; $uquery_field[] = 'email'; $uquery_val[] = $email; //Changing User Level $uquery_field[] = 'level'; $uquery_val[] = $array['level']; //Checking for user stats $uquery_field[] = 'profile_hits'; $uquery_val[] = $array['profile_hits']; $uquery_field[] = 'total_watched'; $uquery_val[] = $array['total_watched']; $uquery_field[] = 'total_videos'; $uquery_val[] = $array['total_videos']; $uquery_field[] = 'total_comments'; $uquery_val[] = $array['total_comments']; $uquery_field[] = 'subscribers'; $uquery_val[] = $array['subscribers']; $uquery_field[] = 'rating'; $rating = $array['rating']; if($rating<1 || $rating>10) $rating = 1; $uquery_val[] = $rating ; $uquery_field[] = 'rated_by'; $uquery_val[] = $array['rated_by']; } //Changing Gender if($array['sex']) { $uquery_field[] = 'sex'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['sex']); } //Changing Country if($array['country']) { $uquery_field[] = 'country'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['country']); } //Updating User Avatar if($array['avatar_url']) { $uquery_field[] = 'avatar_url'; $uquery_val[] = $array['avatar_url']; } //Deleting User Avatar if($array['delete_avatar']=='yes') { $file = BASEDIR.'/images/avatars/'.$array['avatar_file_name']; if(file_exists($file) && $array['avatar_file_name'] !='') unlink($file); } //Deleting User Bg if($array['delete_bg']=='yes') { $file = BASEDIR.'/images/backgrounds/'.$array['bg_file_name']; if(file_exists($file) && $array['bg_file_name'] !='') unlink($file); } if(isset($_FILES['avatar_file']['name'])) { $file = $Upload->upload_user_file('a',$_FILES['avatar_file'],$array['userid']); if($file) { $uquery_field[] = 'avatar'; $uquery_val[] = $file; } } //Updating User Background if($array['background_url']) { $uquery_field[] = 'background_url'; $uquery_val[] = $array['background_url']; } if($array['background_color']) { $uquery_field[] = 'background_color'; $uquery_val[] = $array['background_color']; } if($array['background_repeat']) { $uquery_field[] = 'background_repeat'; $uquery_val[] = $array['background_repeat']; } if(isset($_FILES['background_file']['name'])) { $file = $Upload->upload_user_file('b',$_FILES['background_file'],$array['userid']); if($file) { $uquery_field[] = 'background'; $uquery_val[] = $file; } } if(!error() && is_array($uquery_field)) { $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],$uquery_field,$uquery_val," userid='".mysql_clean($array['userid'])."'"); e(lang("usr_upd_succ_msg"),'m'); } //updating user profile if(!error()) { $db->update($this->dbtbl['user_profile'],$query_field,$query_val," userid='".mysql_clean($array['userid'])."'"); e(lang("usr_pof_upd_msg"),'m'); } } /** * Function used to update user avatar and background only */ function update_user_avatar_bg($array) { global $db,$signup,$Upload; //Updating User Avatar $uquery_field[] = 'avatar_url'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['avatar_url']); //Deleting User Avatar if($array['delete_avatar']=='yes') { $file = BASEDIR.'/images/avatars/'.$array['avatar_file_name']; if(file_exists($file) && $array['avatar_file_name'] !='') unlink($file); } //Deleting User Bg if($array['delete_bg']=='yes') { $file = BASEDIR.'/images/backgrounds/'.$array['bg_file_name']; if(file_exists($file) && $array['bg_file_name'] !='') unlink($file); } if(isset($_FILES['avatar_file']['name'])) { $file = $Upload->upload_user_file('a',$_FILES['avatar_file'],$array['userid']); if($file) { $uquery_field[] = 'avatar'; $uquery_val[] = $file; } } //Updating User Background $uquery_field[] = 'background_url'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['background_url']); $uquery_field[] = 'background_color'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['background_color']); if($array['background_repeat']) { $uquery_field[] = 'background_repeat'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['background_repeat']); } //Background ATtachement $uquery_field[] = 'background_attachement'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($array['background_attachement']); if(isset($_FILES['background_file']['name'])) { $file = $Upload->upload_user_file('b',$_FILES['background_file'],$array['userid']); if($file) { $uquery_field[] = 'background'; $uquery_val[] = mysql_clean($file); } } $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],$uquery_field,$uquery_val," userid='".mysql_clean($array['userid'])."'"); e(lang("usr_avatar_bg_update"),'m'); } /** * Function used to check weather username exists or not */ function username_exists($i) { global $db; $db->select($this->dbtbl['users'],"username"," username='$i'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return true; else return false; } /** * function used to check weather email exists or not */ function email_exists($i) { global $db; $db->select($this->dbtbl['users'],"email"," email='$i'"); if($db->num_rows>0) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to get user access log */ function get_user_action_log($uid,$limit=NULL) { global $db; $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['action_log'],"*"," action_userid='$uid'",$limit," date_added DESC"); if($db->num_rows>0) return $result; else return false; } /** * Load Custom Profile Field */ function load_custom_profile_fields($array) { return false; } /** * Load Custom Signup Field */ function load_custom_signup_fields($array) { return false; } /** * Function used to get channel links * ie Playlist, favorites etc etc */ function get_inner_channel_top_links($u) { return array(lang('upload')=>array('link'=>cblink(array('name'=>'user_videos')).$u['username']), lang('favorites')=>array('link'=>cblink(array('name'=>'user_favorites')).$u['username']), lang('contacts')=>array('link'=>cblink(array('name'=>'user_contacts')).$u['username']), ); } /** * Function used to get user channel action links * ie Add to friends, send message etc etc */ function get_channel_action_links($u) { return array(lang('Send Message')=>array('link'=>cblink(array('name'=>'compose_new','extra_params'=>'to='.$u['username']))), lang('Add as friend')=>array('link'=>'javascript:void(0)','onclick'=>"add_friend('".$u['userid']."','result_cont')"), lang('Block user')=>array('link'=>'javascript:void(0)','onclick'=>"add_friend('".$u['userid']."','result_cont')") ); } /** * Function used to get user channel video */ function get_user_profile_video($u) { global $db,$cbvid; if(empty($u['profile_video'])&&!$cbvid->video_exists($u)) { $u = $this->get_user_profile($u); } if($cbvid->video_exists($u['profile_video'])) return $cbvid->get_video_details($u['profile_video']); else return false; } /** * My Account links */ function my_account_links() { $array = array ( 'Account' =>array ('My Account' => 'myaccount.php', 'Ban users' => 'edit_account.php?mode=ban_users', 'Change Password' =>'edit_account.php?mode=change_password', 'Change Email' =>'edit_account.php?mode=change_email', ), 'Profile' =>array ('Profile Settings' =>'edit_account.php', 'Change Avatar' => 'edit_account.php?mode=avatar_bg', 'Change Background' => 'edit_account.php?mode=avatar_bg', ), 'Videos' =>array ( 'Uploaded Videos'=>'manage_videos.php', 'Favorite Videos'=>'manage_videos.php?mode=favorites', ), 'Groups' =>array ( 'Manage Groups'=>'manage_groups.php', 'Create new group'=>cblink(array('name'=>'create_group')), 'Joined Groups'=>'manage_groups.php?mode=joined', ), 'Playlist'=>array ( 'Manage Playlists'=>'manage_playlists.php', 'Video Playlists'=>'manage_playlists.php?mode=manage_video_playlist', ), 'Messages' => array ( 'Inbox' => 'private_message.php?mode=inbox', 'Notifications' => 'private_message.php?mode=notification', 'Sent' => 'private_message.php?mode=sent', 'Compose New'=> cblink(array('name'=>'compose_new')), ), 'Contacts' =>array ( 'Manage contacts' => 'manage_contacts.php?mode=manage', 'Add new group'=> 'manage_contacts.php?mode=new_group', ) ); return $array; } /** * Function used to change email */ function change_email($array) { global $db; //function used to change user email if(!isValidEmail($array['new_email']) || $array['new_email']=='') e(lang("usr_email_err2")); elseif($array['new_email']!=$array['cnew_email']) e(lang('user_email_confirm_email_err')); elseif(!$this->user_exists($array['userid'])) e(lang('usr_exist_err')); else { $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],array('email'),array($array['new_email'])," userid='".$array['userid']."'"); e(lang("email_change_msg"),"m"); } } /** * Function used to ban users */ function ban_users($users,$uid=NULL) { global $db; if(!$uid) $uid = userid(); $users_array = explode(',',$users); $new_users = array(); foreach($users_array as $user) { if($user!=username() && !is_numeric($user) && $this->user_exists($user)) { $new_users[] = $user; } } if(count($new_users)>0) { $new_users = array_unique($new_users); $banned_users = implode(',',$new_users); $db->update($this->dbtbl['users'],array('banned_users'),array($banned_users)," userid='$uid'"); e(lang("user_ban_msg"),"m"); }else{ e(lang("no_user_ban_msg"),"m"); } } /** * Function used to check weather user is banned or not */ function is_user_banned($ban,$user=NULL) { global $db; if(!$user) $user = userid(); $result = $db->count($this->dbtbl['users'],"userid"," banned_users LIKE '%$ban%' AND (username='$user' OR userid='$user') "); if($result) return true; else return false; } /** * function used to get user details with profile */ function get_user_details_with_profile($uid=NULL) { global $db; if(!$uid) $uid = userid(); $result = $db->select($this->dbtbl['users'].",".$this->dbtbl['user_profile'],"*",$this->dbtbl['users'].".userid ='$uid' AND ".$this->dbtbl['users'].".userid = ".$this->dbtbl['user_profile'].".userid"); return $result[0]; } function load_signup_fields($default=NULL) { global $LANG,$Cbucket; /** * this function will create initial array for user fields * this will tell * array( * title [text that will represents the field] * type [type of field, either radio button, textfield or text area] * name [name of the fields, input NAME attribute] * id [id of the fields, input ID attribute] * value [value of the fields, input VALUE attribute] * size * class * label * extra_params * hint_1 [hint before field] * hint_2 [hint after field] * anchor_before [anchor before field] * anchor_after [anchor after field] * ) */ if(empty($default)) $default = $_POST; $username = $default['username']; $email = $default['email']; $dcountry = $default['country'] ? $default['country'] : $Cbucket->configs['default_country_iso2']; $dob = $default['dob']; $dob = $dob ? date("d-m-Y",strtotime($dob)) : '14-14-1989'; $user_signup_fields = array ( 'username' => array( 'title'=> $LANG['username'], 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "username", 'id'=> "username", 'value'=> $username, 'hint_2'=> $LANG['user_allowed_format'], 'db_field'=>'username', 'required'=>'yes', 'syntax_type'=> 'username', 'validate_function'=> 'username_check', 'function_error_msg' => $LANG['user_contains_disallow_err'], 'db_value_check_func'=> 'user_exists', 'db_value_exists'=>false, 'db_value_err'=>$LANG['usr_uname_err2'] ), 'email' => array( 'title'=> $LANG['email'], 'type'=> "textfield", 'name'=> "email", 'id'=> "email", 'value'=> $email, 'db_field'=>'email', 'required'=>'yes', 'syntax_type'=> 'email', 'db_value_check_func'=> 'email_exists', 'db_value_exists'=>false, 'db_value_err'=>$LANG['usr_email_err3'] ), 'password' => array( 'title'=> $LANG['password'], 'type'=> "password", 'name'=> "password", 'id'=> "password", 'db_field'=>'password', 'required'=>'yes', 'invalid_err'=>$LANG['usr_pass_err2'], 'relative_to' => 'cpassword', 'relative_type' => 'exact', 'relative_err' => $LANG['usr_pass_err3'], 'validate_function' => 'pass_code', 'use_func_val'=>true ), 'cpassword' => array( 'title'=> $LANG['user_confirm_pass'], 'type'=> "password", 'name'=> "cpassword", 'id'=> "cpassword", 'required'=>'no', 'invalid_err'=>$LANG['usr_cpass_err'], ), 'country' => array( 'title'=> $LANG['country'], 'type' => 'dropdown', 'value' => $Cbucket->get_countries(iso2), 'id' => 'country', 'name' => 'country', 'checked'=> $dcountry, 'db_field'=>'country', 'required'=>'yes', ), 'gender' => array( 'title' => $LANG['gender'], 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'name' => 'gender', 'id' => 'gender', 'value' => array('Male'=>$LANG['male'],'Female'=>$LANG['female']), 'sep'=> ' ', 'checked'=>'Male', 'db_field'=>'sex', 'required'=>'yes', ), 'dob' => array( 'title' => $LANG['user_date_of_birth'], 'type' => 'textfield', 'name' => 'dob', 'id' => 'dob', 'class'=>'date_field', 'anchor_after' => 'date_picker', 'value'=> $dob, 'db_field'=>'dob', 'required'=>'yes', ), 'cat' => array('title'=> lang('Category'), 'type'=> 'dropdown', 'name'=> 'category', 'id'=> 'category', 'value'=> array('category',$default['category']), 'db_field'=>'category', 'checked'=>$default['category'], 'required'=>'yes', 'invalid_err'=>lang("Please select your category"), 'display_function' => 'convert_to_categories', 'category_type'=>'user', ) ); return $user_signup_fields; } /** * Function used to validate Signup Form */ function validate_form_fields($array=NULL) { global $userquery; $fields = $this->load_signup_fields($array); if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); //Mergin Array $signup_fields = array_merge($fields,$this->custom_signup_fields); validate_cb_form($signup_fields,$array); } /** * Function used to validate signup form */ function signup_user($array=NULL) { global $LANG,$db,$userquery; if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $this->validate_form_fields($array); //checking terms and policy agreement if($array['agree']!='yes' && !has_access('admin_access',true)) e($LANG['usr_ament_err']); if(!error()) { $signup_fields = $this->load_signup_fields($array); //Adding Custom Signup Fields if(count($this->custom_signup_fields)>0) $signup_fields = array_merge($signup_fields,$this->custom_signup_fields); foreach($signup_fields as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = mysql_clean($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],$val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_val[] = $val; } // Setting Verification type if(EMAIL_VERIFICATION == '1'){ $usr_status = 'ToActivate'; $welcome_email = 'no'; }else{ $usr_status = 'Ok'; $welcome_email = 'yes'; } if(has_access('admin_access',true)) { if($array['active']=='yes') { $usr_status = 'Ok'; $welcome_email = 'yes'; }else{ $usr_status = 'ToActivate'; $welcome_email = 'no'; } $query_field[] = "level"; $query_val[] = $array['level']; } $query_field[] = "usr_status"; $query_val[] = $usr_status; $query_field[] = " welcome_email_sent"; $query_val[] = $welcome_email; //Creating AV Code $avcode = RandomString(10); $query_field[] = "avcode"; $query_val[] = $avcode; //Signup IP $signup_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $query_field[] = "signup_ip"; $query_val[] = $signup_ip; //Date Joined $now = NOW(); $query_field[] = "doj"; $query_val[] = $now; $query = "INSERT INTO users ("; $total_fields = count($query_field); //Adding Fields to query $i = 0; foreach($query_field as $qfield) { $i++; $query .= $qfield; if($i<$total_fields) $query .= ','; } $query .= ") VALUES ("; $i = 0; //Adding Fields Values to query foreach($query_val as $qval) { $i++; $query .= "'$qval'"; if($i<$total_fields) $query .= ','; } //Finalzing Query $query .= ")"; $db->Execute($query); $insert_id = $db->insert_id(); $db->insert($userquery->dbtbl['user_profile'],array("userid"),array($insert_id)); if(!has_access('admin_access',true) && EMAIL_VERIFICATION) { global $cbemail; $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('email_verify_template'); $more_var = array ('{username}' => post('username'), '{password}' => post('password'), '{email}' => post('email'), '{avcode}' => $avcode, ); if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email cbmail(array('to'=>post('email'),'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); } elseif(!has_access('admin_access',true)) { $this->send_welcome_email($insert_id); } return $insert_id; } return false; } //Duplicate User Check function duplicate_user($name){ global $myquery; if($myquery->check_user($name)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function duplicate_email($name){ $myquery = new myquery(); if($myquery->check_email($name)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } //Validate Email function isValidEmail($email){ return isValidEmail($email); } //Validate Username function isValidUsername($uname){ return $this->is_username($uname); } /** * Function used to make username valid * this function will also check if username is banned or not * it will also filter the username and also filter its patterns * as given in administratio panel */ function is_username($username) { global $Cbucket; //Our basic pattern for username is //$pattern = "^^[_a-z0-9-]+$"; $pattern = "^^[_a-z0-9-]+$"; //Now we will check if admin wants to change the pattern if (eregi($pattern, $username)){ return true; }else { return false; } } /** * Function used to get users */ function get_users($params) { global $db; $limit = $params['limit']; $order = $params['order']; $cond = ""; if(!has_access('admin_access',TRUE)) $cond .= " usr_status='Ok' AND ban_status ='no' "; else { if($params['ban']) $cond .= " ban_status ='".$params['ban']."'"; if($params['status']) { if($cond!='') $cond .=" AND "; $cond .= " usr_status='".$params['status']."'"; } } //Setting Category Condition if(!is_array($params['category'])) $is_all = strtolower($params['category']); if($params['category'] && $is_all!='all') { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " ("; if(!is_array($params['category'])) { $cats = explode(',',$params['category']); }else $cats = $params['category']; $count = 0; foreach($cats as $cat_params) { $count ++; if($count>1) $cond .=" OR "; $cond .= " category LIKE '%$cat_params%' "; } $cond .= ")"; } //date span if($params['date_span']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " ".cbsearch::date_margin("doj",$params['date_span']); } /*//uid if($params['user']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " userid='".$params['user']."'"; } $tag_n_title=''; //Tags if($params['tags']) { //checking for commas ;) $tags = explode(",",$params['tags']); if(count($tags)>0) { if($tag_n_title!='') $tag_n_title .= ' OR '; $total = count($tags); $loop = 1; foreach($tags as $tag) { $tag_n_title .= " tags LIKE '%".$tag."%'"; if($loop<$total) $tag_n_title .= " OR "; $loop++; } }else { if($tag_n_title!='') $tag_n_title .= ' OR '; $tag_n_title .= " tags LIKE '%".$params['tags']."%'"; } } //TITLE if($params['title']) { if($tag_n_title!='') $tag_n_title .= ' OR '; $tag_n_title .= " title LIKE '%".$params['tags']."%'"; } if($tag_n_title) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " ($tag_n_title) "; }*/ //FEATURED if($params['featured']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " featured = '".$params['featured']."' "; } //Email if($params['email']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " email = '".$params['email']."' "; } //Exclude Users if($params['exclude']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " userid <> '".$params['exclude']."' "; } //Getting specific User if($params['userid']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " userid = '".$params['userid']."' "; } //Sex if($params['gender']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " sex = '".$params['gender']."' "; } //Level if($params['level']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " level = '".$params['level']."' "; } $result = $db->select('users','*',$cond,$limit,$order); if($params['count_only']) return $result = $db->count('users','*',$cond); if($params['assign']) assign($params['assign'],$result); else return $result; } /** * Function used to perform several actions with a video */ function action($case,$uid) { global $db; if(!$this->user_exists($uid)) return false; //Lets just check weathter user exists or not $tbl = $this->dbtbl['users']; switch($case) { //Activating a user case 'activate': case 'av': case 'a': { $avcode = RandomString(10); $db->update($tbl,array('usr_status','avcode'),array('Ok',$avcode)," userid='$uid' "); e(lang("User has been activated"),m); } break; //Deactivating a user case "deactivate": case "dav": case "d": { $avcode = RandomString(10); $db->update($tbl,array('usr_status','avcode'),array('ToActivate',$avcode)," userid='$uid' "); e(lang("User has been deactivated"),m); } break; //Featuring user case "feature": case "featured": case "f": { $db->update($tbl,array('featured','featured_date'),array('yes',now())," userid='$uid' "); e(lang("User has been set as featured"),m); } break; //Unfeatured user case "unfeature": case "unfeatured": case "uf": { $db->update($tbl,array('featured'),array('no')," userid='$uid' "); e(lang("User has been removed from featured users"),m); } break; //Ban User case "ban": case "banned": { $db->update($tbl,array('ban_status'),array('yes')," userid='$uid' "); e(lang("User has been banned"),m); } break; //Ban User case "unban": case "unbanned": { $db->update($tbl,array('ban_status'),array('no')," userid='$uid' "); e(lang("User has been unbanned"),m); } break; } } /** * Is Registeration allowed */ function is_registeration_allowed() { if(ALLOW_REGISTERATION == 1 ) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to use to initialize search object for video section * op=>operator (AND OR) */ function init_search() { $this->search = new cbsearch; $this->search->db_tbl = "users"; $this->search->columns =array( array('field'=>'username','type'=>'LIKE','var'=>'%{KEY}%'), ); $this->search->cat_tbl = $this->cat_tbl; $this->search->display_template = LAYOUT.'/blocks/user.html'; $this->search->template_var = 'user'; $this->search->multi_cat = false; $this->search->date_added_colum = 'doj'; /** * Setting up the sorting thing */ $sorting = array( 'doj' => lang("date_added"), 'profile_hits' => lang("views"), 'total_comments' => lang("comments"), 'total_videos' => lang("videos"), ); $this->search->sorting = array( 'doj'=> " doj DESC", 'profile_hits' => " profile_hits DESC", 'total_comments' => " total_comments DESC ", 'total_videos' => " total_videos DESC", ); /** * Setting Up The Search Fields */ $default = $_GET; if(is_array($default['category'])) $cat_array = array($default['category']); $uploaded = $default['datemargin']; $sort = $default['sort']; $this->search->search_type['users'] = array('title'=>lang('users')); $fields = array( 'query' => array( 'title'=> lang('keywords'), 'type'=> 'textfield', 'name'=> 'query', 'id'=> 'query', 'value'=>cleanForm($default['query']) ), 'category' => array( 'title' => lang('category'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'category[]', 'id' => 'category', 'value' => array('category',$cat_array), 'category_type'=>'user', ), 'date_margin' => array( 'title' => lang('joined'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'datemargin', 'id' => 'datemargin', 'value' => $this->search->date_margins(), 'checked' => $uploaded, ), 'sort' => array( 'title' => lang('sort_by'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'sort', 'value' => $sorting, 'checked' => $sort ) ); $this->search->search_type['users']['fields'] = $fields; } /** * Function used to get number of users online */ function get_online_users() { global $db; $pattern = date("Y-m-s H:i:s"); $results = $db->select("users",'*'," TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,last_active,'".NOW()."') < 6 "); return $results; } } ?>