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'); $("#loading").html("Loading"); $('#remoteFileName').replaceWith('"'+remoteFileName+'"'); }, success: function(data){ if(data.error){ self.force_stop = true; $('#remoteUploadBttn').removeAttr('disabled').val("Upload").toggle("display"); $("#remoteUploadBttn").toggle("display"); $('#ytUploadBttn').removeAttr("disabled"); alert(data.error); return false; } $("#loading").html(''); var vid = data.vid; $.post( self.baseurl+'/actions/getVideoDetails.php', { "file_name":file_name, //"title":$("#remote_file_url").val(), //"objId":self.remoteObjID, "vid" : vid, },function(data){ var oneFileForm = $("#uploadFormContainer0").clone(); $('#remoteUploadBttnStop').hide(); $('#ytUploadBttn').hide(); $(oneFileForm).find("input[name=title]").val(data.title); $(oneFileForm).find("input[name=desc]").val(data.description); $(oneFileForm).find("input[name=videoid]").val(vid); $(oneFileForm).find("input[name=fileName]").val(file_name); $("#remoteDownloadStatus").css("display", "none"); $("#submitRemoteUpload").css("display", "block"); // creating the hidden form fields var hiddenVideoIdField = document.createElement('input'); hiddenVideoIdField.name = 'videoid'; hiddenVideoIdField.type = 'hidden'; hiddenVideoIdField.value = vid; var hiddenVideoNameField = document.createElement('input'); hiddenVideoNameField.name = 'file_name'; hiddenVideoNameField.type = 'hidden'; hiddenVideoNameField.value = file_name; $(oneFileForm).find("form").append(hiddenVideoIdField); $(oneFileForm).find("form").append(hiddenVideoNameField); $(oneFileForm) .attr("id", "uploadFormContainer_remote") .appendTo("#remoteUploadFormContainer"); $(oneFileForm).find("form").on({ submit: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); //$("#uploadFormContainer0").html(""); var form = $(this); var formData = $(form).serialize(); formData += "&updateVideo=yes"; /*var title = $(form).find("#title").val(); var desc = $(form).find("#desc").val(); formData += "&title="+title; formData += "&description="+desc; formData += "&videoid="+videoid; formData += "&file_name="+fileName;*/ $.ajax({ url : baseurl + "/actions/file_uploader.php", type : "post", data : formData, }).success(function(data){ msg = $.parseJSON(data); $("#uploadMessage").removeClass("hidden"); if(msg.error){ $("#uploadMessage").html(msg.error).attr("class", "alert alert-danger"); }else{ $("#uploadMessage").html(msg.msg).attr("class", "alert alert-success"); } setTimeout(function(){ $("#uploadMessage").addClass("hidden"); }, 5000); }); } }); //$("#uploadFormContainer_remote").find("button").; /*$('#remoteForm').append(data); $('#cbSubmitUpload'+self.remoteObjID) .before('') .attr("disabled","") .attr("value",lang.saveData) .attr("onClick","doUpdateVideo('#uploadForm"+self.remoteObjID+"','"+self.remoteObjID+"')") .after('') .after('');*/ },'json'); } }); $('#remoteUploadBttnStop').click(function() { ajaxCall.abort(); this.force_stop=true; $("#loading").html('');$('#remoteDownloadStatus').hide(); $(this).hide();$('#remoteUploadBttn').attr('disabled','').show(); }); }; this.youtube_upload = function(){ var self = this; $('#remoteUploadBttn').attr("disabled","disabled"); $('#ytUploadBttn').attr("disabled","disabled"); var file = $("#remote_file_url").val(); this.force_stop = false; if(!file || file=='undefined') { alert("Please enter file url"); $('#remoteUploadBttn').attr('disabled',''); $('#ytUploadBttn').attr("disabled",''); return false; } var ajaxCall = $.ajax({ url: self.download_page, type: "POST", data: ({file:file,file_name:file_name,"youtube":"yes"}), dataType : 'json', beforeSend : function() { $("#loading").html('
Uploading video from youtube, please wait...
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else { if(data.msg) $(result_con).html(data.msg); if(data.err) $(result_con).html(data.err); } },'json') } break; case "remove_collection_item": { $("#"+form).hide(); $.post(page, { mode: mode, obj_id: objID, type: type, cid: cid }, function(data) { if(!data) { alert("No Data Returned"); $(result_con+"_"+objID).hide(); $("#"+form).show(); } else { if(data.err) { alert(data.err); $(result_con+"_"+objID).hide(); $("#"+form+objID).show(); } if(data.msg) { $(result_con).html(data.msg); $("#"+form+"_"+objID).slideUp(350); } } },'json') } } return false; }; // Simple function to open url with javascript this.openURL = function(url) { var self = this; document.locati= url; }; this.get_item = function(obj,ci_id,cid,type,direction){ var self = this; var btn_text = $(obj).html(); $(obj).html(this.loading); $.post(page, { mode : 'get_item', ci_id: ci_id, cid : cid, type: type, direction: direction }, function(data) { if(!data) { alert('No '+type+' returned'); $(obj).text(btn_text); } else { var jsArray = new Array(type,data['cid'],data['key']); construct_url(jsArray); $("#collectionItemView").html(data['content']); } },'json') }; this.construct_url = function(jsArr){ var url; if(Seo == 'yes') { url = '#!/item/'+jsArr[0]+'/'+jsArr[1]+'/'+jsArr[2]; window.location.hash = url } else { url = '#!?item='+jsArr[2]+'&type='+jsArr[0]+'&collection='+jsArr[1]; window.location.hash = url } var self = this; }; this.onReload_item = function(){ var comURL, regEX; if(window.location.hash) { comURL = window.location.href; if(Seo == 'yes') { regEX = RegExp('\/item.+#!'); if(regEX.test(comURL)) { comURL = comURL.replace(regEX,''); window.location.href = comURL; } } else { regEX = RegExp('\\\?item.+#!'); if(regEX.test(comURL)) { comURL = comURL.replace(regEX,'') window.location.href = comURL; } } } var self = this; }; this.pagination = function(object,cid,type,pageNumber){ var self = this; var obj = $(object), objID = obj.id, paginationParent = obj.parent(), paginationParentID, paginationInnerHTML = obj.html(); if(paginationParent.attr('id')) paginationParentID = parent.attr('id') else { paginationParent.attr('id','loadMoreParent'); 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This.html(this.loading) }, success: function(data) { if(data.msg) { $('#CollectionDIV').slideUp('fast'); Result.html(data['msg']).slideDown('fast'); this.collectionID = data['id']; } else { Result.html(data['err']).slideDown('fast'); This.removeAttr('disabled'); This.html(ButtonHTML); } } }); }; this.getDetails = function(obj){ var forms = getInputs(obj), ParamArray = new Array(forms.length); $.each(forms,function(index,form) { query = $("#"+form.id+" *").serialize(); query += "&mode=ajaxPhotos"; ParamArray[index] = query; }) return ParamArray; var self = this; }; this.getName = function(File){ var self = this; var url = File; var filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1); return filename; }; this.viewRatings = function(object,pid){ var self = this; var obj = $(object), innerHTML = obj.html(); if(document.getElementById('RatingStatContainer')) $("#RatingStatContainer").toggle(); else { loadAjax = $.ajax ({ url:page, type: "post", dataType: "text", data: { mode:"viewPhotoRating", photoid:pid }, beforeSend: function() { obj.html(this.loading); 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