perm_check('view_videos',false,true) ) exit(); $videos = get_videos(array('limit'=>config('videos_items_hme_page'),'order'=>'last_viewed DESC')); if($videos) foreach($videos as $video) { assign('video',$video); Template('blocks/video.html'); } } break; case 'most_viewed': { if(!isSectionEnabled('videos') || !$userquery->perm_check('view_videos',false,true) ) exit(); $videos = get_videos(array('limit'=>config('videos_items_hme_page'),'order'=>'views DESC')); if($videos) foreach($videos as $video) { assign('video',$video); Template('blocks/video.html'); } } break; case 'recently_added': { if(!isSectionEnabled('videos') || !$userquery->perm_check('view_videos',false,true) ) exit(); $videos = get_videos(array('limit'=>config('videos_items_hme_page'),'order'=>'date_added DESC')); if($videos) foreach($videos as $video) { assign('video',$video); Template('blocks/video.html'); } } break; case 'featured_videos': { if(!isSectionEnabled('videos') || !$userquery->perm_check('view_videos',false,true) ) exit(); $videos = get_videos(array('limit'=>config('videos_items_hme_page'),'featured'=>'yes','order'=>'featured_date DESC')); if($videos) foreach($videos as $video) { assign('video',$video); Template('blocks/video.html'); } } break; case 'load_more': { $limit = $_POST['limit']; $total = $_POST['total']; $inner_mode = $_POST['inner_mode']; switch($inner_mode) { case 'load_more_videos': { $videos_arr = array('order' =>"date_added DESC" , "limit" =>''.$limit.','.$limit.''); $results=get_videos($videos_arr); $next_limit = $limit + $limit; $videos_arr_next = array('order' =>"date_added DESC" , "limit" =>''.$next_limit.','.$next_limit.''); $videos_next = get_videos($videos_arr_next); if($total == $next_limit||$total < $next_limit) { $count_next = 0; } else { $count_next = count($videos_next); } $total_results = $total; $template_path = 'blocks/videos/video.html'; $assigned_variable_smarty = 'video'; } break; case 'load_more_users': { $users_arr = array( "limit" =>''.$limit.','.$limit.''); $results=get_users($users_arr); $next_limit = $limit + $limit; $users_arr_next = array( "limit" =>''.$next_limit.','.$next_limit.''); $users_next = get_videos($users_arr_next); if($total == $next_limit||$total < $next_limit) { $count_next = 0; } else { $count_next = count($users_next); } $count_next = (int)$count_next; $total_results = $total; $template_path = 'blocks/channels.html'; $assigned_variable_smarty = 'user'; } break; case 'load_more_playlist': { $userid = $_POST['cat_id']; $play_arr = array( "user" => $userid ,"order"=>"date_added DESC","limit" =>''.$limit.','.$limit.''); $results = $cbvid->action->get_playlists($play_arr); $next_limit = $limit + $limit; $play_arr_next = array( "user" => $userid ,"order"=>"date_added DESC","limit" =>''.$next_limit.','.$next_limit.''); $playlist_next = $cbvid->action->get_playlists($play_arr_next); //pr($total .'<'. $next_limit,true); if($total == $next_limit||$total < $next_limit) { $count_next = 0; } else { $count_next = count($playlist_next); } $count_next = (int)$count_next; //pr($count_next,true); $total_results = $total; $template_path = 'blocks/playlist/playlist.html'; $assigned_variable_smarty = 'playlist'; } break; } $arr = template_assign($results,$limit,$total_results,$template_path,$assigned_variable_smarty); if ($count_next > 0) { //pr($count_next,true); $arr['limit_exceeds']=false; //pr($arr['limit_exceeds'],true); echo json_encode($arr); ///pr($arr,true); } elseif($count_next == 0) { //pr($count_next,true); $arr['limit_exceeds']=true; echo json_encode($arr); //pr($arr,true); } else { //pr($count_next,true); if(isset($arr['limit_exceeds'])) $arr['limit_exceeds']=true; echo json_encode($arr); //pr($arr,true); } } break; case 'rating': { switch($_POST['type']) { case "video": { $rating = mysql_clean($_POST['rating'])*2; $id = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $result = $cbvid->rate_video($id,$rating); $result['is_rating'] = true; $cbvid->show_video_rating($result); $funcs = cb_get_functions('rate_video'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } } break; case "photo": { $rating = mysql_clean($_POST['rating'])*2; $id = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $result = $cbphoto->rate_photo($id,$rating); $result['is_rating'] = true; $cbvid->show_video_rating($result); $funcs = cb_get_functions('rate_photo'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } } break; case "collection": { $rating = mysql_clean($_POST['rating'])*2; $id = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $result = $cbcollection->rate_collection($id,$rating); $result['is_rating'] = true; $cbvid->show_video_rating($result); $funcs = cb_get_functions('rate_collection'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } } break; case "user": { $rating = mysql_clean($_POST['rating'])*2; $id = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $result = $userquery->rate_user($id,$rating); $result['is_rating'] = true; $cbvid->show_video_rating($result); $funcs = cb_get_functions('rate_user'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } } break; } } break; case 'share_object': { $type = strtolower($_POST['type']); switch($type) { case 'v': case 'video': default: { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $vdo = $cbvid->get_video($id); $cbvid->set_share_email($vdo); $cbvid->action->share_content($vdo['videoid']); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; case "p": case "photo": { $id = $_POST['id']; $ph = $cbphoto->get_photo($id); $cbphoto->set_share_email($ph); $cbphoto->action->share_content($ph['photo_id']); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; case "cl": case "collection": { $id = $_POST['id']; $cl = $cbcollection->get_collection($id); $cbcollection->set_share_mail($cl); $cbcollection->action->share_content($cl['collection_id']); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; } } break; case 'add_to_fav': { $type = strtolower($_POST['type']); switch($type) { case 'v': case 'video': default: { $id = $_POST['id']; $cbvideo->action->add_to_fav($id); updateObjectStats('fav','video',$id); // Increment in total favs if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } $funcs = cb_get_functions('favorite_video'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } echo $msg; } break; case 'p': case 'photo': { $id = $_POST['id']; $cbphoto->action->add_to_fav($id); updateObjectStats('fav','photo',$id); // Increment in total favs if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } $funcs = cb_get_functions('favorite_photo'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } echo $msg; } break; case "cl": case "collection": { $id = $_POST['id']; $cbcollection->action->add_to_fav($id); //updateObjectStats('fav','collection',$id); // Increment in total favs if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } $funcs = cb_get_functions('favorite_collection'); if($funcs) foreach($funcs as $func) { $func['func']($id); } echo $msg; } break; } } break; case 'flag_object': { $type = strtolower($_POST['type']); switch($type) { case 'v': case 'video': // default: { $id = $_POST['id']; $reported = $cbvideo->action->report_it($id); /*if(!error()){ /* SENDING EMAIL TO ADMIN $template = $cbemail->get_template('flag_template'); $video = $cbvideo->get_video_details($id); $emailVars = array( "{video_link}" => videoLink($video), "{video_title}" => $video['title'], "{flag_reason}" => flag_type(post('flag_type')), "{type}" => "video" ); $admins = $userquery->get_level_users(1,false,'userid,email'); $libs = $userquery->get_level_users(17,false,'userid,email'); if($libs) $users = array_merge($admins,$libs); else $users = $admins; foreach ($users as $user) { if(isValidEmail($user['email'])) $emailsArray[] = $user['email']; } if(!is_array($var)) $var = array(); $vars = array_merge($emailVars,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($template['email_template_subject'],$vars); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($template['email_template'],$vars)); cbmail(array('to'=>$emailsArray,'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); }*/ } break; case 'g': case 'group': // default: { $id = $_POST['id']; $cbgroup->action->report_it($id); } break; case 'u': case 'user': // default: { $id = $_POST['id']; $userquery->action->report_it($id); } break; case 'p': case 'photo': { $id = $_POST['id']; $cbphoto->action->report_it($id); } break; case "cl": case "collection": { $id = $_POST['id']; $cbcollection->action->report_it($id); } break; } if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; case 'subscribe_user': { $subscribe_to = mysql_clean($_POST['subscribe_to']); $userquery->subscribe_user($subscribe_to); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; case 'unsubscribe_user': { $subscribe_to = mysql_clean($_POST['subscribe_to']); $userquery->unsubscribe_user($subscribe_to); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; case 'add_friend': { global $cbemail; $friend = mysql_clean($_POST['uid']); $userid = userid(); $username = username(); $mailId = $userquery->get_user_details($friend,false,true); //$mailId = $cbemail->get_email_by_userid($friend); $cbemail->friend_request_email($mailId['email'],$username); if($userid) { $userquery->add_contact($userid,$friend); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } else { echo '
'; } } break; case 'ban_user': { $user = $_POST['user']; $userquery->ban_user($user); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = '
'; } echo $msg; } break; case 'rate_comment': { $thumb = $_POST['thumb']; $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); if($thumb!='down') $rate = 1; else $rate = -1; $rating = $myquery->rate_comment($rate,$cid); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = $msg[0]; } if(error()) { $msg = error_list(); $msg = $msg[0]; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['rate'] = comment_rating($rating); //updating last update... $type = mysql_clean($_POST['type']); $typeid = mysql_clean($_POST['typeid']); update_last_commented($type,$typeid); echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case 'spam_comment': { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $rating = $myquery->spam_comment($cid); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = $msg[0]; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = $err[0]; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['err'] = $err; $type = mysql_clean($_POST['type']); $typeid = mysql_clean($_POST['typeid']); if($_POST['type'] != 't') update_last_commented($type,$typeid); echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case 'count_comments'; echo '5'; break; case 'add_comment'; { $type = $_POST['type']; $comment = mysql_clean($_POST['comment']); switch($type) { case 'v': case 'video': default: { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['obj_id']); if($comment=='undefined') $comment = ''; $reply_to = $_POST['reply_to']; $email = $_POST['email']; if (!is_valid_email($email)) { $err = array(); $err['err'] = "Invalid email provided"; echo json_encode($err); return false; } $cid = $cbvid->add_comment($comment,$id,$reply_to); } break; case 'u': case 'c': { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['obj_id']); if($comment=='undefined') $comment = ''; $reply_to = $_POST['reply_to']; $cid = $userquery->add_comment($comment,$id,$reply_to); } break; case 't': case 'topic': { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['obj_id']); if($comment=='undefined') $comment = ''; $reply_to = $_POST['reply_to']; $cid = $cbgroup->add_comment($comment,$id,$reply_to); } break; case 'cl': case 'collection': { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['obj_id']); if($comment=='undefined') $comment = ''; $reply_to = $_POST['reply_to']; $cid = $cbcollection->add_comment($comment,$id,$reply_to); } break; case "p": case "photo": { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['obj_id']); if($comment=='undefined') $comment = ''; $reply_to = $_POST['reply_to']; $cid = $cbphoto->add_comment($comment,$id,$reply_to); } break; } if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = $msg[0]; $ajax['msg'] = $msg ? $msg : ''; $ajax['err'] = ""; $is_msg = true; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = $err[0]; $ajax['err'] = $err; } //Getting Comment if($cid) { $ajax['cid'] = $cid; $ajax['type_id'] = $id; } echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case 'get_comment'; { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $type_id = mysql_clean($_POST['type_id']); $new_com = $myquery->get_comment($id); //getting parent id if it is a reply comment $parent_id = $new_com['parent_id']; assign('type_id',$type_id); $new_com['comment']=html_entity_decode(stripslashes($new_com['comment'])); if ($parent_id) { assign('rep_mode',true); assign('comment',$new_com); echo json_encode(array("parent_id"=>$parent_id,"li_data"=>Fetch('blocks/comments/comment.html'))); } else { assign('comment',$new_com); echo json_encode(array("li_data"=>Fetch('blocks/comments/comment.html'))); } } break; /** * Function used to add item in playlist */ case 'add_playlist'; { $id = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $pid = mysql_clean($_POST['pid']); $type = post('objtype'); if($type=='video') { $cbvid->action->add_playlist_item($pid,$id ); updateObjectStats('plist','video',$id); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
';; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = '
';; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg ? $msg : ''; $ajax['err'] = $err ? $err : ''; echo json_encode($ajax); } } break; case 'add_new_playlist'; { if(post('objtype')=='video') { $vid = mysql_clean($_POST['id']); $params = array('name'=>mysql_clean($_POST['plname'])); $pid = $cbvid->action->create_playlist($params); if($pid) { $eh->flush(); $cbvid->action->add_playlist_item($pid,$vid); } if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
';; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = '
';; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg ? $msg : ''; $ajax['err'] = $err ? $err : ''; echo json_encode($ajax); } } break; case 'quicklist': { $todo = $_POST['todo']; $id = mysql_clean($_POST['vid']); if($todo == 'add') { $return = $cbvid->add_to_quicklist($id); }else $return = $cbvid->remove_from_quicklist($id); echo $return; } break; case 'getquicklistbox'; { //$cookie = $_COOKIE[QUICK_LIST_SESS]; //$vids = json_decode($cookie,true); if($cbvid->total_quicklist()>0) TEMPLATE('blocks/quicklist/block.html'); } break; case 'clear_quicklist': { $cbvid->clear_quicklist(); return 'removed'; } break; case 'delete_comment': { $type = $_POST['type']; #pr($_POST,true); switch($type) { case 'v': case 'video': default: { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $type_id = $myquery->delete_comment($cid); $cbvid->update_comments_count($type_id); } break; case 'u': case 'c': { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $type_id = $myquery->delete_comment($cid); $userquery->update_comments_count($type_id); } case 'photo': case 'p': { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $type_id = $myquery->delete_comment($cid); $cbphoto->update_total_comments($type_id); } break; case 't': case 'topic': { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $type_id = $myquery->delete_comment($cid); $cbgroup->update_comments_count($type_id); } break; case 'cl': case 'collection': { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $type_id = $myquery->delete_comment($cid); $cbcollection->update_total_comments($type_id); } } if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = $msg[0]; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = $err[0]; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['err'] = $err; echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case "add_new_item": { $type = $_POST['type']; switch($type) { case "videos": case "video": case "v": { $cid = $_POST['cid']; $id = $_POST['obj_id']; $cbvideo->collection->add_collection_item($id,$cid); } break; case "photos": case "photo": case "p": { $cid = $_POST['cid']; $id = $_POST['obj_id']; $cbphoto->collection->add_collection_item($id,$cid); } } if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = '
'; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['err'] = $err; echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case "remove_collection_item": { $type = $_POST['type']; switch($type) { case "videos": { $obj_id = $_POST['obj_id']; $cid = $_POST['cid']; $cbvideo->collection->remove_item($obj_id,$cid); } break; case "photos": { $obj_id = $_POST['obj_id']; $cid = $_POST['cid']; $cbphoto->collection->remove_item($obj_id,$cid); $cbphoto->make_photo_orphan($cid,$obj_id); } break; } if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = '
'; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['err'] = $err; echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case "get_item": { $item_id = mysql_clean($_POST['ci_id']); $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $direc = mysql_clean($_POST['direction']); $t = mysql_clean($_POST['type']); switch($t) { case "videos": case "video": case "v": { $N_item = $cbvideo->collection->get_next_prev_item($item_id,$cid,$direc); //increment_views($N_item[0]['videoid'],'video'); $ajax['key'] = $N_item[0]['videokey']; $ajax['cid'] = $N_item[0]['collection_id']; } break; case "photos": case "photo": case "p": { $N_item = $cbphoto->collection->get_next_prev_item($item_id,$cid,$direc); increment_views($N_item[0]['photo_id'],'photo'); $ajax['key'] = $N_item[0]['photo_key']; $ajax['cid'] = $N_item[0]['collection_id']; } break; } if($N_item) { assign('type',$t); assign('user',$userquery->get_user_details($N_item[0]['userid'])); assign('object',$N_item[0]); $ajax['content'] = Fetch('view_item.html'); echo json_encode($ajax); } else { return false; } } break; case "load_more_items": case "more_items": case "moreItems": { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $page = mysql_clean($_POST['page']); $newPage = $page+1; $type = mysql_clean($_POST['type']); $limit = create_query_limit($page,COLLIP); $order = tbl("collection_items").".ci_id DESC"; switch($type) { case "videos": case "video": case "v": { $items = $cbvideo->collection->get_collection_items_with_details($cid,$order,$limit); } break; case "photos": case "photo": case "p": { $items = $cbphoto->collection->get_collection_items_with_details($cid,$order,$limit); } break; } if($items) { assign('page_no',$newPage); assign('type',$type); assign('cid',$cid); $itemsArray['pagination'] = Fetch("blocks/new_pagination.html"); foreach($items as $item) { assign('object',$item); assign('display_type','view_collection'); assign('type',$type); $itemsArray['content'] .= Fetch("blocks/collection.html"); } echo json_encode($itemsArray); } else echo json_encode(array("error"=>TRUE)); } break; case "add_collection": { $name = ($_POST['collection_name']); $desc = ($_POST['collection_description']); $tags = (genTags($_POST['collection_tags'])); $cat = ($_POST['category']); $type = "photos"; $CollectParams = array( "collection_name"=>$name, "collection_description"=>$desc, "collection_tags"=>$tags, "category"=>$cat, "type"=>$type, "allow_comments"=>"yes", "broadcast"=>"public", "public_upload"=>"yes" ); $insert_id = $cbcollection->create_collection($CollectParams); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = $msg[0]; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = $err[0]; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['err'] = $err; $ajax['id'] = $insert_id; echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case "ajaxPhotos": { $cbphoto->insert_photo(); if(msg()) { $msg = msg_list(); $msg = '
'; } if(error()) { $err = error_list(); $err = '
'; } $ajax['msg'] = $msg; $ajax['err'] = $err; echo json_encode($ajax); } break; case "viewPhotoRating": { $pid = mysql_clean($_POST['photoid']); $returnedArray = $cbphoto->photo_voters($pid); echo ($returnedArray); } break; case "channelFeatured": { $contentType = $_POST['contentType']; if(!$contentType) echo json_encode(array("error"=>lang("content_type_empty"))); else { switch($contentType) { case "videos": case "video": case "vid": case "v": case "vdo": { $video = $cbvideo->get_video_details(mysql_clean($_POST['objID'])); if($video) { assign('object',$video); $content = Fetch('/blocks/view_channel/channel_item.html'); } } break; case "photo": case "photos": case "foto": case "p": { $photo = $cbphoto->get_photo(mysql_clean($_POST['objID'])); if($photo) { assign('object',$photo); $content = Fetch('/blocks/view_channel/channel_item.html'); } } break; } if($content) { echo json_encode(array("data"=>$content)); } else echo json_encode(array("error"=>"Nothing Found")); } } break; case "channelObjects": { $contentType = strtolower(mysql_clean($_POST['content'])); $u = $userquery->get_user_details($_POST['user']); $assign = $_POST['assign']; if(is_array($assign)) { foreach($assign as $var=>$value) assign($var,$value); } switch($contentType) { case "videos" : { $videos = get_videos(array("user"=>$u['userid'],"order"=>" date_added DESC","limit"=>config('videos_item_channel_page'))); if($videos) { $content['html'] = "
"; foreach($videos as $video) { assign('video',$video); assign('channelVideo',true); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/video.html"); } $content['html'] .= "
"; $content['html'] .= ''; } else { $content['html'] = '
'; } } break; case "photos": { $photos = get_photos(array("user"=>$u['userid'],"order"=>" date_added DESC","limit"=>config('photo_channel_page'))); if($photos) { foreach($photos as $photo) { assign('photo',$photo); assign('channelPhoto',true); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/photo.html"); } $content['html'] .= ''; } else { $content['html'] = '
'.lang("User doesn't have any photos").'
'; } } break; case "groups": { $groups = get_groups(array("user"=>$u['userid'],"order"=>" date_added DESC","limit"=>config('photo_channel_page'))); if($groups) { foreach($groups as $group) { assign('group',$group); assign('channelGroup',true); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/group.html"); } } else { $content['html'] = '
'.lang("User doesn't have any groups").'
'; } } break; case "playlists": { $playlists = get_playlists(array("user"=>$u['userid'],"order"=>" date_added DESC","limit"=>5)); if($playlists) { $content['html'] = "
"; foreach($playlists as $playlist) { assign('playlist',$playlist); assign('channelplaylist',true); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/playlist.html"); } $content['html'] .= "
"; $content['html'] .= ''; } else { $content['html'] = '
'.lang("User doesn't have any playlists").'
'; } } break; case "collections": { $collections = get_collections(array("user"=>$u['userid'],"order"=>" date_added DESC","limit"=>config('collection_channel_page'))); if($collections) { foreach($collections as $collection) { assign('collection',$collection); assign('channelCollection',true); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/collection.html"); } $content['html'] .= ''; } else { $content['html'] = '
'.lang("User doesn't have any collections").'
'; } } break; case "friends": { $friends = $userquery->get_contacts($u['userid'],'0','yes'); if($friends) { foreach($friends as $friend) { assign('user',$friend); assign('channelUser','friends'); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/user.html"); } } else { $content['html'] = '
'.lang("User doesn't any friends yet").'
'; } } break; case "subscriptions": { $limit = config('users_items_subscriptions'); $subscriptions = $userquery->get_user_subscriptions($u['userid'],$limit); if($subscriptions) { foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) { assign('user',$subscription); assign('channelUser','subscriptions'); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/user.html"); } $content['html'] .= ''; } else { $content['html'] = '
'; } } break; case "subscribers": { $limit = config('users_items_subscribers'); $subscribers = $userquery->get_user_subscribers_detail($u['userid'],$limit); if($subscribers) { foreach($subscribers as $subscriber) { assign('user',$subscriber); assign('channelUser','subscribers'); $content['html'] .= Fetch("/blocks/user.html"); } $content['html'] .= ''; } else { $content['html'] = '
'; } } break; case "info": { } break; } if($content) echo json_encode($content); } break; case "viewCollectionRating": { $cid = mysql_clean($_POST['cid']); $returnedArray = $cbcollection->collection_voters($cid); echo ($returnedArray); } break; case "loadAjaxPhotos": { $photosType = $_POST['photosType']; $cond = array("limit"=>config("photo_home_tabs")); switch($photosType) { case "last_viewed": default: { $cond['order'] = " last_viewed DESC"; } break; case "most_recent": { $cond['order'] = " date_added DESC"; } break; case "featured": { $cond['featured'] = "yes"; } break; case "most_favorited": { $cond['order'] = " total_favorites DESC"; } break; case "most_commented": { $cond['order'] = " total_comments DESC"; } break; case "highest_rated": { $cond['order'] = " rating DESC, rated_by DESC"; } break; case "most_viewed": { $cond['order'] = " views DESC"; } break; case "most_downloaded": { $cond['order'] = " downloaded DESC"; } break; } $photos = get_photos($cond); if($photos) { foreach($photos as $photo) { assign("photo",$photo); $cond['photoBlocks'] .= Fetch("/blocks/photo.html"); } $cond['completed'] = "successfull"; } else { $cond['failed'] = "successfully"; } echo json_encode($cond); } break; /** * Getting comments along with template */ case "getComments": { $params = array(); $limit = config('comment_per_page') ? config('comment_per_page') : 10; $page = $_POST['page']; $params['type'] = mysql_clean($_POST['type']); $params['type_id'] = mysql_clean($_POST['type_id']); $params['last_update'] = mysql_clean($_POST['last_update']); $params['limit'] = create_query_limit($page,$limit); $params['cache'] = 'no'; $admin = ""; if($_POST['admin']=='yes' && has_access('admin_access',true)) { $params['cache'] ='no'; $admin = "yes"; } $comments = $myquery->getComments($params); //Adding Pagination $total_pages = count_pages($_POST['total_comments'],$limit); assign('object_type',mysql_clean($_POST['object_type'])); //Pagination $pages->paginate($total_pages,$page,NULL,NULL,'
  • #page#
  • '); assign('comments',$comments); assign('type',$params['type']); assign('type_id',$params['type_id']); assign('last_update',$params['last_update']); assign('total',$_POST['total_comments']); assign('total_pages',$total_pages); assign('comments_voting',$_POST['comments_voting']); assign('commentPagination','yes'); Template('blocks/comments/comments.html'); assign('commentPagination','yes'); Template('blocks/pagination.html'); } break; case "getCommentsNew": { $params = array(); $limit = config('comment_per_page') ? config('comment_per_page') : 10; $page = $_POST['page']; $params['type'] = mysql_clean($_POST['type']); $params['type_id'] = mysql_clean($_POST['type_id']); $params['last_update'] = mysql_clean($_POST['last_update']); $params['limit'] = create_query_limit($page,$limit); $params['cache'] = 'no'; $admin = ""; if($_POST['admin']=='yes' && has_access('admin_access',true)) { $params['cache'] ='no'; $admin = "yes"; } $comments = $myquery->getComments($params); //Adding Pagination $total_pages = count_pages($_POST['total_comments'],$limit); assign('object_type',mysql_clean($_POST['object_type'])); assign('comments',$comments); assign('type',$params['type']); assign('type_id',$params['type_id']); assign('last_update',$params['last_update']); assign('total',$_POST['total_comments']); assign('total_pages',$total_pages); assign('comments_voting',$_POST['comments_voting']); assign('commentPagination','yes'); if ($comments) { Template('blocks/comments/comments.html'); } else { echo ""; } } break; case "get_news": { $news = $Cbucket->get_cb_news(); if($news) foreach($news as $n) { echo "
  • "; echo '
    '; echo ""; echo ""; echo '
    '.$n['title'].' '.date("m-d-Y",strtotime($n['pubDate'])).'
    '; echo '
    '; echo $n['description']; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ""; echo ""; echo '
    '; echo "
  • "; } else echo '
    Connect with Internet to get News
    '; } break; case "delete_feed": { $uid = mysql_clean($_POST['uid']); $file = mysql_clean($_POST['file']).'.feed'; if($uid && $file) { if($uid==userid() || has_access("admin_access",true)) { $cbfeeds->deleteFeed($uid,$file); $array['msg'] = lang("feed_has_been_deleted"); }else $array['err'] = lang("you_cant_del_this_feed"); } echo json_encode($array); } break; case "become_contributor" : { $uid = userid(); $cid = $_POST['cid']; $array = array(); if($cbcollection->add_contributor($cid,$uid)) { $array['msg'] = 'Successfully added as contributor'; } else { $array['err'] = error('single'); } echo json_encode($array); } break; case "remove_contributor" : { $uid = userid(); $cid = $_POST['cid']; $array = array(); if($cbcollection->remove_contributor($cid,$uid)) { $array['msg'] = 'Successfully removed from contributors'; } else { $array['err'] = error('single'); } echo json_encode($array); } break; case 'photo_ajax':{ try{ if(isset($_POST['photo_pre']) ) { $photo = $_POST['photo_pre']; $user = $_POST['user']; $items = $_POST['item']; $ci_id = $photo['ci_id']; $collection = $photo['collection_id']; // collection id. $link = $cbcollection->get_next_prev_item($ci_id,$collection,$item=$items,$limit=1,$check_only=false); // getting Previous item $srcString =BASEURL.'/files/photos/'.$link[0]['file_directory'].'/'.$link[0]['filename'].'.'.$link[0]['ext']; // Image Source... $photo_key = $link[0]['photo_key']; // Image Key. $response['photo'] = $link; $response['photo_key'] = $photo_key; $response['src_string'] = $srcString; // Image source. $response['collection_id'] = $collection; echo json_encode($response); } } catch(Exception $e) { $response["error_ex"] = true; $response["msg"] = 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage(); // Error message.. echo (json_encode($response)); } } break; case 'user_suggest': global $db; $typed = mysql_clean($_POST['typed']); if (empty($typed)) { return "none"; } $raw_users = $db->select(tbl("users"),"username","username LIKE '%$typed%' LIMIT 0,5"); $matching_users['matching_users'] = array(); foreach ($raw_users as $key => $userdata) { $matching_users['matching_users'][] = $userdata['username']; } if (empty($matching_users)) { return "none"; } else { echo json_encode($matching_users); } break; default: header('location:'.BASEURL); } }else header('location:'.BASEURL); ?>