INSERT INTO `cb_phrases` (`lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES ('en', 'cat_all', 'All'), ('en', 'photos', 'Photos'), ('en', 'photo', 'photo'), ('en', 'object_does_not_exists', '%s does not exist.'), ('en', 'object_exists_collection', '%s already exist in collection.'), ('en', 'item_added_in_collection', '%s successfully added in collection.'), ('en', 'collect_added_msg', 'Collection is created successfully.'), ('en', 'cant_perform_action_collect', 'You can not perform such actions on this collection.'), ('en', 'collection_deleted', 'Collection deleted successfully.'), ('en', 'collection_not_exists', 'Collection does not exist.'), ('en', 'collect_items_deleted', 'Collection items deleted successfully.'), ('en', 'object_not_in_collect', '%s does not exist in this collection'), ('en', 'collect_item_removed', '%s is removed from collection.'), ('en', 'cant_edit_collection', 'You can not edit this collection'), ('en', 'collection_updated', 'Collection updated.'), ('en', 'collection_activated', 'Collection activated.'), ('en', 'collection_deactivated', 'Collection deactivated.'), ('en', 'collection_featured', 'Collection featured.'), ('en', 'collection_unfeatured', 'Collection unfeatured.'), ('en', 'upload_right_guide_photo', 'Important: Do not upload any photo hat can be construed as porn, copyrighted material, harassment, or spam.

By continuing "Your Upload", you are representing that these photos does not violate Our website's Terms of Use and that you own all copyrights of these photos or have authorization to upload it.
