object( 'photos' )->get_columns(); } /** * function used to get photos */ function get_photos($param) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->get_photos($param); } //Simple Width Fetcher function getWidth($file) { $sizes = getimagesize($file); if($sizes) return $sizes[0]; } //Simple Height Fetcher function getHeight($file) { $sizes = getimagesize($file); if($sizes) return $sizes[1]; } //Load Photo Upload Form function loadPhotoUploadForm($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->loadUploadForm($params); } //Photo File Fetcher function get_photo($params) { return get_image_file( $params ); } //Photo Upload BUtton function upload_photo_button($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->upload_photo_button($params); } //Photo Embed Cides function photo_embed_codes($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->photo_embed_codes($params); } //Create download button function photo_download_button($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->download_button($params); } function add_photo_plupload_javascript_block() { if( THIS_PAGE == 'photo_upload' ) { return Fetch( JS_DIR.'/plupload/uploaders/photo.plupload.html', true ); } } function plupload_photo_uploader() { $photoUploaderDetails = array ( 'uploadSwfPath' => JS_URL.'/plupload/Moxie.swf', 'uploadScriptPath' => BASEURL.'/actions/photo_uploader.php?plupload=true', ); assign('photoUploaderDetails',$photoUploaderDetails); } /** * Function is used to confirm the current photo has photo file saved in * structured folders. If file is found at structured folder, function * will the dates folder structure. * * @param INT|ARRAY $photo_id * @return bool|string $directory */ function get_photo_date_folder( $photo_id ) { global $cbphoto, $db; if ( is_array( $photo_id ) ) { $photo = $photo_id; } else { $photo = $cbphoto->get_photo( $photo_id ); } if ( !$photo ) { return false; } /** * Check if file_directory index has value or not */ if( $photo[ 'file_directory' ] ) { $directory = $photo[ 'file_directory' ]; } if ( !$directory ) { /** * No value found. Extract time from filename */ $random = substr( $photo['filename'], -6, 6 ); $time = str_replace( $random, '', $photo['filename'] ); $directory = date( ( defined( 'CB_FILES_SYSTEM_STRUCTURE' ) ? CB_FILES_SYSTEM_STRUCTURE : 'Y/m/d' ), $time ); /** * Making sure file exists at path */ $path = PHOTOS_DIR.'/'.$directory.'/'.$photo[ 'filename' ].'.'.$photo[ 'ext' ]; $photo[ 'file_path' ] = $path; $photo = apply_filters( $photo, 'checking_photo_at_structured_path' ); if( file_exists( $photo[ 'file_path' ] ) ) { /** * Photo exists, update file_directory index */ $db->update( tbl( 'photos' ), array( 'file_directory' ), array( $directory ), " photo_id = '".$photo[ 'photo_id' ]."' " ); } else { $directory = false; } } return $directory; } function get_photo_default_thumb( $size = null, $output = null ) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->default_thumb( $size, $output ); } function get_image_file( $params ) { global $cbphoto, $Cbucket; //var_dump($params); $details = $params[ 'details' ]; $output = $params[ 'output' ]; $size = $params[ 'size' ]; $static = $params['static']; $default = array( 't', 'm', 'l', 'o' ); $thumbs = array(); if( !$details ) { //var_dump("get default 1"); return get_photo_default_thumb( $size, $output ); } else if ($static) { return BASEURL.'/files/photos/'.$details['file_directory'].'/'.$details['filename'].'_'.$size.'.jpg'; } if ( !is_array( $details ) ) { $photo = $cbphoto->get_photo( $details, true ); } else { $photo = $details; } if ( empty( $photo[ 'photo_id' ] ) or empty( $photo[ 'photo_key' ] ) ) { //var_dump("get default 2"); return get_photo_default_thumb( $size, $output ); } if( empty( $photo[ 'filename' ] ) or empty( $photo[ 'ext' ] ) ) { //var_dump("get default 3"); return get_photo_default_thumb( $size, $output ); } $params[ 'photo' ] = $photo; if( count( $Cbucket->custom_get_photo_funcs ) > 0 ) { $functions = $Cbucket->custom_get_photo_funcs; foreach( $functions as $func ) { if( function_exists( $func ) ) { $func_data = $func( $params ); if( $func_data ) { return $func_data; } } } } $path = PHOTOS_DIR; $directory = get_photo_date_folder( $photo ); $with_path = $params['with_path'] = ( $params['with_path'] === false ) ? false : true; $with_original = $params[ 'with_orig' ]; $size = ( !in_array( $size, $default ) or !$size ) ? 't' : $size; if( $directory ) { $directory .= '/'; } $path .= '/'.$directory; $filename = $photo[ 'filename' ].'%s.'.$photo[ 'ext' ]; $files = glob( $path.sprintf( $filename, '*' ) ); if ( !empty( $files ) ) { foreach( $files as $file ) { $splitted = explode( "/", $file ); $thumb_name = end( $splitted ); $thumb_type = $cbphoto->get_image_type( $thumb_name ); if( $with_original ) { $thumbs[] = ( ( $with_path ) ? PHOTOS_URL.'/' : '' ) . $directory . $thumb_name; } else if( !empty( $thumb_type ) ) { $thumbs[] = ( ( $with_path ) ? PHOTOS_URL.'/' : '' ) . $directory . $thumb_name; } } if ( empty( $output ) or $output == 'non_html' ) { if ( $params[ 'assign' ] and $params[ 'multi' ] ) { assign( $params[ 'assign' ], $thumbs ); } else if( ( $params[ 'multi' ] ) ) { return $thumbs; } else { $search_name = sprintf( $filename, "_".$size ); $return_thumb = array_find( $search_name, $thumbs ); if( empty( $return_thumb ) ) { return get_photo_default_thumb( $size, $output ); } else { if( $params[ 'assign' ] ) { assign( $params[ 'assign' ], $return_thumb ); } else { return $return_thumb; } } } } if ( $output == 'html' ) { $search_name = sprintf( $filename, "_".$size ); $src = array_find( $search_name, $thumbs ); $src = ( empty( $src ) ) ? get_photo_default_thumb( $size ) : $src; $attrs = array( 'src' => $src ); if( phpversion < '5.2.0' ) { global $json; } if ( $json ) { $image_details = $json->json_decode( $photo['photo_details'],true ); } else { $image_details = json_decode( $photo[ 'photo_details' ], true ); } if ( empty( $image_details ) or empty( $image_details[ $size ] ) ) { $dem = getimagesize( str_replace( PHOTOS_URL, PHOTOS_DIR, $src ) ); $width = $dem[0]; $height = $dem[1]; /* UPDATEING IMAGE DETAILS */ #$cbphoto->update_image_details( $photo ); } else { $width = $image_details[ $size ][ 'width' ]; $height = $image_details[ $size ][ 'height' ]; } if ( ( $params['width'] and is_numeric( $params['width'] ) ) and ( $params['height'] and is_numeric( $height ) ) ) { $width = $params['width']; $height = $params['height']; } else if ( ( $params['width'] and is_numeric( $params['width'] ) ) ) { $height = round( $params['width'] / $width * $height ); $width = $params['width']; } else if ( ( $params['height'] and is_numeric( $height ) ) ) { $width = round( $params['height'] * $width / $height ); $height = $params['height']; } //$attrs[ 'width' ] = $width; //$attrs[ 'height' ] = $height; $attrs[ 'id' ] = ( ( $params[ 'id' ] ) ? $params[ 'id' ].'_' : 'photo_' ).$photo[ 'photo_id' ]; if( $params[ 'class' ] ) { $attrs[ 'class' ] = mysql_clean( $params[ 'class' ] ); } if ( $params['align'] ) { $attrs['align'] = mysql_clean( $params['align'] ); } $attrs[ 'title' ] = $photo[ 'photo_title' ]; if ( isset( $params[ 'title' ] ) and $params[ 'title' ] == '' ) { unset( $attrs[ 'title' ] ); } $attrs[ 'alt' ] = TITLE.' - '.$photo[ 'photo_title' ]; $anchor_p = array( "place" => 'photo_thumb', "data" => $photo ); $params['extra'] = ANCHOR( $anchor_p ); if ( $params['style'] ) { $attrs['style'] = ( $params['style'] ); } if ( $params['extra'] ) { $attrs['extra'] = ( $params['extra'] ); } $image = cb_create_html_tag( 'img', true, $attrs ); if ( $params[ 'assign' ] ) { assign( $params[ 'assign' ], $image ); } else { return $image; } } } else { return get_photo_default_thumb( $size, $output ); } } function get_photo_file( $photo_id, $size = 't', $multi = false, $assign = null, $with_path = true, $with_orig = false ) { $args = array( 'details' => $photo_id, 'size' => $size, 'multi' => $multi, 'assign' => $assign, 'with_path' => $with_path, 'with_orig' => $with_orig ); return get_image_file( $args ); }