compile_check = true; $Smarty->debugging = false; $Smarty->template_dir = BASEDIR."/styles"; $Smarty->compile_dir = BASEDIR."/cache"; return true; } function setCompileDir($dir_name) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } $Smarty->compile_dir = $dir_name; } function setType($type) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } $Smarty->type = $type; } function assign($var, $value) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } $Smarty->assign($var, $value); } function setTplDir($dir_name = null) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } if (!$dir_name) { $Smarty->template_dir = BASEDIR."/styles/clipbucketblue"; } else { $Smarty->template_dir = $dir_name; } } function setModule($module) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } $Smarty->theme = $module; $Smarty->type = "module"; } function setTheme($theme) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } $Smarty->template_dir = BASEDIR."/styles/" . $theme; $Smarty->compile_dir = BASEDIR."/styles/" . $theme; $Smarty->theme = $theme; $Smarty->type = "theme"; } function getTplDir() { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } return $Smarty->template_dir; } function display($filename) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } $Smarty->display($filename); } function fetch($filename) { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } return $Smarty->fetch($filename); } function getVars() { global $Smarty; if (!isset($Smarty)) { CBTemplate::create(); } return $Smarty->get_template_vars(); } /** * Function used to get available templates */ function get_templates() { $dir = STYLES_DIR; //Scaning Dir $dirs = scandir($dir); foreach($dirs as $tpl) { if(substr($tpl,0,1)!='.') $tpl_dirs[] = $tpl; } //Now Checking for template template.xml $tpls = array(); foreach($tpl_dirs as $tpl_dir) { $tpl_details = CBTemplate::get_template_details($tpl_dir); if($tpl_details && $tpl_details['name']!='') $tpls[$tpl_details['name']] = $tpl_details; } return $tpls; } function gettemplates() { return $this->get_templates(); } function get_template_details($temp,$file='template.xml') { $file = STYLES_DIR.'/'.$temp.'/template.xml'; if(file_exists($file)) { $content = file_get_contents($file); preg_match('/(.*)<\/name>/',$content,$name); preg_match('/(.*)<\/author>/',$content,$author); preg_match('/(.*)<\/version>/',$content,$version); preg_match('/(.*)<\/released>/',$content,$released); preg_match('/(.*)<\/description>/',$content,$description); preg_match('/(.*)<\/website>/',$content,$website_arr); $name = $name[1]; $author = $author[1]; $version = $version[1]; $released = $released[1]; $description = $description[1]; $website = array('title'=>$website_arr[1],'link'=>$website_arr[2]); //Now Create array $template_details = array ('name'=>$name, 'author'=>$author, 'version'=>$version, 'released'=>$released, 'description'=>$description, 'website'=>$website, 'dir'=>$temp, 'path'=>TEMPLATEFOLDER.'/'.$temp ); return $template_details; }else return false; } /** * Function used to get template thumb */ function get_preview_thumb($template) { $path = TEMPLATEFOLDER.'/'.$template.'/images/preview.'; $exts = array('png','jpg','gif'); $thumb_path = BASEURL.'/images/icons/no_thumb.png'; foreach($exts as $ext) { $file = BASEDIR.'/'.$path.$ext; if(file_exists($file)) { $thumb_path = BASEURL.'/'.$path.$ext; break; } } return $thumb_path; } /** * Function used to get any template */ function get_any_template() { $templates = $this->get_templates(); if(is_array($templates)) { foreach($templates as $template) { if(!empty($template['name'])) return $template['dir']; } return false; }else return false; } } ?>