{assign var='requiredFields' value=$Upload->loadRequiredFields()} {assign var='optionFields' value=$Upload->loadOptionFields()} {assign var='locationFields' value=$Upload->loadLocationFields()} {assign var='cust_fields' value=$Upload->custom_form_fields}
{if $step =='1'}

Video Upload Step 1 of 1

required fields {foreach from=$requiredFields item=field}
{if $field.hint_1}

{/if}{ANCHOR place=$field.anchor_before}{$formObj->createField($field)} {if $field.hint_2}
More Options
{/if} {if $step =="2"}

Video Upload - Step 2 of 2

{$Upload->load_post_fields()} {assign var=opt_list value=$Upload->load_upload_options()} {foreach from=$opt_list item=opt key=divid}
{$opt.title} {load_form name=$opt.load_func button_class='cb_button_2' class='upload_form'}
{/if} {if $step==3}

{lang code='vdo_video_upload_complete'}

{$LANG.vdo_thanks_you_upload_complete_2} {$LANG.com_my_videos} {$LANG.vdo_after_it_has_process}

Important: Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself.

The Copyright Tips page and the Community Guidelines can help you determine whether your video infringes someone else's copyright.

By clicking "Upload Video", you are representing that this video does not violate {$title}'s Terms of Use and that you own all copyrights in this video or have authorization to upload it.