Execute("CREATE TABLE ".tbl("jw_smart")." ( `jw_config_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `jw_config_name` VARCHAR( 225 ) NOT NULL , `jw_config_value` TEXT NOT NULL , `jw_config_description` TEXT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; "); $db->Execute("INSERT INTO ".tbl("jw_smart")." (`jw_config_id`, `jw_config_name`, `jw_config_value`, `jw_config_description`) VALUES (1, 'auto_play', 'no', 'Auto Play Jw Player'), (2, 'logo_placement', 'top-left', 'Logo Placement of on Jw Player'), (3, 'youtube', 'yes', 'Play youtube videos in our player'), (4, 'jw_skin', 'snel_skin.swf', ''), (5, 'plugin_var', '', 'Plugin Variables, please check jw player doucmentation for how to add more and more variables in plugin field, sperate by commas'), (6, 'custom_variables', '', 'Custom Flash Variables that are passed to JW Player'), (7, 'longtail_enabled', 'yes', 'Enagle longtail advertisment solution'), (8, 'longtail_id', '', ''); "); ?>