UPDATE `{table_prefix}phrases` SET text='register_as_our_website_member' WHERE text='register_as_our_website_member' ; UPDATE `{table_prefix}phrases` SET text='Register as a member, it`s free and easy just ' WHERE text='Register as a member, it's free and easy just ' ; UPDATE `{table_prefix}phrases` SET text='email_wont_display' WHERE text='email_wont_display' ; UPDATE `{table_prefix}phrases` SET text='Email (Wont` display)' WHERE text='Email (Wont' display)' ; INSERT INTO {tbl_prefix}config (name,value) VALUES ('use_subs','0'); ALTER TABLE {tbl_prefix}video_categories ADD `parent_id` INT( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `category_id`;