$naam) if(is_array($naam)) { foreach($naam as $name) { $Cbucket->actionList[$name][] = $key; } }else{ $Cbucket->actionList[$naam][] = $key; } }elseif($type!=NULL){ $Cbucket->actionList[$type][] = $name; } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO CREATE ANCHOR PLACEMENT * these are the placement where we can add plugin's or widget's code, * e.g if we want to display a new WYSIWYG box before comment text area * we will create anchor before text area as {ANCHOR place='before_compose_box'} * code will be written in plugin file and its place will point 'before_compose_box' * then our function will get all the code for this placement and will display it * @param : array(Ad Code, LIMIT); */ function ANCHOR($params) { global $Cbucket; //Getting List of codes to display at this anchor $codes = $Cbucket->get_anchor_codes($params['place']); if(!empty($codes)) { if(is_array($codes)) { foreach($codes as $code) { echo $code; } }else{ echo $codes; } } //Getting list of function that will be performed while calling achor $funcs = $Cbucket->get_anchor_function_list($params['place']); if(!empty($funcs)) { if(is_array($funcs)) { foreach($funcs as $func) { if(function_exists($func)) { if($params['data']) $func($params['data']); else $func(); } } }else{ if($params['data']) $funcs($params['data']); else $funcs(); } } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO REGISTER ANCHORS * before_comments etc.. see complete list on http://docs.clip-bucket.com */ function register_anchor($name,$type=NULL) { global $Cbucket; if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key => $naam) if(is_array($naam)) { foreach($naam as $name) { $Cbucket->anchorList[$name][] = $key; } }else{ $Cbucket->anchorList[$naam][] = $key; } }elseif($type!=NULL){ $Cbucket->anchorList[$type][] = $name; } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO REGISTER FUNCTION * If you want to perform some function on * some place, you can simple register function that will be execute where anchor points are * placed */ function register_anchor_function($name,$type=NULL) { global $Cbucket; if(is_array($name)) { foreach($name as $key => $naam) if(is_array($naam)) { foreach($naam as $name) { $Cbucket->anchor_function_list[$name][] = $key; } }else{ $Cbucket->anchor_function_list[$naam][] = $key; } }elseif($type!=NULL){ $Cbucket->anchor_function_list[$type][] = $name; } } /** * Function used to add items in admin menu * This function will insert new item in admin menu * under given header, if the header is not available * it will create one, ( Header means titles ie 'Plugins' 'Videos' etc) * @param STRING $header - Could be Plugin , Videos, Users , please check * http://docs.clip-bucket.com. for reference * @param STRING name * @param STRING link * That will add new item in admin menu */ function add_admin_menu($header='Tool Box',$name,$link) { global $Cbucket; //Gett Menu $menu = $Cbucket->AdminMenu; //Add New Meny $menu[$header][$name] = $link; $Cbucket->AdminMenu = $menu; } /** * Function used to add custom upload fields * In this you will provide an array that has a complete * details of the field such as 'name',validate_func etc * please check docs.clip-bucket.com for "how to add custom upload field" */ function register_custom_upload_field($array) { global $Upload; $name = key($array); if(is_array($array) && !empty($array[$name]['name'])) { foreach($array as $key => $arr) $Upload->custom_upload_fields[$key] = $arr; } } /** * Function used to add custom form fields * In this you will provide an array that has a complete * details of the field such as 'name',validate_func etc * please check docs.clip-bucket.com for "how to add custom form field" */ function register_custom_form_field($array) { global $Upload; $name = key($array); if(is_array($array) && !empty($array[$name]['name'])) { foreach($array as $key => $arr) $Upload->custom_form_fields[$key] = $arr; } } /** * Function used to add custom signup form fields * In this you will provide an array that has a complete * details of the field such as 'name',validate_func etc * please check docs.clip-bucket.com for "how to add custom signup field" */ function register_signup_field($array) { global $userquery; $name = key($array); if(is_array($array) && !empty($array[$name]['name'])) { foreach($array as $key => $arr) $userquery->custom_signup_fields[$key] = $arr; } } /** * Function used to add actions that will be performed * when video is uploaded * @param Function name */ function register_after_video_upload_action($func) { global $Upload; $Upload->actions_after_video_upload[] = $func; } /** * Function used to add actions that will be performed * when video is going to play, it will check which player to use * what type to use and what to do * @param Function name */ function register_actions_play_video($func) { global $Cbucket; $Cbucket->actions_play_video[] = $func; } /** * Function used to add links in admin area */ function add_admin_link($array) { $area = $array['area']; $title = $array['title']; $link = $array['link']; } /** * function use to register function that will be * called while deleting a video */ function register_action_remove_video($func) { global $cbvid; $cbvid->video_delete_functions[] = $func; } /** * Function used to display comment rating */ function comment_rating($input) { if($input<0) return ''.$input.''; elseif($input>0) return '+'.$input.''; else return $input; } /** * Function use to register security captchas for clipbucket */ function register_cb_captcha($func,$ver_func,$show_field=true) { global $Cbucket; $Cbucket->captchas[] = array('load_function'=>$func,'validate_function'=>$ver_func,'show_field'=>$show_field); }register_anchor_function('cb_footer','the_footer'); ?>