cat_tbl = "collection_categories"; $this->section_tbl = "collections"; $this->types = array('videos' => lang("Videos"),'pictures' => lang("Pictures")); ksort($this->types); $this->setting_up_collections(); } /** * Setting links up in my account */ function setting_up_collections() { global $userquery,$Cbucket; // Adding My Account Links $links = array(); $links[lang('Collections')] = array( lang('Add New Collection') => "manage_collections.php?mode=add_new", lang('Manage Collections') => "manage_collections.php" ); $userquery->user_account = $links; // Adding Search Type $Cbucket->search_types['collections'] = "cbcollection"; // Adding Collection links in Cbucket Class $Cbucket->links['manage_collections'] = array('manage_collections.php','manage_collections'); $Cbucket->links['edit_collection'] = array('manage_collections.php?mode=edit_collection&cid=', 'manage_collections.php?mode=edit_collection&cid='); $Cbucket->links['manage_items'] = array('manage_collections.php?mode=manage_items&cid=%s&type=%s', 'manage_collections.php?mode=manage_items&cid=%s&type=%s'); } /** * Initiatting Search */ function init_search() { $this->search = new cbsearch; $this->search->db_tbl = "collections"; $this->search->columns = array( array("field"=>"collection_name","type"=>"LIKE","var"=>"%{KEY}%"), array("field"=>"collection_tags","type"=>"LIKE","var"=>"%{KEY}%","op"=>"OR") ); $this->search->match_fields = array("collection_name","collection_tags"); $this->search->cat_tbl = $this->cat_tbl; $this->search->display_template = LAYOUT.'/blocks/collection.html'; $this->search->template_var = 'collection'; $this->search->has_user_id = true; $sorting = array( 'date_added'=> lang("date_added"), 'views' => lang("views"), 'total_comments' => lang("comments"), 'total_objects' => lang("Items") ); $this->search->sorting = array( 'date_added'=> " date_added DESC", 'views' => " views DESC", 'total_comments' => " total_comments DESC ", 'total_objects' => " total_objects DESC" ); $default = $_GET; if(is_array($default['category'])) $cat_array = array($default['category']); $uploaded = $default['datemargin']; $sort = $default['sort']; $this->search->search_type['collections'] = array('title'=>lang('collections')); $this->search->results_per_page = config('videos_items_search_page'); $fields = array( 'query' => array( 'title'=> lang('keywords'), 'type'=> 'textfield', 'name'=> 'query', 'id'=> 'query', 'value'=>cleanForm($default['query']) ), 'category' => array( 'title' => lang('vdo_cat'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'category[]', 'id' => 'category', 'value' => array('category',$cat_array), ), 'uploaded' => array( 'title' => lang('uploaded'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'datemargin', 'id' => 'datemargin', 'value' => $this->search->date_margins(), 'checked' => $uploaded, ), 'sort' => array( 'title' => lang('sort_by'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'sort', 'value' => $sorting, 'checked' => $sort ) ); $this->search->search_type['collections']['fields'] = $fields; } /** * Function used to check if collection exists */ function collection_exists($id) { global $db; $result = $db->count(tbl($this->section_tbl),"collection_id"," collection_id = $id"); if($result) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to check if object exists * This is a replica of actions.class, exists function */ function object_exists($id) { $obj = $this->objClass; global ${$obj}; $obj = ${$obj}; $func = $this->objFunction; return $obj->{$func}($id); } /** * Function used to get collection */ function get_collection($id,$cond=NULL) { global $db; $result = $db->select(tbl($this->section_tbl).",".tbl("users"),"".tbl($this->section_tbl).".*,".tbl('users').".userid,".tbl('users').".username"," ".tbl($this->section_tbl).".collection_id = $id AND ".tbl($this->section_tbl).".userid = ".tbl('users').".userid $cond"); //echo $db->db_query; if($result) return $result[0]; else return false; } /** * Function used to get collections */ function get_collections($p=NULL) { global $db; $limit = $p['limit']; $order = $p['order']; $cond = ""; if(!has_access('admin_access',TRUE)) $cond .= " ".tbl('')." = 'yes' AND ".tbl('collections.broadcast')." = 'public' "; else { if($p['active']) { $cond .= " ".tbl('')." = '".$p['active']."'"; } if($p['broadcast']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.broadcast')." = '".$p['broadcast']."'"; } } if($p['category']) { $get_all = false; if(!is_array($p['category'])) if(strtolower($p['category']) == 'all') $get_all = true; if(!$get_all) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= "("; if(!is_array($p['category'])) $cats = explode(',',$p['category']); else $cats = $p['category']; $count = 0; foreach($cats as $cat) { $count++; if($count > 1) $cond .= " OR "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.category')." LIKE '%#$cat#%'"; } $cond .= ")"; } } if($p['date_span']) { if($cond!='') $cond .= ' AND '; $cond .= " ".cbsearch::date_margin("date_added",$p['date_span']); } if($p['user']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.userid')." = '".$p['user']."'"; } if($p['type']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.type')." = '".$p['type']."'"; } if($p['featured']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.featured')." = '".$p['featured']."'"; } if($p['public_upload']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.public_upload')." = '".$p['public_upload']."'"; } if($p['exclude']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.collection_id')." <> '".$p['exclude']."'"; } if($p['cid']) { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('collections.collection_id')." = '".$p['cid']."'"; } $title_tag = ''; if($p['name']) { $title_tag .= " ".tbl('collections.collection_name')." LIKE '%".$p['name']."%'"; } if($p['tags']) { $tags = explode(",",$p['tags']); if(count($tags)>0) { if($title_tag != '') $title_tag .= " OR "; $total = count($tags); $loop = 1; foreach($tags as $tag) { $title_tag .= " ".tbl('collections.collection_tags')." LIKE '%$tag%'"; if($loop<$total) $title_tag .= " OR "; $loop++; } } else { if($title_tag != '') $title_tag .= " OR "; $title_tag .= " ".tbl('collections.collection_tags')." LIKE '%".$p['tags']."%'"; } } if($title_tag != "") { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ($title_tag) "; } if(!$p['count_only']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $result = $db->select(tbl("collections,users"), tbl("collections.*,users.userid,users.username"), $cond.tbl("collections.userid")." = ".tbl("users.userid"),$limit,$order); //echo $db->db_query; } if($p['count_only']) { return $result = $db->count(tbl("collections"),"collection_id",$cond); //echo $db->db_query; } if($p['assign']) assign($p['assign'],$result); else return $result; } /** * Function used to get collection items */ function get_collection_items($id,$order=NULL,$limit=NULL) { global $db; $result = $db->select(tbl($this->items),"*"," collection_id = $id",$limit,$order); if($result) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to get next / previous collection item */ function get_next_prev_item($ci_id,$cid,$item="prev",$limit=1) { global $db; $iTbl = tbl($this->items); $oTbl = tbl($this->objTable); $uTbl = tbl('users'); $tbls = $iTbl.",".$oTbl.",".$uTbl; if($item == "prev") { $op = ">"; $order = ''; } elseif($item == "next") { $op = "<"; $order = $iTbl.".ci_id DESC"; } elseif($item == NULL) { $op = "="; $order = ''; } $result = $db->select($tbls,"$iTbl.*,$oTbl.*,$uTbl.username", " $iTbl.collection_id = $cid AND $iTbl.ci_id $op $ci_id AND $iTbl.object_id = $oTbl.".$this->objFieldID." AND $oTbl.userid = $uTbl.userid",$limit,$order); //echo $db->db_query; if($result) return $result; else return false; } /** * Function used to get collection items with details */ function get_collection_items_with_details($id,$order=NULL,$limit=NULL,$count_only=FALSE) { global $db; $itemsTbl = tbl($this->items); $objTbl = tbl($this->objTable); $tables = $itemsTbl.",".$objTbl.",".tbl("users"); if(!$count_only) { $result = $db->select($tables,"$itemsTbl.*,$objTbl.*,".tbl('users').".username"," $itemsTbl.collection_id = '$id' AND $itemsTbl.object_id = $objTbl.".$this->objFieldID." AND $objTbl.userid = ".tbl('users').".userid",$limit,$order); //echo $db->db_query; } else { $result = $db->count($itemsTbl,"ci_id"," collection_id = $id"); } if($result) { return $result; } else return false; } /** * Function used to load collections fields */ function load_required_fields($default=NULL) { if($default==NULL) $default = $_POST; $name = $default['collection_name']; $description = $default['collection_description']; $tags = $default['collection_tags']; $type = $default['type']; if(is_array($default['category'])) $cat_array = array($default['category']); else { preg_match_all('/#([0-9]+)#/',$default['category'],$m); $cat_array = array($m[1]); } $reqFileds = array ( 'name' => array( 'title'=> lang("collection_name"), 'type' => 'textfield', 'name' => 'collection_name', 'id' => 'collection_name', 'value' => $name, 'db_field' => 'collection_name', 'required' => 'yes', 'invalid_err' => lang("collect_name_er") ), 'desc' => array( 'title' => lang("collection_description"), 'type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'collection_description', 'id' => 'colleciton_desciption', 'value' => $description, 'db_field' => 'collection_description', 'required' => 'yes', 'invalid_err' => lang("collect_descp_er") ), 'tags' => array( 'title' => lang("collection_tags"), 'type' => 'textfield', 'name' => 'collection_tags', 'id' => 'collection_tags', 'value' => cleanForm(genTags($tags)), 'hint_2' => lang("collect_tag_hint"), 'db_field' => 'collection_tags', 'required' => 'yes', 'invalid_err' => lang("collect_tag_er"), 'validate_function' => 'genTags' ), 'cat' => array( 'title' => lang("collect_category"), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'category[]', 'id' => 'category', 'value' => array('category',$cat_array), 'db_field' => 'category', 'required' => 'yes', 'validate_function' => 'validate_group_category', 'invalid_err' => lang('collect_cat_er'), 'display_function' => 'convert_to_categories', 'category_type' => 'collections' ), 'type' => array( 'title' => lang("collect_type"), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'type', 'id' => 'type', 'value' => $this->types, 'db_field' => 'type', 'required' => 'yes', 'checked' => $type ) ); return $reqFileds; } /** * Function used to load collections optional fields */ function load_other_fields($default=NULL) { if($default==NULL) $default = $_POST; $broadcast = $default['broadcast']; $allow_comments = $default['allow_comments']; $public_upload = $default['public_upload']; $other_fields = array ( 'broadcast' => array( 'title' => lang("vdo_br_opt"), 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'name' => 'broadcast', 'id' => 'broadcast', 'value' => array("public"=>lang("collect_borad_pub"),"private"=>lang("collect_broad_pri")), 'checked' => $broadcast, 'db_field' => 'broadcast', 'required' => 'no', 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'yes' ), 'comments' => array( 'title' => lang("comments"), 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'id' => 'allow_comments', 'name' => 'allow_comments', 'value' => array("yes"=>lang("vdo_allow_comm"),"no"=>lang("vdo_dallow_comm")), 'checked' => $allow_comments, 'db_field' => 'allow_comments', 'required' => 'no', 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'yes' ), 'public_upload' => array( 'title' => lang("collect_allow_public_up"), 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'id' => 'public_upload', 'name' => 'public_upload', 'value' => array("no"=>lang("collect_pub_up_dallow"),"yes"=>lang("collect_pub_up_allow")), 'checked' => $public_upload, 'db_field' => 'public_upload', 'required' => 'no', 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'no' ) ); return $other_fields; } /** * Function used to validate form fields */ function validate_form_fields($array=NULL) { $reqFileds = $this->load_required_fields($array); if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $otherFields = $this->load_other_fields($array); $collection_fields = array_merge($reqFileds,$otherFields); validate_cb_form($collection_fields,$array); } /** * Function used to create collections */ function create_collection($array=NULL) { global $db, $userquery; if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $this->validate_form_fields($array); if(!error()) { $fields = $this->load_required_fields($array); $collection_fields = array_merge($fields,$this->load_other_fields($array)); if(count($this->custom_collection_fields) > 0) $collection_fields = array_merge($collection_fields,$this->custom_collection_fields); foreach($collection_fields as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = mysql_clean($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],sql_free('|no_mc|'.$val)); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_val[] = $val; } // date_added $query_field[] = "date_added"; $query_val[] = NOW(); // user $query_field[] = "userid"; if($array['userid']) $query_val[] = $array['userid']; else $query_val[] = userid(); // active $query_field[] = "active"; $query_val[] = "yes"; $db->insert(tbl($this->section_tbl),$query_field,$query_val); e(lang("collect_added_msg"),"m"); } } /** * Function used to get collection owner */ function get_collection_owner($cid) { global $db; $user_tbl = tbl("users"); $result = $db->select(tbl($this->section_tbl.",users"),tbl($this->section_tbl).".*,$user_tbl.userid,$user_tbl.username"," collection_id = $cid AND ".tbl($this->section_tbl).".userid = $user_tbl.userid"); if($db->num_rows > 0) return $result[0]['userid']; else return false; } /** * Function used to add item in collection */ function add_collection_item($objID,$cid) { global $db; if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if($this->collection_exists($cid)) { if(!userid()) e("you_not_logged_in"); elseif(!$this->object_exists($objID)) e("object_does_exists"); elseif($this->object_in_collection($objID,$cid)) e("object_exists_collection"); else { $flds = array("collection_id","object_id","type","userid","date_added"); $vls = array($cid,$objID,$this->objType,userid(),NOW()); $db->insert(tbl($this->items),$flds,$vls); $db->update(tbl($this->section_tbl),array("total_objects"),array("|f|total_objects+1")," collection_id = $cid"); e("item_added_in_collection","m"); } } else { e(lang("collect_not_exist")); } } /** * Function used to check if object exists in collection */ function object_in_collection($id,$cid) { global $db; $result = $db->select(tbl($this->items),"*"," object_id = $id AND collection_id = $cid"); if($result) return $result[0]; else return false; } /** * Function used to get collection field vlaue */ function get_collection_field($cid,$field=NULL) { global $db; if($field==NULL) $field = "*"; else $field = $field; if(is_array($cid)) $id = $cid['collection_id']; else $id = $cid; $result = $db->select(tbl($this->section_tbl),$field," collection_id = $id"); if($result) { if(count($result[0]) > 2) return $result[0]; else return $result[0][$field]; } else return false; } /** * Function used to check if user collection owner */ function is_collection_owner($cdetails,$userid=NULL) { if($userid==NULL) $userid = userid(); if(!is_array($cdetails)) $details = $this->get_collection($cdetails); else $details = $cdetails; if($details['userid'] == $userid) return true; else return false; } /** * Function used to delete collection */ function delete_collection($cid) { global $db; $collection = $this->get_collection($cid); if(empty($collection)) e("collection_not_exists"); elseif($collection['userid'] != userid() || !has_access('admin_access',true)) e("cant_perform_action_collect"); else { $db->delete(tbl($this->items),array("collection_id"),array($cid)); $this->delete_thumbs($cid); $db->delete(tbl($this->section_tbl),array("collection_id"),array($cid)); e("collection_deleted","m"); } } /** * Function used to delete collection items */ function delete_collection_items($cid) { global $db; $collection = $this->get_collection($id); if(!$collection) e("collection_not_exists"); elseif($collection['userid'] != userid() || !has_access('admin_access',true)) e("cant_perform_action_collect"); else { $db->delete(tbl($this->items),array("collection_id"),array($cid)); $db->update(tbl($this->section_tbl),array("total_objects"),array($this->count_items($cid))," collection_id = $cid"); e("collect_items_deleted","m"); } } /** * Function used to delete collection items */ function remove_item($id,$cid) { global $db; if($this->collection_exists($cid)) { if(!userid()) e("you_not_logged_in"); elseif(!$this->object_in_collection($id,$cid)) e(sprintf(lang("object_not_in_collect"),$this->objName)); elseif(!$this->is_collection_owner($cid) || !has_access('admin_access',true)) e("cant_perform_action_collect"); else { $db->execute("DELETE FROM ".tbl($this->items)." WHERE object_id = $id AND collection_id = $cid"); $db->update(tbl($this->section_tbl),array("total_objects"),array("|f|total_objects-1")," collection_id = $cid"); e("collect_item_removed","m"); } } else { e(lang('collect_not_exists')); return false; } } /** * Function used to count collection items */ function count_items($cid) { global $db; $count = $db->count($this->items,"ci_id"," collection_id = $cid"); if($count) return $count; else return 0; } /** * Function used to delete collection preview */ function delete_thumbs($cid) { $glob = glob(COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/$cid*.jpg"); if($glob) { foreach($glob as $file) { if(file_exists($file)) unlink($file); } } else { return false; } } /** * Function used to create collection preview */ function upload_thumb($cid,$file) { global $imgObj; $file_ext = strtolower(getext($file['name'])); $exts = array("jpg","gif","jpeg","png"); foreach($exts as $ext) { if($ext == $file_ext) { $thumb = COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid.".".$ext; $sThumb = COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid."-small.".$ext; foreach($exts as $un_ext) if(file_exists(COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid.".".$un_ext) && file_exists(COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid."-small.".$un_ext)) { unlink(COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid.".".$un_ext); unlink(COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid."-small.".$un_ext); } move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'],$thumb); if(!$imgObj->ValidateImage($thumb,$ext)) e("pic_upload_vali_err"); else { $imgObj->CreateThumb($thumb,$thumb,$this->collect_thumb_width,$ext,$this->collect_thumb_height,true); $imgObj->CreateThumb($thumb,$sThumb,$this->collect_small_thumb_width,$ext,$this->collect_small_thumb_height,true); } } } } /** * Function used to create collection preview */ function update_collection($array=NULL) { global $db; if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $this->validate_form_fields($array); $cid = $array['collection_id']; if(!error()) { $reqFields = $this->load_required_fields($array); $otherFields = $this->load_other_fields($array); $collection_fields = array_merge($reqFields,$otherFields); if($this->custom_collection_fields > 0) $collection_fields = array_merge($collection_fields,$this->custom_collection_fields); foreach($collection_fields as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = mysql_clean($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],sql_free('|no_mc|'.$val)); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_val[] = $val; } if(has_access('admin_access',TRUE)) { if(!empty($array['featured'])) { $query_field[] = "featured"; $query_val[] = $array['featured']; } if(!empty($array['total_comments'])) { $query_field[] = "total_comments"; $query_val[] = $array['total_comments']; } if(!empty($array['total_objects'])) { $query_field[] = "total_objects"; $query_val[] = $array['total_objects']; } } } if(!error()) { if(!userid()) e("you_not_logged_in"); elseif(!$this->collection_exists($cid)) e("collect_not_exist"); elseif(!$this->is_collection_owner($cid,userid())) e("cant_edit_collection"); else { $db->update(tbl($this->section_tbl),$query_field,$query_val," collection_id = $cid"); e("collection_updated","m"); if(!empty($array['collection_thumb']['tmp_name'])) $this->upload_thumb($cid,$array['collection_thumb']); } } } /** * Function used get default thumb */ function get_default_thumb($size=NULL) { if($size=="small" && file_exists(TEMPLATEDIR."/images/thumbs/collection_thumb-small.png")) { return TEMPLATEDIR."/images/thumbs/collection_thumb-small.png"; } elseif(!$size && file_exists(TEMPLATEDIR."/images/thumbs/collection_thumb.png")) { return TEMPLATEDIR."/images/thumbs/collection_thumb.png"; } else { if($size == "small") $thumb = COLLECT_THUMBS_URL."/no_thumb-small.png"; else $thumb = COLLECT_THUMBS_URL."/no_thumb.png"; return $thumb; } } /** * Function used get collection thumb */ function get_thumb($cdetails,$size=NULL,$return_c_thumb=FALSE) { if(is_numeric($cdetails)) { $cdetails = $this->get_collection($cdetails); $cid = $cdetails['collection_id']; } else $cid = $cdetails['collection_id']; $exts = array("jpg","png","gif","jpeg"); if($cdetails['total_objects'] == 0 || $return_c_thumb) { foreach($exts as $ext) { if($size=="small") $s = "-small"; if(file_exists(COLLECT_THUMBS_DIR."/".$cid.$s.".".$ext)) return COLLECT_THUMBS_URL."/".$cid.$s.".".$ext; } } else { $item = $this->get_collection_items($cid,'date_added DESC',1); $type = $item[0]['type']; switch($type) { case "v": { global $cbvideo; return get_thumb($cbvideo->get_video_details($item[0]['object_id'])); } break; case "p": { global $cbpicture; return $cbpicture->get_preview($cbpicture->get_pic_details($item[0]['object_id'])); } } } return $this->get_default_thumb($size); } /** * Function used generate collection link */ function collection_rating($cid) { $items = $this->get_collection_items_with_details($cid); $type = $this->objType; $arr = array(); } /** * Function used to add comment */ function add_comment($comment,$obj_id,$reply_to=NULL,$force_name_email=false) { global $myquery,$db; $collection = $this->get_collection($obj_id); if(!$collection) e(lang("collect_not_exist")); else { $obj_owner = $this->get_collection_field($collection,"userid"); $cl_link = $this->collection_links($collection,'vc'); $comment = $myquery->add_comment($comment,$obj_id,$reply_to,'cl',$obj_owner,$cl_link,$force_name_email); //echo $comment; if($comment) { $log_array = array ( 'success'=>'yes', 'details'=> "comment on a collection", 'action_obj_id' => $obj_id, 'action_done_id' => $comment, ); insert_log('collection_comment',$log_array); $this->update_total_comments($obj_id); } return $comment; } } /** * Function used to update total comments of collection */ function update_total_comments($cid) { global $db; $count = $db->count(tbl("comments"),"comment_id"," type = 'cl' AND type_id = '$cid'"); $db->update(tbl($this->section_tbl),array("total_comments"),array($count)," collection_id = '$cid'"); } /** * Function used return collection links */ function collection_links($details,$type=NULL) { if(is_array($details)) { if(empty($details['collection_name'])) return BASEURL; else $cdetails = $details; } else { if(is_numeric($details)) $cdetails = $this->get_collection($details); else return BASEURL; } if(!empty($cdetails)) { if($type == NULL || $type == "main") { if(SEO == yes) return BASEURL."/collections"; else return BASEURL."/collections.php"; } elseif($type == "vc" || $type == "view_collection" ||$type == "view") { if(SEO == yes) return BASEURL."/view-collection/".$cdetails['collection_id']."/".$cdetails['type']."/".SEO(clean(str_replace(' ','-',$cdetails['collection_name']))).""; else return BASEURL."/view_collection.php?cid=".$cdetails['collection_id']; } } else { return BASEURL; } } } ?>