{include_template_file file="blocks/account-left.html"}
{if $mode=='manage_playlist'}

{lang code="Playlists"} ({$total_playlists})

{if $playlists} {foreach $playlists as $playlist} {include_template_file file='blocks/playlist.html' playlist=$playlist} {/foreach} {/if}
{lang code="Hey there! You have not created any playlist, please create one now or read our playlist guide."}
{if $mode=='edit_playlist'} {$pid=$playlist.playlist_id}

{lang code='Manage playlist'}

{lang code="Separate tags by comma, will be used for searching"}

{lang code="Choose weather to make your playlist public or private"}

Playlist items ({$total_items})

{if $items}
{lang code='You do not have any items in this playlist, to add videos, goto any video page and click add to and follow the name'}