object( 'users' )->get_columns(); } /** * Get name of a user from array * * @param { array } { $user_array } { array with user details } * @return { string } { $name } { name of user fetched from array } */ function name($user_array) { $user = $user_array; $name = ""; if(isset($user['first_name']) && $user['first_name']) { $name = $user['first_name']; } if(isset($user['last_name']) && $user['last_name']) { $name .= " ". $user['last_name']; } if(isset($user['anonym_name']) && $user['anonym_name']) { $name = $user['anonym_name']; } if(!$name) $name = $user['username']; return $name; } /** * Function used to check fields in myaccount section (edit_account.php?mode=profile) * It checks certain important fields to make sure user enters correct data * @param: { array } : { $array } { array of fields data } * @since: ClipBucket 2.8 * @return: { boolean } { true or false depending on situation } */ function profile_fileds_check($array) { $post_clean = true; if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $array['first_name']) || preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $array['last_name'])) { e('Name contains numbers! Seriously? Are you alien?'); $post_clean = false; } if (!empty($array['web_url'])){ if (is_numeric($array['web_url'])) { e('Invalid URL provided.'); $post_clean = false; } } if (!is_numeric($array['postal_code']) && !empty($array['postal_code'])) { e("Don't fake it! Postal Code can't be words!"); $post_clean = false; } } /** * Resend verification email to a given user * @param: { integer } { $userid } { id of user to resend verification to } * @return: { boolean } { true if success, else false } * @since: March 10th, 2016 ClipBucket 2.8.1 * @author: Saqib Razzaq */ function resend_verification($userid) { global $db; $raw_data = $db->select(tbl("users"),"usr_status,username,email","userid = '$userid'"); $usr_status = $raw_data[0]['usr_status']; $uname = $raw_data[0]['username']; $email = $raw_data[0]['email']; if (trim($usr_status) == "ToActivate") { global $cbemail; $avcode = RandomString(10); $db->update(tbl("users"),array("avcode"),array($avcode),"userid = '$userid'"); $tpl = $cbemail->get_template('email_verify_template'); $more_var = array ('{username}' => $uname, '{email}' => $email, '{avcode}' => $avcode, ); if(!is_array($var)) { $var = array(); } $var = array_merge($more_var,$var); $subj = $cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template_subject'],$var); $msg = nl2br($cbemail->replace($tpl['email_template'],$var)); //Now Finally Sending Email // pex($email,true); cbmail(array('to'=>$email,'from'=>WEBSITE_EMAIL,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$msg)); return $uname; } else { return false; } }