exts = array('jpg','png','gif','jpeg'); // This should be added from Admin Area. may be some people also want to allow BMPs; $this->embed_types = array("html","forum","email","direct"); $basic_fields = array( 'photo_id', 'photo_key', 'userid', 'photo_title', 'photo_description', 'photo_tags', 'collection_id', 'photo_details', 'date_added', 'filename', 'ext', 'active', 'broadcast', 'file_directory','views' ); $cb_columns->object( 'photos' )->register_columns( $basic_fields ); } /** * @return array */ function get_basic_fields() { return $this->basic_fields; } function set_basic_fields( $fields = array() ) { return $this->basic_fields = $fields; } function basic_fields_setup() { # Set basic video fields $basic_fields = array( 'photo_id', 'photo_key', 'userid', 'photo_title', 'photo_description', 'photo_tags', 'collection_id', 'photo_details', 'date_added', 'filename', 'ext', 'active', 'broadcast', 'file_directory' ); return $this->set_basic_fields( $basic_fields ); } function get_extra_fields() { return $this->extra_fields; } function set_extra_fields( $fields = array() ) { return $this->extra_fields = $fields; } function get_photo_fields( $extra_fields = array() ) { $fields = $this->get_basic_fields(); $extra = $this->get_extra_fields(); if ( empty( $fields ) ) { $fields = $this->basic_fields_setup(); } if ( !empty( $extra ) ) { $fields = array_merge( $fields, $extra ); } if ( !empty( $extra_fields ) ) { if ( is_array( $extra_fields ) ) { $fields = array_merge( $fields, $extra_fields ); } else { $fields[] = $extra_fields; } } # Do make array unqiue, otherwise we might get duplicate # fields $fields = array_unique( $fields ); return $fields; } function get_fields( $extra_fields = array() ) { return $this->get_photo_fields(); } function add_field( $field ) { $extra_fields = $this->get_extra_fields(); if ( is_array( $field ) ) { $extra_fields = array_merge( $extra_fields, $field ); } else { $extra_fields[] = $field; } return $this->set_extra_fields( $extra_fields ); } function add_photo_field( $field ) { return $this->add_field( $field ); } /** * Setting up Photos Section */ function init_photos() { $this->init_actions(); $this->init_collections(); $this->photos_admin_menu(); $this->setting_other_things(); $this->set_photo_max_size(); } /** * Initiating Actions for Photos */ function init_actions() { $this->action = new cbactions(); $this->action->init(); // Setting up reporting excuses $this->action->type = 'p'; $this->action->name = 'photo'; $this->action->obj_class = 'cbphoto'; $this->action->check_func = 'photo_exists'; $this->action->type_tbl = "photos"; $this->action->type_id_field = 'photo_id'; } /** * Setting Email Settings */ function set_share_email($data) { $this->share_email_vars = array( '{photo_title}' => $data['photo_title'], '{photo_description}' => $data['photo_description'], '{photo_link}' => $this->collection->collection_links($data,'view_item'), '{photo_thumb}' => $this->get_image_file($data['photo_id'],'m') ); $this->action->share_template_name = 'photo_share_template'; $this->action->val_array = $this->share_email_vars; } /** * Initiating Collections for Photos */ function init_collections() { $this->collection = new Collections; $this->collection->objType = "p"; $this->collection->objClass = "cbphoto"; $this->collection->objTable = "photos"; $this->collection->objName = "Photo"; $this->collection->objFunction = "photo_exists"; $this->collection->objFieldID = "photo_id"; $this->photo_register_function('delete_collection_photos'); } /** * Create Admin Area menu for photos */ function photos_admin_menu() { global $Cbucket,$cbcollection,$userquery; $am = $Cbucket->AdminMenu; $per = $userquery->get_user_level(userid()); if($per['photos_moderation'] == "yes") $am['Photos'] = array( 'Photo Manager' => 'photo_manager.php', 'Inactive Photos' => 'photo_manager.php?search=search&active=no', 'Flagged Photos' => 'flagged_photos.php', 'Orphan Photos' => 'orphan_photos.php', 'Photo Settings' => 'photo_settings.php', 'Watermark Settings' => 'photo_settings.php?mode=watermark_settings', 'Recreate Thumbs' => 'recreate_thumbs.php?mode=mass' ); $Cbucket->AdminMenu = $am; } /** * Setting other things */ function setting_other_things() { global $userquery,$Cbucket; // Search type if(isSectionEnabled('photos')) $Cbucket->search_types['photos'] = "cbphoto"; // My account links $accountLinks = array(); $accountLinks = array( lang('manage_photos') => "manage_photos.php", lang('manage_favorite_photos') => "manage_photos.php?mode=favorite", ); if(isSectionEnabled('photos')) $userquery->user_account[lang('photos')] = $accountLinks; //Setting Cbucket links $Cbucket->links['photos'] = array('photos.php','photos/'); $Cbucket->links['manage_photos'] = array('manage_photos.php','manage_photos.php'); $Cbucket->links['edit_photo'] = array('edit_photo.php?photo=','edit_photo.php?photo='); $Cbucket->links['photo_upload'] = array('photo_upload.php','photo_upload'); $Cbucket->links['manage_favorite_photos'] = array('manage_photos.php?mode=favorite','manage_photos.php?mode=favorite'); $Cbucket->links['manage_orphan_photos'] = array('manage_photos.php?mode=orphan','manage_photos.php?mode=orphan'); $Cbucket->links['user_photos'] = array('user_photos.php?mode=uploaded&user=','user_photos.php?mode=uploaded&user='); $Cbucket->links['user_fav_photos'] = array('user_photos.php?mode=favorite&user=','user_photos.php?mode=favorite&user='); // Setting Home Tab } /** * Initiatting Search */ function init_search() { $this->search = new cbsearch; $this->search->db_tbl = "photos"; $this->search->use_match_method = TRUE; $this->search->columns = array( array("field"=>"photo_title","type"=>"LIKE","var"=>"%{KEY}%"), array("field"=>"photo_tags","type"=>"LIKE","var"=>"%{KEY}%","op"=>"OR") ); $this->search->match_fields = array("photo_title","photo_tags"); $this->search->cat_tbl = $this->cat_tbl; $this->search->display_template = LAYOUT.'/blocks/photo.html'; $this->search->template_var = 'photo'; $this->search->has_user_id = true; $this->search->results_per_page = config('photo_search_result'); $this->search->search_type['photos'] = array('title'=>lang('photos')); $this->search->add_cond(tbl('photos.collection_id')." <> 0"); $sorting = array( 'date_added'=> lang("date_added"), 'views' => lang("views"), 'total_comments' => lang("comments"), 'rating' => lang("rating"), 'total_favorites' => lang("favorites") ); $this->search->sorting = array( 'date_added'=> " date_added DESC", 'views' => " views DESC", 'rating' => " rating DESC, rated_by DESC", 'total_comments' => " total_comments DESC ", 'total_favorites' => " total_favorites DESC" ); $array = $_GET; $uploaded = $array['datemargin']; $sort = $array['sort']; $forms = array( 'query' => array( 'title'=> lang('keywords'), 'type'=> 'textfield', 'name'=> 'query', 'id'=> 'query', 'value'=>cleanForm($array['query']) ), 'date_margin' => array( 'title' => lang('uploaded'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'datemargin', 'id' => 'datemargin', 'value' => $this->search->date_margins(), 'checked' => $uploaded, ), 'sort' => array( 'title' => lang('sort_by'), 'type' => 'dropdown', 'name' => 'sort', 'value' => $sorting, 'checked' => $sort ) ); $this->search->search_type['photos']['fields'] = $forms; } /** * Set File Max Size */ function set_photo_max_size() { global $Cbucket; $adminSize = $Cbucket->configs['max_photo_size']; if(!$adminSize) $this->max_file_size = 2*1024*1024; else $this->max_file_size = $adminSize*1024*1024; } /** * Check if photo exists or not */ function photo_exists($id) { global $db; if(is_numeric($id)) $result = $db->select(tbl($this->p_tbl),"photo_id"," photo_id = '$id'"); else $result = $db->select(tbl($this->p_tbl),"photo_id"," photo_key = '$id'"); if($result) return true; else return false; } /** * Register function */ function photo_register_function($func) { global $cbcollection; $cbcollection->collection_delete_functions[] = 'delete_collection_photos'; } /** * Get Photo */ function get_photo( $pid ) { global $db; $select_field = is_numeric( $pid ) ? 'photo_id' : 'photo_key'; $fields = array( 'photos' => array( '*' ), 'users' => get_user_fields(), 'collections' => array( 'collection_name', 'type', 'category', 'views as collection_views', 'date_added as collection_added' ) ); $string = tbl_fields( $fields ); $query = "SELECT $string FROM ".table( 'photos' ); $query .= " LEFT JOIN ".table( 'collections' )." ON photos.collection_id = collections.collection_id"; $query .= " LEFT JOIN ".table( 'users' )." ON collections.collection_id = users.userid"; $query .= " WHERE photos.$select_field = '$pid' "; if(is_numeric($pid)) $result = $db->select(tbl($this->p_tbl),"*"," photo_id = '$pid'"); else $result = $db->select(tbl($this->p_tbl),"*"," photo_key = '$pid'"); if($db->num_rows > 0) return $result[0]; else return false; } /** * Get Photos */ function get_photos($p) { global $db, $cb_columns; $tables = "photos,users"; $order = $p['order']; $limit = $p['limit']; $cond = ""; if(!has_access('admin_access',TRUE)) { $cond = " ".('photos.broadcast')." = 'public' AND ".('photos.active')." = 'yes'"; } else { if($p['active']) $cond .= " ".('photos.active')." = '".$p['active']."'"; if($p['broadcast']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".('photos.broadcast')." = '".$p['broadcast']."'"; } } if($p['pid']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['pid'],"sign"=>"=","operator"=>"OR")); } if($p['key']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".('photos.photo_key')." = '".$p['key']."'"; } if($p['filename']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".('photos.filename')." = '".$p['filename']."'"; } if($p['extension']) { foreach($this->exts as $ext) { if(in_array($ext,$this->exts)) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".('photos.ext')." = '".$p['extension']."'"; } } } if($p['date_span']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".cbsearch::date_margin("photos.date_added",$p['date_span']); } if($p['featured']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".('photos.featured')." = '".$p['featured']."'"; } if($p['user']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['user'],"sign"=>"=","operator"=>"AND","column"=>"userid")); } if($p['exclude']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['exclude'],"sign"=>"<>")); } $title_tag = ''; if($p['title']) { $title_tag = " ".('photos.photo_title')." LIKE '%".$p['title']."%'"; } if($p['tags']) { $tags = explode(",",$p['tags']); if(count($tags)>0) { if($title_tag != '') $title_tag .= " OR "; $total = count($tags); $loop = 1; foreach($tags as $tag) { $title_tag .= " ".('photos.photo_tags')." LIKE '%$tag%'"; if($loop<$total) $title_tag .= " OR "; $loop++; } } else { if($title_tag != '') $title_tag .= " OR "; $title_tag .= " ".('photos.photo_tags')." LIKE '%".$p['tags']."%'"; } } if($title_tag != "") { if($cond != '') $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ($title_tag) "; } if($p['ex_user']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['ex_user'],"sign"=>"<>","operator"=>"AND","column"=>"userid")); } if($p['extra_cond']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $p['extra_cond']; } if($p['get_orphans']) { $p['collection'] = (string)"0"; } if($p['collection'] || $p['get_orphans']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['collection'],"sign"=>"=","operator"=>"OR","column"=>"collection_id")); } else { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".('photos.collection_id')." <> '0'"; } $fields = array( 'photos' => get_photo_fields(), 'users' => get_user_fields(), 'collections' => array( 'collection_name', 'type', 'category', 'views as collection_views', 'date_added as collection_added' ) ); $string = tbl_fields( $fields ); $main_query = "SELECT $string FROM ".table( 'photos' ); $main_query .= " LEFT JOIN ".table( 'collections' )." ON photos.collection_id = collections.collection_id"; $main_query .= " LEFT JOIN ".table( 'users' )." ON collections.userid = users.userid"; $order = $order ? " ORDER BY ".$order : false; $limit = $limit ? " LIMIT ".$limit : false; if(!$p['count_only'] && !$p['show_related']) { $query = $main_query; if ( $cond ) { $query .= " WHERE ".$cond; } $query .= $order; $query .= $limit; $result = select( $query ); } if($p['show_related']) { $query = $main_query; $cond = "MATCH(".('photos.photo_title,photos.photo_tags').")"; $cond .= " AGAINST ('".cbsearch::set_the_key($p['title'])."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; if($p['exclude']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['exclude'],"sign"=>"<>")); } if($p['collection']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['collection'],"sign"=>"<>","column"=>"collection_id")); } if($p['extra_cond']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $p['extra_cond']; } $where = " WHERE ".$cond." AND photos.collection_id <> 0"; $query .= $where; $query .= $order; $query .= $limit; $result = select( $query ); // We found nothing from TITLE of Photos, let's try TAGS if($db->num_rows == 0) { $query = $main_query; $tags = cbsearch::set_the_key($p['tags']); $tags = str_replace('+','',$tags); $cond = "MATCH(".('photos.photo_title,photos.photo_tags').")"; $cond .= " AGAINST ('".$tags."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; if($p['exclude']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['exclude'],"sign"=>"<>")); } if($p['collection']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $this->constructMultipleQuery(array("ids"=>$p['collection'],"sign"=>"<>","column"=>"collection_id")); } if($p['extra_cond']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $p['extra_cond']; } $where = " WHERE ".$cond." AND photos.collection_id <> 0"; $query .= $where; $query .= $order; $query .= $limit; $result = select( $query ); } } if($p['count_only']) { if($p['extra_cond']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $p['extra_cond']; } $result = $db->count(table("photos"),"photo_id",$cond); } ##pr( $query, true ); if($p['assign']) assign($p['assign'],$result); else return $result; } /** * Used to construct Multi Query * Only IDs will be excepted */ function constructMultipleQuery($params) { $cond = ""; $IDs = $params['ids']; if(is_array($IDs)) $IDs = $IDs; else $IDs = explode(",",$IDs); $count = 0; $cond .= "( "; foreach($IDs as $id) { $id = str_replace(" ","",$id); if(is_numeric($id) || $params['column'] == 'collection_id') { if($count>0) $cond .= " ".($params['operator']?$params['operator']:'AND')." "; $cond .= "".('photos.'.($params['column']?$params['column']:'photo_id'))." ".($params['sign']?$params['sign']:'=')." '".$id."'"; $count++; } } $cond .= " )"; return $cond; } /*** * Used to construct Exclude Query function exclude_query($array) { $cond = ''; if(!is_array($array)) $ids = explode(',',$array); else $ids = $array; $count = 0; $cond .= "( "; foreach($ids as $id) { $count++; if($count > 1) $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= " ".tbl('photos.photo_id')." <> '".$id."'"; } $cond .= " )"; return $cond; }*/ /** * Used to generate photo key * Replica of video_keygen function */ function photo_key() { global $db; $char_list = "ABDGHKMNORSUXWY"; $char_list .= "123456789"; while(1) { $photo_key = ''; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); for($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $photo_key .= substr($char_list,(rand()%(strlen($char_list))), 1); } if(!$this->pkey_exists($photo_key)) break; } return $photo_key; } /** * Used to check if key exists */ function pkey_exists($key) { global $db; $db->select(tbl("photos"),"photo_key"," photo_key = '$key'"); if($db->num_rows > 0) return true; else return false; } /** * Used to delete photo */ function delete_photo($id,$oprhan=FALSE) { global $db; if($this->photo_exists($id)) { $photo = $this->get_photo($id); $del_photo_funcs = cb_get_functions('delete_photo'); if(is_array($del_photo_funcs)) { foreach($del_photo_funcs as $func) { if(function_exists($func['func'])) { $func['func']($photo); } } } if($orphan == FALSE)//removing from collection $this->collection->remove_item($photo['photo_id'],$photo['collection_id']); //now removing photo files $this->delete_photo_files($photo); //finally removing from Database $this->delete_from_db($photo); //Decrementing User Photos $db->update(tbl("users"),array("total_photos"),array("|f|total_photos-1")," userid='".$photo['userid']."'"); //Removing Photo Comments $db->delete(tbl("comments"),array("type","type_id"),array("p",$photo['photo_id'])); //Removing Photo From Favortes $db->delete(tbl("favorites"),array("type","id"),array("p",$photo['photo_id'])); } else e(lang("photo_not_exists")); } /** * Used to delete photo files */ function delete_photo_files($id) { if(!is_array($id)) $photo = $this->get_photo($id); else $photo = $id; $pid = $photo['photo_id']; $files = get_image_file( array( 'details' => $photo, 'size' => 't', 'multi' => true, 'with_orig' => true, 'with_path' => false ) ); #$files = $this->get_image_file($pid,'t',TRUE,NULL,FALSE,TRUE); if(!empty($files)) { foreach($files as $file) { $file_dir = PHOTOS_DIR.'/'.$file; if(file_exists($file_dir)) unlink($file_dir); } e(sprintf(lang("success_delete_file"),$photo['photo_title']),"m"); } } /** * Used to delete photo from database */ function delete_from_db($id) { global $db; if(is_array($id)) $delete_id = $id['photo_id']; else $delete_id = $id; $db->execute("DELETE FROM ".tbl('photos')." WHERE photo_id = $delete_id"); e(lang("photo_success_deleted"),"m"); } /** * Used to get photo owner */ function get_photo_owner($id) { return $this->get_photo_field($id,'userid'); } /** * Used to get photo any field */ function get_photo_field($id,$field) { global $db; if(!$field) return false; else { if(!is_numeric($id)) $result = $db->select(tbl($this->p_tbl),$field,' photo_key = '.$id.''); else $result = $db->select(tbl($this->p_tbl),$field,' photo_id = '.$id.''); if($result) return $result[0][$field]; else return false; } } /** * Used filter array */ function remove_empty_indexes($array) { $newArr = array(); if(is_array($array)) { foreach($array as $key=>$arr) { if(is_array($arr)) { foreach($arr as $a) { if(!empty($a)) { $newArr[$key][] = $a; } } } } return $newArr; } else { echo "No Array Provided"; } } /** * Used to crop the image using imagemagic class * Image will be crop to dead-center */ function image_magic($image,$file,$width,$height){ if(!file_exists($image) || !$image) return; $thumb = new Imagick(); $thumb->readImage($image); $can = $thumb->resizeImage($width,$height,Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS,1); $can = $thumb->writeImage($file); } /** * Used to crop the image using imagemagic class * Image will be crop to dead-center */ function image_magick_watermark($input,$watermark_file,$ww,$wh){ $image = new Imagick(); $image->readImage($input); $watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark->readImage($watermark_file); $image->compositeImage($watermark, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0); $image->resizeImage($ww,$wh,Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS,1); $image->writeImage($input); } /** * Used to crop the image * Image will be crop to dead-center */ function crop_image($input,$output,$ext,$width,$height) { $info = getimagesize($input); $Swidth = $info[0]; $Sheight = $info[1]; $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $left_padding = $Swidth / 2 - $width / 2; $top_padding = $Sheight / 2 - $height / 2; switch($ext) { case "jpeg": case "jpg": case "JPG": case "JPEG": { $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($input); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 0, 0, $left_padding, $top_padding, $width, $height); imagejpeg($canvas,$output,90); } break; case "png": case "PNG": { $image = imagecreatefrompng($input); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 0, 0, $left_padding, $top_padding, $width, $height); imagepng($canvas,$output,9); } break; case "gif": case "GIF": { $image = imagecreatefromgif($input); imagecopy($canvas, $image, 0, 0, $left_padding, $top_padding, $width, $height); imagejpeg($canvas,$output,90); } break; default: { return false; } break; } imagedestroy($canvas); } /** * Used to resize and watermark image **/ function generate_photos($array) { global $db; $path = PHOTOS_DIR."/"; if(!is_array($array)) $p = $this->get_photo($array); else $p = $array; $path .= get_photo_date_folder( $p ).'/'; $filename = $p['filename']; $extension = $p['ext']; $this->createThumb($path.$filename.".".$extension,$path.$filename."_o.".$extension,$extension); $this->createThumb($path.$filename.".".$extension,$path.$filename."_t.".$extension,$extension,$this->thumb_width,$this->thumb_height); $this->createThumb($path.$filename.".".$extension,$path.$filename."_m.".$extension,$extension,$this->mid_width,$this->mid_height); $this->createThumb($path.$filename.".".$extension,$path.$filename."_l.".$extension,$extension,$this->lar_width); $should_watermark = config('watermark_photo'); if(!empty($should_watermark) && $should_watermark == 1) { $this->watermark_image($path.$filename."_l.".$extension,$path.$filename."_l.".$extension); $this->watermark_image($path.$filename."_o.".$extension,$path.$filename."_o.".$extension); } /* GETTING DETAILS OF IMAGES AND STORING THEM IN DB */ $this->update_image_details($p); } /** * This function is used to get photo files and extract * dimensions and file size of each file, put them in array * then encode in json and finally update photo details column */ function update_image_details($photo) { global $db, $json; if(is_array($photo) && !empty($photo['photo_id'])) $p = $photo; else $p = $this->get_photo($photo); if(!empty($photo)) { $images = get_image_file( array( 'details' => $photo, 'size' => 't', 'multi' => true, 'with_path' => false ) ); if($images) { foreach($images as $image) { $imageFile = PHOTOS_DIR."/".$image; if(file_exists($imageFile)) { $imageDetails = getimagesize($imageFile); $imageSize = filesize($imageFile); $data[$this->get_image_type($image)] = array( "width" => $imageDetails[0], "height" => $imageDetails[1], "attribute" => mysql_clean($imageDetails[3]), "size" => array( "bytes" => round($imageSize), "kilobytes" => round($imageSize / 1024), "megabytes" => round($imageSize / 1024 / 1024, 2) ) ); } } if(is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { if(phpversion() < "5.2.0") $encodedData = stripslashes($json->json_encode($data)); else $encodedData = stripslashes(json_encode($data)); $db->update(tbl('photos'),array("photo_details"),array("|no_mc|$encodedData")," photo_id = '".$p['photo_id']."' "); } } } } /** * Creating resized photo */ function createThumb($from,$to,$ext,$d_width=NULL,$d_height=NULL,$force_copy=false) { if( class_exists("Imagick") ) { $file = $from; $info = getimagesize($file); $org_width = $info[0]; $org_height = $info[1]; if($width > $d_width && !empty($d_width)) { $ratio = $org_width / $d_width; // We will resize it according to Width $width = $org_width / $ratio; $height = $org_height / $ratio; $image_r = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if(!empty($d_height) && $height > $d_height && $this->cropping == 1) { $crop_image = TRUE; } $image = $file; switch($ext) { case "jpeg": case "jpg": case "JPG": case "JPEG": { // $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); // imagecopyresampled($image_r, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $org_width, $org_height); // imagejpeg($image_r, $to, 90); $this->image_magic($image,$file,$width,$height); } break; case "png": case "PNG": { $image = ($file); $this->image_magic($image,$file,$width,$height); } break; case "gif": case "GIF": { $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); imagecopyresampled($image_r, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $org_width, $org_height); imagegif($image_r,$to,90); $this->image_magic($image,$file,$width,$height); } break; } imagedestroy($image_r); } else { if(!file_exists($to) || $force_copy === true) if(!is_dir($from)){ copy($from,$to); } } }else{ $file = $from; $info = getimagesize($file); $org_width = $info[0]; $org_height = $info[1]; if($org_width > $d_width && !empty($d_width)) { $ratio = $org_width / $d_width; // We will resize it according to Width $width = $org_width / $ratio; $height = $org_height / $ratio; $image_r = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if(!empty($d_height) && $height > $d_height && $this->cropping == 1) { $crop_image = TRUE; } switch($ext) { case "jpeg": case "jpg": case "JPG": case "JPEG": { $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); imagecopyresampled($image_r, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $org_width, $org_height); imagejpeg($image_r, $to, 90); if(!empty($crop_image)) $this->crop_image($to,$to,$ext,$width,$d_height); } break; case "png": case "PNG": { $image = imagecreatefrompng($file); imagecopyresampled($image_r, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $org_width, $org_height); imagepng($image_r,$to,9); if(!empty($crop_image)) $this->crop_image($to,$to,$ext,$width,$d_height); } break; case "gif": case "GIF": { $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); imagecopyresampled($image_r, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $org_width, $org_height); imagegif($image_r,$to,90); if(!empty($crop_image)) $this->crop_image($to,$to,$ext,$width,$d_height); } break; } imagedestroy($image_r); } else { if(!file_exists($to) || $force_copy === true) if(!is_dir($from)){ copy($from,$to); } } } //end of else } /** * Used to get watermark file */ function watermark_file() { if(file_exists(BASEDIR."/images/photo_watermark.png")) return BASEURL."/images/photo_watermark.png"; else return false; } /** * Fetches watermark default position from database * @return : { position of watermakr } */ function get_watermark_position() { global $Cbucket; return $Cbucket->configs['watermark_placement']; } /** * Used to set watermark position */ function position_watermark($file,$watermark) { $watermark_pos = $this->get_watermark_position(); if(empty($watermark_pos)) { $info = array('right','top'); } else { $info = explode(":",$watermark_pos); } $x = $info[0]; $y = $info[1]; list($w,$h) = getimagesize($file); list($ww,$wh) = getimagesize($watermark); $padding = $this->padding; switch($x) { case "center": { $finalxPadding = $w / 2 - $ww / 2; } break; case "left": default: { $finalxPadding = $padding; } break; case "right": { $finalxPadding = $w - $ww - $padding; } break; } switch($y) { case "top": default: { $finalyPadding = $padding; } break; case "center": { $finalyPadding = $h / 2 - $wh / 2; } break; case "bottom": { $finalyPadding = $h - $wh - $padding; } break; } $values = array($finalxPadding,$finalyPadding); return $values; } /** * Used to watermark image */ function watermark_image($input,$output) { $watermark_file = $this->watermark_file(); if(!$watermark_file) return false; else { list($Swidth, $Sheight, $Stype) = getimagesize($input); $wImage = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_file); $ww = imagesx($wImage); $wh = imagesy($wImage); $paddings = $this->position_watermark($input,$watermark_file); switch($Stype) { case 1: //GIF { $sImage = imagecreatefromgif($input); imagecopy($sImage,$wImage,$paddings[0],$paddings[1],0,0,$ww,$wh); imagejpeg($sImage,$output,90); } break; case 2: //JPEG { $sImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($input); imagecopy($sImage,$wImage,$paddings[0],$paddings[1],0,0,$ww,$wh); imagejpeg($sImage,$output,90); } break; case 3: //PNG { if( class_exists("Imagick") ){ $this->image_magick_watermark($input,$watermark_file,$wImage,$wImage); }else{ $sImage = imagecreatefrompng($input); imagecopy($sImage,$wImage,$paddings[0],$paddings[1],0,0,$ww,$wh); imagepng($sImage,$input,9); } } break; } } } /** * Load Upload Form */ function loadUploadForm($params) { $p = $params; $output = ''; $should_include = $p['includeHeader'] ? $p['includeHeader'] : true; if( file_exists( LAYOUT."/blocks/upload_head.html" ) and $should_include == true ) { $output .= Fetch( "blocks/upload_head.html" ); } $output .= Fetch( "blocks/upload/photo_upload.html" ); return $output; $should_include = $p['includeHeader'] ? $p['includeHeader'] : TRUE; $output = '
collection->get_collections($p); $cl_array = $this->parse_array($collections); $collection = $array['collection_id']; $this->unique = rand(0,9999); $fields = array ( 'name' => array( 'title' => lang('photo_title'), 'id' => 'photo_title', 'name' => 'photo_title', 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => cleanForm($title), 'db_field' => 'photo_title', 'required' => 'yes', 'invalid_err' => lang('photo_title_err') ), 'desc' => array( 'title' => lang('photo_caption'), 'id' => 'photo_description', 'name' => 'photo_description', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' =>cleanForm( $description), 'db_field' => 'photo_description', 'anchor_before' => 'before_desc_compose_box', 'required' => 'yes', 'invalid_err' => lang('photo_caption_err') ), 'tags' => array( 'title' => lang('photo_tags'), 'id' => 'photo_tags', 'name' => 'photo_tags', 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => genTags($tags), 'db_field' => 'photo_tags', 'required' => 'yes', 'invalid_err' => lang('photo_tags_err') ), 'collection' => array( 'title' => lang('collection'), 'id' => 'collection_id', 'name' => 'collection_id', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'value' => $cl_array, 'db_field' => 'collection_id', 'required' => '', 'checked' => $collection, 'invalid_err' => lang('photo_collection_err') ) ); return $fields; } function insert_photo($array=NULL) { global $db,$eh; if($array == NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $this->validate_form_fields($array); if(!error()) { $forms = $this->load_required_forms($array); $oForms = $this->load_other_forms($array); $FullForms = array_merge($forms,$oForms); if(!isset($array['allow_comments'])){ $array['allow_comments'] = 'yes'; } foreach($FullForms as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); if($field['name']=='allow_comments'){ if(!isset($array['allow_comments'])){ $array['allow_comments'] = 'yes'; } } $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = ($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],sql_free('|no_mc|'.$val)); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_val[] = $val; } $query_field[] = "userid"; if(!$array['userid']) { $userid = userid(); $query_val[] = $userid; } else { $query_val[] = $array['userid']; $userid = $array['userid']; } $query_field[] = "date_added"; $query_val[] = NOW(); #pr($query_val,true); $query_field[] = "owner_ip"; $query_val[] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $query_field[] = "ext"; $query_val[] = $array['ext']; $query_field[] = "photo_key"; //$query_val[] = $array['photo_key']; $query_val[] = $this->photo_key(); $query_field[] = "filename"; $query_val[] = $array['filename']; $query_field[] = "active"; $query_val[] = $array['active']; if($array['server_url'] && $array['server_url'] != "undefined") { $query_field[] = "server_url"; $query_val[] = $array['server_url']; } if($array['folder'] && $array['folder'] != "undefined") { $query_field[] = "file_directory"; $query_val[] = $array['folder']; } $query_val['0'] = $array['title']; $insert_id = $db->insert(tbl($this->p_tbl),$query_field,$query_val); $photo = $this->get_photo($insert_id); $this->collection->add_collection_item($insert_id,$photo['collection_id']); if(!$array['server_url'] || $array['server_url']=='undefined') $this->generate_photos($photo); $eh->flush(); e(sprintf(lang("photo_is_saved_now"),$photo['photo_title']),"m"); $db->update(tbl("users"),array("total_photos"),array("|f|total_photos+1")," userid='".$userid."'"); //Adding Photo Feed addFeed(array('action' => 'upload_photo','object_id' => $insert_id,'object'=>'photo')); //var_dump($insert_id); return $insert_id; } } /** * Update watermark file */ function update_watermark($file) { if(empty($file)) e(lang("no_watermark_found")); else { $oldW = BASEDIR."/images/photo_watermark.png"; if(file_exists($oldW)) unset($oldW); $info = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']); $width = $info[0]; $type = $info[2]; //pr($info,TRUE); if($type == 3) { if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'],BASEDIR."/images/photo_watermark.png")) { $wFile = BASEDIR."/images/photo_watermark.png"; if($width > $this->max_watermark_width) $this->createThumb($wFile,$wFile,'png',$this->max_watermark_width); } e(lang("watermark_updated"),"m"); } else { e(lang("upload_png_watermark")); } } } /** * Load Other Form */ function load_other_forms($array=NULL) { if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; $comments = $array['allow_comments']; $broadcast = $array['broadcast']; $tagging = $array['allow_tagging']; $embedding = $array['allow_embedding']; $rating = $array['allow_rating']; $rand = $array['photo_key']; $Otherfields = array ( 'comments' => array( 'title' => lang('comments'), 'name' => 'allow_comments', 'id' => 'allow_comments', 'db_field' => 'allow_comments', 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'value' => array('yes' => lang('vdo_allow_comm'),'no' => lang('vdo_dallow_comm')), 'required' => 'no', 'checked' => $comments, 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'yes' ), /*'broadcast' => array( 'title' => lang("vdo_br_opt"), 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'name' => 'broadcast', 'id' => 'broadcast', 'value' => array("public"=>lang("collect_borad_pub"),"private"=>lang("collect_broad_pri")), 'checked' => $broadcast, 'db_field' => 'broadcast', 'required' => 'no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'public' ),*/ /*'tagging' => array( 'title' => lang('tagging'), 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'id' => 'allow_tagging', 'name' => 'allow_tagging', 'db_field' => 'allow_tagging', 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'value' => array('yes' => lang('pic_allow_tagging'),'no' => lang('pic_dallow_tagging')), 'checked' => $tagging, 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'yes' ),*/ 'embedding' => array( 'title' => lang('vdo_embedding'), 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'name' => 'allow_embedding', 'id' => 'allow_embedding', 'db_field' => 'allow_embedding', 'value' => array('yes' => lang('pic_allow_embed'),'no' => lang('pic_dallow_embed')), 'checked' => $embedding, 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'yes' ), 'rating' => array( 'title' => lang('rating'), 'id' => 'allow_rating', 'name' => 'allow_rating', 'type' => 'radiobutton', 'db_field' => 'allow_rating', 'value' => array('yes' => lang('pic_allow_rating'),'no' => lang('pic_dallow_rating')), 'checked' => $rating, 'validate_function'=>'yes_or_no', 'display_function' => 'display_sharing_opt', 'default_value'=>'yes' ) ); //pr($Otherfields,TRUE); return $Otherfields; } /** * This will return a formatted array * return @Array * Array Format: Multidemsional * Array ( [photo_id] => array( ['field_name'] => 'value' ) ) */ function return_formatted_post($arr) { $photoID = ''; foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $parts = explode('_',$key); $total = count($parts); $id = $parts[$total-1]; $name = array_splice($parts,0,$total-1); $name = implode("_",$name); if($photoID != $id){ $values = array(); $photoID = $id; } if(is_numeric($id)) { if (strpos($key, $id) !== FALSE) { $values[$name] = $value; $PhotosArray[$id] = $values; } } } return $PhotosArray; } /** * This will be used to mutliple photos * at once. * Single update will be different. */ function update_multiple_photos($arr) { global $db,$cbcollection,$eh; foreach($arr as $id => $details) { if(is_array($details)) { $i = 0; $query = "UPDATE ".tbl('photos')." SET "; foreach($details as $key => $value) { $i++; $query .= "$key = '$value'"; if($iExecute($query); $cbcollection->add_collection_item($id,$details['collection_id']); } } $eh->flush(); } /** * Used to parse collections dropdown */ function parse_array($array) { if(is_array($array)) { foreach($array as $key=>$v) { $cl_arr[$v['collection_id']] = $v['collection_name']; } return $cl_arr; } else { return false; } } /** * Used to create filename of photo */ function create_filename() { $filename = time().RandomString(6); return $filename; } /** * Construct extensions for SWF */ function extensions() { $exts = $this->exts; $list = ''; foreach($exts as $ext) { $list .= "*.".$ext.";"; } return $list; } /** * Function used to validate form fields */ function validate_form_fields($array=NULL) { $reqFileds = $this->load_required_forms($array); if($array==NULL) $array = $_POST; if(is_array($_FILES)) $array = array_merge($array,$_FILES); $otherFields = $this->load_other_forms($array); $photo_fields = array_merge($reqFileds,$otherFields); validate_cb_form($photo_fields,$array); } /** * Update Photo */ function update_photo($array=NULL) { global $db; if($array == NULL) $array = $_POST; $this->validate_form_fields($array); $pid = $array['photo_id']; $cid = $this->get_photo_field($pid,'collection_id'); if(!error()) { $reqFields = $this->load_required_forms($array); $otherFields = $this->load_other_forms($array); $fields = array_merge($reqFields,$otherFields); foreach($fields as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if($field['use_func_val']) $val = $field['validate_function']($val); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; if(is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#".$v."# "; } $val = $new_val; } if(!$field['clean_func'] || (!function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func']))) $val = ($val); else $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'],sql_free('|no_mc|'.$val)); if(!empty($field['db_field'])) $query_val[] = $val; } if(has_access('admin_access',TRUE)) { if(isset($array['views'])) { $query_field[] = 'views'; $query_val[] = $array['views']; } if(isset($array['total_comments'])) { $query_field[] = "total_comments"; $query_val[] = $array['total_comments']; } if(isset($array['total_favorites'])) { $query_field[] = "total_favorites"; $query_val[] = $array['total_favorites']; } if(isset($array['downloaded'])) { $query_field[] = "downloaded"; $query_val[] = $array['downloaded']; } if(isset($array['voters'])) { $query_field[] = "voters"; $query_val[] = $array['voters']; } } if(!error()) { if(!userid()) e(lang("you_not_logged_in")); elseif(!$this->photo_exists($pid)) e(lang("photo_not_exists")); elseif($this->get_photo_owner($pid) != userid() && !has_access('admin_access',TRUE)) e(lang("cant_edit_photo")); else { if($cid != $array['collection_id']) { $this->collection->change_collection($array['collection_id'],$pid,$cid); } $db->update(tbl('photos'),$query_field,$query_val," photo_id='$pid'"); e(lang("photo_updated_successfully"),"m"); } } } } /** * Used to get image type * t = Thumb * m = Medium * l = Large */ function get_image_type($name) { if(empty($name)) return false; else { $parts = explode("_",$name); if(is_array($parts)) { if(!empty($parts[1])) return substr($parts[1],0,1); } } } /** * Used to get image file */ function get_image_file($pid,$size='t',$multi=false,$assign=NULL,$with_path=true,$with_orig=false) { $params = array("details"=>$pid,"size"=>$size,"multi"=>$multi,"assign"=>$assign,"with_path"=>$with_path,"with_orig"=>$with_orig); return get_image_file($params); } /** * This will become a Smarty function. * I am writting this to eliminate the possiblitles * of distort pictures */ function getFileSmarty($p) { global $Cbucket; $details = $p['details']; $output = $p['output']; if(empty($details)) { return $this->default_thumb($size,$output); } else { //Calling Custom Functions if(count($Cbucket->custom_get_photo_funcs) > 0) { foreach($Cbucket->custom_get_photo_funcs as $funcs) { if(function_exists($funcs)) { $func_returned = $funcs($p); if($func_returned) return $func_returned; } } } if(($p['size'] != 't' && $p['size'] != 'm' && $p['size'] != 'l' && $p['size'] != 'o') || empty($p['size'])) $p['size'] = 't'; if($p['with_path'] === FALSE) $p['with_path'] = FALSE; else $p['with_path'] = TRUE; $with_path = $p['with_path']; $with_orig = $p['with_orig'] ? $p['with_orig'] : FALSE; if(!is_array($details)) $photo = $this->get_photo($details); else $photo = $details; if(empty($photo['photo_id']) || empty($photo['photo_key'])) return $this->default_thumb($size,$output); else { if(!empty($photo['filename']) && !empty($photo['ext'])) { $files = glob(PHOTOS_DIR."/".$photo['filename']."*.".$photo['ext']); if(!empty($files) && is_array($files)) { foreach($files as $file) { $file_parts = explode("/",$file); $thumb_name = $file_parts[count($file_parts)-1]; $type = $this->get_image_type($thumb_name); if($with_orig) { if($with_path) $thumbs[] = PHOTOS_URL."/".$thumb_name; else $thumbs[] = $thumb_name; } elseif(!empty($type)) { if($with_path) $thumbs[] = PHOTOS_URL."/".$thumb_name; else $thumbs[] = $thumb_name; } } if(empty($p['output']) || $p['output'] == 'non_html') { if($p['assign'] && $p['multi']) { assign($p['assign'],$thumbs); } elseif(!$p['assign'] && $p['multi']) { return $thumbs; } else { $size = "_".$p['size']; $return_thumb = array_find($photo['filename'].$size,$thumbs); if(empty($return_thumb)) { $this->default_thumb($size,$output); } else { if($p['assign'] != NULL) assign($p['assign'],$return_thumb); else return $return_thumb; } } } if($p['output'] == 'html') { $size = "_".$p['size']; $src = array_find($photo['filename'].$size,$thumbs); if(empty($src)) $src = $this->default_thumb($size); else $src = $src; if(phpversion < '5.2.0') global $json; $js = $json; if(!empty($js)) $imgDetails = $js->json_decode($photo['photo_details'],true); else $imgDetails = json_decode($photo['photo_details'],true); if(empty($imgDetails) || empty($imgDetails[$p['size']])) { $dem = getimagesize(str_replace(PHOTOS_URL,PHOTOS_DIR,$src)); $width = $dem[0]; $height = $dem[1]; /* UPDATEING IMAGE DETAILS */ $this->update_image_details($details); } else { $width = $imgDetails[$p['size']]['width']; $height = $imgDetails[$p['size']]['height']; } $img = "$p['anchor'],"data"=>$photo); ANCHOR($anchor_p); } if($p['style']) $img .= " style = '".$p['style']."'"; if($p['extra']) $img .= ($p['extra']); $img .= " />"; if($p['assign']) assign($p['assign'],$img); else return $img; } } else { return $this->default_thumb($size,$output); } } } } } /** * Will be called when collection is being deleted * This will make photos in the collection orphan * User will be able to access them in orphan photos */ function make_photo_orphan($details,$pid=NULL) { global $db; if(!is_array($details) && is_numeric($details)) { $c = $this->collection->get_collection($details); $cid = $c['collection_id']; } else $cid = $details['collection_id']; if(!empty($pid)) $cond = " AND photo_id = $pid"; $db->update(tbl('photos'),array('collection_id'),array('0')," collection_id = $cid $cond"); } /** * This will create download button for * photo */ function download_button($params) { $output = ''; if(!is_array($params['details'])) $p = $this->get_photo($params['details']); else $p = $params['details']; $text = lang('download_photo'); if(config('photo_download') == 1 && !empty($p)) { if($params['return_url']) { $output = $this->photo_links($p,'download_photo'); if($params['assign']) { assign($params['assign'],$output); return; } else return $output; } if($params['output'] == '' || $params['output'] == 'link') { $output .= ""; } if($params['output'] == "div") { $link = "'".$this->photo_links($p,'download')."'"; $new_window = $params['new_window'] ? "'new'" : "'same'"; $output .= '
'; } if($params['assign']) assign($params['assign'],$output); else return $output; } } /** * Used to load upload more photos * This button will only appear if collection type is photos * and user logged-in is Collection Owner */ function upload_photo_button($arr) { $cid = $arr['details']; //pr($arr,TRUE); $text = lang("add_more"); $result = ''; if(!is_array($cid)) $details = $this->collection->get_collection($cid); else $details = $cid; if($details['type'] == 'photos' && $details['userid'] == user_id()) { $output = $arr['output']; if($arr['return_url']) { $result = $this->photo_links($details,'upload_more'); if($arr['assign']) { assign($arr['assign'],$result); return; } else return $result; } if(empty($output) || $output == "button") { $result .= '"; } if($output == "div") { $result .= '
photo_links($details,'upload_more')."'"; if($arr['new_window'] || $arr['target'] == "_blank") $new_window = "'new'"; else $new_window = "'same'"; $result .= 'onClick = "openURL('.$link.','.$new_window.')"'; if($arr['id']) $result .= ' id = "'.$arr['id'].'"'; if($arr['align']) $result .= ' align = "'.$arr['align'].'"'; if($arr['class']) $result .= ' class = "'.$arr['class'].'"'; if($arr['title']) $result .= ' title = "'.$arr['title'].'"'; if($arr['style']) $result .= ' style = "'.$arr['style'].'"'; if($arr['extra']) $result .= mysql_clean($arr['extra']); $result .= ">".$text."
"; } if($output == "link") { $result .= '
"; } if($arr['assign']) assign($arr['assign'],$result); else return $result; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * used to create links */ function photo_links($details,$type) { if(empty($type)) return BASEURL; else { switch($type) { case "upload": { if(SEO == "yes") $link = BASEURL."/photo_upload"; else $link = BASEURL."/photo_upload.php"; } break; case "upload_more": { if(SEO == "yes") $link = BASEURL."/photo_upload/".$this->encode_key($details['collection_id']); else $link = BASEURL."/photo_upload.php?collection=".$this->encode_key($details['collection_id']); } break; case "download_photo": case "download": { return BASEURL."/download_photo.php?download=".$this->encode_key($details['photo_key']); } case "view_item": case "view_photo": { return $this->collection->collection_links($details,'view_item'); } break; } return $link; } } /** * Used to return default thumb */ function default_thumb($size=NULL,$output=NULL) { if($size != "_t" && $size != "_m") $size = "_m"; if(file_exists(TEMPLATEDIR."/images/thumbs/no-photo".$size.".png")) $path = TEMPLATEURL."/images/thumbs/no-photo".$size.".png"; else $path = PHOTOS_URL."/no-photo".$size.".png"; if(!empty($output) && $output == "html") echo ""; else return $path; } /** * Used to add comment */ function add_comment($comment,$obj_id,$reply_to=NULL,$force_name_email=false) { global $myquery; $photo = $this->get_photo($obj_id); if(empty($photo)) e("photo_not_exist"); else { $ownerID = $photo['userid']; $photoLink = $this->photo_links($photo,'view_item'); $comment = $myquery->add_comment($comment,$obj_id,$reply_to,'p',$ownerID,$photoLink,$force_name_email); if($comment) { //Updating Number of comments of photo if comment is not a reply if ($reply_to < 1) $this->update_total_comments($obj_id); } return $comment; } } /** * Function used to update total comments of collection */ function update_total_comments($pid) { global $db; $count = $db->count(tbl("comments"),"comment_id"," type = 'p' AND type_id = '$pid' AND parent_id='0'"); $db->update(tbl('photos'),array("total_comments","last_commented"),array($count,now())," photo_id = '$pid'"); } /** * Used to check if collection can add * photos or not */ function is_addable($cid) { if(!is_array($cid)) $details = $this->collection->get_collection($cid); else $details = $cid; if(empty($details)) { return false; } else { if(($details['active'] == 'yes' || $details['broadcast'] == 'public') && $details['userid'] == userid()) return true; elseif($details['userid'] == userid()) return true; else return false; } } /** * Used to display photo voterts details. * User who rated, how many stars and when user rated */ function photo_voters($id,$return_array=FALSE,$show_all=FALSE) { global $json; $p = $this->get_photo($id); if((!empty($p) && $p['userid'] == userid()) || $show_all === TRUE) { global $userquery; $voters = $p['voters']; if(phpversion() < "5.2.0") $voters = $json->json_decode($voters,TRUE); else $voters = json_decode($voters,TRUE); if(!empty($voters)) { if($return_array) return $voters; else { foreach($voters as $id=>$details) { $username = get_username($id); $output = "
  • "; $output .= "$username"; $output .= " rated ". $details['rate']/2 ." stars ("; $output .= niceTime($details['time']).")"; $output .= "
  • "; echo $output; } } } } else return false; } /** * Used to get current rating */ function current_rating($id) { global $db; if(!is_numeric($id)) $result = $db->select(tbl('photos'),'userid,allow_rating,rating,rated_by,voters'," photo_key = ".$id.""); else $result = $db->select(tbl('photos'),'userid,allow_rating,rating,rated_by,voters'," photo_id = ".$id.""); if($result) return $result[0]; else return false; } /** * Used to rate photo */ function rate_photo($id,$rating) { global $db,$json; if(!is_numeric($rating) || $rating <= 9) $rating = 0; if($rating >= 10) $rating = 10; $c_rating = $this->current_rating($id); $voters = $c_rating['voters']; $new_rate = $c_rating['rating']; $rated_by = $c_rating['rated_by']; if(phpversion < '5.2.0') $voters = $json->json_decode($voters,TRUE); else $voters = json_decode($voters,TRUE); if(!empty($voters)) $already_voted = array_key_exists(userid(),$voters); if(!userid()) e(lang("please_login_to_rate")); elseif(userid()==$c_rating['userid'] && !config('own_photo_rating')) e(lang("you_cannot_rate_own_photo")); elseif(!empty($already_voted)) e(lang("you_hv_already_rated_photo")); elseif($c_rating['allow_rating'] == 'no' || !config('photo_rating')) e(lang("photo_rate_disabled")); else { $voters[userid()] = array('rate'=>$rating,'time'=>NOW()); if(phpversion < '5.2.0') $voters = $json->json_encode($voters); else $voters = json_encode($voters); $t = $c_rating['rated_by'] * $c_rating['rating']; $rated_by = $c_rating['rated_by'] + 1; $new_rate = ($t + $rating) / $rated_by; $db->update(tbl('photos'),array('rating','rated_by','voters'),array("$new_rate","$rated_by","|no_mc|$voters")," photo_id = ".$id.""); $userDetails = array( "object_id" => $id, "type" => "photo", "time" => now(), "rating" => $rating, "userid" => userid(), "username" => username() ); /* Updating user details */ update_user_voted($userDetails); e(lang("thnx_for_voting"),"m"); } $return = array("rating"=>$new_rate,"rated_by"=>$rated_by,'total'=>10,"id"=>$id,"type"=>"photo","disable"=>"disabled"); return $return; } /** * Used to generate different * embed codes */ function generate_embed_codes($p) { $details = $p['details']; $type = $p['type']; $size = $p['size'] ? $p['size'] : 'm'; if(is_array($details)) $photo = $details; else $photo = $this->get_photo($detials); switch($type) { case "html": { if($p['with_url']) $code .= "<a href='".$this->collection->collection_links($photo,'view_item')."' target='_blank'>"; $code .= "<img src='".$this->get_image_file($photo,$size)."' title='".$photo['photo_title']."' alt='".$photo['photo_title']." ".TITLE."' />"; if($p['with_url']) $code .= "</a>"; } break; case "forum": { if($p['with_url']) $code .= "[URL=".$this->collection->collection_links($photo,'view_item')."]"; $code .= "[IMG]".$this->get_image_file($photo,$size)."[/IMG]"; if($p['with_url']) $code .= "[/URL]"; } break; case "email": { $code .= $this->collection->collection_links($photo,'view_item'); } break; case "direct": { $code .= $this->get_image_file($photo,"o"); } break; default: return false; } return $code; } /** * Embed Codes */ function photo_embed_codes($newArr) { #pr($newArr,true); if(empty($newArr['details'])) { echo "
    "; } elseif($newArr['details']['allow_embedding'] == 'no') { echo "
    "; } else { $t = $newArr['type']; if(is_array($t)) $types = $t; elseif($t == 'all') $types = $this->embed_types; else $types = explode(',',$t); foreach($types as $type) { $type = strtolower($type); if(in_array($type,$this->embed_types)) { $type = str_replace(' ','',$type); $newArr['type'] = $type; $codes[] = array("name"=>ucwords($type),"type"=>$type,"code"=>$this->generate_embed_codes($newArr)); } } #pr($codes,true); if($newArr['assign']) assign(mysql_clean($newArr['assign']),$codes); else return $codes; } } /** * Used encode photo key */ function encode_key($key) { return base64_encode(serialize($key)); } /** * Used encode photo key */ function decode_key($key) { return unserialize(base64_decode($key)); } function incrementDownload($Array) { global $db; if(!isset($_COOKIE[$Array['photo_id']."_downloaded"])) { $db->update(tbl('photos'),array('downloaded'),array('|f|downloaded+1'),' photo_id = "'.$Array['photo_id'].'"'); setcookie($Array['photo_id']."_downloaded",NOW(),time()+1800); } } function download_photo($key) { $file = $this->ready_photo_file($key); if($file) { if($file['details']['server_url']) { $url = dirname(dirname($file['details']['server_url'])); header('location:'.$url.'/download_photo.php?file='.$file['details']['filename'] .'.'.$file['details']['ext'].'&folder='.$file['details']['file_directory'] .'&title='.urlencode($file['details']['photo_title'])); $this->incrementDownload($p); return true; } $p = $file['details']; $mime_types=array(); $mime_types['gif'] = 'image/gif'; $mime_types['jpe'] = 'image/jpeg'; $mime_types['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg'; $mime_types['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg'; $mime_types['png'] = 'image/png'; if(array_key_exists($p['ext'],$mime_types)){ $mime = $mime_types[$p['ext']]; if(file_exists($file['file_dir'])) { if(is_readable($file['file_dir'])) { $size = filesize($file['file_dir']); if($fp=@fopen($file['file_url'],'r')) { $this->incrementDownload($p); // sending the headers header("Content-type: $mime"); header("Content-Length: $size"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$p['photo_title'].".".$p['ext']."\""); // send the file content fpassthru($fp); // close the file fclose($fp); // and quit exit; } } else { e(lang("photo_not_readable")); } } else { e(lang("photo_not_exist")); } } else { e(lang("wrong_mime_type")); } } else return false; } /** * Ready photo for downloading */ function ready_photo_file($pid) { $photo = $this->get_photo($pid); if(empty($photo)) e(lang("photo_not_exist")); else { if(!$this->collection->is_viewable($photo['collection_id'])) return false; else { $filename = $this->get_image_file($photo['photo_id'],'o',FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); $returnArray = array( "file_dir" => PHOTOS_DIR."/".$filename, "file_url" => PHOTOS_URL."/".$filename, "filename" => $filename, "details" => $photo ); return $returnArray; } } } /** * Used to perform photo actions */ function photo_actions($action,$id) { global $db; switch($action) { case "activate": case "activation": case "ap": { $db->update(tbl($this->p_tbl),array("active"),array("yes")," photo_id = $id"); e(lang("photo_activated"),"m"); } break; case "deactivate": case "deactivation": case "dap": { $db->update(tbl($this->p_tbl),array("active"),array("no")," photo_id = $id"); e(lang("photo_deactivated"),"m"); } break; case "make_featured": case "feature_photo": case "fp": { $db->update(tbl($this->p_tbl),array("featured"),array("yes")," photo_id = $id"); e(lang("photo_featured"),"m"); } break; case "make_unfeatured": case "unfeature_photo": case "ufp": { $db->update(tbl($this->p_tbl),array("featured"),array("no")," photo_id = $id"); e(lang("photo_unfeatured"),"m"); } break; } } } ?>