configs[$input]; } function get_config($input){ return config($input); } /** * Function used to get player logo */ function website_logo() { $logo_file = config('player_logo_file'); if(file_exists(BASEDIR.'/images/'.$logo_file) && $logo_file) return BASEURL.'/images/'.$logo_file; return BASEURL.'/images/logo.png'; } /** * createDataFolders() * * create date folders with respect to date. so that no folder gets overloaded * with number of files. * * @param string FOLDER, if set to null, sub-date-folders will be created in * all data folders * @return string */ function createDataFolders($headFolder = NULL, $custom_date = NULL) { $time = time(); if ($custom_date) $time = strtotime($custom_date); $year = date("Y", $time); $month = date("m", $time); $day = date("d", $time); $folder = $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day; $data = cb_call_functions('dated_folder'); if ($data) return $data; if (!$headFolder) { @mkdir(VIDEOS_DIR . '/' . $folder, 0777, true); @mkdir(THUMBS_DIR . '/' . $folder, 0777, true); @mkdir(ORIGINAL_DIR . '/' . $folder, 0777, true); @mkdir(PHOTOS_DIR . '/' . $folder, 0777, true); @mkdir(LOGS_DIR . '/' . $folder, 0777, true); } else { if (!file_exists($headFolder . '/' . $folder)) { @mkdir($headFolder . '/' . $folder, 0777, true); } } $folder = apply_filters($folder, 'dated_folder'); return $folder; } function create_dated_folder($headFolder = NULL, $custom_date = NULL) { return createDataFolders($headFolder, $custom_date); } function cb_create_html_tag( $tag = 'p', $self_closing = false, $attrs = array(), $content = null ) { $open = '<'.$tag; $close = ( $self_closing === true ) ? '/>' : '>'.( !is_null( $content ) ? $content : '' ).''; $attributes = ''; if( is_array( $attrs ) and count( $attrs ) > 0 ) { foreach( $attrs as $attr => $value ) { if( strtolower( $attr ) == 'extra' ) { $attributes .= ( $value ); } else { $attributes .= ' '.$attr.' = "'.$value.'" '; } } } return $open.$attributes.$close; }