/* full calendar */ .fc-header-title > h2 { font-size:22px; color:#65A0CE; } .fc-widget-header, .fc-widget-content { border: 1px solid #BCD4E5; } .fc-state-highlight { background: #FFC; } .fc-event-skin { border:none !important; /* default BORDER color */ background-color:#ABBAC3; padding:0 0 1px 2px; .label-yellow & { color:#996633; } .label-light & { color:#888; } [class*="label-"] > & , [class*="label-"] > & > .fc-event-skin.fc-event-head { background-color: inherit; } &.ui-draggable-dragging { cursor:move; } &.fc-event-vert , .fc-event-vert > & { padding:0 0 1px; } } .fc-grid .fc-day-number { color:#2E6589; } .fc-widget-header { background:#ECF2F7; color:#8090A0; } // //.fc-grid th , th.fc-widget-header{ // height:28px; // vertical-align:middle !important; //} .fc-event-hori , .fc-event-vert { border-radius:0 !important; border-color:transparent; } .fc-event-vert { .fc-event-content { padding-left:1px; padding-right:1px; } .fc-event-time { padding:0; } } .fc-state-default { & , & .fc-button-inner { border:none; background-color:#ABBAC3; color:#FFF; background-image:none; box-shadow:none; text-shadow:none; border-radius:0 !important; margin-left:2px; } border:none; .fc-button-effect { display:none; } } .fc-state-disabled { & , & .fc-button-inner { .opacity(0.75); color:#DDD; } } .fc-state-active { & , & .fc-button-inner { border-color:#4F99C6; background-color:#6FB3E0; } } .fc-state-hover { & , & .fc-button-inner { background-color:#8B9AA3; } } .external-event { margin:6px 0; padding:0; cursor:default; display:block; color:#FFF; background-color:#ABBAC3; font-size:13px; line-height:28px; &:hover { .opacity(1); } &.ui-draggable-dragging { cursor:move; } > [class*="icon-"]:first-child { /* the move & drag icon */ display:inline-block; height:32px; width:32px; text-align:center; line-height:30px; margin-right:5px; font-size:15px; border-right:1px solid #FFF; } } /* calendar inside widget-box --- not complete yet */ .widget-main { .fc { position:relative; top:-40px; > .fc-header { position:relative; z-index:10; } .fc-header-space { padding-left:2px; } } .fc-header-title > h2 { font-size:18px; line-height:36px; } .fc-content { top:-14px; z-index:11; } .fc-button-content { height:37px; line-height:36px; } } /* calendar */ @media only screen and (max-width: @screen-xs) { .fc-header td { display:block; width:auto; text-align:left; } }