validate_collection_category( $array ); } /** * function used to get photos */ function get_collections( $param ) { global $cbcollection; return $cbcollection->get_collections( $param ); } /** * Function used to get collection name from id * Smarty Function */ function get_collection_field( $cid, $field = 'collection_name' ) { global $cbcollection; return $cbcollection->get_collection_field( $cid, $field ); } /** * Function used to delete photos if * whole collection is being deleted */ function delete_collection_photos( $details ) { global $cbcollection, $cbphoto; $type = $details['type']; if ( $type == 'photos' ) { $ps = $cbphoto->get_photos( array("collection" => $details['collection_id']) ); if ( !empty( $ps ) ) { foreach ( $ps as $p ) { $cbphoto->make_photo_orphan( $details, $p['photo_id'] ); } unset( $ps ); // Empty $ps. Avoiding the duplication prob } } } /* * Since 3.0, we have removed videos from collection, it is moved to playlists. * This function will confirm that no matter user will get photos */ function confirm_collection_type ( $type ) { global $cbcollection; if ( empty($type) ) { $type = 'photos'; } if ($type != $cbcollection->types ) { if ( VERSION < '3.0' ) { // Get Deprecated Types; $dep_types = $cbcollection->deprecated_types; $message = 'Collections feature now only support photos'; if ( array_key_exists( $type , $dep_types ) ) { $message .= '. '.$cbcollection->deprecated_types[$type].' support has been dropped since 2.6'; $dep_type = $cbcollection->deprecated_types[$type].' '; } if ( userid() && has_access('admin_access',true) ){ $message .= '. Please upgrade your Clipbucket to latest version'; } else { $message .= '. Please contact Site Administrator about this.'; } e(lang($message)); cb_show_page(); } return $cbcollection->types; } return $cbcollection->types; } /** * This will get only avatar collections * * @global OBJECT $db * @global OBJECT $cbcollection * @param STRING $cond * @param INT $limit * @param STRING $order * @return MIX */ function get_avatar_collections( $cond=null, $limit=null, $order=null ) { global $db, $cbcollection; if ( !is_null($cond) ) { $cond = ' AND '.$cond; } $results = $db->select( tbl($cbcollection->section_tbl), '*', " is_avatar_collection = 'yes' $cond", $limit, $order); if ( $results ) { return $results; } else { return false; } } /** * This will be select object from items table * * @global OBJECT $db * @global OBJECT $cbcollection * @param INT $cid * @param INT $oid * @return MIX */ function get_collection_item ( $cid, $oid ) { global $db, $cbcollection; $result = $db->select( tbl( $cbcollection->items ),'*', " collection_id = '".$cid."' AND object_id = '".$oid."' " ); if ( $result ) { return $result[0]; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets photo manager orders * * @return ARRAY */ function get_collection_manager_orders() { return object_manager_orders('collection'); } /** * Adds photo manager order * * @param STRING $title Title of order * @param STRING $order mySQL order * @param STRING $id Optional * @return MIX */ function add_collection_manager_order( $title, $order, $id = false ) { return add_object_manager_order( $title, $order, 'collection', $id ); } /** * Displays photo manager order * * @param STRING $display * @return MIX */ function display_collection_manger_orders( $display='unselected' ) { return display_manager_orders('collection',$display); } /** * Displays current photo manager order * * @return STRING */ function current_collection_order () { return current_object_order('collection'); } function collection_links( $collection, $type = 'vc' ) { global $cbcollection; return $cbcollection->collection_links( $collection, $type ); } ?>