// CLIPBUCKET MAIN FUNCTIONS ---------------------- /** *Function used to display an error message popup box */ function displayError(err) { $('#error .modal-body p').html(''); $.each(err,function(index,data){ $('#error .modal-body p').append(data+'
'); }) $('#error').modal('show'); } /** *Function used to display an error message popup box */ function displayMsg(msg) { $('#msg .modal-body p').html(''); $.each(msg,function(index,data){ $('#msg .modal-body p').append(data+'
'); }) $('#msg').modal('show'); } /** * Relative input highlight and add error */ function focusObj(err,type) { $.each(err,function(rel,msg){ $('#'+rel).parent().parent().addClass(type); $('#'+rel).parent().find('.help-inline').text(msg); }) } /** * function used to hide or show loading pointer * */ function loading_pointer(ID,toDo) { var pointer = $('#'+ID+'-loader'); if(toDo=='hide') { pointer.hide(); } else{ pointer.show(); } } function loading(ID,ToDo) { return loading_pointer(ID,ToDo) } /** * Updates counts of an object such as * adding playlist will increase playlist_count */ function update_counter(obj,inc) { var val = $(obj).text(); val = parseInt(val); if(inc==1) { val += 1; $(obj).text(val); }else { val -= 1; $(obj).text(val); } } // CLIPBUCKET MAIN FUNCTIONS ---------------------- /** * Toggle watch video less and more */ function toggleLessMore(div,type) { var LessHeight = 60; //in pixels if(type=='less') { $('#'+div).css('height',LessHeight); $('#'+div+'-less').hide(); $('#'+div+'-more').show(); }else { $('#'+div).css('height','auto'); $('#'+div+'-less').show(); $('#'+div+'-more').hide(); } } /** * Rate object and get result.. * * cbv3Rate * * @param id INT * @param rating INT * @param type STRING */ function cbv3rate(id,rating,type) { loading('rating'); amplify.request("main",{"mode":"rating",type:type, id:id,rating:rating}//params, ,function(data){ $('#video-rating-container') .html(data.template); loading('rating','hide'); } ); } /** * Create play list */ function create_playlist(type) { $('#create_playlist_bttn').button('loading'); var formData = $('#create-playlist-modal form').serialize(); formData += "&mode=create_playlist&type="+type; $('#create_playlist_bttn').button('loading'); amplify.request('main',formData,function(data){ if(data.err) { if(data.rel.err) { focusObj(data.rel.err,'error'); } if(data.rel.err.length<1) { $.each(data.err,function(index,err) { $('#create-playlist-error') .append('
') .show(); }); } $('#create_playlist_bttn').button('reset'); }else { $('#create-playlist-modal').modal('hide'); $('#playlist-list').append(data.template); $('#'+data.pid+'-playlist').hide().fadeIn('slow'); update_counter('#playlists_count',1); updatePlaylistPage(); $('#create_playlist_bttn').button('reset'); } }); } /** * toggle Playlist options, * * will hide controls if playlist counts is 0 * otherwise show them */ function updatePlaylistPage() { if($('.playlist-list').length>0) { $('.playlist-list-controls').show(); $('.no-playlist').hide(); }else{ $('.playlist-list-controls').hide(); $('.no-playlist').show(); } } /** * Delete playlist */ function delete_playlist(pid) { amplify.request('main', {mode:'delete_playlist',pid:pid},function(data){ if(data.err) { displayError(data.err); }else { displayMsg(data.msg); $('#'+pid+'-playlist').remove(); updatePlaylistPage(); update_counter('#playlists_count',-1); } }) } /** * Add item into the playlist */ function add_to_playlist(pid,oid,type) { var mainDiv = '#add-videos-to-playlist'; loading('playlist-'+pid); amplify.request('main',{ 'mode' : 'add_playlist_item', 'pid' : pid, 'oid' : oid, 'type' : type }, function(data){ $(mainDiv+' > .alert').hide(); loading('playlist-'+pid,'hide'); if(data.err) { $(mainDiv+' .alert-danger') .text(data.err[0]) .show(); }else { update_counter('#playlist-counter-'+pid,'1'); $('#playlist-ul-'+pid+' .date_updated'). text(data.updated); $(mainDiv+' .alert-success') .text(data.msg[0]) .show(); } } ) }