'; $output .= ''; $output .= '
If you are reading this, please do not touch the next field
'; return $output; } function cb_verify_honeypot() { global $eh; $salt = mysql_clean( post( 'cb_verifier' ) ); if ( $salt ) { $timestamp_name = cb_honeypot_hash_fieldname( 'cb_timestamp', $salt ); $timestamp = mysql_clean( post( $timestamp_name ) ); if ( $timestamp ) { $difference = time() - $timestamp; if ( ( $difference ) < CB_HONEYPOT_FORM_SUBMISSION_WINDOW ) { e( lang( sprintf( 'Submitting form in %d %s. Are you even a human ?', $difference, ( $difference == 1 ) ? 'second' : 'seconds' ) ) ); return false; } $honeypot_name = cb_honeypot_hash_fieldname( 'cb_honeypot', $salt ); $honeypot = mysql_clean( post( $honeypot_name ) ); if( CB_HONEYPOT_DEFAULT_VALUE == '' ) { if( $honeypot != '' ) { e( lang( 'Someone is tampering with forms. Can not process further.' ) ); return false; } } else { if ( !$honeypot OR ( $honeypot != CB_HONEYPOT_DEFAULT_VALUE ) ) { e( lang( 'Someone is tampering with forms. Can not process further.' ) ); return false; } } return true; } else { e( lang( 'Unable to locate timestamp. Can not process further.' ) ); } } else { e( lang( 'No verification code provided. Can not process further.' ) ); } return false; }