ffmpeg = FFMPEG_BINARY; $this->input_file = $file; } /** * Prepare file to be converted * this will first get info of the file * and enter its info into database */ function prepare($file=NULL) { global $db; if($file) $this->input_file = $file; if(file_exists($this->input_file)) $this->input_file = $this->input_file; else $this->input_file = TEMP_DIR.'/'.$this->input_file; //Checking File Exists if(!file_exists($this->input_file)) { $this->log('File Exists','No'); }else{ $this->log('File Exists','Yes'); } //Get File info $this->input_details = $this->get_file_info(); //Loging File Details $this->log .= "\nPreparing file...\n"; $this->log_file_info(); //Insert Info into database $this->insert_data(); } /** * Function used to convert video */ function convert($file=NULL) { global $db; if($file) $this->input_file = $file; $this->log .= "\r\nConverting Video\r\n"; $p = $this->configs; $i = $this->input_details; # Prepare the ffmpeg command to execute if(isset($p['extra_options'])) $opt_av .= " -y {$p['extra_options']} "; # file format if(isset($p['format'])) $opt_av .= " -f {$p['format']} "; # video codec if(isset($p['video_codec'])) $opt_av .= " -vcodec ".$p['video_codec']; elseif(isset($i['video_codec'])) $opt_av .= " -vcodec ".$i['video_codec']; if($p['video_codec'] == 'libx264') $opt_av .= " -vpre normal "; # video rate if($p['use_video_rate']) { if(isset($p['video_rate'])) $vrate = $p['video_rate']; elseif(isset($i['video_rate'])) $vrate = $i['video_rate']; if(isset($p['video_max_rate']) && !empty($vrate)) $vrate = min($p['video_max_rate'],$vrate); if(!empty($vrate)) $opt_av .= " -r $vrate "; } # video bitrate if($p['use_video_bit_rate']) { if(isset($p['video_bitrate'])) $vbrate = $p['video_bitrate']; elseif(isset($i['video_bitrate'])) $vbrate = $i['video_bitrate']; if(!empty($vbrate)) $opt_av .= " -b $vbrate "; } # video size, aspect and padding $this->calculate_size_padding( $p, $i, $width, $height, $ratio, $pad_top, $pad_bottom, $pad_left, $pad_right ); $opt_av .= " -s {$width}x{$height} -aspect $ratio -padcolor 000000 -padtop $pad_top -padbottom $pad_bottom -padleft $pad_left -padright $pad_right "; # audio codec, rate and bitrate if($p['use_audio_codec']) { if(!empty($p['audio_codec']) && $p['audio_codec'] != 'None'){ $opt_av .= " -acodec {$p['audio_codec']}"; } } # audio bitrate if($p['use_audio_bit_rate']) { if(isset($p['audio_bitrate'])) $abrate = $p['audio_bitrate']; elseif(isset($i['audio_bitrate'])) $abrate = $i['audio_bitrate']; if(!empty($abrate)) { $abrate_cmd = " -ab $abrate "; $opt_av .= $abrate_cmd; } } # audio bitrate if($p['use_audio_rate']) { if(isset($p['audio_rate'])) $arate = $p['audio_rate']; elseif(isset($i['audio_rate'])) $arate = $i['audio_rate']; if(!empty($arate)) $opt_av .= " -ar $arate "; } $opt_av .= " -map_meta_data ".$this->output_file.":".$this->input_file; $command = $this->ffmpeg." -i ".$this->input_file." $opt_av ".$this->output_file." 2> ".TEMP_DIR."/output.tmp "; //Updating DB //$db->update($this->tbl,array('command_used'),array($command)," id = '".$this->row_id."'"); $output = $this->exec($command); if(file_exists(TEMP_DIR.'/output.tmp')) { $output = $output ? $output : join("", file(TEMP_DIR.'/output.tmp')); unlink(TEMP_DIR.'/output.tmp'); } $this->log('Conversion Command',$command); $this->log .="\r\n\r\nConversion Details\r\n\r\n"; $this->log .=$output; $this->output_details = $this->get_file_info($this->output_file); } /** * Function used to get file information using FFMPEG * @param FILE_PATH */ function get_file_info( $path_source =NULL) { if(!$path_source) $path_source = $this->input_file; # init the info to N/A $info['format'] = 'N/A'; $info['duration'] = 'N/A'; $info['size'] = 'N/A'; $info['bitrate'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_width'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_height'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_wh_ratio'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_codec'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_rate'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_bitrate'] = 'N/A'; $info['video_color'] = 'N/A'; $info['audio_codec'] = 'N/A'; $info['audio_bitrate'] = 'N/A'; $info['audio_rate'] = 'N/A'; $info['audio_channels'] = 'N/A'; $info['path'] = $path_source; # get the file size $stats = @stat( $path_source ); if( $stats === false ) $this->log .= "Failed to stat file $path_source!\n"; $info['size'] = (integer)$stats['size']; $output = $this->exec( $this->ffmpeg." -i $path_source -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f null /dev/null 2>&1" ); # parse output if( $this->parse_format_info( $output, $info ) === false ) return false; return $info; } /** * Function used to excute SHELL Scripts */ function exec( $cmd ) { # use bash to execute the command # add common locations for bash to the PATH # this should work in virtually any *nix/BSD/Linux server on the planet # assuming we have execute permission //$cmd = "PATH=\$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin bash -c \"$cmd\" "; return shell_exec( $cmd); } /** * Author : Arslan Hassan * parse format info * * output (string) * - the ffmpeg output to be parsed to extract format info * * info (array) * - see function get_encoding_progress * * returns: * - (bool) false on error * - (bool) true on success */ function parse_format_info( $output, & $info ) { # search the output for specific patterns and extract info # check final encoding message if( ereg( 'Unknown format', $output, $args) ) { $Unkown = "Unkown"; } else { $Unkown = ""; } if( ereg( 'video:([0-9]+)kB audio:([0-9]+)kB global headers:[0-9]+kB muxing overhead', $output, $args ) ) { $video_size = (float)$args[1]; $audio_size = (float)$args[2]; } else { return false; } # check for last enconding update message if( ereg( '(frame=([^=]*) fps=[^=]* q=[^=]* L)?size=[^=]*kB time=([^=]*) bitrate=[^=]*kbits/s[^=]*$', $output, $args ) ) { $frame_count = $args[2] ? (float)$args[2] : 0; $duration = (float)$args[3]; } else { return false; } $info['duration'] = $duration; $info['bitrate' ] = (integer)($info['size'] * 8 / 1024 / $duration); if( $frame_count > 0 ) $info['video_rate'] = (float)$frame_count / (float)$duration; if( $video_size > 0 ) $info['video_bitrate'] = (integer)($video_size * 8 / $duration); if( $audio_size > 0 ) $info['audio_bitrate'] = (integer)($audio_size * 8 / $duration); # get format information if( ereg( "Input #0, ([^ ]+), from", $output, $args ) ) { $info['format'] = $args[1]; } # get video information if( ereg( 'Video: ([^ ]+), ([^ ]+), ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)( \[PAR ([0-9]+):([0-9]+) DAR ([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\])?', $output, $args ) ) { $info['video_codec' ] = $args[1]; $info['video_color' ] = $args[2]; $info['video_width' ] = $args[3]; $info['video_height' ] = $args[4]; if( $args[5] ) { $par1 = $args[6]; $par2 = $args[7]; $dar1 = $args[8]; $dar2 = $args[9]; if( (int)$dar1 > 0 && (int)$dar2 > 0 && (int)$par1 > 0 && (int)$par2 > 0 ) $info['video_wh_ratio'] = ( (float)$dar1 / (float)$dar2 ) / ( (float)$par1 / (float)$par2 ); } # laking aspect ratio information, assume pixel are square if( $info['video_wh_ratio'] === 'N/A' ) $info['video_wh_ratio'] = (float)$info['video_width'] / (float)$info['video_height']; } # get audio information if( ereg( "Audio: ([^ ]+), ([0-9]+) Hz, ([^\n,]*)", $output, $args ) ) { $info['audio_codec' ] = $args[1]; $info['audio_rate' ] = $args[2]; $info['audio_channels'] = $args[3]; } # check if file contains a video stream return $video_size > 0; #TODO allow files with no video (only audio)? #return true; } /** * Function used to insert data into database * @param ARRAY */ function insert_data() { global $db; //Insert Info into database if(is_array($this->input_details)) { foreach($this->input_details as $field=>$value) { $fields[] = 'src_'.$field; $values[] = $value; } $fields[] = 'src_ext'; $values[] = getExt($this->input_details['path']); $fields[] = 'src_name'; $values[] = getName($this->input_details['path']); $db->insert($this->tbl,$fields,$values); $this->row_id = $db->insert_id(); } } /** * Function used to update data of */ function update_data($conv_only=false) { global $db; //Insert Info into database if(is_array($this->output_details) && !$conv_only) { foreach($this->output_details as $field=>$value) { $fields[] = 'output_'.$field; $values[] = $value; } $fields[] = 'file_conversion_log'; $values[] = $this->log; $db->update($this->tbl,$fields,$values," id = '".$this->row_id."'"); }else $fields[] = 'file_conversion_log'; $values[] = $this->log; $db->update($this->tbl,$fields,$values," id = '".$this->row_id."'"); } /** * Function used to add log in log var */ function log($name,$value) { $this->log .= $name.' : '.$value."\r\n"; } /** * Function used to start log */ function start_log() { $this->log = "Started on ".NOW()." - ".date("Y M d")."\r\n\n"; $this->log .= "Checking File ....\r\n"; $this->log('File',$this->input_file); } /** * Function used to log video info */ function log_file_info() { $details = $this->input_details; if(is_array($details)) { foreach($details as $name => $value) { $this->log($name,$value); } }else{ $this->log .=" Unknown file details - Unable to get video details using FFMPEG \n"; } } /** * Function used to time check */ function time_check() { $time = microtime(); $time = explode(' ',$time); $time = $time[1]+$time[0]; return $time; } /** * Function used to start timing */ function start_time_check() { $this->start_time = $this->time_check(); } /** * Function used to end timing */ function end_time_check() { $this->end_time = $this->time_check(); } /** * Function used to check total time */ function total_time() { $this->total_time = round(($this->end_time-$this->start_time),4); } /** * Function used to calculate video padding */ function calculate_size_padding( $parameters, $source_info, & $width, & $height, & $ratio, & $pad_top, & $pad_bottom, & $pad_left, & $pad_right ) { $p = $parameters; $i = $source_info; switch( $p['resize'] ) { # dont resize, use same size as source, and aspect ratio # WARNING: some codec will NOT preserve the aspect ratio case 'no': $width = $i['video_width' ]; $height = $i['video_height' ]; $ratio = $i['video_wh_ratio']; $pad_top = 0; $pad_bottom = 0; $pad_left = 0; $pad_right = 0; break; # resize to parameters width X height, use same aspect ratio # WARNING: some codec will NOT preserve the aspect ratio case 'WxH': $width = $p['video_width' ]; $height = $p['video_height' ]; $ratio = $i['video_wh_ratio']; $pad_top = 0; $pad_bottom = 0; $pad_left = 0; $pad_right = 0; break; # make pixel square # reduce video size if bigger than p[width] X p[height] # and preserve aspect ratio case 'max': $width = (float)$i['video_width' ]; $height = (float)$i['video_height' ]; $ratio = (float)$i['video_wh_ratio']; $max_width = (float)$p['video_width' ]; $max_height = (float)$p['video_height' ]; # make pixels square if( $ratio > 1.0 ) $width = $height * $ratio; else $height = $width / $ratio; # reduce width if( $width > $max_width ) { $r = $max_width / $width; $width *= $r; $height *= $r; } # reduce height if( $height > $max_height ) { $r = $max_height / $height; $width *= $r; $height *= $r; } # make size even (required by many codecs) $width = (integer)( ($width + 1 ) / 2 ) * 2; $height = (integer)( ($height + 1 ) / 2 ) * 2; # no padding $pad_top = 0; $pad_bottom = 0; $pad_left = 0; $pad_right = 0; break; # make pixel square # resize video to fit inside p[width] X p[height] # add padding and preserve aspect ratio case 'fit': # values need to be multiples of 2 in the end so # divide width and height by 2 to do the calculation # then multiply by 2 in the end $ratio = (float)$i['video_wh_ratio']; $width = (float)$i['video_width' ] / 2; $height = (float)$i['video_height' ] / 2; $trt_width = (float)$p['video_width' ] / 2; $trt_height = (float)$p['video_height' ] / 2; # make pixels square if( $ratio > 1.0 ) $width = $height * $ratio; else $height = $width / $ratio; # calculate size to fit $ratio_w = $trt_width / $width; $ratio_h = $trt_height / $height; if( $ratio_h > $ratio_w ) { $width = (integer)$trt_width; $height = (integer)($width / $ratio); } else { $height = (integer)$trt_height; $width = (integer)($height * $ratio); } # calculate padding $pad_top = (integer)(($trt_height - $height + 1) / 2); $pad_left = (integer)(($trt_width - $width + 1) / 2); $pad_bottom = (integer)($trt_height - $height - $pad_top ); $pad_right = (integer)($trt_width - $width - $pad_left); # multiply by 2 to undo division and get multiples of 2 $width *= 2; $height *= 2; $pad_top *= 2; $pad_left *= 2; $pad_bottom *= 2; $pad_right *= 2; break; } } /** * Function used to perform all actions when converting a video */ function ClipBucket() { $this->start_time_check(); $this->start_log(); $this->prepare(); $this->convert(); $this->end_time_check(); $this->total_time(); $this->output_details = $this->get_file_info($this->output_file); $this->log .= "\n\Time Took : "; $this->log .= $this->total_time.' seconds'; //$this->update_data(); //Generating Thumb if($this->gen_thumbs) $this->generate_thumbs($this->input_file,$this->input_details['duration']); if($this->gen_big_thumb) $this->generate_thumbs($this->input_file,$this->input_details['duration'],'300x240','big'); //Remove Input if($this->remove_input) unlink($this->input_file); } /** * Function used to generate video thumbnails */ function generate_thumbs($input_file,$duration,$dim='120x90',$num=3,$rand=NULL) { $output_dir = THUMBS_DIR; if($num=='big') { $file_name = getName($input_file)."-big.jpg"; $file_path = THUMBS_DIR.'/'.$file_name; $command = $this->ffmpeg." -i $input_file -an -s $dim -y -f image2 -vframes 1 $file_path "; $this->exec($command); }else{ if($num > 1 && $duration > 14) { $duration = $duration - 5; $division = $duration / 3; $count=1; for($id=3;$id<=$duration;$id++) { $file_name = getName($input_file)."-$count.jpg"; $file_path = THUMBS_DIR.'/'.$file_name; $id = $id + $division - 1; if($rand != "") { $time = $this->ChangeTime($id,1); } elseif($rand == "") { $time = $this->ChangeTime($id); } $command = $this->ffmpeg." -i $input_file -an -ss $time -an -r 1 -s $dim -y -f image2 -vframes 1 $file_path "; $this->exec($command); $count = $count+1; } }else{ $file_name = getName($input_file)."-%d.jpg"; $file_path = THUMBS_DIR.'/'.$file_name; $command = $this->ffmpeg." -i $input_file -an -s $dim -y -f image2 -vframes $num $file_path "; $this->exec($command); } } } /** * Function used to convert seconds into proper time format * @param : INT duration * @parma : rand */ function ChangeTime($duration, $rand = "") { if($rand != "") { if($duration / 3600 > 1) { $time = date("H:i:s", $duration - rand(0,$duration)); } else { $time = "00:"; $time .= date("i:s", $duration - rand(0,$duration)); } return $time; } elseif($rand == "") { if($duration / 3600 > 1 ) { $time = date("H:i:s",$duration); } else { $time = "00:"; $time .= date("i:s",$duration); } return $time; } } /** * Function used to convert video in HD format */ function convert_to_hd($input=NULL,$output=NULL,$p=NULL,$i=NULL) { global $db; if(!$input) $input = $this->input_file; if(!$output) $output = $this->hq_output_file; if(!$p) $p = $this->configs; if(!$i) $i = $this->input_details; $convert = false; //Checkinf for HD or Not $opt_av = ''; pr($i); if(substr($i['video_wh_ratio'],0,5) == '1.777' && $i['video_width'] > '500') { //All Possible Hd Dimensions $widths = array( 1280, 1216, 1152, 1088, 1024, 960, 896, 832, 768, 704, 640, 576, 512, ); $heights = array( 720, 684, 648, 612, 576, 540, 504, 468, 432, 396, 360, 324, 288, ); $convert = true; $type = 'HD'; //Checking if video is HQ then convert it in Mp4 }elseif($i['video_width'] > '500' && substr($i['video_wh_ratio'],0,5) != '1.777') { $widths = array( 640 , 624 , 608 , 592 , 576 , 560 , 544 , 528 , 512 , ); $heights = array( 480, 468, 456, 444, 432, 420, 408, 396, ); $convert = true; $type = 'HQ'; } if($convert) { $total_dims = count($widths); //Checking wich dimension is suitable for the video for($id=0;$id<=$total_dims;$i++) { $cur_dim = $widths[$id]; $next_dim = $widths[$id+1]; $iwidth = $i['video_width']; if($iwidth==$cur_dim || ($iwidth>$cur_dim && $iwidth<$next_dim)) { $key = $id; $out_width = $widths[$id]; $out_height = $heights[$id]; break; } } $out_width = $out_width ? $out_width : $widths[0]; $out_height = $out_height ? $out_height : $heights[0]; $p['video_width' ] = $out_width ; $p['video_height' ] = $out_height; $p['resize'] = 'WxH'; //Calculation Size Padding $this->calculate_size_padding( $p, $i, $width, $height, $ratio, $pad_top, $pad_bottom, $pad_left, $pad_right ); $opt_av .= "-s {$width}x{$height} -aspect $ratio -padcolor 000000 -padtop $pad_top -padbottom $pad_bottom -padleft $pad_left -padright $pad_right"; $command = $this->ffmpeg." -i ".$this->input_file." $opt_av -acodec libfaac -ab 96k -vcodec libx264 -vpre hq -crf 22 -threads 0 ".$this->hq_output_file." 2> ".TEMP_DIR."/output.tmp "; $output = $this->exec($command); if(file_exists(TEMP_DIR.'/output.tmp')) { $output = $output ? $output : join("", file(TEMP_DIR.'/output.tmp')); unlink(TEMP_DIR.'/output.tmp'); } $this->log("$type Video -- Conversion Command",$command); $this->log .="\r\n\r\nConversion Details\r\n\r\n"; $this->log .=$output; $this->log .= "\r\n\r\n\n=========ENDING $type CONVERSION==============\n\n"; $fields = array('file_conversion_log',strtolower($type)); $values = array($this->log,'yes'); $db->update($this->tbl,$fields,$values," id = '".$this->row_id."'"); return true; }else return false; } } ?>