$name, "photo_description" => $name, "photo_tags" => $name, "collection_id" => $collection ); assign("uniqueID",$_POST['objID']); assign("photoArray",$photoArray); $form = Fetch("/blocks/upload/photo_form.html"); echo json_encode(array("form"=>$form)); } break; case "insert_photo": { $_POST['photo_title'] = genTags(str_replace(array('_','-'),' ',$_POST['photo_title'])); $_POST['photo_description'] = genTags(str_replace(array('_','-'),' ',$_POST['photo_description'])); $_POST['photo_tags'] = genTags(str_replace(array(' ','_','-'),', ',$_POST['photo_tags'])); $insert_id = $cbphoto->insert_photo(); if(error()) $response['error'] = error('single'); if(msg()) { $response['success'] = msg('single'); $response['photoID'] = $insert_id; $params = array("details"=>$insert_id,"size"=>"m"); $response['photoPreview'] = get_photo($params); } echo json_encode($response); } break; case "update_photo": { $_POST['photo_title'] = genTags(str_replace(array('_','-'),' ',$_POST['photo_title'])); $_POST['photo_description'] = genTags(str_replace(array('_','-'),' ',$_POST['photo_description'])); $_POST['photo_tags'] = genTags(str_replace(array(' ','_','-'),', ',$_POST['photo_tags'])); $cbphoto->update_photo(); if(error()) $error = error('single'); if(msg()) $success = msg('single'); $updateResponse['error'] = $error; $updateResponse['success'] = $success; echo json_encode($updateResponse); } break; case "uploadPhoto": { $exts = $cbphoto->exts; $max_size = 1048576; // 2MB in bytes $form = "photoUpload"; $path = PHOTOS_DIR."/"; // These are found in $_FILES. We can access them like $_FILES['file']['error']. $upErrors = array( 0 => "There is no error, the file uploaded with success.", 1 => "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.", 2 => " The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.", 3 => "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.", 4 => "No file was uploaded.", 6 => "Missing a temporary folder.", 7 => "Failed to write file to disk." ); // Let's see if everything is working fine by checking $_FILES. if(!isset($_FILES[$form])) { upload_error("No upload found in \$_FILES for " . $form); exit(0); } elseif(isset($_FILES[$form]['error']) && $_FILES[$form]['error'] != 0) { upload_error($upErrors[$_FILES[$form]['error']]); exit(0); } elseif(!isset($_FILES[$form]["tmp_name"]) || !@is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$form]["tmp_name"])) { upload_error("Upload failed is_uploaded_file test."); exit(0); } elseif(empty($_FILES[$form]['name'])) { upload_error("File name is empty"); exit(0); } // Time to check if Filesize is according to demands //$filesize = filesize($_FILES[$form]['tmp_name']); //if(!$filesize || $filesize > $max_size) //{ // upload_error("File exceeds the maximum allowed size"); // exit(0); //} // //if($filesize < 0) //{ // upload_error("File size outside allowed lower bound"); // exit(0); //} //Checking Extension of File $info = pathinfo($_FILES[$form]['name']); $extension = strtolower($info['extension']); $valid_extension = false; foreach ($exts as $ext) { if (strcasecmp($extension, $ext) == 0) { $valid_extension = true; break; } } if(!$valid_extension) { upload_error("Invalid file extension"); exit(0); } $filename = $cbphoto->create_filename(); //Now uploading the file if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$form]['tmp_name'],$path.$filename.".".$extension)) { echo json_encode(array("success"=>"yes","filename"=>$filename,"extension"=>$extension)); } else { upload_error("File could not be saved."); exit(0); } } break; } //function used to display error function upload_error($error) { echo json_encode(array("error"=>$error)); } ?>