{get_photo details=$photo size='l' output=html width=250 class="thumbnail"}

{lang code='What is Exif Data ?'}

{lang code='Exif data is a record of the settings a camera used to take a photo. This information is embedded into the files the camera saves, and we read and display it here.'}

{if $is_owner}

{lang code='Hide this information'}

{lang code='You can prevent other people from seeing the Exif data for this photo by changing photo Exif settings'}


{lang code='Dates'}

{if $exif.dates.taken}
{lang code='Taken on'}{$exif.dates.taken} ( {$exif.dates.taken|niceTime} )
{lang code='Added on %s'|sprintf:$smarty.const.TITLE}{$exif.dates.uploaded} ( {$exif.dates.uploaded|niceTime} )

{lang code='Exif Data'}

{if $exif.base} {foreach $exif.base as $name => $base} {if $base}
{lang code="$name"|capitalize} {$base}
{/if} {/foreach} {/if} {if $exif.rest} {foreach $exif.rest as $name => $value} {if $value}
{lang code="$name"|format_exif_camelCase|capitalize} {$value}
{/if} {/foreach} {/if}