true,'mysql_clean'=>false)) { if($array['no_html']) $string = htmlentities($string); if($array['special_html']) $string = htmlspecialchars($string); if($array['mysql_clean']) $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string); if($array['nl2br']) $string = nl2br($string); return $string; } //This Fucntion is for Securing Password, you may change its combination for security reason but make sure dont not rechange once you made your script run function pass_code($string) { $password = md5(md5(sha1(sha1(md5($string))))); return $password; } //Mysql Clean Queries function sql_free($id) { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $id = addslashes($id); } return $id; } function mysql_clean($id,$replacer=true){ //$id = clean($id); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $id = stripslashes($id); } $id = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($id)); if($replacer) $id = Replacer($id); return $id; } function escape_gpc($in) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $in = stripslashes($in); } return $in; } //Redirect Using JAVASCRIPT function redirect_to($url){ echo ''; exit("Javascript is turned off, click here to go to requested page"); } //Test function to return template file function Fetch($name,$inside=FALSE) { if($inside) $file = CBTemplate::fetch($inside.$name); else $file = CBTemplate::fetch(LAYOUT.'/'.$name); return $file; } //Simple Template Displaying Function function Template($template,$layout=true){ global $admin_area; if($layout) CBTemplate::display(LAYOUT.'/'.$template); else CBTemplate::display($template); if($template == 'footer.html' && $admin_area !=TRUE){ CBTemplate::display(BASEDIR.'/includes/templatelib/'.$template); } if($template == 'header.html'){ CBTemplate::display(BASEDIR.'/includes/templatelib/'.$template); } } function Assign($name,$value) { CBTemplate::assign($name,$value); } //Funtion of Random String function RandomString($length) { $string = md5(microtime()); $highest_startpoint = 32-$length; $randomString = substr($string,rand(0,$highest_startpoint),$length); return $randomString; } //This Function Is Used To Display Tags Cloud function TagClouds($cloudquery) { $tags = array(); $cloud = array(); $query = mysql_query($cloudquery); while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $db = explode(' ', $t[0]); while (list($key, $value) = each($db)) { @$keyword[$value] += 1; } } if (is_array(@$keyword)) { $minFont = 11; $maxFont = 22; $min = min(array_values($keyword)); $max = max(array_values($keyword)); $fix = ($max - $min == 0) ? 1 : $max - $min; // Display the tags foreach ($keyword as $tag => $count) { $size = $minFont + ($count - $min) * ($maxFont - $minFont) / $fix; $cloud[] = '' . mysql_clean($tag) . ''; } $shown = join("\n", $cloud) . "\n"; return $shown; } } /** * Function used to send emails * @Author : Arslan Hassan * this is a very basic email function * you can extend or replace this function easily * read our */ function cbmail($array) { $func_array = get_functions('email_functions'); if(is_array($func_array)) { foreach($func_array as $func) { if(function_exists($func)) { return $func($array); } } } $content = escape_gpc($array['content']); $subject = escape_gpc($array['subject']); $to = $array['to']; $from = $array['from']; $to_name = $array['to_name']; $from_name = $array['from_name']; if($array['nl2br']) $content = nl2br($content); # CHecking Content if(preg_match('//',$content,$matches)) { if(empty($matches[1])) { $content = wrap_email_content($content); } } $message .= $content; //ClipBucket uses PHPMailer for sending emails include_once("classes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); include_once("classes/phpmailer/class.smtp.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php "mail()" $mail_type = config('mail_type'); //---Setting SMTP --- if($mail_type=='smtp') { $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $mail->Host = config('smtp_host'); // SMTP server if(config('smtp_auth')=='yes') $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->Port = config('smtp_port'); // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $mail->Username = config('smtp_user'); // SMTP account username $mail->Password = config('smtp_pass'); // SMTP account password } //--- Ending Smtp Settings $mail->SetFrom($from, $from_name); if(is_array($to)) { foreach($to as $name) { $mail->AddAddress(strtolower($name), $to_name); } } else { $mail->AddAddress(strtolower($to), $to_name); } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->MsgHTML($message); if(!$mail->Send()) { e("Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo); return false; }else return true; } function send_email($from,$to,$subj,$message) { return cbmail(array('from'=>$from,'to'=>$to,'subject'=>$subj,'content'=>$message)); } /** * Function used to wrap email content in * HTML AND BODY TAGS */ function wrap_email_content($content) { return '
'.$content.''; } /** * Function used to get file name */ function GetName($file) { if(!is_string($file)) return false; $path = explode('/',$file); if(is_array($path)) $file = $path[count($path)-1]; $new_name = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.')); return $new_name; } function get_elapsed_time($ts,$datetime=1) { if($datetime == 1) { $ts = date('U',strtotime($ts)); } $mins = floor((time() - $ts) / 60); $hours = floor($mins / 60); $mins -= $hours * 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours -= $days * 24; $weeks = floor($days / 7); $days -= $weeks * 7; $t = ""; if ($weeks > 0) return "$weeks week" . ($weeks > 1 ? "s" : ""); if ($days > 0) return "$days day" . ($days > 1 ? "s" : ""); if ($hours > 0) return "$hours hour" . ($hours > 1 ? "s" : ""); if ($mins > 0) return "$mins min" . ($mins > 1 ? "s" : ""); return "< 1 min"; } //Function Used TO Get Extensio Of File function GetExt($file){ return substr($file, strrpos($file,'.') + 1); } //Simple Validation function isValidText($text){ $pattern = "^^[_a-z0-9-]+$"; if (eregi($pattern, $text)){ return true; }else { return false; } } //Simple Width Fetcher function getWidth($file) { $sizes = getimagesize($file); if($sizes) return $sizes[0]; } //Simple Height Fetcher function getHeight($file) { $sizes = getimagesize($file); if($sizes) return $sizes[1]; } //Load Photo Upload Form function loadPhotoUploadForm($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->loadUploadForm($params); } //Photo File Fetcher function get_photo($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->getFileSmarty($params); } //Photo Upload BUtton function upload_photo_button($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->upload_photo_button($params); } //Photo Embed Cides function photo_embed_codes($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->photo_embed_codes($params); } //Create download button function photo_download_button($params) { global $cbphoto; return $cbphoto->download_button($params); } //Function Used To Validate Email function isValidEmail($email){ $pattern = "/[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/i"; preg_match($pattern, $email,$matches); if ($matches[0]!=''){ return true; } else { if(!DEVELOPMENT_MODE) return false; else return true; } } // THIS FUNCTION SETS HTMLSPECIALCHARS_DECODE IF FUNCTION DOESN'T EXIST // INPUT: $text REPRESENTING THE TEXT TO DECODE // $ent_quotes (OPTIONAL) REPRESENTING WHETHER TO REPLACE DOUBLE QUOTES, ETC // OUTPUT: A STRING WITH HTML CHARACTERS DECODED if(!function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) { function htmlspecialchars_decode($text, $ent_quotes = "") { $text = str_replace(""", "\"", $text); $text = str_replace("'", "'", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); return $text; } } // END htmlspecialchars() FUNCTION //THIS FUNCTION IS USED TO LIST FILE TYPES IN FLASH UPLOAD //INPUT FILE TYPES //OUTPUT FILE TYPE IN PROPER FORMAT function ListFileTypes($types){ $types_array = preg_replace('/,/',' ',$types); $types_array = explode(' ',$types_array); $list = 'Video,'; for($i=0;$i<=count($types_array);$i++){ if($types_array[$i]!=''){ $list .= '*.'.$types_array[$i]; if($i!=count($types_array))$list .= ';'; } } return $list; } /** * Get Directory Size - get_video_file($vdata,$no_video,false); */ function get_directory_size($path) { $totalsize = 0; $totalcount = 0; $dircount = 0; if ($handle = opendir ($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $nextpath = $path . '/' . $file; if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_link ($nextpath)) { if (is_dir ($nextpath)) { $dircount++; $result = get_directory_size($nextpath); $totalsize += $result['size']; $totalcount += $result['count']; $dircount += $result['dircount']; } elseif (is_file ($nextpath)) { $totalsize += filesize ($nextpath); $totalcount++; } } } } closedir ($handle); $total['size'] = $totalsize; $total['count'] = $totalcount; $total['dircount'] = $dircount; return $total; } //FUNCTION USED TO FORMAT FILE SIZE //INPUT BYTES //OUTPT MB , Kib function formatfilesize( $data ) { // bytes if( $data < 1024 ) { return $data . " bytes"; } // kilobytes else if( $data < 1024000 ) { return round( ( $data / 1024 ), 1 ) . "KB"; } // megabytes else if($data < 1024000000){ return round( ( $data / 1024000 ), 1 ) . " MB"; }else{ return round( ( $data / 1024000000 ), 1 ) . " GB"; } } function GetThumb($vdetails,$num='default',$multi=false,$count=false) { return get_thumb($vdetails,$num,$multi,$count); } //Function That will use in creating SEO urls function VideoLink($vdetails,$type=NULL) { return video_link($vdetails,$type); } //TEST EXCEC FUNCTION function test_exec( $cmd ) { echo 'FAILED: $cmd
' . htmlentities( $data ) . ''; } /** * Function used to get shell output */ function shell_output($cmd) { if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $cmd = $cmd; }else{ $cmd = "PATH=\$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin bash -c \"$cmd\" 2>&1"; } $data = shell_exec( $cmd ); return $data; } /** * Function used to tell ClipBucket that it has closed the script */ function the_end() { if(!$isWorthyBuddy) { echo 'Nothing to do here anymore'; } } /** * Group Link */ function group_link($params) { $grp = $params['details']; $id = $grp['group_id']; $name = $grp['group_name']; $url = $grp['group_url']; if($params['type']=='' || $params['type']=='group') { if(SEO==yes) return BASEURL.'/group/'.$url; else return BASEURL.'/view_group.php?url='.$url; } if($params['type']=='view_members') { return BASEURL.'/view_group_members.php?url='.$url; if(SEO==yes) return BASEURL.'/group_members/'.$url; else return BASEURL.'/view_group_members.php?url='.$url; } if($params['type']=='view_videos') { return BASEURL.'/view_group_videos.php?url='.$url; if(SEO==yes) return BASEURL.'/group_videos/'.$url; else return BASEURL.'/view_group_videos.php?url='.$url; } if($params['type'] == 'view_topics') { if(SEO == "yes") return BASEURL."/group/".$url."?mode=view_topics"; else return BASEURL."/view_group.php?url=".$url."&mode=view_topics"; } if($params['type'] == 'view_report_form') { if(SEO == "yes") return BASEURL."/group/".$url."?mode=view_report_form"; else return BASEURL."/view_group.php?url=".$url."&mode=view_report_form"; } } /** * FUNCTION USED TO GET COMMENTS * @param : array(); */ function getComments($params=NULL) { global $db; $order = $params['order']; $limit = $params['limit']; $type = $params['type']; $cond = ''; if(empty($type)) $type = "v"; $cond .= tbl("comments.type")." = '".$type."'"; if($params['type_id'] && $params['sectionTable']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= tbl("comments.type_id")." = ".tbl($params['sectionTable'].".".$params['type_id']); } if($params['cond']) { if($cond != "") $cond .= " AND "; $cond .= $params['cond']; } if(!$params['count_only']) $result = $db->select(tbl("comments".($params['sectionTable']?",".$params['sectionTable']:NULL)),"*",$cond,$limit,$order); //echo $db->db_query; if($params['count_only']) $result = $db->count(tbl("comments"),"*",$cond); if($result) return $result; else return false; } function out($link) { return BASEURL.'/out.php?l='.urlencode($link); } //Including videos functions include("functions_videos.php"); include("functions1.php"); include("functions2.php"); include("functions3.php"); ?>