page_redir(); $item = $_GET['item']; $type = $_GET['type']; $cid = $_GET['collection']; $order = tbl( "collection_items" ) . ".ci_id DESC"; $type = confirm_collection_type( $type ); if ( $cbcollection->is_viewable( $cid ) ) { if ( empty( $item ) ) header( 'location:' . BASEURL ); else { if ( empty( $type ) ) header( 'location:' . BASEURL ); else { assign( 'type', $type ); // $param = array("type" => $type, "cid" => $cid); // $cdetails = $cbcollection->get_collections( $param ); // $collect = $cdetails[0]; $collect = $cbcollection->get_collection($cid, " AND type = '".$type."' "); switch ( $type ) { case "videos": case "v": { if ( VERSION != '3.0' ) { e(lang('This is has been removed from Clipbucket '.VERSION),'w'); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } return; global $cbvideo; $video = $cbvideo->get_video( $item ); if ( video_playable( $video ) ) { //Getting list of collection items $page = mysql_clean( $_GET['page'] ); $get_limit = create_query_limit( $page, 20 ); $order = tbl( "collection_items" ) . ".ci_id DESC"; $items = $cbvideo->collection->get_collection_items_with_details( $cid, $order, $get_limit ); assign( 'items', $items ); assign( 'open_collection', 'yes' ); $info = $cbvideo->collection->get_collection_item_fields( $cid, $video['videoid'], 'ci_id,collection_id' ); if ( $info ) { $video = array_merge( $video, $info[0] ); increment_views( $video['videoid'], 'video' ); assign( 'object', $video ); assign( 'user', $userquery->get_user_details( $video['userid'] ) ); assign( 'c', $collect ); subtitle( $video['title'] ); } else { e( lang( "item_not_exist" ) ); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } } else { e( lang( "item_not_exist" ) ); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } } break; case "photos": case "p": { global $cbphoto; $photo = $cbphoto->get_photo( $item, true ); if ( $photo ) { $info = $cbphoto->collection->get_collection_item_fields( $cid, $photo['photo_id'], 'ci_id' ); if ( $info ) { $photo = array_merge( $photo, $info[0] ); if ( is_photo_viewable( $photo ) ) { increment_views( $photo['photo_id'], 'photo' ); assign( 'object', $photo ); assign( 'user', $userquery->get_user_details( $photo['userid'] ) ); assign( 'c', $collect ); subtitle( $photo['photo_title'] . ' « ' . $collect['collection_name'] ); register_photo_private_message_field( $photo ); } else { cb_show_page( false ); } } else { e( lang( "item_not_exist" ) ); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } } else { e( lang( "item_not_exist" ) ); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } } break; } } } } else $Cbucket->show_page = false; template_files( 'view_item.html' ); display_it(); ?>