admin_login_check(); $userquery->login_check('web_config_access'); $pages->page_redir(); if( isset( $_POST[ 'start_test' ] ) ) { try { $to_email = $_POST[ 'to_email' ]; if ( empty( $to_email ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Please provide a recipient email' ); } $to_email = filter_var( $to_email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL ); $to_email = filter_var( $to_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); if( $to_email === false ) { throw new Exception( 'Please provide a valid recipient email address' ); } $to_name = $_POST[ 'to_name' ]; if( empty( $to_name ) || !is_string( $to_name ) ) { $to_name = $to_email; } $from_email = $_POST[ 'from_email' ]; if ( empty( $from_email ) ) { $from_email = SUPPORT_EMAIL; } $from_email = filter_var( $from_email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL ); $from_email = filter_var( $from_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); if ( $from_email === false ) { throw new Exception( 'Please provide a valid sender email address' ); } $from_name = $_POST[ 'from_name' ]; if( empty( $from_name ) || !is_string( $from_name ) ) { $from_name = ''; } $subject = $_POST[ 'subject' ]; $subject = trim( $subject ); if ( empty( $subject ) ) { throw new Excpetion( 'Please provide test email subject' ); } $body = $_POST[ 'body' ]; $body = trim( $body ); if ( empty( $body ) ) { throw new Excpetion( 'Please provide test email body' ); } $code = $_POST[ 'email_template' ]; if ( $code != -1 ) { $template = $cbemail->get_template( $code ); if( $template ) { $dv = $_POST[ 'dv' ]; $variables = array(); if ( !empty( $dv ) ) { foreach( $dv as $key => $v ) { $variables[ $v[ 'name' ] ] = empty( $v[ 'value' ] ) ? $v[ 'name' ] : $v[ 'value' ]; } } $subject = $cbemail->replace( $template[ 'email_template_subject' ], $variables ); $body = $cbemail->replace( $template[ 'email_template' ], $variables ); } } $mail = array( 'to' => $to_email, 'to_name' => $to_name, 'from' => $from_email, 'from_name' => $from_name, 'subject' => $subject, 'content' => $body ); $test = cbmail( $mail ); if ( $test == false ) { e( lang( sprintf( 'Unable to send email %s', $to_email ) ) ); } else { e( lang( sprintf( 'Email successfully send to %s', $to_email ) ), 'm' ); } } catch( Exception $e ) { e( lang( $e->getMessage() ) ); } } $templates = $cbemail->get_templates(); $list = array(); $_templates = array(); $macros = array( '{website_title}' => TITLE, '{baseurl}' => BASEURL, '@baseurl' => BASEURL, '{website_url}' => BASEURL, '{date_format}' => cbdate(DATE_FORMAT), '{date}' => cbdate(), '{username}' => username(), '{userid}' => userid(), '{first_name}' => $userquery->udetails['first_name'], '{last_name}' => $userquery->udetails['last_name'], '{name}' => name( $userquery->udetails ), '{user}' => name( $userquery->udetails ), '{email}' => $userquery->udetails[ 'email' ], '{date_year}' => cbdate("Y"), '{date_month}' => cbdate("m"), '{date_day}' => cbdate("d"), '{now}' => NOW(), // '{ip_address}' => get_user_ip(), // '{ip}' => get_user_ip() ); if ( !empty( $templates ) ) { foreach( $templates as $template ) { $code = $template[ 'email_template_code' ]; $list[ $code ] = $template[ 'email_template_name' ]; $HTML_template = BASEDIR.'/styles/global/v4/email_templates/'.$code.'.html'; if ( file_exists( $HTML_template ) ) { $body = file_get_contents( $HTML_template ); } else { $body = $template[ 'email_template' ]; } $_templates[ $code ] = array( 'subject' => $template[ 'email_template_subject' ], 'body' => $body ); } } assign( 'list', $list ); assign( '_templates', $_templates ); assign( 'macros', $macros ); subtitle("Email Tester"); template_files('email_tester.html'); display_it();