diff --git a/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/custom.js b/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/custom.js
index 83005d62..c2364575 100644
--- a/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/custom.js
+++ b/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/custom.js
@@ -73,146 +73,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
-function homePageVideos(qlist_items) {
- $('#container').on("click","#recent_load_more, #featured_load_more",function(){
- var loadLink = baseurl + '/ajax/home.php',
- main_object = $(this),
- sendType = 'post',
- dataType = 'html',
- loadType = $(main_object).attr('loadtype'),
- loadMode = $(main_object).attr('loadmode'),
- loadLimit = $(main_object).attr('loadlimit'),
- loadHit = $(main_object).attr('loadhit'),
- newloadHit = parseInt(loadHit) + 1;
- $.ajax({
- url: loadLink,
- type: sendType,
- dataType: dataType,
- data: {
- "load_type":loadType,
- "load_mode":loadMode,
- "load_limit":loadLimit,
- "load_hit":loadHit
- },
- beforeSend: function() {
- // setting a timeout
- $(main_object).text("Loading..");
- },
- success: function(data) {
- $(main_object).text("Load More");
- if (data === '') {
- $(main_object).remove();
- return true;
- }
- if (loadType == 'video') {
- if (loadMode == 'recent') {
- $('#recent_load_more').remove();
- $('#recent_vids_sec').append(data);
- $('#recent-loadmore').append('');
- } else {
- $('#featured_load_more').remove();
- $('#featured_vid_sec').append(data);
- $('#featured-loadmore').append('');
- }
- }
- }
- });
- });
- // trigger clicks on doc load to get
- // initial videos
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $('#featured_load_more').trigger("click");
- $('#featured_load_more').hide();
- $('#recent_load_more').trigger("click");
- $('#recent_load_more').hide();
- $(document).find('#qlist_main').hide();
- if (qlist_items == 'yes') {
- $('#qlist_main').show();
- }
- });
- var notInList = false;
- function pushToQlist(obj, id) {
- id = parseInt(id);
- $.cookie("btn-q-"+id, "yes", { expires : 10 });
- currentList = $.cookie("fast_qlist");
- cleanList = currentList;
- //console.log(cleanList);
- if (cleanList != null) {
- notInList = true;
- index = cleanList.indexOf(id);
- if (index == '-1') {
- cleaned = cleanList.replace(/\[/g, '');
- cleaned = cleaned.replace(/\]/g, '');
- newCookie = "[" + cleaned + ',' + id + ']';
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- //console.log("Really");
- notInList = true;
- newCookie = "[" + id + "]";
- }
- $.cookie("fast_qlist", newCookie, { expires : 10 });
- var vtitle = $(obj).attr("vtitle"),
- vtitle = vtitle.split(0,10);
- thevid = $(obj).attr("v-id"),
- vlink = $(obj).attr("vlink"),
- vthumb = $(obj).attr("vthumb"),
- vduration = $(obj).attr("vduration");
- if (notInList == true) {
- $('#my_quicklist').append('
'+vduration+' ');
- }
- $.cookie("quick_list_box", "show", { expires : 10 });
- $('#qlist_main').show();
- $('.quicklist_cont').css("display","block");
- }
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $(".ql_show-hide1").click(function(){
- $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-minus glyphicon-plus');
- });
- });
- $(document).on("click",".cb_quickie",function(){
- obj = $(this);
- $(this).addClass('check_icon');
- id = $(this).attr('v-id');
- title = $(this).attr('vtitle');
- thumb = $(this).attr('vthumb');
- link = $(this).attr('vlink');
- vdur = $(this).attr('vduration');
- pushToQlist(obj, id);
- });
- $(document).on("click",".ql_delete",function(){
- vid = $(this).attr('todel');
- $(this).removeClass("check_icon");
- currentList = $.cookie("fast_qlist");
- cleaned = currentList.replace(vid, '');
- console.log(cleaned);
- $.cookie("fast_qlist", cleaned, { expires : 10 });
- $(this).closest('.qlist_item').remove();
- });
- $(document).on("click",".ql_rem",function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- $.cookie("fast_qlist", null, { expires : 10 });
- $('#qlist_main').remove();
- });
//on resize functions
diff --git a/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/fast_qlist.js b/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/fast_qlist.js
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ddf3c5c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/styles/cb_28/theme/js/fast_qlist.js
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+function homePageVideos(qlist_items) {
+ $('#container').on("click","#recent_load_more, #featured_load_more",function(){
+ var loadLink = baseurl + '/ajax/home.php',
+ main_object = $(this),
+ sendType = 'post',
+ dataType = 'html',
+ loadType = $(main_object).attr('loadtype'),
+ loadMode = $(main_object).attr('loadmode'),
+ loadLimit = $(main_object).attr('loadlimit'),
+ loadHit = $(main_object).attr('loadhit'),
+ newloadHit = parseInt(loadHit) + 1;
+ $.ajax({
+ url: loadLink,
+ type: sendType,
+ dataType: dataType,
+ data: {
+ "load_type":loadType,
+ "load_mode":loadMode,
+ "load_limit":loadLimit,
+ "load_hit":loadHit
+ },
+ beforeSend: function() {
+ // setting a timeout
+ $(main_object).text("Loading..");
+ },
+ success: function(data) {
+ $(main_object).text("Load More");
+ if (data === '') {
+ $(main_object).remove();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (loadType == 'video') {
+ if (loadMode == 'recent') {
+ $('#recent_load_more').remove();
+ $('#recent_vids_sec').append(data);
+ $('#recent-loadmore').append('');
+ } else {
+ $('#featured_load_more').remove();
+ $('#featured_vid_sec').append(data);
+ $('#featured-loadmore').append('');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // trigger clicks on doc load to get
+ // initial videos
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ $('#featured_load_more').trigger("click");
+ $('#featured_load_more').hide();
+ $('#recent_load_more').trigger("click");
+ $('#recent_load_more').hide();
+ });
+ $(document).find('#qlist_main').hide();
+ //alert(fastQitems);
+ if (fastQitems == 'yes') {
+ //alert("HERE");
+ $(document).find('#qlist_main').show();
+ }
+ var notInList = false;
+ function pushToQlist(obj, id) {
+ id = parseInt(id);
+ $.cookie("btn-q-"+id, "yes", { expires : 10 });
+ currentList = $.cookie("fast_qlist");
+ cleanList = currentList;
+ //console.log(cleanList);
+ if (cleanList != null) {
+ notInList = true;
+ index = cleanList.indexOf(id);
+ if (index == '-1') {
+ cleaned = cleanList.replace(/\[/g, '');
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/\]/g, '');
+ newCookie = "[" + cleaned + ',' + id + ']';
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //console.log("Really");
+ notInList = true;
+ newCookie = "[" + id + "]";
+ }
+ $.cookie("fast_qlist", newCookie, { expires : 10 });
+ var vtitle = $(obj).attr("vtitle"),
+ vtitle = vtitle.split(0,10);
+ thevid = $(obj).attr("v-id"),
+ vlink = $(obj).attr("vlink"),
+ vthumb = $(obj).attr("vthumb"),
+ vduration = $(obj).attr("vduration");
+ if (notInList == true) {
+ $('#my_quicklist').append('
'+vduration+' ');
+ }
+ $.cookie("quick_list_box", "show", { expires : 10 });
+ $('#qlist_main').show();
+ $('.quicklist_cont').css("display","block");
+ }
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ $(".ql_show-hide1").click(function(){
+ $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-minus glyphicon-plus');
+ });
+ });
+ $(document).on("click",".cb_quickie",function(){
+ obj = $(this);
+ $(this).addClass('check_icon');
+ id = $(this).attr('v-id');
+ title = $(this).attr('vtitle');
+ thumb = $(this).attr('vthumb');
+ link = $(this).attr('vlink');
+ vdur = $(this).attr('vduration');
+ pushToQlist(obj, id);
+ });
+ $(document).on("click",".ql_delete",function(){
+ vid = $(this).attr('todel');
+ $(this).removeClass("check_icon");
+ currentList = $.cookie("fast_qlist");
+ cleaned = currentList.replace(vid, '');
+ console.log(cleaned);
+ $.cookie("fast_qlist", cleaned, { expires : 10 });
+ $(this).closest('.qlist_item').remove();
+ });
+ $(document).on("click",".ql_rem",function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $.cookie("fast_qlist", null, { expires : 10 });
+ $('#qlist_main').remove();
+ });
\ No newline at end of file