diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/ElasticScript.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/ElasticScript.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1af6089c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/ElasticScript.php
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $videoRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $videoRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific video
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $videoRequest["videoid"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ //Fetching Videos to process
+ $videos = $cbvid->get_videos($videoRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($videos){
+ foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
+ $formattedVideo = $es->FormatVideo($video);
+ $extras["id"] = $video["videoid"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formattedVideo,$extras);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No Video Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'users':{
+ $index = $mode;
+ $es = new ElasticSearch($index);
+ if ($type == 'map'){
+ //mapping the database with ES server for videos
+ $mappingData = $es->userMappingData;
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $userRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $userRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific user
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $userRequest["userid"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ //Fetching users to process
+ $users = $userquery->get_users($userRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($users){
+ foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
+ $formatteduser = $es->FormatUser($user);
+ $extras["id"] = $user["userid"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formatteduser,$extras);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No Video Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'collections':
+ case 'groups':{
+ $index = $mode;
+ $es = new ElasticSearch($index);
+ if ($type == 'map'){
+ //mapping the database with ES server for videos
+ if ($index == 'groups'){
+ $mappingData = $es->groupMappingData;
+ }else{
+ $mappingData = $es->collectionMappingData;
+ }
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $groupRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $groupRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific group
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $groupRequest["group_id"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ if ($index == 'collections'){
+ $groupRequest["is_collection"] = "yes";
+ }else{
+ $groupRequest["is_collection"] = "no";
+ }
+ //Fetching groups to process
+ $groups = $cbgroup->get_groups($groupRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($groups){
+ foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
+ $formattedgroup = $es->FormatGroupCollection($group);
+ $extras["id"] = $group["group_id"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formattedgroup,$extras);
+ #pr($response,1);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No Video Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+}catch(Exception $e){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$e->getMessage(),"data"=>$response)));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/admin/index_data.html b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/admin/index_data.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fe4ee177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/admin/index_data.html
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ElasticSearch Indexer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/admin/index_data.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/admin/index_data.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0d287ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/admin/index_data.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/elasticSearch.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/elasticSearch.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ca39e8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/elasticSearch.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+ "author"=>"",
+ "object_id"=>"",
+ );
+ /**
+ * This variable is to define mapping of videos Object
+ *
+ * @object Variable
+ */
+ public $videoMappingData = array(
+ "mappings"=> array(
+ "_doc"=> array(
+ "properties"=> array(
+ "videoid" => array( "type"=> "long" ),
+ "title" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "userid" => array(
+ "type"=> "long",
+ ),
+ "username" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "first_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "last_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "description" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "category" => array(
+ "type" => "object",
+ "properties" => array(
+ "id" => array(
+ "type"=>"integer",
+ ),
+ "name"=> array(
+ "type"=>"text",
+ "fielddata"=>true,
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ "tags" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "videokey" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "file_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "file_server_path" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "files_thumbs_path"=> array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "file_directory" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "rating" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "comments_count" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "default_thumb" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "status" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "broadcast" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "views" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "date_added" => array(
+ "type" => "date"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ /**
+ * This variable is to define mapping of videos Object
+ *
+ * @object Variable
+ */
+ public $photoMappingData = array(
+ "mappings"=> array(
+ "_doc"=> array(
+ "properties"=> array(
+ "photo_id" => array( "type"=> "long" ),
+ "title" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "username" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "first_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "last_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "description" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "tags" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "userid" => array(
+ "type"=> "long",
+ ),
+ "collection_id" => array(
+ "type"=> "long",
+ ),
+ "photo_key" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "file_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "file_directory" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "rating" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "photo_details" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "active" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "views" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "date_added" => array(
+ "type" => "date"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ /**
+ * This variable is to define mapping of videos Object
+ *
+ * @object Variable
+ */
+ public $userMappingData = array(
+ "mappings"=> array(
+ "_doc"=> array(
+ "properties"=> array(
+ "userid" => array(
+ "type"=> "long",
+ ),
+ "username" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "first_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "last_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "email" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "category" => array(
+ "type" => "object",
+ "properties" => array(
+ "id" => array(
+ "type"=>"integer",
+ ),
+ "name"=> array(
+ "type"=>"text",
+ "fielddata"=>true,
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ "usr_status" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "views" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "total_videos" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "date_added" => array(
+ "type" => "date"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ /**
+ * This variable is to define mapping of videos Object
+ *
+ * @object Variable
+ */
+ public $collectionMappingData = array(
+ "mappings"=> array(
+ "_doc"=> array(
+ "properties"=> array(
+ "group_id" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "group_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "userid" => array(
+ "type"=> "long",
+ ),
+ "username" => array(
+ "type"=> "text",
+ "fielddata"=> true
+ ),
+ "first_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "last_name" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "group_description" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "group_tags" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "group_url" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "category" => array(
+ "type" => "object",
+ "properties" => array(
+ "id" => array(
+ "type"=>"integer",
+ ),
+ "name"=> array(
+ "type"=>"text",
+ "fielddata"=>true,
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ "active" => array( "type"=> "text" ),
+ "views" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "total_videos" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "total_members" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "total_topics" => array( "type"=> "integer" ),
+ "date_added" => array(
+ "type" => "date"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ /**
+ * The Constrcutor of Controller Class
+ *
+ * @constructor Function
+ */
+ function __construct($index=false)
+ {
+ $this->apiUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]."://".config('elastic_server_ip').":9200";
+ $this->index = $index;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to map Mysql Database tables with ES
+ * @param : { $index,$postData } { tablename and mapping Data }
+ * @since : { 5th June 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { MapIndex($request,$response, $args) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to map Mysql Database tables with E
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function EsMap($mapData,$extras=false){
+ $request = array();
+ $request["post_arr"] = json_encode($mapData);
+ $request["url"] = $this->apiUrl.'/'.$this->index;
+ $request["method"] = $extras["method"];
+ $request["headers"] = array('Content-Type: application/json');
+ if ($request["method"] == 'delete'){
+ unset($request["post_arr"]);
+ unset($request["headers"]);
+ }
+ $response = generic_curl($request);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ public function EsIndex($IndexData,$extras=false){
+ $request = array();
+ $request["post_arr"] = $IndexData;
+ $request["url"] = $this->apiUrl.'/'.$this->index.'/_doc/'.$extras["id"];
+ $request["method"] = $extras["method"];
+ $request["headers"] = array('Content-Type: application/json');
+ if ($request["method"] == 'delete' || $request["method"] == 'get'){
+ unset($request["post_arr"]);
+ unset($request["headers"]);
+ }
+ $response = generic_curl($request);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function FormatVideo($video){
+ global $db,$cbvid,$cbgroup,$userquery;
+ $newVideo = (object)array();
+ $newVideo->videoid = $video["videoid"];
+ $newVideo->userid = $video["userid"];
+ $newVideo->title = $video["title"];
+ $newVideo->description = htmlspecialchars($video["description"]);
+ $newVideo->tags = $video['tags'];
+ $categories = $cbvid->get_category_names($video["category"],false);
+ $category = array();
+ if (is_array($categories)){
+ foreach ($categories as $key => $cat) {
+ $cattemp["id"] = $cat["category_id"];
+ $cattemp["name"] = $cat["category_name"];
+ $category[] = $cattemp;
+ }
+ }
+ $user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($video["userid"]);
+ if ($user_details){
+ $newVideo->username = $user_details['username'];
+ $newVideo->first_name = $user_details['first_name'];
+ $newVideo->last_name = $user_details['last_name'];
+ }
+ $newVideo->category = $category;
+ $newVideo->videokey = $video['videokey'];
+ $newVideo->file_name = $video['file_name'];
+ $newVideo->file_server_path = $video['file_server_path'];
+ $newVideo->files_thumbs_path = $video['file_server_path'];
+ $newVideo->file_directory = $video['file_directory'];
+ $newVideo->rating = $video['rating'];
+ $newVideo->comments_count = $video['comments_count'];
+ $newVideo->default_thumb = $video['default_thumb'];
+ $newVideo->broadcast = $video['broadcast'];
+ $newVideo->status = $video['status'];
+ $newVideo->views = $video['views'];
+ $date = new DateTime($video["date_added"]);
+ $newVideo->date_added = $date->format('Y-m-d');
+ #pre($newVideo,1);
+ return json_encode($newVideo);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function FormatPhoto($photo){
+ global $db,$cbphoto,$userquery;
+ $newPhoto = (object)array();
+ $newPhoto->photo_id = $photo["photo_id"];
+ $newPhoto->userid = $photo["userid"];
+ $newPhoto->collection_id = $photo["collection_id"];
+ $newPhoto->photo_title = $photo["photo_title"];
+ $newPhoto->photo_description = htmlspecialchars($photo["photo_description"]);
+ $newPhoto->photo_tags = $photo['photo_tags'];
+ $user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($photo["userid"]);
+ if ($user_details){
+ $newPhoto->username = $user_details['username'];
+ $newPhoto->first_name = $user_details['first_name'];
+ $newPhoto->last_name = $user_details['last_name'];
+ }
+ $newPhoto->photo_key = $photo['photo_key'];
+ $newPhoto->filename = $photo['filename'];
+ $newPhoto->file_directory = $photo['file_directory'];
+ $newPhoto->rating = $photo['rating'];
+ $newPhoto->active = $photo['active'];
+ $newPhoto->views = $photo['views'];
+ $newPhoto->ext = $photo['ext'];
+ $date = new DateTime($photo["date_added"]);
+ $newPhoto->date_added = $date->format('Y-m-d');
+ #pre($newPhoto,1);
+ return json_encode($newPhoto);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function FormatUser($user){
+ global $db,$userquery;
+ $newUser = (object)array();
+ $newUser->userid = $user["userid"];
+ $newUser->first_name = $user["first_name"];
+ $newUser->last_name = $user["last_name"];
+ $newUser->username = $user["username"];
+ $newUser->email = $user["email"];
+ $newUser->views = $user["profile_hits"];
+ $newUser->usr_status = $user["usr_status"];
+ $categories = $userquery->get_category_names($user["category"],false);
+ $category = array();
+ if (is_array($categories)){
+ foreach ($categories as $key => $cat) {
+ $cattemp["id"] = $cat["category_id"];
+ $cattemp["name"] = $cat["category_name"];
+ $category[] = $cattemp;
+ }
+ }
+ $user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($user["userid"]);
+ if ($user_details){
+ $newUser->username = $user_details['username'];
+ $newUser->first_name = $user_details['first_name'];
+ $newUser->last_name = $user_details['last_name'];
+ }
+ $newUser->category = $category;
+ $newUser->total_videos = $user["total_videos"];
+ $newUser->total_photos = $user["total_photos"];
+ $newUser->subscribers = $user["subscribers"];
+ $newUser->total_subscriptions = $user["total_subscriptions"];
+ $date = new DateTime($user["doj"]);
+ $newUser->date_added = $date->format('Y-m-d');
+ return json_encode($newUser);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function FormatGroupCollection($group){
+ global $db,$cbgroup,$userquery;
+ $NewGroup = (object)array();
+ $NewGroup->group_id = $group["group_id"];
+ $NewGroup->group_name = $group["group_name"];
+ $NewGroup->userid = $group["userid"];
+ $NewGroup->group_description = htmlspecialchars($group["group_description"]);
+ $NewGroup->group_tags = $group["group_tags"];
+ $NewGroup->group_url = $group["group_url"];
+ $categories = $cbgroup->get_category_names($group["category"],false);
+ $category = array();
+ if (is_array($categories)){
+ foreach ($categories as $key => $cat) {
+ $cattemp["id"] = $cat["category_id"];
+ $cattemp["name"] = $cat["category_name"];
+ $category[] = $cattemp;
+ }
+ }
+ $user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($group["userid"]);
+ if ($user_details){
+ $NewGroup->username = $user_details['username'];
+ $NewGroup->first_name = $user_details['first_name'];
+ $NewGroup->last_name = $user_details['last_name'];
+ }
+ $NewGroup->category = $category;
+ $NewGroup->views = $group["total_views"];
+ $NewGroup->total_videos = $group["total_videos"];
+ $NewGroup->total_members = $group["total_members"];
+ $NewGroup->total_topics = $group["total_topics"];
+ $NewGroup->active = $group["active"];
+ $date = new DateTime($group["date_added"]);
+ $NewGroup->date_added = $date->format('Y-m-d');
+ #pre($NewGroup,1);
+ return json_encode($NewGroup);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function ElasticSearch(){
+ $request = array();
+ $request["post_arr"] = $this->EsQuery;
+ if ($this->index){
+ $request["url"] = $this->apiUrl.'/'.$this->index.'/_search/';
+ }else{
+ $request["url"] = $this->apiUrl.'/_search/';
+ }
+ $request["method"] = "GET";
+ $request["headers"] = array('Content-Type: application/json');
+ #pre($request,1);
+ $response = generic_curl($request);
+ $this->results = $response;
+ #pre(json_decode($this->results["result"],true),1);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function getVideoQueryBool(){
+ $bool = array();
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "wildcard"=>array(
+ "title"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "description"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "category.name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "tags"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "prefix"=>array(
+ "username"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "first_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "email"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "last_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool["must"][] = array(
+ "bool"=>$bool_must
+ );
+ if (!has_access("admin_access")){
+ $bool["filter"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "status"=>'Successful'
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return $bool;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function getUserQueryBool(){
+ $bool = array();
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "prefix"=>array(
+ "username"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "first_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "email"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "last_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool["must"][] = array(
+ "bool"=>$bool_must
+ );
+ if (!has_access("admin_access",true)){
+ $bool["filter"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "usr_status"=>'Ok'
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return $bool;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function getGCQueryBool(){
+ $bool = array();
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "group_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "group_description"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "group_tags"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "category.name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "prefix"=>array(
+ "username"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "first_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "email"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "last_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool["must"][] = array(
+ "bool"=>$bool_must
+ );
+ if (!has_access("admin_access")){
+ $bool["filter"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "active"=>'yes'
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return $bool;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function getAllQueryBool(){
+ $bool = array();
+ //videos
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "title"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "description"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "tags"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ //users
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "prefix"=>array(
+ "username"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "first_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "email"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("prefix"=>array(
+ "last_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ //groups && collections
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "group_name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array("match"=>array(
+ "group_description"=>$this->publicQuery
+ ));
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "group_tags"=>$this->publicQuery
+ )
+ );
+ //all in all
+ $bool_must["should"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "category.name"=>$this->publicQuery
+ )
+ );
+ $bool["must"][] = array(
+ "bool"=>$bool_must
+ );
+ if (!has_access("admin_access",true)){
+ $bool["filter"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "active"=>'yes'
+ )
+ );
+ $bool["filter"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "usr_status"=>'Ok'
+ )
+ );
+ $bool["filter"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "status"=>'Successful'
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return $bool;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @todo : This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ * @param : { $video } { video to be processed }
+ * @since : { 30 October 2018 }
+ * @return : { Array } {Video Array}
+ * @author :
+ * @example : { FormatVideo($video) }
+ *
+ * This method is used to format video for ES sever request
+ *
+ * @throws Exception if any of the Error come
+ *
+ */
+ public function buildQuery(){
+ $bool = array();
+ if ($this->index == 'videos'){
+ $queryBool = $this->getVideoQueryBool();
+ }elseif ($this->index == 'users'){
+ $queryBool = $this->getUserQueryBool();
+ }elseif ($this->index == 'groups' || $this->index == 'collections') {
+ $queryBool = $this->getGCQueryBool();
+ }else{
+ $queryBool = $this->getAllQueryBool();
+ }
+ //this must be called on videos index
+ if (!empty($this->filters['category'])){
+ $queryBool = array();
+ $queryBool["must"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "category.id"=>$this->filters['category']
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->filters['author'])){
+ $queryBool = array();
+ $queryBool["must"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "userid"=>$this->filters['author']
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ ////this must be called on collections / groups index
+ if (!empty($this->filters['object_id'])){
+ $queryBool = array();
+ $queryBool["must"][] = array(
+ "match"=>array(
+ "group_id"=>$this->filters['object_id']
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ //pr($this->index,1);
+ $this->EsQuery["query"] = array("bool"=>$queryBool);
+ #pre($this->EsQuery["query"],1);
+ if ($this->sort == 'date'){
+ $sort["date_added"] = array("order"=>"desc");
+ }else if ($this->sort == 'views'){
+ $sort["views"] = array("order"=>"desc");
+ }else{
+ $sort["_score"] = array("order"=>"desc");
+ }
+ $this->EsQuery["aggs"]["object"] = array(
+ "terms" => array(
+ "field" => "_index"
+ ),
+ );
+ $this->EsQuery["aggs"]["byindex"] = array(
+ "terms" => array(
+ "field" => "_index"
+ ),
+ "aggs" => array(
+ "author" => array(
+ "terms" => array(
+ "field" => "userid"
+ ),
+ "aggs"=> array(
+ "platform"=> array(
+ "top_hits"=> array(
+ "size"=> 1,
+ "_source"=>
+ array("include"=> array(
+ 'userid',
+ 'username',
+ 'first_name',
+ 'last_name',
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ "category" => array(
+ "terms" => array(
+ "field" => "category.id",
+ ),
+ "aggs"=> array(
+ "platform"=> array(
+ "top_hits"=> array(
+ "size"=> 1,
+ "_source"=>
+ array("include"=> array('category'))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ "collections" => array(
+ "terms" => array(
+ "field" => "collections.id",
+ ),
+ "aggs"=> array(
+ "platform"=> array(
+ "top_hits"=> array(
+ "size"=> 1,
+ "_source"=>
+ array("include"=> array('collections'))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ "groups" => array(
+ "terms" => array(
+ "field" => "groups.id",
+ ),
+ "aggs"=> array(
+ "platform"=> array(
+ "top_hits"=> array(
+ "size"=> 1,
+ "_source"=>
+ array("include"=> array('groups'))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ $this->EsQuery["sort"] = $sort;
+ $this->EsQuery["from"] = $this->from;
+ $this->EsQuery["size"] = $this->size;
+ #pre($this->EsQuery,1);
+ $this->EsQuery = json_encode($this->EsQuery);
+ }
+ public function makeFilters(){
+ global $userquery;
+ $results = json_decode($this->results["result"],1);
+ $aggregations = $results["aggregations"];
+ $filters["SOURCE"] = array();
+ $filters["AUTHOR"] = array();
+ $filters["CATEGORY"] = array();
+ $filters["COLLECTION"] = array();
+ $filters["GROUP"] = array();
+ $filters["SOURCE"] = $aggregations["object"]["buckets"];
+ $videos_aggregations = array();
+ $aggregations = $aggregations["byindex"]["buckets"];
+ foreach ($aggregations as $key => $aggs) {
+ if ($aggs['key'] == 'videos'){
+ $videos_aggregations = $aggs;
+ }
+ }
+ #pre($videos_aggregations,1);
+ $authors_bucket = $videos_aggregations["author"]["buckets"];
+ if (is_array($authors_bucket)){
+ foreach ($authors_bucket as $key => $author) {
+ $authors_temp["id"] = $author["key"];
+ $authors_temp["counts"] = $author["doc_count"];
+ $platform_hits = $author["platform"]["hits"]["hits"];
+ if (is_array($platform_hits) && !empty($platform_hits)){
+ foreach ($platform_hits as $key => $hits) {
+ if ($hits["_source"]["userid"] == $author["key"]){
+ $authors_temp["source"] = $hits["_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $filters["AUTHOR"][] = $authors_temp;
+ }
+ }
+ $categories_bucket = $videos_aggregations["category"]["buckets"];
+ if (is_array($categories_bucket) && !empty($categories_bucket)){
+ foreach ($categories_bucket as $key => $category) {
+ $categories_temp["id"] = $category["key"];
+ $categories_temp["counts"] = $category["doc_count"];
+ $platform_hits = $category["platform"]["hits"]["hits"];
+ if (is_array($platform_hits) && !empty($platform_hits)){
+ foreach ($platform_hits as $key => $hits) {
+ $category_source = $hits["_source"]["category"];
+ //pre($category_source,1);
+ if (is_array($category_source) && !empty($category_source)){
+ foreach ($category_source as $key => $cat) {
+ if ($cat["id"] == $category["key"]){
+ $categories_temp["source"] = $cat["name"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $filters["CATEGORY"][] = $categories_temp;
+ }
+ }
+ $collections_bucket = $videos_aggregations["collections"]["buckets"];
+ if (is_array($collections_bucket) && !empty($collections_bucket)){
+ foreach ($collections_bucket as $key => $collection) {
+ $collection_temp["id"] = $collection["key"];
+ $collection_temp["counts"] = $collection["doc_count"];
+ $platform_hits = $collection["platform"]["hits"]["hits"];
+ if (is_array($platform_hits) && !empty($platform_hits)){
+ foreach ($platform_hits as $key => $hits) {
+ $collection_source = $hits["_source"]["collections"];
+ //pre($collection_source,1);
+ if (is_array($collection_source) && !empty($collection_source)){
+ foreach ($collection_source as $key => $cat) {
+ if ($cat["id"] == $collection["key"]){
+ $collection_temp["source"] = $cat["name"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $filters["COLLECTION"][] = $collection_temp;
+ }
+ }
+ $groups_bucket = $videos_aggregations["groups"]["buckets"];
+ if (is_array($groups_bucket) && !empty($groups_bucket)){
+ foreach ($groups_bucket as $key => $group) {
+ $groups_temp["id"] = $group["key"];
+ $groups_temp["counts"] = $group["doc_count"];
+ $platform_hits = $group["platform"]["hits"]["hits"];
+ if (is_array($platform_hits) && !empty($platform_hits)){
+ foreach ($platform_hits as $key => $hits) {
+ $group_source = $hits["_source"]["groups"];
+ //pre($group_source,1);
+ if (is_array($group_source) && !empty($group_source)){
+ foreach ($group_source as $key => $cat) {
+ if ($cat["id"] == $group["key"]){
+ $groups_temp["source"] = $cat["name"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $filters["GROUP"][] = $groups_temp;
+ }
+ }
+ #pre($filters,1);
+ return $filters;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/elastic_search.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/elastic_search.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6e46bea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/elastic_search.php
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+links['search_result'] = array('module.php','module.php');
+function elastic_mode_search() {
+ echo ' ';
+ echo ' ';
+//Elastic Search Class
+include "elasticSearch.php";
+add_admin_menu("Elastic Search","ES Indexer",'index_data.php',CB_ES.'/admin');
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/es_ajax.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/es_ajax.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..90b5af75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/es_ajax.php
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $videoRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $videoRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific video
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $videoRequest["videoid"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ //Fetching Videos to process
+ $videos = $cbvid->get_videos($videoRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($videos){
+ foreach ($videos as $key => $video) {
+ $formattedVideo = $es->FormatVideo($video);
+ $extras["id"] = $video["videoid"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formattedVideo,$extras);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No Video Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'photos':{
+ $index = $mode;
+ $es = new ElasticSearch($index);
+ if ($type == 'map'){
+ //mapping the database with ES server for videos
+ $mappingData = $es->photoMappingData;
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $photoRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $photoRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific photo
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $photoRequest["photoid"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ //Fetching photos to process
+ $photos = $cbphoto->get_photos($photoRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($photos){
+ foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) {
+ $formattedPhoto = $es->FormatPhoto($photo);
+ $extras["id"] = $photo["photo_id"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formattedPhoto,$extras);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No photo Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'users':{
+ $index = $mode;
+ $es = new ElasticSearch($index);
+ if ($type == 'map'){
+ //mapping the database with ES server for videos
+ $mappingData = $es->userMappingData;
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $userRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $userRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific user
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $userRequest["userid"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ //Fetching users to process
+ $users = $userquery->get_users($userRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($users){
+ foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
+ $formatteduser = $es->FormatUser($user);
+ $extras["id"] = $user["userid"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formatteduser,$extras);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No Video Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'collections':
+ case 'groups':{
+ $index = $mode;
+ $es = new ElasticSearch($index);
+ if ($type == 'map'){
+ //mapping the database with ES server for videos
+ if ($index == 'groups'){
+ $mappingData = $es->groupMappingData;
+ }else{
+ $mappingData = $es->collectionMappingData;
+ }
+ //Finally Calling the Function
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsMap($mappingData,$extras);
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$response["data"]["curl_error"],"data"=>$response)));
+ }else{
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$response)));
+ }
+ }elseif ($type == 'index'){
+ $groupRequest = array();
+ //applying dynamic limit
+ if ($count){
+ $groupRequest["limit"] = $offset.','.$count;
+ }
+ // get a specific group
+ if ( isset($request["id"]) ){
+ $groupRequest["group_id"] = $request["id"];
+ }
+ if ($index == 'collections'){
+ $groupRequest["is_collection"] = "yes";
+ }else{
+ $groupRequest["is_collection"] = "no";
+ }
+ //Fetching groups to process
+ $groups = $cbgroup->get_groups($groupRequest);
+ $extras["method"] = $method;
+ if ($groups){
+ foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
+ $formattedgroup = $es->FormatGroupCollection($group);
+ $extras["id"] = $group["group_id"];
+ $response["data"] = $es->EsIndex($formattedgroup,$extras);
+ #pr($response,1);
+ //checking for Curl Error
+ if ($response["data"]["curl_error_no"]){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["curl_error"]);
+ }
+ #pre($response,1);
+ //checking for bad request or error
+ /*if ($response["data"]["code"] == '400' ){
+ throw new Exception($response["data"]["result"]);
+ }*/
+ $results[] = $response["data"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("No Video Found for this request");
+ }
+ //Creating Response
+ exit(json_encode(array("msg"=>"success","data"=>$results)));
+ }else{
+ throw new Exception("Invalid Request, please select proper type");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+}catch(Exception $e){
+ exit(json_encode(array("err"=>$e->getMessage(),"data"=>$response)));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/install_elastic_search.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/install_elastic_search.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..06a87632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/install_elastic_search.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Execute("INSERT INTO ".tbl('config')." (`configid`, `name`, `value`) VALUES
+(1, 'elastic_server_ip', 'localhost');");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/search.html b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/search.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..384f7fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/search.html
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ {if $videos}
+ {foreach $videos as $video}
+ {include file="$style_dir/blocks/video.html" display_type='normal'}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if $photos}
+ {foreach $photos as $photo}
+ {include file="$style_dir/blocks/photo.html" }
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if $users}
+ {foreach $users as $user}
+ {$user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($user.userid)}
+ {include file="$style_dir/blocks/user.html" display_type='normal'}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if !$videos && !$photos && !$users }
{lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $videos}
+ {foreach $videos as $video}
+ {include file="$style_dir/blocks/video.html" display_type='normal'}
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
+ {lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $photos}
+ {foreach $photos as $photo}
+ {include file="$style_dir/blocks/photo.html"}
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
+ {lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $users}
+ {foreach $users as $user}
+ {$user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($user.userid)}
+ {include file="$style_dir/blocks/user.html" display_type='normal'}
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
+ {lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach $filter_results as $key => $filter}
+ {if $filter.0 != ''}
+ {if $flag}
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/search.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/search.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1c687df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/search.php
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+filters["category"] = mysql_clean($_GET['category']);
+ }
+ if (isset($_GET['author']) && !empty($_GET['author'])){
+ $es->filters["author"] = mysql_clean($_GET['author']);
+ }
+ $es->publicQuery = $search;
+ if ($sort){
+ $es->sort = $sort;
+ }
+ if ($page > 1){
+ $from = $page - 1;
+ $es->from = $from * $es->size;
+ }
+ $es->buildQuery();
+ $es->ElasticSearch();
+ $results = json_decode($es->results['result'],1);
+ #pre($results,1);
+ if ($results["hits"]["hits"]){
+ $es->resultsHits = $results["hits"]["hits"];
+ foreach ($es->resultsHits as $key => $video) {
+ $newVideos[] = $video["_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'photos':{
+ $query = array();
+ $es = new ElasticSearch($search_mode);
+ if (isset($_GET['category']) && !empty($_GET['category'])){
+ $es->filters["category"] = mysql_clean($_GET['category']);
+ }
+ if (isset($_GET['author']) && !empty($_GET['author'])){
+ $es->filters["author"] = mysql_clean($_GET['author']);
+ }
+ $es->publicQuery = $search;
+ if ($sort){
+ $es->sort = $sort;
+ }
+ if ($page > 1){
+ $from = $page - 1;
+ $es->from = $from * $es->size;
+ }
+ $es->buildQuery();
+ $es->ElasticSearch();
+ $results = json_decode($es->results['result'],1);
+ #pex($results,1);
+ if ($results["hits"]["hits"]){
+ $es->resultsHits = $results["hits"]["hits"];
+ foreach ($es->resultsHits as $key => $photo) {
+ $newPhotos[] = $photo["_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'channels':{
+ $query = array();
+ $es = new ElasticSearch('users');
+ if (isset($_GET['category']) && !empty($_GET['category'])){
+ $es->filters["category"] = $_GET['category'];
+ }
+ if (isset($_GET['author']) && !empty($_GET['author'])){
+ $es->filters["author"] = $_GET['author'];
+ }
+ $es->publicQuery = $search;
+ if ($sort){
+ $es->sort = $sort;
+ }
+ if ($page > 1){
+ $from = $page - 1;
+ $es->from = $from * $es->size;
+ }
+ $es->buildQuery();
+ $es->ElasticSearch();
+ $results = json_decode($es->results['result'],1);
+ #pex($results,1);
+ if ($results["hits"]["hits"]){
+ $es->resultsHits = $results["hits"]["hits"];
+ foreach ($es->resultsHits as $key => $user) {
+ $newUsers[] = $user["_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'all':
+ default:{
+ $query = array();
+ $es = new ElasticSearch(false);
+ if (isset($_GET['category']) && !empty($_GET['category'])){
+ $es->filters["category"] = $_GET['category'];
+ }
+ if (isset($_GET['author']) && !empty($_GET['author'])){
+ $es->filters["author"] = $_GET['author'];
+ }
+ $es->publicQuery = $search;
+ if ($sort){
+ $es->sort = $sort;
+ }
+ if ($page > 1){
+ $from = $page - 1;
+ $es->from = $from * $es->size;
+ }
+ $es->buildQuery();
+ $es->ElasticSearch();
+ $results = json_decode($es->results['result'],1);
+ #pex($results,1);
+ if ($results["hits"]["hits"]){
+ $es->resultsHits = $results["hits"]["hits"];
+ foreach ($es->resultsHits as $key => $item) {
+ if ($item["_index"] == 'videos'){
+ $newVideos[] = $item["_source"];
+ }
+ if ($item["_index"] == 'users'){
+ $newUsers[] = $item["_source"];
+ }
+ if ($item["_index"] == 'photos'){
+ $newPhotos[] = $item["_source"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ $filters = $es->makeFilters();
+ assign("filter_results",$filters);
+ #pre($results,1);
+ $get_limit = create_query_limit($page,10);
+ $total_rows = $results["hits"]['total'];
+ $total_pages = count_pages($total_rows,10);
+ $pages->paginate($total_pages,$page);
+ assign("time_took",$results["took"] / 1000);
+ #pre($es->results['result'],1);
+ assign("mode",$search_mode);
+ assign("videos",$newVideos);
+ assign("users",$newUsers);
+ assign("photos",$newPhotos);
+ template_files('search.html',CB_ES_DIR.'/');
+ display_it();
+ exit();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/test.html b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/test.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8332253b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/test.html
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ {if $time_took}
+ {$time_took} seconds
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $videos}
+ {foreach $videos as $video}
+ {$video.views} views
+ {$video.date_added|date_format}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if $groups}
+ {foreach $groups as $group}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if $collections}
+ Collection
+ See All
+ {foreach $collections as $collection}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if $users}
+ {foreach $users as $user}
+ {$user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($user.userid)}
{$user.total_videos} {if $user.total_videos > 1}videos {else} video {/if} | {$user.views} Views
{$user.total_videos} {if $user.total_videos > 1}videos {else}
+ video {/if} | {$user.views} Views
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {if !$videos && !$groups && !$collections && !$users }
{lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $videos}
+ {foreach $videos as $video}
+ {$video.views} views
+ {$video.date_added|date_format}
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
{lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $groups}
+ {foreach $groups as $group}
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
{lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ Collections
+ See All
+ {if $collections}
+ {foreach $collections as $collection}
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
{lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ Filters
+ {if $users}
+ {foreach $users as $user}
+ {$user_details = $userquery->get_user_details($user.userid)}
{$user.total_videos} {if $user.total_videos > 1}videos {else} video {/if} | {$user.views} Views
{$user.total_videos} {if $user.total_videos > 1}videos {else}
+ video {/if} | {$user.views} Views
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
{lang code="no_search_results"}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach $filter_results as $key => $filter}
+ {if $filter.0 != ''}
+ {if $flag}
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/uninstall_elastic_search.php b/upload/plugins/cb_elastic_search/uninstall_elastic_search.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e69de29b