English grammar fixed

This commit is contained in:
atlantean11 2011-12-02 05:04:13 +00:00
parent 23f3e4982b
commit 3a5aa6e2ff
3 changed files with 75 additions and 76 deletions

View file

@ -926,13 +926,13 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phrases` (
INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(507, 'en', 'grp_add_vdo_msg', 'Add Videos To Group '),
(2, 'en', 'ad_name_error', 'Please Enter Name For The Advertisments'),
(2, 'en', 'ad_name_error', 'Please Enter Name For The Advertisements'),
(3, 'en', 'ad_code_error', 'Error : Please Enter Code For Advertisement'),
(4, 'en', 'ad_exists_error1', 'Add Does not exists'),
(4, 'en', 'ad_exists_error1', 'Add Does not exist'),
(5, 'en', 'ad_exists_error2', 'Error : Advertisement With This Name Already Exists'),
(6, 'en', 'ad_add_msg', 'Advertisment Has Been Added'),
(6, 'en', 'ad_add_msg', 'Advertisement Has Been Added'),
(7, 'en', 'ad_msg', 'Ad Has Been '),
(8, 'en', 'ad_update_msg', 'Advertisment Has Been Updated'),
(8, 'en', 'ad_update_msg', 'Advertisement Has Been Updated'),
(9, 'en', 'ad_del_msg', 'Advertisement Has Been Deleted'),
(10, 'en', 'ad_deactive', 'Deactivated'),
(11, 'en', 'ad_active', 'Activated'),
@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(33, 'en', 'plugin_no_install_err', 'Plugin is not installed'),
(34, 'en', 'grp_name_error', 'Please Enter Name For Group'),
(35, 'en', 'grp_name_error1', 'Group Name Already Exists'),
(36, 'en', 'grp_des_error', 'Please Enter Little Description For Group'),
(36, 'en', 'grp_des_error', 'Please Enter Description For Group'),
(37, 'en', 'grp_tags_error', 'Please Enter Tags For Group'),
(38, 'en', 'grp_url_error', 'Please Enter URL For Group”'),
(39, 'en', 'grp_url_error1', 'Please enter Valid URL name'),
@ -979,18 +979,18 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(52, 'en', 'grp_tpc_msg', 'Topic Has Been Added'),
(53, 'en', 'grp_comment_msg', 'Comment Has Been Added'),
(54, 'en', 'grp_vdo_msg', 'Videos Have Been Deleted'),
(55, 'en', 'grp_vdo_msg1', 'Videos Has Been Added Successfully'),
(55, 'en', 'grp_vdo_msg1', 'Videos Have Been Added Successfully'),
(56, 'en', 'grp_vdo_msg2', 'Videos Have Been Approved'),
(57, 'en', 'grp_mem_msg', 'Member Has Been Deleted'),
(58, 'en', 'grp_mem_msg1', 'Member Has Been Approved'),
(59, 'en', 'grp_inv_msg', 'Your Invitation Has Been Sent'),
(60, 'en', 'grp_tpc_msg1', 'Topic Has Been Delete'),
(60, 'en', 'grp_tpc_msg1', 'Topic Has Been Deleted'),
(61, 'en', 'grp_tpc_msg2', 'Topic Has Been Approved'),
(62, 'en', 'grp_fr_msg2', 'Group has been un featured'),
(63, 'en', 'grp_inv_msg1', 'Has Invited You To Join '),
(64, 'en', 'grp_av_msg', 'Group Has Been Activated'),
(65, 'en', 'grp_da_msg', 'Group Has Been DeActivated'),
(66, 'en', 'grp_post_msg', 'Post Has Been Delete'),
(66, 'en', 'grp_post_msg', 'Post Has Been Deleted'),
(67, 'en', 'grp_update_msg', 'Group Has Been Updated'),
(68, 'en', 'grp_owner_err', 'Only Owner Can Add Videos To This Group'),
(69, 'en', 'grp_owner_err1', 'You Are Not Group Owner'),
@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(73, 'en', 'grp_tpc_err4', 'Sorry, Topic Doesn’t Exist'),
(74, 'en', 'grp_title_topic', 'Groups - Topic - '),
(75, 'en', 'grp_add_title', '- Add Video'),
(76, 'en', 'usr_sadmin_err', 'You Cannot Set SuperAdmin Username as Blank'),
(76, 'en', 'usr_sadmin_err', 'You Can Not Set SuperAdmin Username as Blank'),
(77, 'en', 'usr_cpass_err', 'Confirm Password Doesn’t Match'),
(78, 'en', 'usr_pass_err', 'Old password is incorrect'),
(79, 'en', 'usr_email_err', 'Please Provide A Valid Email Address'),
@ -1008,25 +1008,25 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(81, 'en', 'usr_pass_err1', 'Password is Incorrect'),
(82, 'en', 'usr_cmt_err', 'You Must Login First To Comment'),
(83, 'en', 'usr_cmt_err1', 'Please Type Something In Comment Box'),
(84, 'en', 'usr_cmt_err2', 'You Cannot Post Comment on Your Own Video'),
(84, 'en', 'usr_cmt_err2', 'You Can Not Post Comment on Your Own Video'),
(85, 'en', 'usr_cmt_err3', 'You Have Already Posted a Comment on this channel.'),
(86, 'en', 'usr_cmt_err4', 'Comment Has Been Added'),
(87, 'en', 'usr_cmt_del_msg', 'Comment Has Been Deleted'),
(88, 'en', 'usr_cmt_del_err', 'An Error Occured While deleting a Comment'),
(89, 'en', 'usr_cnt_err', 'You Cannot Add Yourself as a Contact'),
(89, 'en', 'usr_cnt_err', 'You Can Not Add Yourself as a Contact'),
(90, 'en', 'usr_cnt_err1', 'You Have Already Added This User To Your Contact List'),
(91, 'en', 'usr_sub_err', 'You are already subsctibed to %s'),
(92, 'en', 'usr_exist_err', 'User Doesnt Exist'),
(92, 'en', 'usr_exist_err', 'User Doesn’t Exist'),
(93, 'en', 'usr_ccode_err', 'You Have Entered Wrong Confirmation Code'),
(94, 'en', 'usr_exist_err1', 'Sorry, No User Exists With This Email'),
(95, 'en', 'usr_exist_err2', 'Sorry , User Doesnt Exists'),
(95, 'en', 'usr_exist_err2', 'Sorry , User Doesn’t Exist'),
(96, 'en', 'usr_uname_err', 'Username is empty'),
(97, 'en', 'usr_uname_err2', 'Username already exists'),
(98, 'en', 'usr_pass_err2', 'Password Is Empty'),
(99, 'en', 'usr_email_err1', 'Email is Empty'),
(100, 'en', 'usr_email_err2', 'Please Enter A Valid Email Address'),
(101, 'en', 'usr_email_err3', 'Email Address Is Already In Use'),
(102, 'en', 'usr_pcode_err', 'Postal Code Only Contains Number'),
(102, 'en', 'usr_pcode_err', 'Postal Code Only Contains Numbers'),
(103, 'en', 'usr_fname_err', 'First Name Is Empty'),
(104, 'en', 'usr_lname_err', 'Last Name Is Empty'),
(105, 'en', 'usr_uname_err3', 'Username Contains Unallowed Characters'),
@ -1041,9 +1041,9 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(114, 'en', 'usr_cnt_msg', 'This User Has Been Added To Your Contact List'),
(115, 'en', 'usr_sub_msg', 'You are now subsribed to %s'),
(116, 'en', 'usr_uname_email_msg', 'We Have Sent you an Email containing Your Usename, Please Check It'),
(117, 'en', 'usr_rpass_email_msg', 'Email Has Sent To You Please Follow the Instructions to Reset Your Password'),
(117, 'en', 'usr_rpass_email_msg', 'Email has been sent to you, Please Follow the Instructions to Reset Your Password'),
(118, 'en', 'usr_pass_email_msg', 'Password has been changed successfully'),
(119, 'en', 'usr_email_msg', 'Email Settings Has Been Updated'),
(119, 'en', 'usr_email_msg', 'Email Settings Have Been Updated'),
(120, 'en', 'usr_del_msg', 'User Has Been Deleted Successfully'),
(121, 'en', 'usr_dels_msg', 'Selected Users Have Been Deleted'),
(122, 'en', 'usr_ac_msg', 'User Has Been Activated'),
@ -1068,9 +1068,9 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(141, 'en', 'usr_add_succ_msg', 'User Has Been Added, Successfully'),
(142, 'en', 'usr_upd_succ_msg', 'User has been updated'),
(143, 'en', 'usr_activation_msg', 'your account has been activated, Now you can login to your account and upload videos'),
(144, 'en', 'usr_activation_err', 'Sorry This User either has been already Activated or Username and activation code is WRONG'),
(144, 'en', 'usr_activation_err', 'Sorry This User either has been already Activated or Username and activation code are WRONG'),
(145, 'en', 'usr_activation_em_msg', 'Activation Code Has Been Sent To Your Mail Box, Please Check It'),
(146, 'en', 'usr_activation_em_err', 'Email Doesn’t Exist or User With This Email already Acitvated'),
(146, 'en', 'usr_activation_em_err', 'Email Doesn’t Exist or User With This Email is already Activated'),
(147, 'en', 'usr_no_msg_del_err', 'No Message Was Selected To Delete'),
(148, 'en', 'usr_sel_msg_del_msg', 'Selected Messages Have Been Deleted'),
(149, 'en', 'usr_pof_upd_msg', 'Profile has been updated'),
@ -1099,16 +1099,16 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(172, 'en', 'vdo_title_err', 'Please Enter Video Title'),
(173, 'en', 'vdo_des_err', 'Please Enter Video Description'),
(174, 'en', 'vdo_tags_err', 'Please Enter Tags For The Video'),
(175, 'en', 'vdo_cat_err', 'Please Choose Atleast 1 Category'),
(175, 'en', 'vdo_cat_err', 'Please Choose At Least 1 Category'),
(176, 'en', 'vdo_cat_err1', 'You Can Only Choose Up to 3 Categories'),
(177, 'en', 'vdo_sub_email_msg', ' and therefore this message is sent to you automatically that '),
(178, 'en', 'vdo_has_upload_nv', 'Has Uploaded New Video'),
(179, 'en', 'vdo_del_selected', 'Selected Videos Have Been Deleted'),
(180, 'en', 'vdo_cheat_msg', 'Please Dont Try To Cheat'),
(181, 'en', 'vdo_limits_warn_msg', 'Please Dont Try To Cross Your Limits'),
(180, 'en', 'vdo_cheat_msg', 'Please Don’t Try To Cheat!'),
(181, 'en', 'vdo_limits_warn_msg', 'Please Don’t Try To Cross Your Limits'),
(182, 'en', 'vdo_cmt_del_msg', 'Comment Has Been Deleted'),
(183, 'en', 'vdo_iac_msg', 'Video Is Inactive - Please Contact Admin For Details'),
(184, 'en', 'vdo_is_in_process', 'Video Is In Process - Please Contact Administrator for further details'),
(184, 'en', 'vdo_is_in_process', 'Video Is In Processing - Please Contact Administrator for further details'),
(185, 'en', 'vdo_upload_allow_err', 'Uploading Is Not Allowed By Website Owner'),
(186, 'en', 'vdo_download_allow_err', 'Video Downloading Is Not Allowed'),
(187, 'en', 'vdo_edit_owner_err', 'You Are Not Video Owner'),
@ -1119,17 +1119,17 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(192, 'en', 'class_error_occured', 'Sorry, An Error Occured'),
(193, 'en', 'class_cat_del_msg', 'Category has been deleted'),
(194, 'en', 'class_vdo_del_msg', 'Video has been deleted'),
(195, 'en', 'class_vdo_fr_msg', 'Video has been to “Featured Video”'),
(195, 'en', 'class_vdo_fr_msg', 'Video has been added to “Featured Videos”'),
(196, 'en', 'class_fr_msg1', 'Video has been removed from “Featured Videos”'),
(197, 'en', 'class_vdo_act_msg', 'Video has been activated'),
(198, 'en', 'class_vdo_act_msg1', 'Vidoe has been deactivated'),
(198, 'en', 'class_vdo_act_msg1', 'Video has been deactivated'),
(199, 'en', 'class_vdo_update_msg', 'Video Has Been Updated Successfully'),
(200, 'en', 'class_comment_err', 'You Must Login First To Comment'),
(201, 'en', 'class_comment_err1', 'Please Type Something In Comment Box'),
(202, 'en', 'class_comment_err2', 'You Cannot Post Comment on Your Own Video'),
(202, 'en', 'class_comment_err2', 'You Can Not Post Comment on Your Own Video'),
(203, 'en', 'class_comment_err3', 'You Have Already Posted a Comment, Please Wait for the others.'),
(204, 'en', 'class_comment_err4', 'You Have Already Replied To That a Comment, Please Wait for the others.'),
(205, 'en', 'class_comment_err5', 'You Cannot Post Reply To Yourself'),
(205, 'en', 'class_comment_err5', 'You Can Not Post Reply To Yourself'),
(206, 'en', 'class_comment_msg', 'Comment Has Been Added'),
(207, 'en', 'class_comment_err6', 'You Must Login First To Rate Comment'),
(208, 'en', 'class_comment_err7', 'You Have Already Rated The Comment'),
@ -1148,9 +1148,9 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(221, 'en', 'class_click_login', 'Click Here To Login'),
(222, 'en', 'class_email_notify', 'Email Notification'),
(223, 'en', 'class_msg_has_sent_to', 'Message Has Been Sent To '),
(224, 'en', 'class_inbox_del_msg', 'Message Has Been Delete From Inbox '),
(225, 'en', 'class_sent_del_msg', 'Message Has Been Delete From Sent Folder'),
(226, 'en', 'class_msg_exist_err', 'Message Doesnt Exist'),
(224, 'en', 'class_inbox_del_msg', 'Message Has Been Deleted From Inbox '),
(225, 'en', 'class_sent_del_msg', 'Message Has Been Deleted From Sent Folder'),
(226, 'en', 'class_msg_exist_err', 'Message Doesn’t Exist'),
(227, 'en', 'class_vdo_del_err', 'Video does not exist'),
(228, 'en', 'class_unsub_msg', 'You Have Unsubscribed'),
(229, 'en', 'class_sub_exist_err', 'Subscription Does Not Exist'),
@ -1160,13 +1160,13 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(233, 'en', 'class_cot_err', 'Sorry, This Contact Is Not In Your Contact List'),
(234, 'en', 'class_vdo_ep_add_msg', 'Video Has Been Added To Editor’s Pick'),
(235, 'en', 'class_vdo_ep_err', 'Video Is Already In The Editor’s Pick'),
(236, 'en', 'class_vdo_ep_err1', 'You Have Already Picked 10 Videos Please Delete Alteast One to Add More'),
(236, 'en', 'class_vdo_ep_err1', 'You Have Already Picked 10 Videos, Please Delete Alteast One to Add More'),
(237, 'en', 'class_vdo_ep_msg', 'Video Has Been Removed From Editor’s Pick'),
(238, 'en', 'class_vdo_exist_err', 'Sorry, Video Doesnt Exist'),
(238, 'en', 'class_vdo_exist_err', 'Sorry, Video Doesn’t Exist'),
(239, 'en', 'class_img_gif_err', 'Please Upload Gif Image Only'),
(240, 'en', 'class_img_png_err', 'Please Upload Png Image Only'),
(241, 'en', 'class_img_jpg_err', 'Please Upload Jpg Image Only'),
(242, 'en', 'class_logo_msg', 'Logo Has Been ChangedPlease Clear Cache If You Are Not Able To See Changed Logo'),
(242, 'en', 'class_logo_msg', 'Logo Has Been Changed. Please Clear Cache If You Are Not Able To See Changed Logo'),
(243, 'en', 'com_forgot_username', 'Forgot Username | Password'),
(244, 'en', 'com_join_now', 'Join Now'),
(245, 'en', 'com_my_account', 'My Account'),
@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(267, 'en', 'com_manage_fav', 'Manage Favourites '),
(268, 'en', 'com_manage_subs', 'Manage Subscriptions'),
(269, 'en', 'com_subscribe_to', 'Subscribe to %s''s channel'),
(270, 'en', 'com_total_subs', 'Total Subscribtions'),
(270, 'en', 'com_total_subs', 'Total Subscriptions'),
(271, 'en', 'com_total_vids', 'Total Videos'),
(272, 'en', 'com_date_subscribed', 'Date Subscribed'),
(273, 'en', 'com_search_results', 'Search Results'),
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(305, 'en', 'cancel', 'Cancel'),
(306, 'en', 'categories', 'Categories'),
(307, 'en', 'category', 'Category'),
(308, 'en', 'channels', 'channels'),
(308, 'en', 'channels', 'Channels'),
(309, 'en', 'check_all', 'Check All'),
(310, 'en', 'click_here', 'Click Here'),
(311, 'en', 'comments', 'Comments'),
@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(368, 'en', 'no_user_exists', 'No User Exists'),
(369, 'en', 'no_video_exists', 'No Video Exists'),
(370, 'en', 'occupations', 'Occupations'),
(371, 'en', 'optional', 'optional'),
(371, 'en', 'optional', 'Optional'),
(372, 'en', 'owner', 'Owner'),
(373, 'en', 'password', 'password'),
(374, 'en', 'please', 'Please'),
@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(381, 'en', 'reply', 'Reply'),
(382, 'en', 'results', 'Results'),
(383, 'en', 'relationship', 'Relationship'),
(384, 'en', 'seconds', 'seconds'),
(384, 'en', 'seconds', 'Seconds'),
(385, 'en', 'select', 'Select'),
(386, 'en', 'send', 'Send'),
(387, 'en', 'sent', 'Sent'),
@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(407, 'en', 'ratings', 'Ratings'),
(408, 'en', 'remote_upload', 'Remote Upload'),
(409, 'en', 'remove', 'Remove'),
(410, 'en', 'search', 'search'),
(410, 'en', 'search', 'Search'),
(411, 'en', 'services', 'Services'),
(412, 'en', 'show_all', 'Show All'),
(413, 'en', 'signupup', 'Sign Up'),
@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(415, 'en', 'subscriptions', 'Subscriptions'),
(416, 'en', 'subscribers', 'Subscribers'),
(417, 'en', 'tag_title', 'Tags'),
(418, 'en', 'time', 'time'),
(418, 'en', 'time', 'Time'),
(419, 'en', 'top', 'Top'),
(420, 'en', 'tos_title', 'Terms of Use'),
(421, 'en', 'username', 'username'),
@ -1372,11 +1372,11 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(445, 'en', 'vdo_title', 'Title'),
(446, 'en', 'vdo_desc', 'Description'),
(447, 'en', 'vdo_cat', 'Video Category'),
(448, 'en', 'vdo_cat_msg', 'You May Select Upto 3 Categories'),
(448, 'en', 'vdo_cat_msg', 'You May Select up to 3 Categories'),
(449, 'en', 'vdo_tags_msg', 'Tags are separated by commas ie Arslan Hassan, Awsome, ClipBucket'),
(450, 'en', 'vdo_br_opt', 'Broadcast Options'),
(451, 'en', 'vdo_br_opt1', 'Public Share your video with the Everyone! (Recommended)'),
(452, 'en', 'vdo_br_opt2', 'Private Viewable by you and your friends only.'),
(451, 'en', 'vdo_br_opt1', 'Public, Share your video with the Everyone! (Recommended)'),
(452, 'en', 'vdo_br_opt2', 'Private, Viewable by you and your friends only.'),
(453, 'en', 'vdo_date_loc', 'Date And Location'),
(454, 'en', 'vdo_date_rec', 'Date Recorded'),
(455, 'en', 'vdo_for_date', 'format MM / DD / YYYY '),
@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(473, 'en', 'vdo_upload_step2', '(Step 1/2) Filling Up Details'),
(474, 'en', 'vdo_upload_step3', '(Step 2/2)'),
(475, 'en', 'vdo_select_vdo', 'Select a video to upload.'),
(476, 'en', 'vdo_enter_remote_url', 'Enter Url Of The Video.'),
(476, 'en', 'vdo_enter_remote_url', 'Enter URL Of The Video.'),
(477, 'en', 'vdo_enter_embed_code_msg', 'Enter Embed Video Code from other websites ie Youtube or Metacafe.'),
(478, 'en', 'vdo_enter_embed_code', 'Enter Embed Code'),
(479, 'en', 'vdo_enter_druation', 'Enter Duration'),
@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(551, 'en', 'grp_most_discussed', 'Most Discussed'),
(552, 'en', 'grp_invite_msg', 'Invite Users To This Group'),
(553, 'en', 'grp_invite_msg1', 'Has Invited You To Join'),
(554, 'en', 'grp_invite_msg2', 'Enter Emails or Usernames (seperate by commas)'),
(554, 'en', 'grp_invite_msg2', 'Enter Emails or Usernames (seperated by commas)'),
(555, 'en', 'grp_url_title1', 'Group url'),
(556, 'en', 'grp_invite_msg3', 'Send Invitation'),
(557, 'en', 'grp_join_confirm_msg', 'Are You Sure You Want To Join This Group'),
@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(576, 'en', 'grp_author_title', 'Author'),
(577, 'en', 'grp_replies_title', 'Replies'),
(578, 'en', 'grp_last_post_title', 'Last Post '),
(579, 'en', 'grp_viewl_all_videos', 'View All Videos of This Group'),
(579, 'en', 'grp_viewl_all_videos', 'View All Videos in This Group'),
(580, 'en', 'grp_add_new_topic', 'Add New Topic'),
(581, 'en', 'grp_attach_video', 'Attach Video '),
(582, 'en', 'grp_add_topic', 'Add Topic'),
@ -1531,9 +1531,9 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(605, 'en', 'user_no_message', 'No Message'),
(606, 'en', 'user_delete_message_msg', 'Delete This Message'),
(607, 'en', 'user_forgot_message', 'Forgot Username or Password?'),
(608, 'en', 'user_forgot_message_2', 'Dont Worry, recover it now'),
(608, 'en', 'user_forgot_message_2', 'Dont Worry, Recover it Now'),
(609, 'en', 'user_pass_reset_msg', 'Password Reset'),
(610, 'en', 'user_pass_forgot_msg', 'if you have forgot your password, please enter you username and verification code in the box, and password reset instructions will be sent to your mail box.'),
(610, 'en', 'user_pass_forgot_msg', 'If you have forgot your password, please enter you username and verification code in the box, and password reset instructions will be sent to your mail box.'),
(611, 'en', 'user_veri_code', 'Verification Code'),
(612, 'en', 'user_reocover_user', 'Recover Username'),
(613, 'en', 'user_user_forgot_msg', 'Forgot Username?'),
@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(669, 'en', 'user_grow_your_network', 'Grow Your Networks by Inviting more Friends'),
(670, 'en', 'user_rate_comment', 'Rate and Comment Videos'),
(671, 'en', 'user_make_customize', 'Make and Customize Your Channel'),
(672, 'en', 'user_to_upload_vid', 'To Upload Video, You Need to Activate your account first, activation details has been sent to your email account, it may take sometimes to reach your inbox'),
(672, 'en', 'user_to_upload_vid', 'To Upload Video, You Need to Activate your account first, activation details have been sent to your email account, it may take some time to reach your inbox'),
(673, 'en', 'user_click_to_login', 'Click here To Login To Your Account'),
(674, 'en', 'user_view_my_channel', 'View My Channel'),
(675, 'en', 'user_change_pass', 'Change Password'),
@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(683, 'en', 'user_relat_status', 'Relationship Status'),
(684, 'en', 'user_display_age', 'Display Age'),
(685, 'en', 'user_about_me', 'About Me'),
(686, 'en', 'user_website_url', 'Website Url'),
(686, 'en', 'user_website_url', 'Website URL'),
(687, 'en', 'user_eg_website', 'e.g www.cafepixie.com'),
(688, 'en', 'user_prof_info', 'Professional Information'),
(689, 'en', 'user_education', 'Education'),
@ -1627,8 +1627,8 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(701, 'en', 'user_channel_title', 'Channel Title'),
(702, 'en', 'user_channel_description', 'Channel Description'),
(703, 'en', 'user_channel_permission', 'Channel Permissions'),
(704, 'en', 'user_allow_comments_msg', 'users can comments'),
(705, 'en', 'user_dallow_comments_msg', 'users cannot comments'),
(704, 'en', 'user_allow_comments_msg', 'users can comment'),
(705, 'en', 'user_dallow_comments_msg', 'users can not comment'),
(706, 'en', 'user_allow_rating', 'Allow Rating'),
(707, 'en', 'user_dallow_rating', 'Do Not Allow Rating'),
(708, 'en', 'user_allow_rating_msg1', 'users can rate'),
@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(758, 'en', 'upload_vid_thumbs_msg', 'All video thumbs have been uploaded'),
(759, 'en', 'video_thumb_delete_msg', 'Video thumb has been deleted'),
(760, 'en', 'video_thumb_delete_err', 'Could not delete video thumb'),
(761, 'en', 'no_comment_del_perm', 'You dont have permission to delete this comment'),
(761, 'en', 'no_comment_del_perm', 'You do not have permission to delete this comment'),
(764, 'en', '', ''),
(765, 'en', 'my_text_context', 'My test context'),
(766, 'en', 'user_contains_disallow_err', 'Username contains disallowed characters'),
@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(776, 'en', 'vid_thumb_removed_msg', 'Video thumbs have been removed'),
(777, 'en', 'vid_files_removed_msg', 'Video files have been removed'),
(778, 'en', 'vid_log_delete_msg', 'Video log has been deleted'),
(779, 'en', 'vdo_multi_del_erro', 'Videos has have been deleted'),
(779, 'en', 'vdo_multi_del_erro', 'Videos have not been deleted'),
(780, 'en', 'add_fav_message', 'This %s has been added to your favorites'),
(781, 'en', 'obj_not_exists', '%s does not exist'),
(782, 'en', 'already_fav_message', 'This %s is already added to your favorites'),
@ -1726,20 +1726,20 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(804, 'en', 'show_profile', 'Show profile'),
(805, 'en', 'allow_ratings', 'Allow ratings on profile'),
(806, 'en', 'postal_code', 'Postal code'),
(807, 'en', 'temp_file_load_err', 'Unable to load tempalte file ‘%s’ in directory ‘%s’'),
(807, 'en', 'temp_file_load_err', 'Unable to load template file ‘%s’ in directory ‘%s’'),
(808, 'en', 'no_date_provided', 'No date provided'),
(809, 'en', 'second', 'second'),
(810, 'en', 'minute', 'minute'),
(811, 'en', 'bad_date', 'Bad date'),
(811, 'en', 'bad_date', 'Bad Date'),
(812, 'en', 'users_videos', '%s’s videos'),
(813, 'en', 'please_login_subscribe', 'Please login to subsribe %s'),
(813, 'en', 'please_login_subscribe', 'Please login to subscribe %s'),
(814, 'en', 'users_subscribers', '%s’s subscribers'),
(815, 'en', 'user_no_subscribers', '%s has no subsribers'),
(815, 'en', 'user_no_subscribers', '%s has no subscribers'),
(816, 'en', 'user_subscriptions', '%s’s subscriptions'),
(817, 'en', 'user_no_subscriptions', '%s has no subscriptions'),
(818, 'en', 'usr_avatar_bg_update', 'User avatar and background have been updated'),
(819, 'en', 'user_email_confirm_email_err', 'Confirm email mismatched'),
(820, 'en', 'email_change_msg', 'Email has been changed successfullyrnrn'),
(820, 'en', 'email_change_msg', 'Email has been changed successfully'),
(821, 'en', 'no_edit_video', 'You cannot edit this video'),
(822, 'en', 'confirm_del_video', 'Are you sure you want to delete this video ?'),
(823, 'en', 'remove_fav_video_confirm', 'Are you sure you want to remove this video from your favorites ?'),
@ -1748,13 +1748,13 @@ INSERT INTO `phrases` (`id`, `lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
(826, 'en', 'vdo_multi_del_fav_msg', 'Videos have been removed from your favorites'),
(827, 'en', 'unknown_sender', 'Unknown Sender'),
(828, 'en', 'please_enter_message', 'Please enter something for message'),
(829, 'en', 'unknown_reciever', 'Unknown reciever'),
(829, 'en', 'unknown_reciever', 'Unknown receiver'),
(830, 'en', 'no_pm_exist', 'Private message does not exist'),
(831, 'en', 'pm_sent_success', 'Private message has been sent successfully'),
(832, 'en', 'msg_delete_inbox', 'Message has been deleted from inbox'),
(833, 'en', 'msg_delete_outbox', 'Message has been deleted from your outbox'),
(834, 'en', 'private_messags_deleted', 'Private messages have been deleted'),
(835, 'en', 'ban_users', 'Ban users'),
(835, 'en', 'ban_users', 'Ban Users'),
(836, 'en', 'spe_users_by_comma', 'separate usernames by comma'),
(837, 'en', 'user_ban_msg', 'Users have been banned successfully'),
(838, 'en', 'no_user_ban_msg', 'No user is banned from your account!');

View file

@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ body,td,th {
INSERT INTO `cb_phrases` (`lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
('en', 'photo_not_exist', 'Photo does not exists.'),
('en', 'photo_not_exists', 'Photo does not exists.'),
('en', 'photo_not_exist', 'Photo does not exist.'),
('en', 'photo_not_exists', 'Photos do not exist.'),
('en', 'photo_success_deleted', 'Photo has been deleted successfully.'),
('en', 'cant_edit_photo', 'You can not edit this photo.'),
('en', 'you_hv_already_rated_photo', 'You have already rated this photo.'),
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ INSERT INTO `cb_phrases` (`lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
('en', 'photo_featured', 'Photo is marked featured.'),
('en', 'photo_unfeatured', 'Photo is marked unfeatured.'),
('en', 'photo_updated_successfully', 'Photo is updated successfully.'),
('en', 'success_delete_file', '%s files has been deleted successfully.'),
('en', 'success_delete_file', '%s files have been deleted successfully.'),
('en', 'no_watermark_found', 'Can not find watermark file.'),
('en', 'watermark_updated', 'Watermark is updated'),
('en', 'upload_png_watermark', 'Please upload 24-bit PNG file.'),
@ -201,9 +201,8 @@ INSERT INTO `cb_phrases` (`lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
('en','add_new_collection','Add New Collection'),
('en','update_collection','Update Collection'),
('en','update_photo','Update Photo'),
('en','update_photo','Update Photo'),
('en','manage_collections','Manage Collections'),
('en','no_collection_found','You dont have any collection'),
('en','no_collection_found','You dont have any collections'),
('en','photo_title','Photo Title'),
('en','photo_caption','Photo Caption'),
('en','photo_tags','Photo Tags'),

View file

@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ INSERT INTO `cb_phrases` (`lang_iso`, `varname`, `text`) VALUES
('en', 'collection_deactivated', 'Collection deactivated.'),
('en', 'collection_featured', 'Collection featured.'),
('en', 'collection_unfeatured', 'Collection unfeatured.'),
('en', 'upload_right_guide_photo', '<strong>Important: Do not upload any photo hat can be construed as porn, copyrighted material, harassment, or spam.</strong>
<p>By continuing "Your Upload", you are representing that these photos does not violate Our website's <a id="terms-of-use-link" href="%s">Terms of Use</a> and that you own all copyrights of these photos or have authorization to upload it.</p>'),
('en', 'upload_right_guide_photo', '<strong>Important: Do not upload any photo that can be construed as porn, copyrighted material, harassment, or spam.</strong>
<p>By continuing "Your Upload", you are representing that these photos do not violate Our website's <a id="terms-of-use-link" href="%s">Terms of Use</a> and that you own all copyrights of these photos or have authorization to upload it.</p>'),